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Network Troubleshooting tips

1. IDENTIFY/ Physical Interfaces:

Fully understand, clearly identify and verify the physical connections that data is to
flow/move thru/over the network.

Is the medium wired (Cat5/6 Ethernet), wireless (2.4Ghz, 5.8Ghz, 900Mhz, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
radio), (3G/4G, LTE; USB dongle or PCI card), Fiber Optic (singleMode/multimode 1G or 10G
SFP, DSL)? What is Public/WAN? Private/LAN? Are the end points well-connected, powered
and functioning? Fully plugged in? Are Lights flashing?

In Winbox Interfaces> is the interface clearly labelled for purpose? Does it have R for running,
does it show data counting? In the case of Wireless>Wireless is it connected ess? Show clear
radio names in registration table? Are you combing different interfaces into one logical
network? Do you need to Bridge? Does your equipment have Switch chips for wire speed
connections?(master/slave interfaces)

2. Network Addresses:
for each physical interface/ Logical segment of the network, does it have correct IP
address/subnet assigned?

In Winbox IP>Addresses Is it statically assigned on the interface Ie on

interface Ether1? Are you receiving/listening for an IP on an interface? IP>DHCP client on
the correct interface? Does this network segment need to give out IP addresses? IP>DHCP
server. (remember the IP must always be on the highest level interface ie bridge, switch, Mesh)

3. Routes:
There must be a route for each packet (DST address) of data to go; (they must be a route
back as well) IP>Routes

There must be a Default route with Gateway (IP of next upstream router) on the
public/WAN side interface. Do you have a route for each network? DAC or AS Are you
Masquerading a private network to Public? IP>Firewall>NAT out interface= the public side of
your network Action=Masquerade For internet; DNS (Domain Name System) IP>DNS
Dynamic?(DHCPclient Yes) or Static from ISP? are you sharing that? (allow remote request

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