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Good day everyone.

Behind every success story/ lie the unsung heroes/ who had made every
step of the way/ much less of a hassle/ our support system. Our family
parents, grandparents, siblings, our friends, partners, and teachers. These
support systems come in different shapes and sizes, But one things common
among all of them; they were at the top in rooting for us to make it; aided by their
unwavering belief /that we can ace it.

Our parents or our guardians have always been there since birth. They have
given their all for us to become who we are today. All that we needed, they gave it
to us to the best of their abilities. To them we are their treasure. They also taught
us our core values that well use in our life moving forward. When we were down
they were there. When we were sick they were there. They have always been
there. They never skip a beat on supporting us. Our teachers are our second
parents,/ we spent half of our day with them during school days. Like our parents/
they teach us values, good morals, virtues and how to conduct ourselves
righteously. And of course our partners, our inspirations, they loved us a hundred
times more during the boards. During our college days and preboards when we
needed someone because the results were not desirable, they were there. When I
was injured during review days, she was there.

Our loved ones have given us the support that we needed in life for us to
keep moving forward. That type of support /which even led them to giving us/
whatever we want/ even if they are requests/ that would not have been granted
on a regular basis. We were treated like kings during those review days. I think all
of you have noticed this. In a snap of your finger its there. And in return for all of
these, we studied hard. We sacrificed all of the leisure activities that we normally
do. And when we have free time, instead of doing such activities/ we, instead,go
to church. Thus our frequency of going to church has abruptly increased. We
become very religious persons. If we make a pie chart of church goers, I think the
majority will be composed of board exam takers and our lolas. We also apply the
virtues taught to us by our parents. Especially, for those who believe in karma, we
become very kind persons. No harsh jokes by our friends can bother us, Its okay.
No problem, that was our reactions to their jokes even if we are hurt inside.

To our parents, our loved ones, our family and teachers, we thank you for
everything. For all the supports you have given us. We thank you. And for the
knowledge and values you have taught us. We thank you. But most importantly the
values and virtues/ Yes the values, that we have learned from you. We thank
you. These values are whats really important/ because we must apply them every
second of every day. Whereas in knowledge, it is only applied when needed and we
could just google it if we dont know or have forgotten it, anyway.
From time to time,/ we still ask ourselves questions of disbelief;/"have i
really reached this point of my life?"/because 6,7,8 months ago,/ we had
perplexities and doubts as to making things happen /but look at where we are now.
/Privileged/ with the prefix in our names that symbolizes our success. /There are
a whole bunch of questions we randomly think of/ but i think what's common
among all of us/ is the reason /why this success had been like a gigantic thorn/
being lifted out from our pricked skins./ And then we realize/, it is not just
ourselves that we freed from that thorn /but also all the people who were with us
in this life's venture./ And along with that realization,/ we hope to say to these
people, "Thank you for lending me a hand./ This time, /its my turn"

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