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David Wolfe

Longevity Secrets

The Longevity Now Conference 2014


Now we get into the stuff you guys want to hear like specifics. Because everybody is always
asking me, "Exactly how many milligrams of iodine is that again? Exactly how much salt? I
want to know an exact number." It was a terrible day when I started having to do recipes and
measure out exactly how much it is. Because normally it's just like a little bit of that, that, this,
no, no, no, no, that one, okay, I'll throw it in there, this, that. But the measurement is really
important because it starts getting specifics about all this stuff. What we are going to get into in
the next hour together well, 20 minutes is where we are in our understanding about
longevity, even why longevity. Why would you want to live a long time? What is the whole
purpose, and where are going, and where is it all heading? And we are going to start crunching
it down into things you can do right now.

Of course one of the great things to do is to stop isolating yourself as an electromagnetic island
and reconnect to the earth again because the earth is nourishing you with free electricity that
not only nourishes your adrenals and kidneys and puts an immediate electrical charge on you
that shields you from all the aberrant electromagnetic waves that are in the environment, or at
least many of them, and protects you. But it is also connecting you to another intelligence and
connects you to every other being that is grounded on the planet. My first grounding
experiences walking through the forest were amazing, because I'm walking barefoot through
the snow and I'm like, "Whoa. Every creature in this forest is barefoot and I'm connected to
them electrically." When I'm in a shoe I'm not. So that's an important piece of the puzzle. It
really comes down to this one phrase, and this phrase I will reiterate, we'll go over it again,
we'll turn it upside down, we'll look at it from every direction: stack the odds in your favor
whenever possible. Stack the odds in your favor whenever possible. If that's too much for you,
that comes later. Skip it. Go to something you can do right now. Can you be grounded right
now in your chair? Absolutely. Stack the odds in your favor whenever possible. Whenever the
thought arises, ground yourself. Whenever the thought arises, instead of the worst thing ever,
have the best thing ever. When the thought arises, instead of the plastic water, go to the glass
water. When the thought arises, instead of the glass water, go to the fresh spring water from the
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source. In every moment, that is the choice that we have, and that is ultimately what it's all

This is the phrase that got me in a lot of trouble about four or five years ago at one of these
Longevity Now Conferences. Nobody understood it. They hated me for this. The Longevity
crew took me aside and they're like, "Umm, we put this on one of the t-shirts and everybody
hates it. They don't understand it, and it's the worst news ever." [laughter] Here's the phrase.
You tell me if you don't understand it: Immortality is the only cause worth dying for!
[applause] Do you guys understand it? Do you get it? [Yes!] See, even four short years ago
everybody was like, "Wha? Huh?" When I was in that state at UC Santa Barbara, I lived in a
rundown, beaten-up old building. The place should have been condemned. I was upstairs with
Dave Asbury doing a little interview about an hour ago. I said, "Hey Dave, where did you go to
school?" "UC Santa Barbara." I'm like, "When did you go to school there?" "1990 to 1994." I
was there the same time. I was there from '88 to '93. I said, "Where did you live?" He said, "I
lived in this beat-up old building, this white building right across from Freebirds." We lived in
the same building. [laughter] He lived in one side on the third floor and I lived on the other
side on the second floor. How crazy is that? We are both Gauchos. UC Santa Barbara Gauchos
are having some impact on the planet. Let me tell you somethin'. [applause] We lived in the
same building. How bizarre, right? It's not only stranger than we can believe; it's stranger than
we can possibly believe. It's just the cosmic giggle in action.

We are going to construct it literally from the ground up and look at this. How do we stack the
odds in our favor whenever possible? How do we get actually really hydrated? What is the
source of hydration? We've gone over that ad nauseum, ad infinitum, but there are some folks
in here who just got here. They just got here for today and better late than never. Water and
salt. Water and salt is fundamental, absolutely fundamental. It's the basis. Again, the reason
why we are confused is because every Fruit Loops packaging we ever had, every Fruity
Pebbles we ever had, every Wheaties we ever ate, every pasteurized, homogenized, glow-in-
the-dark, larvicide, fungicide, herbicide, suicide, genetically modified, hormonally-altered,
puss-filled, blood-filled, chalk-filled milk in a plastic-leaching jug that we ever had, [a few
hoots] every packaged food, every fast food, almost every single day: table salt, table salt, table
salt. All the trace minerals, that fraction of trace minerals, that 15% cooked off and sold to
chemical companies. So we didn't get that. All we got was sodium chloride and we're all super-
silted-up with that. And I use that word very specifically: silted-up. That stuff is like silt, and it
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lodges its way in. We don't understand the balance because we have always had salt all day
long. We just didn't know it, we're not aware of it.

When that drops out, when you take in the raw foods, you do the wheatgrass enemas [he
looks around to see response].Who here would actually do a wheatgrass enema? [lots of people
raise their hands] Who has done it already? There are always colon hydrotherapists in the
house. Like, "Get the coffee as well. Longevity coffee. We'll put some bulletproof coffee up
there! We'll find out what's goin' on!" [laughter] Wheatgrass, right? And just the overall power
of live food. And really Ann Wigmore's message is really flooding the body with potassium
so you antagonize that silt out of your system, you flush it out, and then after months or years
you start to establish a new equilibrium. And in that new equilibrium you will start going,
"Okay. Now I need to figure out where I'm at."

Maintenance diets are very different from detox diets. No matter what diet or approach you are
on, always doing detoxes every year, I found out from my own experience you may find this
out too that I always naturally fast on the day when the seasons change. I would go back at
the end of the month, like at the end of the month of March, I'd be like, "Yeah, March 21st. I
actually fasted that day," but it turned out to be that was the day of the equinox. It's just one of
those weird things. It is like that the day that the season changes is a specific moment and
your body reacts to it even if we are not consciously aware of it. The more we focus in on it the
more we are aware of it.

This concept of cleansing and detoxification is different from maintenance, and so we have got
to design a strategy that is maintenance and also includes occasional detoxification. We live in
a polluted environment. It has been estimated that up to 90% of the conditions that we deal
with today are toxicity-related. Trauma, toxins, and thoughts. All toxicity. Right? Toxic
thoughts, toxic traumas, and then the toxins the phthalates, the endosulphan pesticides,
whatever kind of weird plastic residues, petrochemicals. God knows how many it is. My guess
is, and what I've been looking at in the research is, since 1940 we have dumped 77,000
chemicals, synthetic chemicals nuclear, bromide chemicals, chemtrail stuff, all that into the
environment since 1940. And that is why we have an epigenetic problem; not a genetic
problem. We don't have an epidemic of cancer; we have an epigenetic problem of cancer where
all the cancer switches are being turned on by the carcinogens. Because that is what genetics is
all about. It's not about, "You have this genetic code; you have a doomsday report."
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Angelina Jolie. What was? What? [loud moans from audience] Obviously not paying
attention to the last 30 years of research, which indicates it's not your genetics, it's the switches
that turn them on and off. Dr. Mercola is up here talking about vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 turns
on more epigenetic switches that heal you and are good for you than any single substance we
know of anything. Progesterone turns on epigenetic switches that cause you to become
younger and start reversing things. Testosterone. The old theory, testosterone causes prostate
cancer. Uh-uh [no]! When your testosterone is the highest and all your ratio of hormones is
correct, men: that is when you are the healthiest. That is when you are the healthiest you have
been in your life, when you are like 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. That's when you are the healthiest.

In fact the flipping over of the testosterone into bad hormones, the development and buildup of
bad hormones in our own system, this is actually aging us. It's toxic to us and we need to
detoxify it, and this is part of the overall picture. Very important aspect, and it is epigenetic.
Testosterone turns on the switches that keep you younger. For men and women, but for men
it's really important. The reason why women live longer in my opinion and this talk is going
to be about my opinion about longevity and my perspective I think the reason why women
live longer is because progesterone is three steps away from being an estrogen, whereas
testosterone is one step away. It's volatile and it can flip over. And so, men don't live as long
because the testosterone is more volatile. There are other theories. I think that is definitely one
of them. Progesterone is actually so far away from being a toxic estrogen that it is much, much
safer than testosterone. In the long-term picture for men 70, 80, 90, 100 a little bit of
progesterone cream a month for men is what I recommend, three or four or five days a month.
Three or four or five days a month.

By the time you are 80, you are not worried about being the next martial arts champion. Right?
You are not going out and beating people up. It's like, at that point it's like chill. It's cool.
Women's brains work differently than men. More of a multitasking brain. Progesterone is a big
part of that, of how a woman's brain works. And it is neuroprotective as well, because those
epigenetic switches get flipped on. The genetics will work based on the environment. Right? It
is not the actual structure of the genetics in most cases; it is actually the environment that we
are being raised in. So that is the term of art.

What is interesting is that Lamarckism, which is the idea that like, let's say I play the drums
you know, I love playing the drums. One of these days I am actually going to drag a drum set
up here and do like a Buddy Rich thing. One of these conferences. We'll see what happens. If I
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am good on the drums, then it is likely that my kid will also have that skill. That is called
Lamarckism. It can't be explained genetically, but it can be explained in some epigenetic form,
that something is passed along or can be passed along. That was absolute taboo for a hundred
years. You were a heretic if you believed something like that. But it is true. Look into your
own life. Look at your own experience. Check it out, that the father will pass something along
to the son or the mother will pass something along to the daughter that is similar to what they
are good in or what they are interested in even if they pick that up later in life. It's not a
genetic trait. It cannot be related to genetics; there is nothing in the genetic code that is related
to it. That also is part of epigenetics. And more and more I am just going to predict that we are
going to see more and more of that.

That means that your environment that you live in is going to have a very strong effect on your
health. Not only the thoughts that are going on in that house, the emotions that are going on in
that house. All the chemicals that are under the sink, everything that is in the cupboard,
everything that is in the bathroom, all the stuff that is in the shower. It has got to be completely
chemical-free. All that stuff has got to go the way of the dinosaur; it's got to be removed from
your house.

One time I had a friend Nassim Haramein he's a very famous physicist he came over to my
house with a Geiger counter. He was going down everything, like granite tables can be
radioactive, so he is testing all that. This is Nassim right here [indicates photo on screen]. He is
testing our silverware because they are remaking metals out of radioactive metal particles that
are being shipped over from that comes from Afghanistan, then it's shipped over to Africa,
then it comes over to here, then it goes to China, then it comes back here. All of a sudden you
have a radioactive fork. So he's checking all that stuff. And I'm just like, [puts hands in prayer

He goes down the supplement side of the cupboard. This is hilarious. The last supplement is
some kind of alpha-lipoic acid product, something like this. It starts freaking the machine out.
Nick Good grabbed that thing, he had that thing outside the perimeter of that property in ten
seconds flat. Some little supplements set off the Geiger counter. Yeah! It's one of those things.
You know, who knows? Because we live in a toxic world, so we have to be careful. The reason
why I recommend that's Nick Good [indicates photo on screen] the reason why I
recommend more plant versus animals is because animals are sponges, and they are sponging
up the environmental toxins, and so we can get a hyper dose of God knows who knows what.
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We have all read the horror stories that started with Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and ended up
in Diet for a New America and now the work that PETA is doing and like what kind of weird
stuff goes on with factory farms and the unbelievable, horrific stuff that is being fed to those
creatures, and then the whole thing of them being fed their own, you know, euthanized
products of themselves and of dogs and cats and whatever. You know, it is just bizarre. And it
sponges it up, and then we are getting exposed to a massive amount of unknowns.

But when it's lettuce, you feel a little bit safer. The lettuce gods, they are powerful. Right?
They have been keeping alive hamburger-eaters now for decades. [laughter] I went and did a
coca reading with Doris. She is an amazing she is like a psychic from Peru. You never
believe this stuff, right? There's no way. But you know, I sit down with Doris, this is the first
time, she busts out the coca leaves and she throws 'em and then she tells you the answer to your
questions. She busts it out, she is telling me the answer to my questions. The first thing she
comes out with, she's like, she is telling Gabby who is translating, she's like, something about
the lettuce gods. I'm not kidding. Gabby's like, "Yeah. She's talking about the lettuce gods." I'm
like, "Lettuce as in the plant?" "Yeah." Who in their right mind ever talks about the lettuce
gods? [laughter] But how did she come up with that? So I know lettuce has got my back. We
don't need to talk about it. It's good. But these colors, these raw foods, it's protective, it's

All the research is in. Five keeps you alive, but ten is better. Right? Five fruits and vegetables a
day. Tough to do actually if you really count it out and you really figure it out. You're like,
"Okay." One whole carrot, kale, beet, onion, avocado. To actually eat that in a day, like okay,
that's like five. Whoa, I just barely made it in the day. But ten is better. That's why we like the
idea of NutriBlasting. It's like, boom, you can get that in easy and you don't have to think about
it and you are getting all those carotenoids, all those protective chemicals, the anthocyanins,
which are those antioxidant flavonols of which resveratrol is one, and xanthohumol is one, and
epicatechins in blueberries are in that same category, so you get all that.

We are going to a little higher level than just that conversation in a second. But before I do
that, of course we have to cover the real basics, the rudiments of what are the great longevity
foods, what has been figured out. Because some things have been identified about the great
longevity foods. There is a guy right now in Mesa, Arizona Bernando LaPollo who is 112.
He is the longest-lived raw food advocate on the planet and one of the longest-lived people on
the planet. The odds of him making it to 112 as a man being born on the earth is one against 3
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billion. It's almost impossible what he has done, but he has done it. So they asked him, "What
do you think are the top foods? Why have you lived so long?" We've got that clip. Could we
have that clip, Christopher? Here we go. We are going to put it up for you. There's Bernando
right there. [indicates photo on screen] He wants to open up his own restaurant. He is still
going. He walks three kilometers a day. Super brilliant, mind is still there, and his dad was a
doctor. His dad warned him, "You do not eat that fried food. You don't eat any of that stuff.
You have faith in God." And all these years later he is still alive. Is that amazing? He was born
before cars were on the road. Right? He was born before airplanes. He was born before
spaceships. He saw all of that come about.

[list shown on screen:]

Olive oil

This is something that comes up repeatedly in longevity research. Is that amazing? He's a Leo,
like me, so he was born in August and he turned 112 this year. He is 112 1/2 years old. It's
incredible. And look at the list. I remember when I first heard about him, and I was watching a
program on him. They didn't tell you right out front. They were like, "Well, cinnamon, garlic,"
you know, they are going from number five to number four to number three to number two,
"honey, olive oil," and I'm thinking "What is going to be number one? What is going to be
number one?" Chocolate! Chocolate! [laughter and applause as David Wolfe holds up his arms
in victory stance and parades back and forth on stage] Thank you, God. Everybody out there,
like all the people, the anti-cacao crowd, whatever that is. Right? They are like, against
chocolate. It's like, "Well, why do you eat chocolate?" "Well, you know, my friend Bernando
LaPollo is 112. He eats it. He says it's the best thing ever. You ask him. Is chocolate good for
you? "Well, you know, my friend, he is actually 112 and why don't you ask him? He thinks it's
the best thing ever."

What is the number one killer? Heart disease, by far. It outweighs all cancers combined. All
this focus on cancers, we are missing actually what is the real big killer, which is heart disease.
Chocolate contains compounds as do goji berry and bell peppers that slicken up your
cardiovascular system. To me, chocolate is a requirement to prevent the development of
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cardiovascular disease. It's a requirement. The Dutch did a study, 465 men studied over 15
years, age 65, 70, 75, 80. They found out something interesting in their study. Research on
their diet, their lifestyle, their history. They found out that the only people who were still alive
at age 80 just by chance; they didn't know they were going to come across this result were
in the highest fraction of chocolate consumers. Right? Because after a while you start to realize
there is a connection between chocolate and the heart. There is a connection between chocolate
and blood. The Aztecs used to say, their nickname for chocolate, like we would say cacao or
something, they said, "yollotl eztli." It was an Aztec word [term] meaning "heart blood." That
was their nickname for chocolate. It's a heart blood. I creates blood. It's a blood builder.
Absolutely anti-anemic. Absolutely. Magnesium and iron. It's the highest of any plant in the
world in iron. It's higher in magnesium than any other thing you could name. It's like almost on
par with chlorella chlorella and cacao. But chocolate has always been with us all these
thousands of years. It's time-proven.

That does not mean that chocolate is the best thing ever for everybody. But if it's good for you,
hallelujah. Here is how you use chocolate. Performance that is rewarded will be repeated. It's a
treat. It's a gift to yourself for performance well done. You did a job really good all week, you
worked really hard, you concentrated. You need to reward yourself. How do you train a gerbil?
You guys in the back row are like, "He's going to say how do you train a gerbil next. I know
it." How do you train a dog, a cat, a dolphin? How do you train a creature on this Earth? Food
reward. Food treats. How do you train a human? Treats. What's the treat for a human?
Chocolate. When you strip it all down, I find it interesting, that list. It comes up again and
again chocolate, olive oil, honey, and wine. She's like, "Wait, that's about me!" She's like
pulling her shirt off here in the front row. It's all gonna be good; just don't show anybody.

Food rewards are amazingly important for you. And that list keeps recycling itself. And what
is in that list? Chocolate and honey. Let me tell you, folks: that's the basis of the entire candy
industry, chocolate and honey. Once you lock those two in together that is the basis of all
candy. That's the basis of all dessert. That's it. And they are associated with longevity. I know
this is going to sound crazy, probably impossible. This is going to be totally ridiculous
absolutely preposterous that living a long time would have something to do with having fun.
[cheers] Can't believe it. No. Impossible. Heresy being spoken here on the stage. That living a
long time would have something perhaps to do with having the best day ever. Maybe.
Possible? No. [laughter] There would be no connection there at all. Good, we got that switched
out [pointing behind him], get the right treats in there.
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It's interesting too: rats and cows can't eat chocolate. It is toxic to them. All those thousands of
years in Mexico City where they were using chocolate as money, whoa! They do weird stuff,
inflation, bankster activities, whatever. No problem. You just eat the money. And what kind of
party is that? It's a Chocolate Party.

Olive oil. I mentioned that study yesterday about that 40,000 people studied in Spain, they
found out that the longest-lived people in that group were the highest consumers of olive oil.
Olive oil has to have that property as well a slickening agent for your cardiovascular system.
Another thing about olive oil is it's a natural aromatase inhibitor; it blocks a good hormone
from becoming a bad [hormone]. When we go through that list we see that that is a
characteristic of this list of the top longevity foods. They are natural aromatase inhibitors. They
block good, healthy hormones from back-flipping over into like a horrible type of estrogen that
is basically a toxin.

And I am going to put this out there, and I will debate this with anybody. What is the worst
type of toxin? Not heavy metals. Cytotoxins? MSG? Carcinogens? The worst type of toxins?
Toxic hormones. Toxic estrogens. They build up, they stick to your liver like glue and they get
stuck there. And that is why it's so important to methylate. What is that? That is a big aspect of
fresh food. It's a major component of all raw foods. It is very predominant in two particular
foods, one of which has been associated with longevity for 5,000 years and that is the goji
berry and the beet. Beet is the word on the street. They are methylators, so they clean up your
liver and keep those gluey toxic estrogens from sticking so that you can keep going. There has
been recently a very high preponderance of research that has been recycled back in now into
the mainstream consciousness about methylation and mental disorders and neurological

I suspect very strongly that the toxicity in our environment is associated with the epidemic of
anxiety which is affecting 10 percent of the population, 8 percent of the population; 22 percent
of the population is affected by some kind of a mental or neurological disorder. It has to be
that, because our brain is sucking up all these resources, all these nutrients, all that oxygen, all
that sugar, and there are toxins coming right along with it, and when this goes cuckoo then we
can't really get where we need to get [pointing to his temples]. And this is, as we are hearing
from Mark Robert Waldman, is the master control center up here. It's kind of obvious. Right?
Like when you look at a dog you're like, "Okay. They can smell stuff, because they have got a
big nose." When you look at a human, our thing that is weird about us is our head is big. We
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have this big old head. [laughter] And so it is super important to keep our brain clean and
methylating properly. And that is not only associated with the liver, but every part of your
body. And so high methylation and the ability to methylate is associated with neurological
health. It would be great to make it to 112, but what if you can't even, like, get out of bed?
What if you don't have this left? What if you don't have your faculties or your memories? We
don't want to get there like that. We have got to take it all with us. And then boom, we check
out, reincarnate, come right back, bring it all back in, boom. That's not real, is it?

Dr. Ian Stephenson, his successor Jim Tucker Ian Stephenson spent 40 years of his career and
studied 3,000 cases of suspected reincarnation. You should read his research because it is
scientific research. I think he wrote 40 books. He wrote a lot of books over the years. It might
be 14 or it was 40. [laughter] I'm trying to get to that page on that. Where is this, 14 or 40? He
wrote a lot of books on the subject and what it is indicating to us And what is actually an
ancient Christian belief, and I'm sure if you look at any religious belief, it's in there somewhere
in some sect, or maybe it's a mainstream thing in some religions, but it's there. And what does
it indicate? Well, one thing about longevity is, we don't want to be getting into longevity out of
fear of dying! So we have got to dump that one off. There is one of Ian Stephenson's books. So
the drive has to be something that keeps us in the game: curiosity, interest, passion, desire. But
we are not being motivated out of fear. We are going into something that is bringing us joy.
That's why we want to stay here longer.

Here is a great success principle: the longer you are here, or the more chances you get to try
stuff, the more likely you are gonna succeed. Where does KFC come from? What about the
story of Colonel Sanders? Dead broke, almost dead in his sixties. Went to 1,008 restaurants
trying to sell his chicken recipe. Was living in the backseat of his car, like family truckster
style car. Eventually one success, another, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, he did that with chicken.
In his sixties. You guys think you can do better? I think so. Absolutely. So it ain't over 'til it's
over. Yep. As long as you're still kickin', you've got something left.

So those are the foods. Those are the things we have got to focus down on: chocolate, olive oil.
Honey also. Rudolf Steiner I'm a big fan of Rudolf Steiner there is nothing more valuable
than adding the right amount of honey to your diet. The right amount for you. Now if you have
Candida, heavy sugar sensitivity, you don't do any. But if you are healthy and you are happy
and everything is good, switch out all sweeteners for honey, because honey is the highest
natural enzyme food in the world. As Rudolf Steiner says, it takes that ethereal and astral body
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and links them together, or the water element and the air element of your body and brings them
together. That's why it's a throat coat. When you get a sore throat it's a disturbance between
your water body and your air. Right? The water body, the liquid on, your mucosa layer on your
lungs, and the air coming in. It's a disturbance there. Honey is the best throat coat there is.

And the way it gets into your body and hydrates you. I have had many, many airplane trips
where I came off that plane and just started drinking honey. This was before they banned every
kind of liquid on planes, or whatever that was whatever other like, worse thing ever goes on
in airports. But you know what? With the worst thing ever comes this: the best ever. Here is
what is happening now. I am going through the Security. I'm like, I'm opting out of whatever
that latest machine is that is gonna cause cancer in ten years and then we're going to find out
about it and it's going to be the worst thing ever and everybody has been exposed to it. So
opting out of that. So now, I don't even have to go through the X-ray thing at all with the metal
detector! I don't have to go through that, I don't have to go through the other thing; they take
me right around both and I go right to yeah, they pat me down, absolutely. I don't have to go
through any radiation thing at all. Awesome! [applause] Which is proving to us that the worse
it gets, the better it gets.

I have had that repeatedly proven to me. I'm like, "Okay. Whatever this new machine is,
whatever that thing is, and again it's going to be" It's a TETRA microwave radiation, which
is sending out microwaves that are the size of your DNA, and I'll bet it is unraveling DNA or
damaging DNA. That's my guess from the research. And I'm like, "Nope. I'm opting out of
that." And like yeah, [holds his arms out like ready to be patted down]. "Do you want a private
screening?" No. I've got nothing to hide. Let's get this thing going here. And I'm getting out of
all of that exposure to radiation now because the worse it gets, the better it gets. The doomsday
reporters. Man. Ooof.

So we start looking a little bit deeper into honey, and we find out it's actually very hydrating.
And so that is how I developed the honey-drinking trick. Have you guys ever seen that? I
wonder if I have any up here. Where is my honey supply? It might be gone. The honey-
drinking trick isn't really a trick. I just drink the honey. [laughter] People write me. They're
like, "Um, yeah. We went to your event. The celery was awesome, we liked the talk about
celery and kale and we love superfoods, but we hated the honey-drinking trick." Well, first of
all, it's not a trick. Second of all, what?! What do you mean you hated the honey-drinking
trick? Here it is. Okay. You guys want to see the honey-drinking trick? This is look at that
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[opening a jar of NoniLand Black Gold honey]. This is honey from my farm. This is the best
batch we have ever had. This is the Black Gold. Look. It's not even stopping. Okay. Boom.
There we go. [drinks some honey and then dances a bit with his eyes closed "in a groove"]
That was good. Hold on. I'm gonna have another sip. [pantomimes someone typing at a
keyboard:] "We went to the Longevity Now Conference. We were having the best time ever,
except we hated the honey-drinking trick. What was that?"

Once we got that food list going we talked about the high-phenolic wine. The reason why
wine is the best delivery form of resveratrol is because it's an alcohol. And resveratrol has a
three and a half hour life in your body. If it doesn't get to that cell site within three and a half
hours, it doesn't work. It'll bounce. That is why powdered resveratrol products are not going to
do the job. It has to actually get to the cell site. That is what the research indicates, and that is
how come those people figured out, all those thousands of years ago, "There is something we
have got to deliver. There is something we are missing. There is a noble aspect of the grape
that we are missing, and if we deliver it in a wine, we can get it. In an alcohol we can get it."
And that ended up being the development of the entire thing we call wine. Now most wines
today have very low resveratrol, so you go to the darkest wines there are Pinot Noirs all the
way down to the port wines, if you are into that sort of thing. And it shuts off the development
of all age-related conditions right at the cellular level. The cellular mechanisms, the epigenetic
mechanisms that cause aging are shut off by resveratrol and its associated compounds,
including xanthohumol Hops X Factor and cannabidiol (CBD), which you are going to hear
a lot more about, and that is where we are going to go here in a second.

But I do want to mention one fifth thing that comes up when we are talking about longevity
substances, like foods, historically. It is one that has confused thousands if not millions of
longevity researchers for decades, and that is the longest-lived people in the world are tobacco
smokers. Right? And you're like, "Wait a second. Marlboro, Camel, Virginia Slims." Are you
going to live a long time with that stuff? Absolutely not. That stuff is the most dangerous stuff
there is. So I want to put this out there, because it is an anomaly and you will see it if you start
looking. Like, I read the book about the Shivapuri Baba. This dude is the best ever. He lived to
be 137. That's him. Is he the best thing ever? [makes a silly Hindi accent and says:] "Hello. I'm
your friend. Hello. Internet. You have?" He lived to be 137. I am reading a book, boom,
tobacco smoker. I was like, "What?! This dude is a perfect yogi. How can that be?!" It's in
there, but I'm not surprised by it, because tobacco contains MAOi inhibitors. What that does, it
prevents the breakdown of certain neurotransmitters that you produce like serotonin and it
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keeps them in circulation in your system longer. Because we do develop an age-related defect,
and that is we start recycling neurotransmitters too early. That's why you kind of get, like, the
grumpy old man and the mean old lady and that kind of thing. It's because our
neurotransmitters are flooding our system and tobacco prevents that from happening. So if you
survive the tars, the resins, and everything else you could actually live a long time.

Now obviously Virginia Slims, Camel, whatever that stuff is God knows what it is it
contains 4,000 chemicals is the most dangerous thing ever, and here's why. Nicotine is very
similar to nicotinamide, which is very similar to niacinimide, which is basically niacin.
Nicotine and niacin (or vitamin B3) are very close to each other and they dilate everything.
This is another aspect and metaphor of tobacco's longevity properties, that is dilates everything,
opens you up so you can detoxify. You have heard of doing a niacin flush to detoxify? Well,
how did it start? Because originally it was a nicotine flush. Right? Big hit of a cigar, you're like
[pantomimes being bowled over], [sign behind him misspells niacin as niacine], you know, you
talk about driving and drugs, my God! One hit of a cigar, you can't stay on the road. But it's
legal! All these chemicals, the 4,000 chemicals that they put on the nicotine, the nicotine is a
driver. Every single living organism on the earth, every amoeba, every bacteria, every cell in a
sea slug, every cell on a medicinal mushroom, every cell in your body, reacts to vitamin B3.
And in most cases it dilates, so it opens it up. And in comes the 4,000 added chemicals, the
whatever kind of weird burn agents that are used to burn the cigarette down, and there are
4,000 of them. Chemical tobacco, like factory farming, is by far the most dangerous thing you
can do. Because you can't resist it. The nicotine comes in with all that chemical riding on top of
it and it drives it literally into the depths of every cell in your whole body. Tobacco doesn't kill;
chemical tobacco does.

And I want you guys to have that distinction so we can get to a place of understanding, because
when it comes to herbs, tobacco is by far the most consumed herb on the whole Earth easily.
Nothing is even close. A hundred times more than the [other] most [consumed] herbs on the
whole planet. And so we have got to understand what it really is. Why is it that Amazonian
shamans? I have an Amazonian shaman friend of mine, he's 93 this year. He has been
smoking since he was 12 years old. I mean like I never got I was like, "How do you do
that?" For me it was like, we tried smoking tobacco when I was like 16 or something, and
immediately puking and just like, "Don't do that!" That's him [indicates photo on screen]. He's
still going. What an amazing guy. I had to put that out there.
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There is interesting anti-aging properties that have been developed by tobacco research in
longevity. One of them is DMAE. You guys ever heard of DMAE [(2-
dimethylaminoethanol)]? Jarrow Vital? [sic; Jarrow Adrenal Optimizer]. DMAE, and it works
on similar principles. It's an MAOi inhibitor, it's an MAOi inhibitor. It stops the breakdown of
certain neurotransmitters, keeps them in your metabolism longer so you kind of stay happier
and everything kind of kicks on for a longer period of time.

This then led eventually to research into what is really causing depression, and are there herbal
things that can be used for depression. So MAOi inhibitors for example cat's claw, [also
known as] ua de gato, is one of those. And so when I look at the great herbs of the Amazon,
you will see, like boom, cat's claw is right in there in the top five. Ua de gato. It's in the top
five. And it has an anti-aging quality, and this is a characteristic of anti-aging medicines, this
particular aspect, and it was discovered in tobacco.

We can look at many different directions, but what it is really going to come down to is what is
available and what you can do right now. So I'm going to kind of take you through what I think
is an important kind of protocol to have throughout your day. One of them is this whole thing
of watching very closely for the buildup of estrogen metabolites in your system. Yesterday I
talked about it as a Po-Ke-No game, because if those metabolites overflow certain buckets,
then all of a sudden that breast tissue is like grow, grow, grow; that ovarian tissue, grow, grow,
grow, grow, grow; the uterus lining, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow. It starts to signal a hyper
growth. The hormone will signal it. So if the heart disease doesn't get us, if the stroke doesn't
get us, eventually the cancer could get us. But you know what actually gets all the longest-lived
creatures in the world in the very end? Calcium buildup called arthritis. So the reason why a
giant turtle will actually die after 300 years is they eventually can't move; they are too arthritic.
It's natural. Arthritis has been detected in bones of dinosaurs. It's been here all along. It's a
natural recycling mechanism. So when we start to look at that, we start to get this idea like,
"Oh. Okay. We've got to clean out the hormones so that we are always epigenetically switching
on the good hormones which drive down calcification."

Remember that conversation about levity and gravity? That there can never be gravity I
mean the whole thing is preposterous without levity. Right? That's obvious. Like, what is going
on in an atmosphere is absolutely nothing [compared] to what is going on inside of your body.
In fact, why do you have a skin? Why are you shielded from the atmosphere? Why is the
atmosphere different? Why is a tree shielded by bark? What is going on inside the tree that is
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different? Well, there is a levitational phenomenon going on inside a tree. We had Dr. [James]
Oschman here talking, I think two conferences ago. He is one of the premiere energetic
medicine guys in the world, and what he told me when I asked him how the joints work
because I knew he was going to have an interesting answer on that he said, "You know what
we believe is going on with the joints now is there is some kind of a levitational property going
on," that your joints produce a negative pressure just like a tree does that sucks the sap up. The
sap isn't being pushed up. Come on. That would create friction and create heat. You touch a
tree, it's always cold. Under a tree is always cooler. How could that be if it's friction? It's not.
It's levity.

And these levitational elements have to do with our joints, have to do with our whole
metabolism. When we start to play around with this and we start to go, "Okay, what are the
levitational substances?" Hormones are levitational substances. And it is kind of obvious in this
way: Mother crashes the car, the car is rolled up over, the baby is trapped inside, mother picks
up the car, moves it, gets the baby out, baby survives. We have heard those stories. Because
adrenalin is levitational. Adrenalin, which is produced out of salt, is levitational because salt is

Now, I speak about that metaphorically so we can get a deeper understanding, because our
surface material science is so in the box of this [pantomimes limited vision] that we can't see
the metaphors. Like for example, one of the great androgenic foods in the world is sweet
potato. Sweet potato to me, if you are raising a kid and you are like, "Okay, what is a great
food to center a kid's diet around?" Sweet potato for sure is one of those. And it has androgenic
properties because it's not directly building progesterone, but definitely indirectly there is an
anecdotal connection. And when you see how sweet potato grows, all of a sudden it just goes
boom! And it's up there, like that. It suddenly shoots up, up there. It climbs up fences, right
over the fence. The root is down there, but the actual leaves and stuff go all the way up there.
What is in there? Well, it's basically progesterone analogs. It has a levitational force going on.
It's something like that.

What I am digging at and where we are going to go in this next little section is, at all times, in
all choices, always choose things that have levitational metaphors or are associated with that.
That's why I'm into medicinal mushrooms. What's a medicinal mushroom doing? First of all,
it's eating up all that levitational material that the tree was built out of once we get out of the
whole, "Well, it's just carbon and it's just silica and it's just oxygen." I can take you through the
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periodic table and show you mistakes left, right, and center that I know for sure from our own
research laboratory that they are mistakes. So I'm not bought into all that. I am going to take
you through the metaphors of levity so that you can go, "Okay, that tree is obviously doing
something completely impossible," and that is it is violating the law of gravity. So are you.
Watch this, [jumps up and down] haha, haha. I don't sense my own weight. I can bounce
around. Inside my body levity predominates. As soon as it doesn't, I'm checkin' out. I'm
calcifying. I'm becoming arthritic. I'm being squished, cr-cr-cr-cr-k! Always selecting
levitational substances whenever possible.

The mushroom is eating up that old tree. Medicinal mushrooms are tree mushrooms. You need
to know that and you need to know that connection. I am astonished that the top mushroom
scientists in the world don't overtly say that to you. That is an amazing discovery, that
medicinal mushrooms are tree mushrooms that there is a connection between trees and
medicine. Obviously there is Cordyceps, which grows in a place where there are no trees.
There is Agaricus blazei which is you know, there is always an exception to the rule. For the
most part, they come out of trees. They eat the tree. They take all that levitational force. It
comes out in the fruiting body, the part that comes out of the tree, that part right there
[indicates photo on screen]. And then one day out of the year for about a minute it will go p-s-
s-s-h-t, p-s-s-s-h-t, p-s-s-s-h-t and blow its spores out. The spores come out of the bottom and
they go up like smoke and they go up in the atmosphere and they blow around. There have
been mushroom spores found at the top altitudes of the planet where no bacteria can survive. In
the rarefied environment of the stratosphere there are mushroom spores that can survive, and
they are there. It has levity, and the mushroom spore has levity.

And I have been playing with this theory: the more levitational the substance, the more
medicinal it is. So when we get to like a Ron Teeguarden Reishi mushroom spore oil, that
should be radically more powerful than just Reishi mushroom, which according to the research
it is anywhere from 200 to 700 times more powerful than Reishi mushroom itself. Isn't that
fascinating? What is that about? That buoyancy is something I am always looking at.
Astragalus. You talk about an anti-aging herb, astragalus, the traditional Taoist principle of
astragalus is it has an upward-moving force in it; something that creates upward-moving force.
Well I'm going, "Oh. You mean levity." Right? It has levity. So astragalus to me is one of those
things, because it has a history, it is time-proven, it's known, it's immunological and it has a
specific phraseology that correlates to levity about it. That's in. That's in the game.
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All this stuff of precipitating iron in your system? Gravitational. Precipitating calcium into
your system? Gravitational. All of that. And we always want to be in the space of levity.
Everything we choose, everything we do. Look at a grape. What does a grape do? What is a
grape's normal environment? It winds its way up, all the way up into the forest, up into the
upper canopy. It's like a tree. It's levity. And what is the compound that is in there? Resveratrol.
The same is true with hops. It winds its way all the way up in there, all the way up into the top
of the tree and then, you know, it has a little spot where it gets some sun. Levity.

These principles are metaphorical but they are really important to always be considering every
time you eat anything. "Is that going to gravitate me or is that going to levitate me? Is it going
to bring me up? Is it going to bring me down?" Which direction can we go with all this? The
supplements that I am really into are like as far as real supplements iodine. Iodine is a
vaporous gas. S-s-s-h-h-e-w! When you put iodine on your skin, half of it evaporates right in
the atmosphere immediately. It's a vaporous gas. Ormus Gold is sometimes called the "white
dove" because it flies. It's a vaporous gas. It goes right into you. It falls. It's just in. See, that
is the kind of thing that I am always thinking about. These ormus elements have always been
associated with levity by the way, and they will actually levitate under some controlled
scientific conditions, actually float like a what are those things called? Cold fusion. What
were they doing there? They were, they were It will come to me. The main thing about this
type of material is, when you think of like sulfur, what is that? Sulfur helps buoyancy. That's
why it's good for your joints. When the joint becomes diseased it starts to build up a positive
pressure and my friend Dr. Lyons is here. He told me this. Where are you, Dr. Lyons? That
when you put a needle is he in here? When you put a needle into a diseased joint, it will push
it out. When you put a needle into a healthy joint it sucks it in because it is evolved in
negative pressure.

This brings up a really powerful herb that I have mentioned over and over again. It's an herb
that has worked its way into my life and it has made its presence known and it's like, it's in
there. And I will take it for the rest of my life. I first became aware of it through researching
the Chinese herbs. It's in the top ten. It's a tree bark and it can grow where I live, so I'm like,
"Okay, I want to grow that." And I busted up a couple knuckles really badly and for a couple
months it didn't heal. I was like, "Whoa. This is like, problematic," because that is how arthritis
starts. You bust yourself up and then it doesn't heal quite properly. I came back to LA, I went
to Ron Teeguarden's place and I got his eucommia extract, because it is an alcohol-soluble
compound. I did four droppersful and it went away immediately. And I was like, "What?"
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Immediately. That day it was gone and it has never come back. It was that fast. This kind of
material, it's a tree bark. It's black in color. That is its natural color. It's the inside of the tree
bark, it's actually black in color, and it seals off all of your capsules, all your joint capsules. It
seals off all your connective tissue. This is why it is recommended as a pregnancy herb,
because it seals everything up. So if you have had damage to your knuckles, your joints, you
have got to seal it up so your body can go, w-w-h-h-f-f-f-t, w-w-h-h-f-f-f-t, w-w-h-h-f-f-f-t and
suck out and create a negative pressure in the joint capsule again. If the material around the
joint is compromised, if it is not built out of sulfur, if it is not built out of omega-3 fatty acids,
if the right protein is not there, if it doesn't have a sealant, if you have no vitamin C in your
diet, it can't seal the joint off and there will be a leak and then it can't develop a negative
pressure that develops levity so the joints start hitting each other and rubbing, next thing you
know you've got bone on bone. So in order to seal it and repair it you have to actually seal it
off and then you have to let your body suck the pressure out and create a negative pressure in
there exactly like what is created in a tree, and that is the way to keep your joints healthy.

That's why when you are looking at this, if you are going, "I'm going to get a shoulder
surgery," no way. Don't do it. Knee surgery? Uh-uh [negative]. You are better off with a sham
surgery, as we found out. You are better off with a fake surgery. Because once that joint is
exposed to the atmosphere and oxidizes, it will never be the same because then your body has
to work to seal it completely back off, get rid of all the scar tissue and then pump out whatever
oxidation has occurred, and by the time you are 50 you are not going to have time to do it. If
you are ten you might be able to get there, but not by the time you are 50. It will take years,
and even then you have to eat exactly perfectly, you have to do exactly the right things in order
to make that happen. This is one of the main aspects of the whole picture, is preserving our
joints as well. And preserving our brain. And all these things are sealed in by membranes, and
eucommia seals that membrane completely in.

Another thing about this whole longevity thing is that if you give me another 15 years, I'll get
you another 40. [applause and cheers] You think you are going down for the last time, just
hang in there, don't worry about it, stop thinking that way, just hang in there, fake it, pretend
like you are going to make it another 15 years and you watch what is going to happen
because all of these therapies are going to be coming. When I was talking to Aubrey de Grey
about the enzyme therapies, the enzyme therapies that they are developing to eat up the plaque,
like amyloid plaques that cause arthritis, the amyloid plaques that cause heart disease, the
amyloid plaques that cause strokes the therapies that they are developing right now will be a
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million times more powerful than what exists today. A million times more powerful. I was like,
"A million?" He's like, "Yeah. A million times more powerful." That's what's coming. The 200-
year-old human is in the room. They're 16 right now. [audience member: 14!] Fourteen. Sorry.
They're in the room right now. What's gonna come down the pipeline? Stem cell therapies.
Where is that at right now? [applause]

We'll talk about that. Stem cell therapy. Where is Ky? I just saw her. You guys are in the room
somewhere. All right. Yes. Their dad. Ky introduced me to his dad. This is Jassar, he is also of
the sun, and I'm like, all these years I'm like, "You got to get off the sugar. You got to get
organic. You got to do something." Just bounced off, bounced off, bounced off. And then all of
a sudden when your grandma died his mom and his grandma he got activated. And this guy
is a titanic entrepreneur, unbelievable high-powered entrepreneur, like next-level-beyond-next-
level. And he has resources. And he began to travel all around the world. That's him [pointing
to screen with photo of older man flanked by two bikini-wearing young women on each side].
He's got resources. [laughter] He started traveling all over the world trying to figure out how to
save his mom and then figuring out where we actually really are in our understanding of
medicine, and then came headlong into the whole stem cell thing.

Your stem cells are produced in abundance in your bone marrow, especially when you are
young. Probably the key marker of aging and the key marker of the inability of your body to
repair itself is you don't produce the same amount of stem cells as you did when you were 18.
That's why when you are 16 or 18, you injure yourself, you recover. When you are 68 or 80,
you have a similar type of injury and still hurts you years later because the stem cell production
isn't quite where it was. Because the stem cell revolution is a major competitor to certain
interests of certain kinds that shall go unnamed, we get, "They're taking dead babies and they
are injecting them into the fetal tissue of humans" or whatever kind of weird story you got
about that.

And actually here is what it comes down to. There are three sources of stem cells in your own
body. They are in your blood, they are in your fat and they are in your bone marrow. The stem
cells in your body can be identified now out of your blood, they can be suctioned off and then
multiplied or colonized outside of your body so that you can take a number from say 100,000
to a billion, then drip that back in your body and all of a sudden you are getting the amount of
stem cells in your blood you had when you were 18. You do that every three months and all of
a sudden the old injuries start washing away. Dr. Dave Woynarowski who was here. He called
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me on Skype one day and he's like, "I just went and had this stem cell therapy, and this one
they don't go into your fat, they don't go into your blood; they punch right into your bone
marrow." It's not the funnest thing ever. Because the best stem cells are there. They pull that
out, they multiply that, then they drip it back into you with all the other material too, so nothing
is lost. You are not wasting anything. Everything that was in that bone marrow material all
comes back in as well, plus they have taken 100,000 stem cells, grown them to a billion, and
then they drip it back into you. In one treatment his running injury was well enough that he
could run again. He hadn't run in a couple years. One treatment. Because this is how you heal.
You have got to have the stem cells there to heal.

So I'm talking to [Peter] Nygrd about all this stuff over all these years of raw food, organic
food, superfoods, superherbs, something please! Finally it clicked. He is right now developing
the world's premiere stem cell laboratory and hospital in the Bahamas. The entire Bahamas
government I called him one day and he's like, "I'm talking to the President of the Bahamas.
I'll call you back." I'm like, "Okay." One time my phone rings this is the wildest thing one
time my phone rings. I'm like, "Who is it?" It's the Vatican! Like, "Okay. I'll take it." [laughter]
It was this guy, Michael. Amazing musician. He's the musician for the Vatican. He called me
up. We were hanging out actually at Nygrd's house and one day he called up the house. It was
the Vatican calling. You just never know who is in the audience.

So these stem cells have nothing to do with anything outside of you, it has nothing to do with
fetal tissue. You can take stem cells out of a human body in America, but you can't grow them
in a Petri dish from 100,000 to a billion because that could help you. So you have to go across
the border to Mexico or to the Bahamas or to Belize or wherever the treatment is happening so
you can actually have them multiplied. That technology right there is going to add 30, 40, 50,
60 years to your life. Just that. You do that every three months, you are a new person. It
remakes you. Because again, one of the defects of aging, one of the molecular damage points
of aging, is we can't replenish the stem cells fast enough in order to get it to happen.

Of course I am always thinking, "Okay. I don't really want that's kind of crazy, right through
the bone, what would go on there?" So that's why I am always onto the blue foods. The blue
foods, because that is where the stem cell production is happening. The blue foods go to the
bone marrow. Name a blue food. [audience: Blueberries!] Spirulina, AFA blue-green algae,
blue corn, maqui berries. See how quickly we ran out of that list? Kentucky bluegrass. You got
it. It is blue actually. Because blue foods, that is something you want to look for, it is
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something you want to be aware of, because it goes right to those stem cells and it helps you
produce more stem cells.

And as I was saying to you before, we want to go to the time-proven longevity substances like
Reishi mushroom, and then we mix it. Let's say you are not on nacho cheese GMO corn chips.
Let's say you have actually been nourishing yourself really, really well. You know what has
been found out with the stem cell therapies? They work better. If you are fit and you are
healthy and you have been nourishing yourself with superfoods, your blood and bone marrow
looks radically different than everybody else's and stem cell therapies work better. In fact,
that's why Peter called me, Peter Nygrd called me. He's like, "We need your advice on how to
do this," because they know that now. In the stem cell world they have figured out that if the
person actually eats right and is fit, all the stuff that is done works better. It's kind of obvious.

So now we start getting into an integrative approach. And this is something you want to start
thinking about every three to six months. Here is an industry for the kids in the room the 14-
year-olds and the 16-year-olds. You want a future? If this is of interest to you, if this area of
research is of interest to you, medical tourism. We're going to the Bahamas. We're having the
best time ever on the beach and we're getting stem cell therapies. [applause] Medical
tourism. It's not illegal over there. It's illegal here. So let's go over there. We're going on a
vacation the best vacation ever. [laughter]

There are about 20 superfoods that I really recommend aloe vera being one of them, right?
The connective tissue, the great grouping of algaes that we have talked about chlorella to
sponge out those toxins out of you, spirulina, blue-green algae if those agree with you, if you
like those with the phycocyanin and the blue pigments. There is the marine phytoplankton
where we can get all that nervous-system-building tissue without having to eat GMO globally-
warmed fish. [laughter] "I will take some pesticide soup. I would love the globally warmed
fish and I'd love the gliadin-rich, gluten-rich bread. Thank you." [laughter] This is marine
phytoplankton here [on screen]. This is the kind of stuff that kind of has to be there instead of
the other things that we had a hundred years ago, because we can't really eat that anymore. We
can't eat tuna anymore. It's got Fukushima radiation in it, it's got mercury in it. So we now have
to go more to the Earth's source and clean, controllable sources. Plus it is nutrient-dense, so we
don't have to eat much of it.

Here is what is learned about longevity. Sonar Kella broke the world record in chicken
lifespans by three principles: (1) feed the chickens raw foods, (2) all those foods, mineral-rich,
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(3) don't feed them very much of it. Raw foods, mineral-rich, not very much. It's a natural thing
that happens over time. If you have been on nutrient-rich food you really don't you're not that
hungry that often, or if you are hungry you eat like one bite of a macadamia nut, you're like,
"I'm full. I'm done." So after a while the appetite comes under control.

Getting off the allergens, right? This gluten. You'll hear from Dr. William Davis today. He is
going to tell you about gluten, and one of the things about gluten is and gliadins, especially
gliadins, the opiates that are in wheat is they caused you to eat 500, 800, 1000, 1200, 1700
and more calories than you would normally eat in a single day. They stimulate it. So once you
come off of that stuff, once we get into -- you like that one? [points to screen; don't know
what] Once we get into the superfood revolution then it's automatic; the amount that we are
eating comes right down into a controllable space. And then step-by-step-by-step we can go

Recently we were in Bali. I got some kind of amoeba. Even amoebas have nicotine cell site
receptors. Couldn't eat, couldn't drink. I'm like, "You know what? I'm going to follow my
body's instincts. My body is telling me, 'Don't eat, don't drink'. I'll just do that." Because I was
perfectly fine as long as I didn't eat or drink. As soon as I drank anything, immediately
everything is coming out. As soon as I ate anything, immediately it's coming out. I'm like,
"Okay. I just won't eat and drink." Did no food or water for five days while doing the middle of
the retreat, middle of the retreat, everything is going normal. I felt great! I didn't want it to end.
I was like at a state of like, "aaaaaaaaaaah"! I felt like those bells were ringing all the time. The
sixth night we had a Cacao Party. You know, what can you do? [laughter] That's not possible if
we are malnourished. If we are nourished many things are possible [that] we are not aware of.
We can go long periods of time with less food or no food or no water. If we are hydrated we
can go long periods of time with no water; if we are dehydrated we cannot. It's kind of an
obvious principle.

That's why depending on your stage different information applies to you. In the beginning
we have got to get that nourishment built up to get all those antioxidants and colors into our
diet so we have built up that reserve. Then we go to a secondary step of, "Okay. Now we need
to start looking into more, like instead of having globally warmed fish, let's see if we could
have spirulina instead." And we go to that superfood revolution, then we get into the superherb
revolution and the supplements.
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A couple of the supplements that I take in that realm of like really they are extracts of
superherbs TA-65 and the Super Pill 2, Ron Teeguarden's Super Pill 2 because they work
on deactivating a principle of aging that, as we age we lose the ends of our DNA caps. They
fray. The telomeres are damaged. Like a shoelace. You guys ever, like, had a shoelace, you
were a kid, you were tying your shoe and then that day when the shoelace end comes off and
you're like, "Oh no, it looks terrible now, but whatever." That shoelace end, that little plastic
thing that wrapped around the end of the shoelace, that's your telomeres at the end of your
DNA. When you are incarnated, the moment of conception you have 10,000 caps on there. By
the time you are born it's 5,000. It takes a hundred years to use all that up. So by a hundred
years you are pretty much almost checking out. If something can restore those DNA end caps,
it can have anti-aging qualities, as was proven recently. A group of three scientists won the
Nobel Prize for that. And there are certain substances that can help with that process, and one
that has been proven to work which is TA-65. It's an astragalus extract.

Now I immediately went to Ron, and I was like, "Hey Ron, do have this like, you know the
TA-65 is an astragalus extract." And he's like, "Yeah. Actually we have been working on that
for 20 years. It just hadn't been the right time." I'm like, "You know what? You need to like put
that out there." So he put that out there as a product called the Super Pill 2, which is, instead of
being $600 it's $100. One thing that is great about TA-65 is I know Dr. Dave, the guy who
went and got the stem cell therapy, so he gives me bottles for free. But, you know, you've got
to have the right connections. [laughter]

Yet another piece of the puzzle. Stack the odds in your favor whenever possible. Always
thinking about that with every move and everything that is happening. I'm in a plane, they
come around with the plastic water. Am I going, "Yep. I'm having that"? No. It's like I can
survive. Another two hours? No problem. I'm not having that plastic water. Just stacking the
odds in favor whenever possible. I'm in the plane. I'm not going anywhere else anyway. I might
as well meditate. As we are finding out here right? people who meditate have a 50 percent
greater chance of survival of breast cancer. What an amazing discovery. That's the Super Pill 2
[pointing to photo on screen] So, certain things to strip out those toxic estrogens.

We've got to keep the hormones in place. This is Suzanne Somers' message. Remember this:
that as soon as you are unfit for reproduction, nature in its own logic starts selecting you out.
So you always want to keep your hormones in a place where nature goes, "Oh, you can still
keep a baby going. Okay. We'll keep you on the planet." And that's where the hormones come
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in, so we've got to strip out those toxic estrogens, build up those androgens. If we are building
that up, one of the great things that vegans a lot of times get is low hormones. The yogis
figured this out. So what did the yogis do? They are like, "How do we go to just that thing
that's got that one pure substance that builds the hormones cholesterol?" They went to ghee.
Clarified butter. So they get just the tiniest little essence of that and without much of anything
else to keep those hormones up to keep the anti-aging going. And then things like EstroGuard,
stripping out those bad hormones. Things like methylators, stripping out those bad hormones
on both sides. All of these pieces come into play. They all stack in there. We've got to stack it
in, in a way that is understandable.

Those superfoods, what else is in there? It's in my Superfoods book hempseed, an amazing
blood builder, amazing superfood, amazing protein. How about that protein instead of globally
warmed fish? This is a big deal right now. The House and the Senate, and actually Obama, just
passed it. They are going to legalize hemp farming in America [loud applause]. All the states
have to do is go It was just like Friday. All the states have to do is follow their little, you
know, Illuminati whatever their trip is. But if you go through all their bureaucratic paperwork
and nightmares of illegalities and every kind of little hoop and go through all their little steps
and fill out their forms and do all their little test runs and all that kind of stuff, then you can do
it. How do we get to that? Right? "Here, fill out this form." It's like, "What?" "Where are your
papers?!" [laughter] Didn't we beat them? What happened to that?

It was interesting traveling around the world this last year. There are three countries where you
don't have your papers. Right? Like every country, "Where are your papers?! Your passport,
please!" South Africa. You just walk right in. You don't fill out any paperwork; you just walk
right in the country. Israel. There's no paperwork. Right? Because they're not the Nazis! I
realized that. I'm like, "Oh wait. They're not they're not of course!" Holland. It was
amazing. We hit those countries one after the other, three in a row. It was like, "This is No
paperwork." Just walk right in. How great is that?

Other superfoods. Goji berry. What an amazing I mean wow. The goji berry, and then the
superherb, the superfood-superherb combo, that combination goji berry-schizandra. That
combination. All you do, you just do a little. That's the one product, that little product right
there, you just go, "Here. Check this out." Boom. People go, "Ooo, that tastes good." The
schizandra, that note of the schizandra. It's the five-flavor fruit. It's got the salty, bitter,
pungent, spicy and sweet. It's all of it together. Wow. And then goji, what it is, is it's history
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and it's longevity qualities. By the way, like beet it has that methylation quality. It cleans your
liver out. Incredible.

Then we go into the superherbs a little bit deeper. Once we get those superfoods in, we've got
the food sorted out, we've got the superfoods, then we go into the superherbs. And to me that's
where it's going to happen. The immunological food. A superherb is differentiated by this
particular principle. It's not echinacea. Echinacea only pushes your immune system up. It's
dual-directional. Reishi mushroom is dual-directional. If your immune system is under-
functioning it helps to build it up; if it is not functioning at all or it's overreacting, it modulates
it and brings it in. It's dual-directional. So is astragalus. Chaga. Dual-directional. It's one of
those. What else is in that boat? Schizandra is in that same thing. Do you need all of these
things? If you can understand it, if it makes sense, yeah, do it all; if you don't understand it, if it
is new to you, pick one.

Reishi mushroom by itself is extraordinarily powerful. It's the most well-studied plant in the
history of the world. Reishi mushroom is the most well-studied herb [pronounced "erb"], erb.
Erbs. [laughter] "It's herbs [with a hard h; putting on an aristocratic attitude and British
accent]. Excuse me, my dear chap. It's herbs." It's the most well-studied herb in the history of
the world. It's had more research on it, hundreds of thousands of studies have been done on it. I
don't know about you, I'm taking that just on that. If it was nothing, if it was horrible, if it did
nothing then there wouldn't be any studies on it. Right? That's the logic. Yet here it is. I found
the Reishi mushroom all over. You remember what I said yesterday? Take good heed of it. It's
found in every forested ecosystem in the world. What an amazing thing. And I don't want you
to get any weird ideas that mushrooms have anything to do with UFOs [referring to photo on
screen where the Reishi mushroom looks like a UFO]. [laughter] That would be just we
would have gone too far at that point.

What are some other ones? I really like the Pau d'Arco-Cat's Claw combination, that great
Amazonian combination. Pau d'Arco. How is that spelled? P-a-u, d apostrophe A-r-c-o, like a
tea cut like that [on screen], and then Cat's Claw (Ua de Gato), that combination. Pau d'Arco
is really antifungal, a little antiviral; Cat's Claw is mostly antiviral, a little bit antifungal and
they match over each other. They mirror each other perfectly, so they cover a wide variety of
spectrums and it's delicious, and they have been eaten with chocolate for thousands of years.
Is that good? Yes.
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And here we go on some other stuff. Ho Shou Wu. They lived 5,000 years ago. They didn't
have TVs, they didn't have cell phones, they didn't have distractions, they didn't have
billboards, they didn't have freeways, they didn't have cars, [unintelligible few words] houses.
They selected that plant as being a super-Yin longevity plant. If that makes sense to me, then I
am going to pay attention to that. I don't care what herb number 333 is. We are never getting
there; it's too far away. I don't care what herb number 1,111 is; I'm not getting there, and
neither are you. I want to know what herb #1 is. I want to know what, in Chinese medicine, I
want to know what is the #1 longevity herb. What is it? And it's Ho Shou Wu. And I'll take
that. And it's delicious. Amazing. Actually Ho Shou Wu tea is like, it changed my life. Ho
Shou Wu/vanilla/Cat's Claw/Pau d'Arco/goji berry tea. [audience: Oooooo!] Yeah. It's like,
"Ooooo. That's good." The Taoist immortals, these dudes lived to be 200, 256. Li Ching-Yuen
lived to be 256 years old. He was trained by dudes who lived to be 300. They were basically
people who didn't need calories. They were like breatharians who didn't need calories, but they
inoculated themselves with the herbal medicines of their environment, and the way they did
that primarily was through living in high mountain regions in caves where they were grounded,
being exposed to the elements, drinking only glacier melt or spring water, and making tea with
all the goodies in it the ginsengs, the goji berry, the schizandra berry, the Ho Shou Wu,
whatever was there.

I never got that logic until years later. I just started making vanilla tea, because I wanted to
mimic the vibration of coconut water, and I used to have to go to Tijuana to get coconut water.
This was back before 9/11 and all that. We used to go across and I'd come back with like 24
coconuts on each arm, and it was like just everything I could do to get across the border.
Sometimes I would even drive over there and just fill up my whole car with coconuts and drive
back. I think the limit was 50 at that time that you could bring back across the border. And then
I'd just stock my refrigerator with like, real Guadalajara coconuts. Boom, stock the refrigerator
and then it was just awesome until they ran out. Because that was the best basis for everything.
This was before the coconut water craze, any of this was going on.

And then I ran out and I started traveling too much and all of a sudden I was like, "I've got to
How do I get that vibe?" and somehow I locked onto vanilla bean tea, actually take real whole
vanilla beans, dice them up, make a tea out of it, then take them, put them in old olive jars or in
an old container, put them in the back of the fridge where they are almost ice cold. Then I
would start to open that up, and I'd taste it, and guess what the flavor is? Cream soda. That's
where the flavor comes from. I'm like, "I've had that!" It was one of those like, "I've had that
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before. What is it? Cream soda." New York City. Vanilla tea, ice cold, in the back of the
fridge. That's an amazing thing. And then I started using that as the base, and then all of a
sudden I was like, "Maybe I could put something else in there," and I started using other herbs.
The next thing you know, that whole thing opened for me of tea-making.

Teabags. They don't go very far. It's a great place to start, but you don't want to go all the way
into that with everything you have got because you get that much [sic; indicates with his hands
he means "such a small amount"]. You want to be able to just, like, do bulk. You throw the
vanilla, you dice it up, you throw the goji berries in there, those are my Chagas and Reishis
[indicates photo on screen], you can see the herbs I have from the forest hanging out behind
there, like you see the mugwort hanging there. That's a Lion's Mane right next to my right arm,
so I'm taking little bits of that.

It goes into my 16-liter stainless steel it's actually 316 TI stainless steel. Saladmaster. It's the
best cookware I've been able to find. They are amazing. And on a wood-burning stove, I went
directly to heaven the first day we brought Reishi up on that stove. I found Reishi in the forest.
I was down, dejected. We had been walking back and forth, across. [indicates photo on screen]
That's the name of that type of cookware. That is what you want right there. The Saladmaster
Surgical Stainless Steel 316 TI. TI for titanium. I am walking back and forth across the forest
with a friend of mine. This is on November 15, 2005. The first time I had ever found Reishi
mushroom was that day, but we were down and dejected because we found nothing. She is
like, "I know it is in this part of the forest. Like, I don't know where it is. I don't know what's
going on." We are three hours combing back and forth. Nothing. Finally, we gave up. We're
like [pantomimes breaking down and crying, then looking down and showing surprise] The
tree had fallen over. Literally I took two steps and it was at my feet. I was there. And I saw
something that was bone smooth and blood red, which is an unusual color in the forest. It's not
a color you see. And then I was like, there they were ten of them, racked up like that. Those
were my first two [sic] Reishi mushrooms I ever found.

We took them back, got them on that wood-burning stove, broke them into pieces, put them in
there, all spring water, fresh spring water. It tasted like hot butter. I was like, "What is this?"
That totally hooked me. Next thing you know, boom, the Chaga thing came in, hunting all
these mushrooms in the forest. It's all just gone to a whole 'nother level. There is something
about these medicinal mushrooms that help to connect us to something that really keeps us here
and wanting to live. One of the reasons why we are so enamored with Harry Potter, and we are
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so enamored with J. R. R. Tolkien, is because we sense that there is a realm that is near us
where there are denizens that inhabit that realm that are not like us, but similar. Gnomes,
dwarves, elves, places where magic still occurs. But we can't quite get there. But there is a
bridge that carries us to it. There is a stairway to heaven, and it's the mushroom kingdom. The
mushroom kingdom inhabits that in-between realm and connects us to that magic, which when
you are dealing with traffic in Toronto on a cold winter, icy, slushy day and you have got your
fresh Reishi tea and you are drinking that, you are connected to that magic, you are out of the
doom and gloom report, happiness is there, and suddenly you are having the best day ever in
spite of everything that is going on. [applause and cheers]

Thousands of years of being consumed by the great sages. Thousands of years. So that is
something I put into the mix. Absolutely. If it has that history. Reishi, Ho Shou Wu, Chaga,
schizandra, shilajit, Tulsi (the holy basil), ashwagandha. You know what they say in Ayurveda:
"If you don't have a Tulsi in front of your house, you don't even have a house." You know
what's interesting? We put one in front of the house. We put two of them in front of the house.
It moved.

I have never seen anything like this. Let me tell you this story. This is something you find out.
Anything I am talking about here Chaga, Reishi, any of that stuff I have either wildcrafted
it or grown it myself. Tulsi, grown it myself; ashwagandha, grown it myself; noni, grown it
myself; mango, grown it myself. That's how I feel about these things. I don't have the right to
be up here unless I have actually grown it. How would I know about it?

Here is what I notice with Tulsi. Put Tulsi up in front of the house. It didn't like it there. So all
of a sudden I see that it moved. Like, there are little Tulsi plants growing halfway down the
driveway with the coconut. Then all of a sudden it's halfway down the driveway again with
another coconut, right around the base of a coconut. Next thing I knew, it moved itself right
into the garden, and then it just set itself up there. It's been growing there for years. It moved! It
went to where it wanted to be and stayed there. That would trip me out. Tulsi. Right? It's holy
basil. It's not basil. It's something different. There is a consciousness. Something is going on
there. It's magic, and it is that preeminent female superherb.

Mangosteen rind is one of those. It's in that it's preeminent. It's the most anti-arthritic thing I
know of other than eucommia. The eucommia/mangosteen rind. Try that on for size. There is
billions of dollars in research gone into just a couple extracts of mangosteen rind. Well, you
can get it yourself. Right now in Hawaii it's in season. We are so fortunate. There are a lot of
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Americans in this room. How many Americans in the room? How many people can cross the
border without some kind of, like, interrogation? Okay. So you can get to Hawaii relatively
easily. You get to Hawaii and everything is there. Durian now. Mangosteen. And this is a trip:
you go and you eat the mangosteen, but instead of throwing the rind away like you normally
peel an orange and throw it [the rind] away, you don't throw it away; you actually take the rind
and you put it right into your tea directly. You take the rind and you dry it and crush it to a
powder and put it right into chocolates. Boom. One of the most powerful medicinal substances,
but it's not the fruit itself. It is its carp, its skin, its rind. It's the part on the outside. It's the
queen of fruits, but the queen is tricky. The king is like the king on a chessboard it just has
one move. That's durian. It's a pretty good move. For those of you who know durian, it's a good
move. But the queen has every move except one. The knight. Who is the knight on the
chessboard? Cacao! [laughter] It has the weird move. It's zany.

How do you deliver these things? It's like, "Oh yeah. Superherbs. Yeah. Holy basil, yeah, right,
ashwagandha, that's the best thing ever, and Ho Shou Wu, yeah, we wrote that down," and then
all of a sudden you are home and you're like, "What do we do with this stuff?" [laughter] "How
do we? What?" This is what you do: you get the chessboard out, you take your best piece,
the horse the knight, which is chocolate and you mix everything with chocolate. [applause]
It's the deliverer. It's the dilator. You'll eat it if it's in chocolate.

One time we were in Calgary. Where is Malcolm at? We are at the Light Cellar. There's
Malcolm right there. So he loads us up with all kinds of chocolates, including massive amounts
of schizandra chocolate. And as the bag got lower and lower and lower, the only ones left were
the schizandra chocolate, because it was just a little bit too strong. We still ate 'em. It was one
of those things where it's just like, "Yep. Whatever." Because if it's chocolate, you'll eat it. The
biggest challenge with herbalism, the biggest challenge with your strategy, with your protocols
and your program, the biggest challenge is compliance actually doing it. It's the biggest
challenge: will you actually do it? The best way to actually do it? Mix everything in chocolate.

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