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At the Feet of Jesus

At the feet of Jesus, I happily come,

He, my Friend, Who cares day and night,
Cares like no man can even fathom,
Sits beside me and bears my plight.

At the feet of Jesus, I come and learn,

Great Rabbi, Whose going forths are eternal,
Teaches truths that forever dwell,
And makes me for Him richly yearn.

At the feet of Jesus I cling crying,

His peace to the brokenhearted are comforting,
Bears the burden in blood, toil, sweat, and tears,
And lovingly, the prayers He hears.

At the feet of Jesus I ask for rest,

He, Whose yoke is easy and burden is light,
Tends this sheep with earnest,
And leads me into the right.

At the feet of Jesus I now stand,

Rest assured in His finished work at Calvary,
Nothing can separate me, not even my hair strand,
Through Him, Whose love covers me eternally.

At the feet of Jesus I humbly bow,

The Faithful and True Witness,
The Amen of our hope, then and now,
Worthy of all magnification, majesty and praise.

Unto Him be the Highest honor,

At His feet, fall down every knee,
His Name be praised in every corner,
Unto Him, my Saviour and God, be all the glory!

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