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Ref. 172/05 Article No.

June - 2005

Symposium on Pediatric Cardiology-I

Univentricular Heart: Management Options

Usha Krishnan

Pediatric Cardiology, NY Medical College, Maria Fareri Children Hospital, Valhalla, NY.

Abstract. The term Univentricular Heart encompasses a wide variety of heart defects that functionally and physiologically
constitute a single ventricular chamber. The terminology univentricular repair is frequently used in the surgical literature to
include those biventricular hearts that are not amenable for a final two ventricle repair and need to go through the same surgical
stages as with a functionally univentricular heart, culminating finally in a total cavo-pulmonary connection. Broadly, treatment
is focused on controlling the pulmonary blood flow in early infancy, by means of aorto-pulmonary shunting in pulmonary atresia
or stenosis, and pulmonary artery banding or pulmonary artery disconnection with aorto-pulmonary shunt placement in high
pulmonary blood flow situations. Concomitant repair of other associated conditions is required. Babies with hypoplastic left heart
physiology undergo staged Norwood repair resulting in an eventual total cavo-pulmonary connection with the RV functioning
as the systemic ventricle. In this review, medical and surgical management of these patients will be discussed, after a brief
discussion of nomenclature, anatomic and physiologic considerations.
[Indian J Pediatr 2005; 72 (6) : 519-524] E-mail: usha_krishnan

Key words: Univentricular heart; Superior and total cavo-pulmonary connections; Norwood repair; Bi-directional Glenn and
Fontan procedures.

Univentricular heart (UVH) is a term used to describe a review articles for morphology and classification of UVH.
wide variety of structural cardiac abnormalities associated The physiology of UVH in a neonate depends upon
with a functional single ventricular chamber.1 There has certain key anatomical factors.
been considerable controversy over the nomenclature and These are:
classification of these complex conditions.1-4 Van Praagh et 1. Obstruction to systemic or pulmonary outflows.
al define UVH as one ventricular chamber that receives 2. Obstruction to ventricular inflow and atrial septum
both tricuspid and mitral valves or a common and abnormal systemic or pulmonary venous return.
atrioventricular (AV) valve. 2 Anderson et al suggest that 3. Amount of pulmonary blood flow and pulmonary
the entire atrioventricular junction is connected to one vascular resistance.
ventricular mass, thus including hearts with tricuspid or 4. A-V valve regurgitation.
mitral atresia, which are excluded in Van Praaghs
definition.1,4 The consensus of the STS- Congenital Heart OBSTRUCTION TO SYSTEMIC OUTFLOW
Surgery and the European study group database
proposed that the nomenclature of UVH should include When there is severe obstruction to systemic outflow
double inlet left and right ventricles, absence of one AV (HLHS and its variants, UVH with severe aortic valve or
connection, common AV valves, and hearts with only one arch obstruction), the neonate is dependent on the ductus
well developed ventricle as unbalanced AV canal and arteriosus for maintaining systemic output. If the
complex conditions with heterotaxy syndromes.3 This diagnosis is made antenatally, delivery should be
incorporates both the segmental approach by Van Praagh conducted at a center capable of neonatal surgery, and the
and the sequential approach by Anderson, and uses a baby started on prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) immediately
descriptive format to define the anatomy in such patients. after birth, in order to maintain ductal patency. If
This nomenclature does not include hypoplastic left heart undiagnosed previously, these infants often have a
syndrome (HLHS), pulmonary atresia with intact catastrophic presentation, with severe acidosis and shock,
ventricular septum and certain other biventricular hearts secondary to ductal closure and loss of cardiac output.
which also undergo the stages of univentricular repair. Therefore, a high index of suspicion is necessary to seek
Medical management of these patients requires a out congenital heart disease as a cause of such
thorough understanding of the physiology of these presentation, and to differentiate it from sepsis or
conditions which in turn is dependent on the anatomy. neonatal metabolic problems leading to acidosis and
The reader is referred to various excellent textbooks and shock. These babies are usually asymptomatic during the
Correspondence and Reprint requests : Dr. Usha Krishnan, Asst first few days of life until the ductus closes down. A
Professor, Pediatric Cardiology, NY Medical College, Maria Fareri careful 4 limb blood pressure evaluation done prior to
Childrens Hospital, 618 Munger Pavilion, Valhalla, NY 10595. discharge from the newborn nursery may reveal a
Fax : 1 914 594 4513 discrepancy between arms and legs, and suggest further

Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72June, 2005 519

Usha Krishnan

evaluation. Four limb pulse oximetry is an important and leads to elevated pulmonary vascular resistance from
investigation and an oxygen saturation difference back pressure. Similarly, in tricuspid atresia, a restrictive
between the upper and lower limbs suggests pulmonary ASD causes signs of systemic venous obstruction. The
origin of the leg blood supply, even before ductal closure atrial septal defect needs to be widened either by balloon
and BP differences become apparent. This would facilitate septostomy prior to surgery or by surgical resection of the
diagnosis of these patients at an appropriate time, even atrial septum during the first stage of repair.
before the PDA closes and clinical deterioration sets in.5
Physiologically, there is complete mixing of blood within IDEAL PULMONARY BLOOD FLOW.
the heart at the atrial and ventricular levels, with all the
blood ejected through the pulmonary valve and An ideal patient with UVH should have good ventricular
distributed to the pulmonary and systemic beds by the function, unobstructed venous return, unrestrictive ASD
pulmonary artery branches and PDA respectively. 6 The and optimal pulmonary blood flow.9 This situation is
balance of resistances in these 2 circulations determines rarely found in patients with UVH variants and PS, where
the blood flow. the amount of pulmonary blood flow is just enough to
prevent severe cyanosis as well as avoid development of
OBSTRUCTION TO PULMONARY OUTFLOW: pulmonary vascular disease. Patients with tricuspid
atresia and pulmonary stenosis occasionally have
UVH with critical pulmonary outflow obstruction optimal pulmonary flow which allows for the patient to
(usually in the form of pulmonary atresia) is an important wait and undergo a superior cavo-pulmonary connection
ductal dependent neonatal congenital heart disease. If or even a direct Fontan procedure during early
associated with heterotaxy syndromes, there may be other childhood, without going through staged repair. Such
critical associated abnormalities of systemic and fortuitous situations are not common. In patients with
pulmonary venous return and systemic abnormalities.1,2 aortic obstruction, often pulmonary blood flow is
Presentation is usually not as catastrophic as with HLHS, unrestricted and since the pulmonary and systemic
as the neonatal cyanosis is often apparent as the PDA outputs are interdependent, this situation leads to
starts to close, and diagnosis may be made prior to excessive pulmonary blood flow and consequently, low
hospital discharge. Pulse oximetry done prior to hospital cardiac output and hemodynamic decompensation.
discharge will detect cyanosis before it gets apparent to Similarly, when the ductus is kept open, to supply either
the naked eye and suggest further evaluation before the systemic or pulmonary circulation, the patients
cardiac decompensation occurs.5 In this situation, there is pulmonary blood flow has to be very carefully fine tuned
complete mixing of blood within the heart and the degree in the pre-operative period in order to maintain
of cyanosis depends on the severity of pulmonary appropriate cardiac output.6
stenosis. Once the ductus is opened using PGE2, the
pulmonary and systemic circulations become THE GOAL OF CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES
interdependent on each other, and the resistances in the
two circulations determine the amount of flow. The single most important principle in UV circulation is
Additionally, anatomic obstructions along the pulmonary that the systemic and pulmonary circulations balance
vascular tree would further influence pulmonary blood each other and this critical balance is maintained by the
flow and distribution. ratios of the respective resistances. The goal of initial
surgical palliation is to provide unobstructed systemic
OBSTRUCTION TO SYSTEMIC OR PULMONARY outflow, restricted pulmonary blood flow to maintain
VENOUS RETURN OR VENTRICULAR INFLOWS: normal pulmonary pressures and unobstructed systemic
and pulmonary venous return to the heart.
Systemic and pulmonary venous abnormalities are often Patients with UVH and pulmonary atresia or critical
seen in association with other complex congenital cardiac stenosis undergo aortopulmonary shunting. If the
anomalies and especially with heterotaxy syndrome. 7,8 pulmonary vascular tree is suspected to be inadequate or
Pulmonary venous obstructions cause severe pulmonary abnormal, a pre-operative angiography to delineate the
hypertension because of backpressure into the pulmonary pulmonary arterial tree is performed. The smallest size
capillary bed and need to be detected early and corrected shunt that will allow enough pulmonary circulation to
during surgery.8 Severe mitral or tricuspid stenosis or maintain saturations in the low 80s is placed.
atresia may be a component of the UVH. In order to Management in the ICU involves ventilator care and
ensure unobstructed communication between the two manipulating the systemic Vs pulmonary resistances
venous inflows and the single ventricular chamber, an especially if a larger size shunt is placed. In such
unrestricted atrial septal defect is necessary for egress of situations, the baby may need diuresis and anti failure
blood from the atrial chamber with the obstructed valve. management in the initial few months until the baby
In the presence of mitral atresia, a restrictive ASD acts grows into the shunt. Very small shunts run the risk of
physiologically similar to pulmonary venous obstruction acute blockade and thrombosis and usually babies with

520 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72June, 2005

Univentricular Heart: Management Options

shunts are maintained on aspirin for its anti-platelet effect. and thus pressures in the venous circuit. This has been
A baby with pulmonary atresia and pulmonary shown to reduce the incidence and length of effusions
circulation solely via aortopulmonary collaterals is a which are related to high venous pressures and early
potentially difficult management situation as surgery Fontan failures. 12 Patients may run lower oxygen
would entail unifocalization of the collaterals along with saturations due to right to left shunting across the
staged procedures leading to a total cavo-pulmonary fenestration. These fenestrations can be closed with
connection (TCPC). Such procedures are exceedingly high devices, using transcatheter techniques, months to years
risk and may not be feasible or advisable in our setting. later, once systemic venous pressures are demonstrated to
Such babies may be referred for a heart- lung transplant in be low by cardiac catheterization. 13 Patients without
the Western world and there is very high mortality fenestrated TCPC may need a subsequent fenestration
awaiting transplant as well as following it. performed because of long standing effusions. Some
The patient then undergoes the next stage of centers perform a transcatheter completion of Fontan,
procedure, the Bi-directional Glenn or the superior cavo- where a covered stent from the SVC to the IVC is used to
pulmonary shunting at around 6 months of age. Cardiac complete the Fontan baffle. 14,15 Such patients are
catheterization is performed in many centers to evaluate prepared during the Glenn or hemi Fontan stage, by
the pulmonary pressures and anatomy of the pulmonary leaving the SVC to RA connection intact and patch closing
tree and to occlude aortopulmonary collaterals that may the atrial opening, for a future transcatheter completion.
complicate the post- Glenn course. Careful attention to the Long term complications following TCPC include atrial
systemic venous anatomy is necessary, especially and ventricular arrhythmias, heart blocks needing dual
evaluation for the presence of a left sided SVC or a levo- chamber pacing, protein losing enteropathy, development
atrio-cardinal vein and its communication with the right of venovenous and arteriovenous communications,
SVC is necessary (using a balloon occlusive injection in the worsening a v valve incompetence and ventricular failure
innominate vein). If such a vein is found, with adequate leading to death or needing cardiac transplantation.
communication with the SVC, it is closed at the time of Patients with unrestricted pulmonary as well as
surgery. If there is no communicating vein, then a bilateral systemic blood flow need initial palliation by means of
bi-directional Glenn is performed, connecting the LSVC to either PA banding or PA disconnection with creation of
the LPA and RSVC to RPA. Any obstructions or an aortopulmonary shunt to limit pulmonary blood flow
distortions to the pulmonary tree because of the previous and achieve normal pulmonary artery pressures. 16,18
shunt or native anatomy are corrected during this repair. Placing a band may lead to development of sub aortic
Opinions vary on the advisability of leaving some stenosis or narrowing of a bulboventricular foramen, and
forward flow through the pulmonary valve creating a may need to be tackled in the second stage surgery by
pulsatile Glenn.10 Proponents argue that the pulsatility either sub aortic resection or a DamusKayeStansel
allows continues normal growth of the pulmonary tree, procedure.16 It has been shown that long standing PA
whereas opponents contend that the additional blood bands are associated with worse outcomes after the
flow hampers the smooth flow from the SVC to the Fontan procedure.18 It may be difficult to accurately judge
pulmonary arteries by increasing the pulmonary artery the effectiveness of a band in restricting pulmonary
pressures and creating competing flow. The final stage of circulation, especially in very young infants with high
conversion from a parallel circulation to one in series pulmonary resistances. Even though such infants are
is the total cavo-pulmonary connection (TCPC) or Fontan allowed to grow into their bands, the residual
procedure. This is ideally performed between 18 months pulmonary pressures and resistances may be high and
to 4 years of age. Most anatomical details are obtained on lead to a much worse outcome after completion of
echocardiography, including a-v valve competence and Fontan.19 It has been suggested by Chowdhury et al that
adequacy; inter-atrial communication adequacy, systemic patients with mean PA pressures more than 25mm and
and pulmonary venous return and presence of collaterals. resistance more than 4 wood units are poor candidates for
Cardiac catheterization is performed in most centers to TCPC, with high morbiditiy and mortality, and the PA
evaluate the pulmonary pressures and resistances, to banding should be considered as final palliation in such
occlude aorto-pulmonary or systemic venous collaterals patients.19
and evaluate ventricular function and end diastolic Systemic Outflow obstructions associated with UVH
pressures. TCPC can be performed using either extra usually necessitate Norwood Procedure or its variations
cardiac conduit between the IVC to the PA or an intra- for repair. (Fig 1) The Norwood repair involves
cardiac baffle. 11 The extra cardiac TCPC is now the conversion of the pulmonary artery into the systemic
procedure of choice in most centers as studies have shown artery or neo-aorta. The small native aorta is
a reduced incidence of new onset arrhythmias as anastomosed to the neo aorta and serves to carry blood
compared to the lateral tunnel procedure.11 A fenestration retrograde to the coronary arteries. The aortic arch is
is usually placed in between the conduit and the atrium to augmented and then connected to the neoaorta. The
allow for a pop off especially during the early post- branch pulmonary arteries are transected and connected
operative period, when the PA pressures may be higher to the systemic circulation by means of a Gore-Tex shunt.

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Usha Krishnan

Fig 1. Diagrammatic Representation of the Norwood Stage 1

surgery for Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, involving Fig 2. Diagrammatic Representation of the Hybrid Procedure,
connection between the PA and the dimunitive ascending Ductal stenting to create the arch, ASD stenting to keep the
aorta, arch repair and aorto-pulmonary shunting, with PA ASD open, bilateral branch PA banding.
distally disconnected.

Fig 4. Stage 3: Extracardiac total cavo-pulmonary connection

Fig 3. Norwood stage 2- Bilateral SVC-PA Connection (Glenn) (Fontan)

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Univentricular Heart: Management Options

Fig. 6. Same patient, after an ASD stent placement to keep the

Fig. 5. Pulmonary angiogram revealing the stented ductal arch, closing foramen open.
and banded branch Pas, constituting the hybrid procedure.

The smallest shunt size to supply enough pulmonary arrest. To date, this procedure has been used in higher
blood flow to maintain normal PA pressures and systemic surgical risk babies- namely, those with ventricular
circulation in the high 70s to low 80s is placed. The baby dysfunction, late presentation in shock or prolonged
is ventilated in the post operative period with a strategy acidosis and those with very diminutive ascending aortas
to maintain the PCO2 in the 50s and PO2 in the 40s range. where repair may be associated with very high mortality.
This ensures that the pulmonary arterial resistance is In the future, as further data is obtained, the risks and
maintained on the higher side, to prevent pulmonary over benefits of this procedure will become more apparent.
circulation, which would be at the expense of systemic The second stage of Norwood procedure, namely the
output. A recent modification of this procedure, superior cavo-pulmonary connection is guided by the
popularized by Sano et al involves using a RV to PA same principles as previously mentioned. When the
Gore-Tex shunt to supply the pulmonary arteries rather transcatheter procedure is used for the first stage, the
than an aorto-pulmonary shunt.20 This modification has second stage repair becomes more complex, involving
been shown by Norwood himself, to improve the extensive aortic reconstruction, as well as pulmonary
outcome and make postoperative ventilation easier to artery reconstruction, and removal of the ductal (and
handle.21 The RV to PA shunt avoids the diastolic run-off atrial) stents. The final stage of Norwood procedure is the
that happens in aorto-pulmonary shunts, which lead to TCPC with resultant separation of the systemic and
compromised coronary flow and poor ventricular pulmonary circulations. It must be noted that the long
myocardial perfusion and ultimately death. 20,21 A term outlook for a single left ventricle is better than a
combined catheterization and surgical approach to single ventricle of RV morphology.
achieve the same goals has been performed in some In conclusion, the clinical presentation in patients with
centers.22 In this hybrid approach, the neo-aortic arch is a single ventricle depends on the physiology of the
created by stenting the ductus (Figure 2). This ensures systemic and pulmonary circulations. A thorough
continued presence of a ductal arch to function as a knowledge of the anatomic variables involved,
new systemic arch. The arch vessels and coronaries are anticipatory management of the problems involved is
perfused by reterograde flow. The atrial septal defect is required for improvement in outcome. Balance of the
widened by septostomy or stenting the ASD if required. systemic and pulmonary circulations to maintain cardiac
The branch pulmonary arteries are initially individually output and oxygenation is necessary both in the pre and
banded in a closed heart procedure, to limit pulmonary post-operative periods in the neonate with UVH.
blood flow. This hybrid procedure offers the Management of subsequent stages of repair has also
physiological results of a Norwood surgical procedure, undergone multiple modifications, with the goal of
without subjecting these ventricles to cardio-pulmonary achieving a perfect palliation and prevention of long
bypass, and the neonate to deep hypothermic circulatory term complications associated with the Fontan procedure.

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Usha Krishnan

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