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Emerson G.

Mostoles BS PSYC 4- IRREG


I. If you die, how do you want to be remembered?

As human beings, we should always act in a manner that people will remember
us for the good things we do and the legacy we live leave behind. When we die, our
deeds live after us whether they are good or bad. Therefore, we should have it at the
back of our mind that we are making history by what we are doing presently.
First of all I would like to be remembered as an individual with sound ethical
values and principles and does not compromise them no matter what the circumstance
may be. Also, fairness is a characteristic that I would love to be recognized for.
Personally, I have always strove to be fair with others and to recognize my
mistakes while learning from them. In addition to this, I would like to be remembered as
a person who respects others as much as I respect them. As a child, I have developed
some values from my family to treat everybody with respect whether I agree with them
or not. I would love to be like to be remembered as person who is always keen and
open to correction, always ready and eager to learn. I want to be remembered for the
good that I have lived to do and to be remembered for the good and reputable name
which I have built.

II. Should we fear death or not?

It is inevitable. We are afraid of death because of fear of the unknown; none of
us knows precisely what happens after we die. But death is inescapable, everybody
dies at some point. The fact we do not know what happens after death makes it
mysterious. As J.K. Rowling said, "To the well-organized mind, death is but the next
great adventure".

III. Do you consider death as a hindrance or obstacle?

Death is a hindrance. Death is the contradiction of life. The meaning of hindrance
means a thing or situation that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something
or someone (Navigation, 2016). This means that death delays us the moment we enjoy
the stuff we like, but since death is uncertain, it can be taken away from us at any
moment. This is absurd condition according to Albert Camus, a French philosopher and
journalist, based on his published book, The Rebel (1960), stated that the sad thing is,
sometimes death comes at the peak of our success. But we have always to remind that
hindrances are preventive signs, means that we do not have to fear the death so as we
exists in this world. We can die at anytime and since death is uncertain, we have to be
aware of every single opportunity, we must look death as hindrance to be alert and
aware that we should not waste every opportunity we have.

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