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URPG Combat system Version 1.1
Table of Contents:

1: Main Status workings

2: Attributes and pertaining formulae
3: The Grid
4: Equipment
5: Turn order and workings
6: Actual combat

1: Main Status Workings

Taking the usual role of health is Vitality; A set amount of points representing how far a character is from not being
able to fight any longer. All standard attacks reduce the opponents vitality, as well as many spellcards. Once this hits
zero, a character unconscious ( or dead, depending on the story) and no longer fights or otherwise takes action.

Next is Essence, which is spent chiefly for activating spellcards. This could be compared to mana, but spellcards are
not neccesarily magic. Essence can be actively replenished.

The final main stat is Action Points. These dictate how much a character can do in a turn. Unlike the previous two, it
is spent and replenished each round ( baring special rules ) for the character to use again. How this works is explai-
ned more in part four.

2: Attributes and pertaining formulae

There are seven attributes governing stats in URPG:

Strength - improving melee attacks and carry weight.

> Melee base damage: [(STR*2)%] -- Bonus carry weight: (STR*10)

Skill improving ranged attacks and critical damage amount.

> Ranged base damage: [(SKI*2)%] -- Critical damage amount: [(SKI*10)%]

Agility Turn order and dodge chance; it also determines

> Turn order : highest to lowest -- Dodge chance :

Command improves Action points

Action point formula: Action point total = 500 + Com + (Com * lvl)

Endurance improves Vitality points

Vitality point formula: Vitality point total = 1000 + (2*End) + (End * lvl)

Proficiency improves Essence points

Essence point formula: Essence point total = 500 + Prof + (Prof * lvl)

Luck Critical chance

Critical chance is % = Luck / 2
At level one, a character is given 56 points to divide between the attributes, and at subsequent levels are given
seventeen more.
Furthermore, starting characters choose three spheres of abilities that they can earn (spellcards), the civilization they
come from affects how of these can be magical abilities (MA) or technical abilities(TA).

3: The Grid

Most fights play out on a grid of hexagon spaces. Each teams grid is composed of three rows, the first (close ran-
ge) is five hexs, the second is eleven, the third: four. The two opposing teams close range are considered adjacent.

Note that melee weapons have certain penalties depending on how far away their target is.
One or two spaces, no penalty.
Three or four spaces, -25% damage.
More, -25% damage and double AP cost.
Furthermore, characters can move a space with a certain standard action, and with this they may move into the op-
posing grid, but only if there are no opponents in the row that they are moving into.

4: Equipment

There are some things that every piece of a certain category has.

For weapons:
Damage: The base damage that this weapon inflicts on an enemy, depending on the type of weapon (melee or
ranged) the characters strength or skill attribute is added to this.
Action Cost: How many action points must be spent to attack with the weapon.
Weight: Currently cosmetic, but will perhaps later have strength or dual-wielding restrictions.
Ammo consume: How much ammunition is used in a single attack (only for ranged weapons)
Magazine: How much can be used before the weapon must be reloaded (Only for ranged weapons)
Ammo Type: Currently cosmetic, will perhaps later have consequence.
Pierce: Reduction of how much the targets armor reducing the damage. This is a straight numerical effect. I.E. A wea-
pon with 20% pierce against armor with 50% reduction will only be reduced by 30%, not 40%.
Special Rules: Non-standard, or rule-changing functions of the weapon. I.E. The shotgun has the same range penal-
ties as a melee weapons.
For Armor:
Damage reduction: The percentage by which the armor reduces incoming damage.
Special Rules: Non-standard, or rule-changing functions of the armor. I.E. Armor that gives a boost to dodge chance.

5: Turn order and workings

Now, in every turn the players will choose actions to make until they have spent all the action points that they can.

Attack: Variable cost, a standard attack against a target.

Guard: 150 points, reduces incoming attack damage by 50%
Move: 50 points, simply moves one hex on the grid
Replenish: 100 points, used to either reload a weapon or recharge 10% of the characters essence.
Wait: 25 points, dont do anything. (Yes there can be a point to doing so)
Spellcard: Variable cost, use a spellcard at the cost of essence. Highly variable in effect, for obvious reasons.

Obviously, many actions can be taken in a turn. They arent going to happen all at once, so the player will put them
in the order they want them to occur in, and all characters will perform their actions in order: every characters first
action, every characters second action, and so on. This means that there can be players who perform more actions
due to how they spend their points.

A diagram of sorts:
Eric: [---replenish: 100---][---attack: 75---][---attack: 75---][--attack: 75---][---attack: 75--][--attack: 75---]
James: [---attack: 100---][-------guard: 150--------------][------------guard: 150--------][-----attack: 100-------]

Note about guarding: guarding will reduce all damage for the set that it is in ( I.e. the first set of actions), not for
any others. Also, any guarding is considered active for an entire set, even if the character would otherwise act after

For what order actually perform the characters actions in a single set, use descending order of agility. If there is a tie,
use this table:
Ranged before melee
Lighter weights before heavier
High Command before low
High Luck before low
If its still a tie . . . flip a coin, or something.

6: Actual Combat

Here are more in-depth explanations of the actions mentioned above.

Attacking is still fairly straight forward. Take the base damage given with the weapon, add the characters strength
attribute is a melee weapon, skill if a ranged weapon. Roll for dodge chance and critical chance. If the dodge roll
succeeds (is within the chance given by targets agility / 2) the attack is dodged, so nothing more happens. If the cri-
tical roll succeeds (is within the chance given by the attackers luck / 2) then the attack inflicts 150% damage. Finally,
account for armor protection (and weapon pierce). The final number is deduced from the targets Vitality.

Guarding was explained already, but to repeat: guarding reduces incoming attack damage by 50%. Guarding will
reduce all damage for the set that it is in ( I.e. the first set of actions), not for any others. Also, any guarding is consi-
dered active for an entire set, even if the character would otherwise act after another.

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