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Section A Error Identification (10 marks)

The text below is about William Shakespeare.

Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined for
you. Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

William Shakespeare was born at Stratford-upon-Avon, e.g. ______in_______

England. He was born in 1564 but grew up during the reign of a) ________________

Queen Elizabeth I. He write plays and long and short poems. Even b) ________________

in he plays, the people spoke in poetry. The English c) ________________

language have changed a lot since Shakespeares time d) ________________

although it is not always very easy to understand his writing. e) ________________

Then he created many words and expressions which we f) ________________

used today like bedazzled from The Taming of the Shrew, g) ________________

fashionable from Troilus and Cressida also Love is Blind from h) ________________

Merchant of Venice. By 1598, Shakespeare were already wealthy and i) _________________

famous. Between 1600 and 1608, he wrote many of his great works such j) _________________

as Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth. He died at the age of 52.

Section B Reading Comprehension (20 marks)
Read the passage and answer all the questions that follow.

The National Park

I One of the oldest rainforests in the world is the National Park or Taman Negara.
It is said to be 130 million years old and covers a total of 4343 square
kilometres seven times the size of Singapore. It started off as The Tahan
Mountain Game Reserve established by the British authorities in 1925. The
game reserve covered an area of 9240 hectares surrounding Gunung Tahan. It 5
was declared a National Park, after the King of England. It was renamed Taman
Negara after Malaysias Independence.

II The park was established through the efforts of one man, Theodore Hubback,
Chief Game Warden of what was then the Federated Malay States. He took 15
long years to persuade the colonial government to put aside land for 10
conservation. His conservation efforts are now carried on by subsequent state
and federal governments and by the Department Of Wildlife and National
Parks. This department nowtakes care of the parkand also organizes various
activities for the public and schoolchildren.

III Taman Negara lies within the headwaters of three rivers systems: The 15
Tembeling River in south, the Terengganu River in the east and the Relai-Aring-
Labir Rivers in the north. It receives rain throughout the year around 2200 in
the lowland areas and 3800 in the highland areas. The average temperature
during the day is 26 degrees Celsius and at night it is about 22 degrees Celsius,
which is suitable for supporting one of the most thriving ecosystems in the 20

IV Taman Negara has many species of flora and fauna. They include 14000 species
of plants, 250 species of birds and 200 species of mammals. There is evidence
that human being first inhabited parts of Taman Negara almost 2000 years ago.
Bronze artifacts along the Tembeling River bear testimony to this. Today, 25
Taman Negara is home to a small group of Orang Asli, the Negrito Batek. They
still gather wild fruit from the jungle and hunt small animals with blowpipes.
However, some of them also work as tourist guides in the park.

V One of the main attractions of Taman Negara is Gunung Tahan, the highest
mountain Peninsular Malaysia. The journey to the top of the mountain and 30
back takes at least three days. Along the way, there are numerous streams and
waterfalls, which are perfect for picnics. There are also many rivers, especially
near Lata Berkoh and Kenyam, which are ideal for fishing.

VI The most popular way to reach Taman Negara is through Kuala Tembeling,
which is a three-to-four-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur. From there, the only 35
way to Kuala Tahan is a 50 kilometre boat ride. This is the entrance to Taman
Negara. The Department Of Wildlife and National Parks have set up a place for
visitors to register. Arrangements can also be made here if you need a guide or
if you which to rent the available chalets.

From: Vision, Focus on Reading and Writing

1. What do the following words in the passage refer to? (5 marks)

a) It (line 2) ________________________________________________________
b) He (line 9) ________________________________________________________
c) They (line 22) ________________________________________________________
d) them (line 28) ________________________________________________________
e) there (line 35) ________________________________________________________

2. What role did Theodore Hubback play in the estbalishment of National Park? (1 mark)

3. Why is Taman Negara the ideal place to mantain an ecosystem? (2 marks)


4. How do we know human beings first inhabited the rainforest of Pahang 2000 years ago?
(2 marks)

5. What is the usual route taken to Taman Negara? (2 marks)


6. What do the following words in the passage mean? (4 marks)

a) conservation (line 11)
i. preservation ii. deforestation iii. habitation iv. recreation

b) various (line 13)

i. same ii. different iii. simple iv. related

c) artifacts (line 25)

i. machinery ii. furniture iii. items iv. drawings

d) ideal (line 33)

i. interesting ii. suitable iii. disappointing iv. difficult

7. State whether each of the following statements is True or False. (4 marks)

a) Taman Negara is a little bigger than Singapore ___________

b) There are 14450 animals and plants in Taman Negara ___________

c) Several groups of Orang Asli live in Taman Negara ___________

d) You can drive from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Tahan ___________

Section C Guided Writing (20 marks)

Your cousin will be giving a speech in front of the entire school. Write a letter giving him/her tips on
how to deliver a good speech.

draft correct any mistakes practice important points mirror speak clearly hand
final speech without hesitation gestures

When writing out your letter,

you may use the notes given
write why it is important to give a good speech
add any other relevant information
write in not less than 150 words


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