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Write an article and demonstrate an application of the device 1


Fisica de Semiconductores grupo 9,ECBTI,UNAD.

understanding of the subject. If a voltage is applied to the
sample, these free electrons can flow and withstand a net
PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTORS current. However, the number of free electrons is relatively
At present the materials can be divided into three major small compared to that found in a good conductor. It is for this
classes according to the current conduction of each one of reason that the intrinsic silicon is classified as semiconductor.
them: The total current flow in a semiconductor is a combination of
Insulators: do not allow a good flow of current. the current due to the free electrons and that which is due to
Drivers: can sustain a current flow. the free holes.
Semiconductors: They are moderately good for current flow. The P-N junction
There are two qualities of the materials to characterize them One of the crucial keys in solid-state electronics is the nature
according to current Conduction: electrical resistivity and of the P-N junction. When p-type and n-type materials are
electrical conductivity. This is how insulators are highly placed in contact with each other, the joint behaves very
resistive and highly conductive conductors. Semiconductors differently than each material does on its own. Specifically,
differ from insulation in the possibility of conducting current the current will flow easily in one direction (direct
and conductors in the method of conducting current. polarization) but not in the other (reverse polarization),
Conductors have free electrons for conduction and creating a basic diode. This non-reversible behavior arises
semiconductors have both electrons and holes (absence of an from the nature of the cargo transport process in the two types
electron). Typical semiconductor materials are silicon (Si), of materials.
germanium (Ge) and gallium arsenide (GaAs). Electrons and
hollows an atom has electrons in different layers or energy
levels (model of the atom of Bhr). The silicon has an
outermost layer 4 electron that will be called valence. Each of
these electrons in the valence layer forms covalent bonds with
the electrons of the adjacent atoms. Thus at absolute zero (0
K) atoms are accommodated to form a lattice where they form
covalent bonds with the four valence electrons and the silicon
behaves as an insulator. At room temperature (about 300 K)
The empty circles on the left side of the top right junction
the valence electrons have sufficient energy to be able to be
represent "gaps" or electron deficiencies in the network, which
released from the covalent bond, thus forming what is called a
can act as positive charge carriers. The solid circles to the
free electron. The resulting space remaining once the electron
right of the junction represent the electrons available from the
was released and the junction was broken is called hollow. An
n-type dopant. Near the junction, the electrons diffuse through
electron has a negative charge. The holes behave like the
it and combine with the holes, creating a "depletion region".
electrons, with the difference that the charge they possess is
The above-right energy level sketch is a way of visualizing the
positive. In reality the gaps do not exist physically but are
equilibrium condition of the P-N junction. The upward
rather the lack of an electron and it is given physical
direction in the diagram represents the increased energy of
characteristics like those of the electron to facilitate the

Effect of Polarization on Electrons in the Direct polarization:

A voltage applied in the
Depletion Zone
forward direction, as
Balance of the union: electron electrons
The Coulomb force of assists to overcome the
ions, prevents further Coulomb barrier of the
migration through the space charge in the
p-n junction. Electrons depletion region. The
that have migrated electrons will flow with
through the N region to a very small resistance
the P region in the in the forward
formation of the direction.
depletion layer have The application of
now reached voltage with direct
equilibrium. Other polarity as indicated
electrons from the N helps the electrons to
region cannot migrate overcome the Coulomb
because they are barrier of the spatial
repelled by the negative charge in the depletion
ions of the P region and region. Electrons will
attracted by the positive flow with very little
ions of the N region. resistance in direct

Reverse polarization:
The application of
voltage with the
indicated polarity
Transistors: From Crystals To Integrated Circuits.
prevents more flow of
electrons through the The composition of the transistor consists of a semiconductor
union. For conduction
material with three or more metal contacts. Its inclusion in
in the device, the
electrons in the N electronic equipment denominates to the circuit like "of solid
region must be moved
state". The latter because the transistor, unlike the vacuum
towards the junction
and combined with the tube, does not require interior space to operate.
holes in the region P. A
Among other components, the circuits prior to the appearance
reverse voltage drives
the electrons out of the of the transistor, used triodos, switches, circuit breakers and
junction, avoiding
relay. These elements were replaced by sets of transistors
capable of performing the same work at much lower
temperature, using less current and reduced space.
Originally constructed of germanium or silicon crystals, the
inventors discovered that if an electrical signal flows between
two contacts of the transistor, it can control a larger and
undependable current, passing between another pair different
from its contacts. As the output signal is greater than the
control signal, the transistor is said to "amplify" it, operating
as an electromechanical relay or switch. However, the
transistor is much more versatile, since if the signal strength of

the control signal is varied, the output signal can undergo

proportional changes.
Another advantageous feature of the transistor is that it
operates with small voltages and at the same time withstands
intense currents.
Nowadays, although they are also used individually, the
common thing is to find groups of transistors forming part of a
multi functional module called chip, or the same, in
miniaturized version that is known like microchip.

The transistor is made of silicone. Its series production is

carried out at high speed and very low cost. This makes it a
basic component of all electronic equipment, together with
diodes, resistors and capacitors.
Many sophisticated devices of daily use, must their creation
and success to the microcircuitos transistorizados.


Electrnica aplicada, por Osmari. Recuperado de:


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