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Harvey Y.

Bermudez, CRM
Revelation and Faith
Rev. Msgr. Thomas Guarino


The chapter started by introducing to the readers the beginning and meaning of revelation

and its connection with regards to faith. Revelation has been the basis of every single

denominations and renowned religions in the world in accordance in what they firmly and

steadfastly belief. Most specially to the Christian Religion who believe that God has revealed

Himself through the person of Jesus Christ, making known to the world who God really is. This

were all summed up in their numerous doctrines and dogmas which has become their deposit of

faith and was preserved by the whole Christendom for more than a hundred years already.

But in the twentieth century, Revelation and Faith was greatly questioned by few people,

most of them were contemporary philosophers (e.g. Karl Jung, etc.). There arise the different

concepts and notions which doubted the authenticity and legitimacy of Revelation. Some of them,

to name a few were the inconstancy of Christian Doctrine and the vagueness of the Sacred

Scriptures. Some criticize that it was a product of the imagination and subconscious of the authors

of the bible, due to hallucination and illusions.

The chapter closes with the plan of execution of the subject matter and how it will be dealt

upon in the course of the chapters of the whole book.

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