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Sir Kevin

I have just returned from my holiday in Greece at the Hotel Athens in Hania,
Crete that you expressly recommended. Unfortunately, neither your
recommendations nor those of the holiday brochure coincided with reality.
Firstly, the hotel was not "alongside the beach" but in a very seedy and run
down area of the city. The area close to the hotel was not "quiet and relaxing
with only the cries of gulls and whisper of the waves on the beach" but loud
with the continuous rattling of pneumatic drills by day and drunken Greeks
at night!

Secondly, there was no "good-sized swimming-pool shaded by palms" but a

dirty, deep hole in the ground with no water in it and not one palm tree to
be found!

Lastly, the hotel room did not "boast an ample balcony with views of leaping
porpoises in the bay", in fact; I could not see anything from my bedroom
window except the stone wall of the block of flats 5 metres from my invisible

As you may imagine, due to the obvious distress these revelations caused me
after embarking on this holiday with such high expectations (raised by you),
I trust that you will not be surprised that I shall be consulting my lawyers about
taking further action against you.

Yours cordially
Brenda Enriquez

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