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Materials Project

Name of Item (you name it)

o Name Recognition
Age of Child (you expect to play with it)
o 3 years old
Number of Child (ideal number of children)
o 1-10
Developmental Domain (the one you signed up for in class)
o Cognitive
Materials (needed to make it)
o Square snack bags
o Index cards
o Clothes pins
o Sharpies
Time (it took you to make it)
o 2-3 minutes
Directions (for playing with this item)
o Write each childs name on the square snack bag
o Write each childs name on an index card
o Write each letter of the childs name on a clothespin
o Put the index card and clothespins in the square snack bag
o Hand out the square snack bag to students
o Have students remove the items from the bag
o Have them match each letter on the clothespin with the letter on the
index card while saying each letter and the name at the end
Zoo, T. (1970, January 01). All About Me - I am Special. Retrieved October
23, 2017, from

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