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Concepts of Geometry Name ______________________________

Unit 02: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Unit 02
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Assignment Date Concept Pages
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#1 Slope & Equations of Lines 1-3

Equations of Parallel and

#2 Perpendicular Lines

#3 Segment Additional Postulate 7-9

#4 Midpoint 10-12

#5 Midpoint Day 2 13-16

#6 Distance Formula 17-19

#7 Review 20-23

Learning Targets
LT1 5 pts
I can find the distance between points.
LT2 10 pts
I can determine slopes using the formula.
I can identify parallel and perpendicular lines based on their slopes.
LT3 6 pts
I can write the equation of a parallel line given a point not on a line.
I can write the equation of a perpendicular line of a line through a given point.
LT4 9 pts
I can apply the Segment Addition Postulate to find missing lengths.
I can determine midpoints using the formula.
I can find the coordinate of an endpoint given a midpoint and the other endpoint.

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