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Lesson Plan Template

School: Omer Bin Yousef Date: 1 of November 2017

PST: Reem Naser Time: Morning 10:50 to 11:35 am
MST: Mr. Jermaine Unit: Chocolate: from bean to bar.

Class: Grade four Number of 24 student


ADEC Learning Outcome: Include the L.O. code and words.

4SLLT2 listen actively and engage in a variety of texts and link them to personal experiences

Prior Knowledge: What knowledge are you building on?

Student know that there is a chocolate bar but, they didnt know that the chocolate comes from chocolate tree beans.
In this lesson student will write a text explaining the chocolate bar that will be given to them, the flavor of the chocolate,
ingredients, size, shape, its wrapper and the color of it.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:
from where chocolate comes first, how many stages did the cocoa beans go throw.

Lesson Activities: What will students do in the lesson?

Opining 10 minutes:
Teacher will do a game for the student kahoot
Teacher will put same questions in kahoot and will let student to answers them.
From where the chocolate camas? Cocoa beans which grow in trees.
how many stages did the beans go throw to become a chocolate bar? 6 stages.
Where did cocoa beans first came from? Central America.
Why did you think chocolate is so popular around the world? It tastes good.
Guided Experience (one activity for whole class with different levels) 30 minutes:
Student will write a text explain chocolate bar in it.
The kay word is (flavor, ingredients, size, shape, wrapper, color).
Materials that teacher need is:
Worksheet with the kay words.
Picture of chocolate bars teacher will not give the student a real chocolate bar.
For high level student:
Teacher will give the chocolate bar with paper have the key words (flavor, ingredients, size, shape, wrapper, color)
And she will let them to do it with themselves.
For middle level student:
Teacher will give the student the chocolate bar and paper have the key words (flavor, ingredients, size, shape,
wrapper, color) and space to write. Teacher will do it with the in with bored and the student will copy it.
For low level student:
Teacher will give the student the chocolate bar and will give them a text already written and paper with
key words (flavor, ingredients, size, shape, wrapper, color) and space to write. Teacher will let them to copy the
Closing for 5 minutes:
Teacher will ask the student what did you learn from this lesson?
Teacher will ask every group did they like the lesson? And how it was (easy-ok-hard).
Evaluation / Assessment: How will you know your students have achieved the goal?
When teacher correct student work.
Personal focus: Related to PDP
In this lesson I am working on my
Classroom management
Teacher voice.

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