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Logic of Phantasy 46

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 11

1967-02-22 Lacan Seminar 14: The

Logic of Fantasy 12
Seminar 12: Wednesday, February 22, 1967

We continue, by recalling what we are starting from - alienation.


Let us summarise, for those who have already heard us and especially for the others. Alienation - in so

far as we have taken it as a start for this logical path that we are trying to trace out this year - is the e-

limination, to be taken in the proper sense: a rejection beyond the threshold, the ordinary elimination

from the Other. Beyond what threshold? The threshold in question, is the one determined by the cut in

which the essence of language consists.





Linguistics is of service to us essentially in this, that it has provided us with the model of this cut.


This is why we find ourselves put on the side - approximately qualified as structuralist - of linguistics.

And that all the developments of linguistics, specifically, curiously, what can be called semiology - what

is described in this way, what designates itself, and what proclaims itself as such recently - does not

interest us to the same degree.




Which may, at first approach, seem surprising.


Elimination then from the Other. From the Other. What does that mean, the Other, with a capital O, in so

far as here it is eliminated? It is eliminated qua closed and unified field. This means that we affirm, with

the best reasons for doing so, that there is no universe of discourse, that there is nothing that can be

assumed under this term.




Language is nevertheless solitary, in its radical practice, which is what psychoanalysis is ... (note that I

could also say its medical practice. Someone that I am surprised not to see here today, in his usual

place, asked me for this sign that I left as a riddle of the term that I could have given, more strictly, in

Latin of the "I think". If no one has found it, I am giving it today. I had indicated that this could only be

conceived of by a (2) verb in the middle voice.





It is medeor, from which there comes both medicine that I am evoking just now and meditation.)

Language, in its radical practice is solidary with something that we now are going to have to reintegrate,

to conceive of in some fashion under the mode of an emanation from this field of the Other, from the

moment that we have had to consider it as disconnected (disjoint). But this something is not difficult to

name. Its is what this field of the Other precariously authorises itself by and this is called - a proper

dimension of language - the truth.

To situate psychoanalysis, one could say that it has been constituted everywhere the truth makes itself

known only in the fact that it surprises us and imposes itself on us. An example, to illustrate what I have

just said. There is no other jouissance given to me, or giveable, than that of my body. This does not

impose itself immediately, but no one has any doubt about it and there is established, around this

jouissance, which is indeed henceforth my only good, this protective grill of a law described as universal

and which is called "Human rights". No one can prevent me from disposing as I wish of my own body.

The result, at the limit - we put our finger, our foot on it, we analysts - is that jouissance has dried up for








This is the other side of a little article that I produced under the title of "Kant with Sade". Obviously this is

not said there up front - it is at the back. It was not for all that less dangerous to say it as Sade said it.

Sade is indeed the proof of that. But since all I was doing there was explaining Sade, it is less

dangerous for me!




The truth is manifested in an enigmatic fashion in the symptom. Which is what? A subjective

opaqueness, Let us leave to one side what is clear. The fact is that the enigma has already this much

resolved, that it is only a rebus.



And let us base ourselves for a moment on the fact - which by going too quickly one may leave to one

side – that the subject therefore can be non-transparent. The fact is also that what is obvious may be

hollow, and that it would be better henceforth, no doubt, to make the word agree with the past participle,

emptied (evide).




The subject is perfectly thingly (chosique. And is the worst kind of thing! The Freudian thing, precisely.

As regards the facts, we know that it is a bubble and that it can be burst. We have experience of it

already on several occasions. Such is the plane on which modern thinking makes its way, Karl Marx,

first of all gave it its tone, then Freud. If the status of what Freud contributed is less evidently triumphant,

it is perhaps, precisely, that he went further. You pay for that.





You pay for that, for example, in the thematic you will find developed in the two articles that I am

proposing for your attention, for your study if you have enough leisure for that. Because they ought here

to form the foundation on which there will find its place what I am going to advance, to take things up

again at the point I left them the last time, to complete, in this quadrangle that I began to trace out as

having (3) to be articulated fundamentally around repetition.





Repetition. A temporal locus, in which there comes to act what I first left suspended around the purely

logical terms of alienation, at the four poles that I punctuated of the alienating choice on the one hand,

of the establishment on the other hand at two of these poles, of the Es, of the Id, of the unconscious, on

the other hand, in order to put at the fourth of these poles, castration. These four terms, which may have

left you in suspense, have their English correspondents in what I began, the last time, to articulate by

showing you the fundamental structure of repetition on the one hand (by situating it on the right of the

quadrangle), of the function, on the other hand, on the right-hand pole, of this privileged and exemplary

mode of the establishment of the subject which is the passage a l'acte is.






What are the two other poles that I have to deal with now? One of them was already indicated to you the

last time: acting-out, that I am going to have to articulate in so far as it is situated - at this place - in an

elided way, in which something of the field of the eliminated Other, that I have just recalled, is

manifested in the form of a truthful manifestation. Such is, fundamentally, the sense off acting-out. I am

asking you, simply, to have the patience to follow me, since, moreover, I can only introduce these terms

- what they refer to, the structure – without preliminaries (bille en tete), as I might say. By wanting to

make our way by a progression, or indeed a critique, of what has already been outlined about such a

formulation in the theories already expressed in analysis, we would, literally, only lose ourselves in the

same labyrinth that thing theory constitutes.








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