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Journal of Stored Products Research 45 (2009) 6166

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Chemical and physical methods for the control of the mite Acarus farris on
Cabrales cheese
Ismael Sanchez-Ramos, Pedro Castanera*
CSIC, CIB, Departamento de Biologa de Plantas, Ramiro de Maeztu 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The astigmatid mite Acarus farris is the main species of mite infesting Cabrales cheese, a traditional
Accepted 3 September 2008 Spanish product. This species may reach population density levels of 260 mobile mites/cm2, resulting in
high economic losses. Different chemical and physical methods that were able to control this pest
Keywords: without affecting the organoleptic quality of Cabrales cheese were tested. The efcacy of four short-chain
Acarus farris fatty acids (caproic, caprylic, pelargonic and capric) and two sugar alcohols (ribitol and xylitol) were
Cheese tested under laboratory conditions against mobile stages of A. farris. Only pelargonic acid signicantly
Physical control
increased mortality in comparison with controls (63.4 vs. 26.1%, respectively). Additionally, the contact
Coating products
Antifeedant compounds
effect of the monoterpene eucalyptol was assessed in cheese maturing rooms at doses of 2.5 and
Monoterpenes 1.25 ml/cm2. The rst dose effectively controlled A. farris, but its application negatively affected the
organoleptic values of the treated cheeses. Finally, the application of the waxy food coating READOM
CBR to Cabrales cheeses in maturing rooms, kept the mite population low but negatively modied the
external appearance of the cheese, an important quality parameter.
The physical approach was based on lowering the usual cheese maturing temperature (15  C) to 6, 4 or
2  C. As temperature decreased, A. farris density was drastically reduced from 174  33 mites/cm2 at the
control temperature (15  C) to 14, 11 and 1 mites/cm2 for 6, 4 and 2  C, respectively, though the maturing
time was considerably extended. The feasibility of both chemical and physical methods for the control of
A. farris is discussed.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction years sampling, we have found that the two species of astigmatid
mites infesting Cabrales cheese in maturing caves are Acarus farris
Mites can be found in natural environments from where they (Oudemans) and Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston and Bruce, and
invade stored food (Zdarkova, 1991), infesting a wide variety of that A. farris is the prevalent species, responsible for most of the
foodstuffs and causing one of the most important problems asso- damage produced in Cabrales cheese (Sanchez-Ramos et al.,
ciated with stored food worldwide (Hughes, 1976; Grifths et al., 2007a). This mite species has been recorded infesting a wide
1976; Van Hage-Hamstem and Johansson, 1992). The most variety of cheeses (Grifths, 1964; Hughes, 1976; Wilkin, 1979). As
damaging species of astigmatid mites belong to the family cheese matures, fungi develop on its surface and mite density
Acaridae. increases to high levels causing severe yield losses. The presence of
Mites are particularly devastating in cheese production where, mites on Cabrales cheese reduces the saleability of this high value
in the absence of control measures, weight losses of up to 25% have product due to weight reduction and high labour costs since cheese
been reported (Wilkin, 1979). In Spain, mite damage usually affects must be cleaned before storage at low temperature (24  C) prior to
the traditional blue cheese Cabrales in the natural Asturian caves commercial marketing.
(North of Spain) where it is matured. The environmental conditions The use of chemical methods, such as fumigation treatments
required during the maturing and storing processes of this type of with methyl bromide (now banned under the Montreal protocol)
cheese in natural caves (1015  C and more than 90% relative or application of registered organophosphate insecticides, to
humidity (r.h.)) favour the development of mites. After several control A. farris in Cabrales cheese has been prohibited because
of human health hazards associated with its fresh-cured
consumption. Potential alternatives to the use of organophos-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 1 8373112x4264; fax: 34 1 5360432. phorus pesticides for the control of mite pests in stored
E-mail address: (P. Castanera). commodities has been recently reviewed (Collins, 2006).

0022-474X/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
62 I. Sanchez-Ramos, P. Castanera / Journal of Stored Products Research 45 (2009) 6166

Substances including insect growth regulators, inert dusts, 2.2. Cheeses

botanicals, pyrethroids and other novel materials are discussed
with emphasis on their efcacy against important storage mite The cheeses used for the assays were provided by CAPSA, and
pests. Any chemical or physical methods to be used should not the eld experiments were performed in the maturing cave, located
pose any risk to human health nor should they modify the in Carrena de Cabrales (Asturias, Spain). According to standard
organoleptic characteristics of Cabrales cheese, which are regar- manufacturing procedures, about 30 days after being put into the
ded as essential by Spanish manufacturers. cave cheeses are moistened and wrapped in paper to avoid mois-
The application of natural compounds that have shown ture loss. This routine practice was adopted in the eld experi-
antifeedant activity against acarid mites, such as those ments. The period for maturing cheese ranged between 2 and 3
described by Rodriguez (1972) or Pankiewicz-Nowicka et al. months at about 15  C and 90% r.h., the standard conditions referred
(1986), could be a good alternative. They could be applied to hereafter.
together with coating products in order to improve their
efcacy in controlling mite populations. A common practice in 2.3. Laboratory evaluation of chemical compounds
Spain to control mites in dry-cured ham is to coat hams with
vegetative oil or hot lard (Garca, 2004). Additionally, some Laboratory assays with mites were performed using rearing cells
monoterpenes derived from essential oils of plants have described by Barker (1967). These cells consisted of cavity slides
shown high acaricidal activity both by contact and inhalation (1518 mm cavity diameter and 0.50.8 mm depth of well) with
(Sanchez-Ramos and Castanera, 2001; Isman, 2006) without a glass cover (22  22 mm) and sealed with a drop of water. The
strong modication of the organoleptic characteristics of mites required for each experiment were removed from stock
stored food and with little risk to human health (Perrucci, cultures using a thin camel hair brush and transferred into a cell
1995). together with a brewers yeast ake (about 1.3 mg).
Modications of temperature and humidity conditions are Four short-chain saturated fatty acids (caproic, caprylic, pelar-
considered environmentally friendly physical methods to control gonic and capric) and two sugar alcohols (ribitol and xylitol) were
mites (Zdarkova, 1991). Laboratory assays have shown the suscep- selected for evaluation of their activity against immature A. farris.
tibility of A. farris to r.h. lower than 70% (Sanchez-Ramos et al., These compounds were purchased from the Sigma Chemical Co. (St
2007b; Sanchez-Ramos and Castanera, 2007a). Nevertheless, low Louis, USA). The rearing cells previously described were used to
humidity treatments have failed to control the populations of this perform the assays. To determine the efcacy of the selected
mite on Cabrales cheese (Sanchez-Ramos and Castanera, 2007a) chemicals on survival and duration of immature stages, eggs up to
due to the high water content of the cheeses, which allows their 1-day-old were used. Eggs were obtained by allowing females to lay
survival and development. Different authors have investigated the eggs for <24 h. Mite development was examined every 24 h until
use of temperature changes to control different species of mites on they became adults. The compounds were added to brewers yeast
stored products (Cunnington, 1965, 1976; Burrell and Havers, 1976; akes at doses of 0.01 mg of product per mg of yeast (1% w/w). Fatty
Fields, 1992; Thind and Dunn, 2002). acids were added with a Gilson P2 microtitre pipette in 2 ml of
The aim of this work was to develop food-friendly physical cyclohexane and sugar alcohols were added in 2 ml of distilled
or chemical methods to control A. farris on Cabrales cheese. water. Pure solvents were used as controls. For each treatment, 10
Our efforts were directed to combine the local requirements slides with 10 individuals per slide were used. All assays were
for manufacturing this type of cheese with necessary modi- performed in a SANYO environmental chamber at 15  0.5  C and
cations for controlling mite populations. Accordingly, we 90  5% r.h. and in continuous darkness.
tested physical and chemical methods that might easily be
incorporated into the traditional maturing process. The fatty
acids and sugar alcohols selected were evaluated under 2.4. Assessment of mite density
laboratory conditions. A eld evaluation of the changes in
population density of A. farris was performed in the maturing To establish the relationship between mite density and the
cave under standard conditions by application of a coating of maturing of the cheese, the maturing period was divided into 10-
fatty acid, a monoterpene (eucalyptol) and low temperatures day intervals. For each time interval, 10 cheeses from the maturing
to assess the efcacy and optimum timing for the application cave were used, and ve square samples each of 2.5  2.5 cm were
of these control measures. taken out of each cheese (total area: 31.25 cm2). The samples were
put into plastic vessels containing 20 ml of 96% ethanol. After
2. Material and methods shaking, cheese samples were removed leaving the mites in the
ethanol. The ethanol with the mites was then transferred into
2.1. Mites a 9 cm diameter Petri dish where the number of mites was recorded
using a counting card disk placed under the Petri dish according to
As the prevalent species infesting Cabrales cheese in Asturian the method described by Solomon (1945). Only mobile stages were
caves is A. farris, this mite species was used for all laboratory assays considered since the eggs remained stuck to the cheese samples.
prior to eld experiments. A stock culture of A. farris was estab- Mite density was expressed as number of mobile stages/cm2 of
lished from infested samples of Cabrales cheese obtained from the cheese.
maturing cave of Corporacion Agroalimentaria Penasanta (CAPSA)
(Asturias, Spain). The mites were maintained on brewers yeast and 2.5. Field evaluation of control methods
held in cylindrical plastic cages (12 cm diameter and 5.5 cm height),
each covered with round plastic plates that had a 5 cm diameter The methodology used to study the changes of mite density on
hole in the centre sealed with a lter paper disk for ventilation. The maturing cheese was also applied to establish the population
rearing cages were kept in an environmental chamber (Sanyo MLR- density on treated and untreated cheeses. A rst evaluation was
350H, Sanyo, Japan) at 25  0.5  C, 90  5% r.h. and continuous dark made immediately before the beginning of the treatments to obtain
conditions, within a water-lled plastic tray to prevent escape the initial value. Unless otherwise stated, the nal population
mites. When needed, adults were sexed by observing their density was evaluated after 80 days from the beginning of the
secondary sexual characteristics (Hughes, 1976). maturing process. The values of population density obtained for the
I. Sanchez-Ramos, P. Castanera / Journal of Stored Products Research 45 (2009) 6166 63

treatments were compared with those obtained from control P < 0.0001) (Table 1). On the other hand, only pelargonic acid
cheeses matured in the maturing cave under standard conditions. signicantly increased mortality of mobile stages compared with
the control (63.4 vs. 26.1%, respectively; F 4.46, d.f. 4, 45,
2.5.1. Application of coating products based on food fatty acids P < 0.005) whereas the four fatty acids produced a signicant
The food coating READOM CBR, purchased from DOMCA S.A. increase in the developmental time when the complete pre-
(Granada, Spain), was applied to Cabrales cheeses to assess its imaginal period was considered (F 29.94, d.f. 4, 237, P < 0.0001)
capacity to protect against mites. This product is solid at room (Table 2). However, the greatest effect was obtained again for
temperature and is made up of stearic acid derivatives. It was pelargonic acid, which produced an overall increase of almost 20%
applied by immersion of the cheese for 5 s in the molten coating compared with the control. The two sugar alcohols selected did not
material at 110115  C, to yield a 2 mm thick lm. After 45 days in affect mortality of the egg stage nor mobile stages (F 0.35, d.f. 2,
the cave, the cheeses were treated with the product and then 27, P 0.7105 and F 2.65, d.f. 2, 27, P 0.0891, respectively) and
returned to the cave. Ten replicate (cheeses) for both the treatment no effect was observed on the developmental time of the egg stage
and the control were used. (F 0.45, d.f. 2, 238, P 0.6384) but ribitol produced a slight
increase in the development time of immature mobile stages
2.5.2. Contact treatment with eucalyptol (F 5.98, d.f. 2, 176, P < 0.005).
The monoterpene eucalyptol, purchased from Acros Organics
(New Jersey, USA), was selected to test its contact efcacy against
mites on cheese because it had shown a high acaricidal activity 3.2. Assessment of mite density
against storage mites (Perrucci, 1995; Sanchez-Ramos and Casta-
nera, 2001). Eucalyptol was sprayed at doses of 2.5 and 1.25 ml/cm2 The changes in mite density with time on maturing cheeses
on the paper used to wrap the cheeses to avoid moisture loss. Then, followed different patterns before and after their wetting and
after 30 days in the cave cheeses were wrapped with the treated wrapping at day 30 after introduction to the cave (Fig. 1). The
paper. Four cheeses were used for each treatment and for the exponential growth of the population observed in the rst 30 days
control. stopped at the moment of the wetting. From this point on, the
population increase followed a sigmoid pattern, with an inexion
2.5.3. Maturing at low temperature point around days 5657. Subsequently, the increase slowed before
The standard conditions of the maturing process were modied the maximum population density was reached at about day 71,
by reducing temperature to 2, 4 or 6  C to establish their effect on with a predicted mean value of more than 260 mites/cm2. Once this
the mite population of infested cheeses. After 45 days in the cave, point was reached, the population density slowly decreased until
the cheeses were transferred to a refrigerator (CORECO AC J302 II A, the end of the maturing process. Furthermore, the population
CORECO, Spain) in order to follow a low-temperature maturing densities observed revealed increasing variability during the
process. The nal population density was evaluated at the end of maturing process. The functions that best described the population
the maturing process, which was dependent on temperature. This patterns, together with the parameters obtained, are shown in
was 170 days for cheeses matured at 2  C, 135 for those matured at Table 3.
4  C, 100 for those matured at 6  C, and 80 days for the controls. The
maturing period was established according to the time required at
3.3. Field evaluation of control methods
each temperature to reach the standard quality of this product. For
each treatment and the control 20 cheeses were used.
In all treatments, initial population densities on treated and
control cheeses were not statistically different.
2.6. Statistical analysis

3.3.1. Application of coating products

The analysis of the effect of antifeedant compounds on the
The coating with READOM CBR signicantly reduced population
percentage mortality and duration of the immature stages and the
increase on treated cheeses compared with the controls (F 28.60,
comparison of initial and nal population densities between treated
d.f. 3, 36, P < 0.0001). The nal density for cheeses covered with
and control cheeses was made with ANOVA, followed by Student
READOM CBR was 4  2 mites/cm2 whereas control cheeses
NewmanKeuls multiple range test for separation of signicantly
reached 254  88 mites/cm2 (Fig. 2). The nal population density
different means. The duration of the immature stages was analyzed
on treated cheeses was also signicantly smaller than that observed
by nesting the effects of slides within treatments. When necessary,
prior to treatment (4  2 vs. 17  5 mites/cm2, respectively).
data were previously transformed with square root or n logarithmic
transformations (sqrt(x 1) or ln(x 1), when at least one value Table 1
equalled zero) to meet the conditions for parametric statistics. The Percentage mortality and developmental time (mean  SE) of eggs of Acarus farris
level of signicance was P < 0.05 in all cases. Analyses were under- used for the experiment to evaluate antifeedant compounds.
taken using Statgraphics Plus (Statgraphics, 1997). Group Treatment Mortalitya Developmental timeb
To describe the relationship between mite density and the age of
Fatty acids Caproic acid 11.0  3.8 10.4  0.1a (89)
maturing cheese, the functions with the highest R2 values were Caprylic acid 14.0  4.5 10.4  0.1a (86)
tted. These functions were selected using Tablecurve 2D software Pelargonic acid 8.0  3.3 10.5  0.1a (92)
(Jandel Scientic, 1994) on the data sets. Capric acid 12.0  3.3 10.1  0.1a (88)
Control (cyclohexane) 7.0  3.3 9.7  0.1b (93)

3. Results Sugar alcohols Ribitol 11.0  2.3 9.0  0.1a (89)

Xylitol 11.0  3.5 8.9  0.1a (89)
Control (distilled water) 8.0  2.9 8.9  0.1a (92)
3.1. Laboratory evaluation of chemical compounds
No differences were found in the percentage mortality of eggs (NS, ANOVA test
The addition of selected fatty acids to brewers yeast akes did followed by StudentNewmanKeuls test); initial n 100 eggs per product.
Values followed by different letters within each group of treatments are
not affect the mortality values obtained for the egg stage (F 0.62, signicantly different (P < 0.05, nested ANOVA followed by StudentNewmanKeuls
d.f. 4, 45, P 0.6531) but produced a signicant increase in the test). The sample size is shown in parentheses after each value. Developmental time
length of this stage in relation to the control (F 7.35, d.f. 4, 399, is expressed in days.
64 I. Sanchez-Ramos, P. Castanera / Journal of Stored Products Research 45 (2009) 6166

Table 2
Percentage mortality of immature mobile stages and complete preimaginal period (mean  SE) of Acarus farris reared on brewers yeast akes treated with different
antifeedant products at 1% w/w.

Group Treatment % Mortalitya Preimaginal periodb

Fatty acids Caproic acid 31.7  6.1 (89) 30.9  0.5a (61)
Caprylic acid 40.9  9.2 (86) 32.6  0.6b (49)
Pelargonic acid 63.4  10.5* (92) 34.5  0.9c (35)
Capric acid 22.1  7.1 (88) 30.9  0.4a (69)
Control (cyclohexane) 26.1  4.4 (93) 29.2  0.4d (69)

Sugar alcohols Ribitol 20.7  4.7 (89) 27.3  0.4a (71)

Xylitol 31.2  4.7 (89) 26.6  0.4b (60)
Control (distilled water) 18.2  3.2 (92) 26.4  0.3b (75)
* Indicates signicant differences within each group of treatments (P < 0.05, ANOVA test followed by StudentNewmanKeuls test); initial n is shown in parentheses after
each value.
Values followed by different letters within each group of treatments are signicantly different (P < 0.05, nested ANOVA followed by StudentNewmanKeuls test). The
sample size is shown in parentheses after each value. Preimaginal period is expressed in days.

3.3.2. Eucalyptol treatments excess of water dries, mite density increases again, reaching high
The application of eucalyptol effectively reduced mite pop- levels by the end of the maturing process. The observed reductions
ulations at the doses assayed (F 11.17, d.f. 5, 16, P < 0.0001). The of population density during the last 10 days of the maturing
nal population density for treated cheeses at 2.5 ml/cm2 was process could be related to intraspecic competition, as a result of
8  2 mites/cm2, while control cheeses reached 338  101 mites/ the decrease of space and food on cheese surfaces (Santos, 1989a,b).
cm2 (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, cheeses treated with eucalyptol at Another consequence of this competition is an increase in the
1.25 ml/cm2 produced nal population densities of 76  30 mites/ dispersal behaviour of the mites; a high number of hypopi, the
cm2 which were signicantly lower than those observed for the dispersal phase in the life cycle of free-living Astigmata (Evans,
controls but almost eight times their initial value (10  4 mites/ 1992), appear in the population on the cheeses.
cm2). The high variability in mite density observed among cheeses
during the maturing process is probably related to the fact that the
3.3.3. Maturing at low temperature environmental conditions across different zones in the cave are not
The nal population density on cheeses matured at 2, 4 and 6  C uniform and that cheeses do not remain at the same location
was signicantly lower than the one observed for the controls throughout the maturing process.
(1  0 mites/cm2 for 2  C, 11  4 mites/cm2 for 4  C, and The assays conducted to assess the effect of the fatty acids
14  7 mites/cm2 for 6  C vs. 174  33 mites/cm2 for the control; (caproic, caprylic, pelargonic and capric) and the sugar alcohols
F 69.66, d.f. 7, 312, P < 0.0001) (Fig. 4). Moreover, for all (ribitol and xylitol) on A. farris started at the egg stage because
temperatures these values were also signicantly lower than the larvae were susceptible to handling. In contrast larvae of
initial values (1  0 vs. 21  3 mites/cm2 for 2  C, 11  4 vs. Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) transferred to cavity slides
22  4 mites/cm2 for 4  C and 14  7 vs. 26  5 mites/cm2 for 6  C). were not adversely affected (Ortego et al., 2000; Sanchez-Ramos
and Castanera, 2003). No differential mortality was obtained for
4. Discussion the egg stage among treatments. Nevertheless, the develop-
mental times of the egg stage for the treatments with fatty acids
The traditional way of maturing Cabrales cheese favours the were signicantly greater than for the control.
development of huge populations of mites that seriously damage Pelargonic acid was the only compound that increased the
this product. The best time to apply control measures was estab- mortality of immature mobile stages. Nevertheless, Rodriguez
lished as being between days 30 and 45 from the introduction of (1972) and Pankiewicz-Nowicka et al. (1986) obtained strong inhi-
cheeses into the natural cave, according to the low mite density bition of T. putrescentiae populations when the fatty acids and/or the
observed for this period (Fig. 1) and the good appearance of the sugar alcohols assayed here were added to the food at doses very
cheeses. The process of wetting of Cabrales cheese at day 30 is similar to those employed in this work. Differences in the test
a very effective way of reducing mite populations because of the procedure and in the species of mite used may account for variations
pasty texture of the wet surface of the cheese. Once the supercial in the effects observed. On the other hand, the signicant increase of
developmental time observed with the four fatty acids applied agree
with the results obtained by Rodriguez (1972) who pointed out that
caproic and capric acids retarded growth and caused signicant loss
of weight.

Table 3
Parameter estimates  SE and coefcients of determination (R2) for the functions
describing the relationship between mite density and maturing period of Cabrales

Equation Parameter estimates R2

a b
1a 11.58  0.01 40.84  0.05 0.9999

a b c d
2b 29.21  10.17 234.30  11.90 71.14  1.19 4.04  0.46 0.9976
Fig. 1. Changes in mite density on maturing Cabrales cheeses with reference to time Eq. (1) is ln y a b/x0.5.
expressed as days from the beginning of the maturing process; (C) observed mean Eq. (2) is y a bxd1cd 1exp((cdxd  1)(d  1)/d), where y is the number of
density values; () line of best t according to the equations described in Table 3. mobile mites/cm2 and x is maturing time expressed in days.
I. Sanchez-Ramos, P. Castanera / Journal of Stored Products Research 45 (2009) 6166 65

Fig. 4. Effect of low-temperature maturing on the mite density of Cabrales cheese.

Different letters indicate signicant differences (P < 0.05, ANOVA test followed by
StudentNewmanKeuls test); ( ), initial density; ( ) nal density 125, 90, 55 and 35
days after treatment for 2, 4, 6  C and the control, respectively.
Fig. 2. Effect of the application of READOM CBR coating on cheese on mite density of
Cabrales cheese. Different letters indicate signicant differences (P < 0.05, ANOVA test
followed by StudentNewmanKeuls test); ( ) initial density; ( ) nal density 35
days after treatment. mites (Perrucci, 1995; Sanchez-Ramos and Castanera, 2001), as all
have a similar chemical structure (Templeton, 1969). It thus seems
that eucalyptol is not suitable for control of mites on Cabrales
Our ndings suggest that fatty acids are not useful for the cheese.
control of mite populations on Cabrales cheese, and the initial idea The best results regarding the control of mite populations on
of combining them with coating products was discarded. The food Cabrales cheese were obtained with the maturing procedures at
coating READOM CBR by itself effectively controlled mite pop- low temperature. The greatest effect on subsequent population
ulations on the cheeses. The application of this compound elimi- density was observed on cheeses matured at 2  C. Maturing at 4
nated the mites present on the cheeses prior to the treatment and and 6  C also effectively controlled mite populations on the
prevented the rapid development of new populations by retarding cheeses, which is in agreement with the lower thermal threshold
the cheese colonization by new fungi. As a result, mite populations (6.4  C) obtained for the increase of populations of this mite (San-
in treated cheeses were much smaller compared to the nal value chez-Ramos and Castanera, 2007b). However, the lower develop-
in control ones. However, a major concern associated with the use mental threshold for immature stages of A. farris is about 1  C
of this product is the modication of the external appearance of the (Sanchez-Ramos et al., 2007a), which could explain the presence of
cheeses, which could affect saleability. mites at the end of the maturing period in treated cheeses. The
The contact treatments with the monoterpene eucalyptol main problem associated with the use of very low temperature in
controlled mite populations at 2.5 ml/cm2. The dose of 1.25 ml/cm2 the maturing process of Cabrales cheese is the extension of the
did not produce satisfactory results, since mites were able to maturing period necessary to obtain the standard quality required,
multiply to densities high enough to damage the cheese surface. which has economic implications. In this respect, the use of the
However, according to ofcial tasters from CAPSA, the application higher temperatures (4 or 6  C), as maturing temperatures, would
of eucalyptol strongly affected the organoleptic characteristics of help to balance the costbenet analysis. On the other hand, the
the treated cheeses, altering both their avour and odour. These fact that part of the maturing process takes place outside the
modications could be due to the lipidic structure of eucalyptol maturing cave would make it easier to adjust the specications for
that favours its mixture with the lipidic components of the cheese. manufacturing this type of cheese.
The results obtained for this compound could be extended to other It is necessary to reach a compromise between the requirements
monoterpenes such as fenchone, linalool, menthone or pulegone for manufacturing the Cabrales cheeses and the modications that
that have shown high miticidal activity on other stored products can be introduced into the process to reduce the economic losses
due to high mite infestation. We can conclude that none of the
chemical methods of control assayed is suitable for the control of
A. farris. In contrast, the use of lower maturing temperatures
yielded the best results, though at 2  C the long time required for
the maturing period out-weighed the benet of very little mite
development. Our data suggest that the use of slightly higher
temperatures (46  C) would maintain the mite density below the
economic threshold without excessively delaying the standard
maturation period. Moreover, any residual mite population per-
sisting at maturation would remain low as Cabrales cheeses should
be kept refrigerated for their subsequent sale and consumption to
avoid quality losses.


Fig. 3. Contact effect of eucalyptol on the mite density of Cabrales cheese. Different
The research reported in the present paper was funded by
letters indicate signicant differences (P < 0.05, ANOVA test followed by Student CAPSA and the MCYT (project n. PTR95.0612.OP). We are grateful to
NewmanKeuls test); ( ), initial density; ( ) nal density 50 days after treatment. Philippe Balbarie (CAPSA) for his assistance in mite sampling.
66 I. Sanchez-Ramos, P. Castanera / Journal of Stored Products Research 45 (2009) 6166

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