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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher: Evan Dieleman Date: 11/15/17

Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Mathematics/Decimals/Adding and Subtracting Grade: 6th Grade

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This is the second lesson of my unit plan and will be a review of adding/subtracting decimals along with a real life application assignment dealing with shopping.

cognitive- physical socio-

Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional
Remember the rules of adding/subtracting decimals. R
Calculate the sum or difference of two decimals to the thousandths place. Ap
Plan a shopping spree where you have $500 to spend on 7 people and need to have as little money remaining. C, E, Ap

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:

6. NS.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
N.FL.06.15 Solve applied problems that use the four operations with appropriate decimal numbers. [Core]
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Understand decimal places.
Identify prerequisite Relate decimals to money.
knowledge and skills. Know how to add and subtract integers.
Understand how to add/subtract decimals.

Pre-assessment (for learning):

Formative (for learning):

After doing the white board activity where we practice some more on adding/subtracting decimals, I
will do the thumbs up/thumbs middle/thumbs down to gauge where were at.

Formative (as learning):

I will give a white board and marker to each student and will put up an addition/subtraction problem
with decimals on the overhead projector for students to solve on their own on their white board. Ill
tell them I need them to show their work and circle their answer so that when they hold their boards up
when theyre finished, I can check for correctness and that they showed their work (and their work is
correct). This will be good practice for the students and a clear way for me to see who/how many
students are struggling still with adding/subtracting decimals.
Outline assessment
activities Summative (of learning):
(applicable to this lesson) The shopping spree homework assignment, which students will be introduced to in class, but will
complete on their own at home, will be graded for correct addition/subtraction and on how close they
can get to spending $500 for 7 family members/friends.

Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Action
Engagement Representation and Expression
Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive
expectations, personal skills and activate, apply & highlight functions- coordinate short & long-
strategies, self-assessment & Display problems for white term goals, monitor progress, and
reflection board activity on the overhead modify strategies
White board activity allows projector. Shopping Spree homework
students to know what they get assignment allows creativity and
wrong, then review their Will solve each problem on the more strategic thinking when
answers to see what they did overhead projector after adding/subtracting decimals.
wrong. students work alone on white
boards. White board activity and in
Homework assignment engages class worksheet are generic
students on their own creative Will explain what I did to get addition/subtraction problems
plan for a $500 shopping spree my answer for the white board with decimals.
where they strategically try to activity.
spend as much of $500 on 7
Provide options for sustaining Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and
effort and persistence- optimize mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium
challenge, collaboration, mastery- symbols- clarify & connect of expression
oriented feedback language Solving problems on white
What barriers might this White board activity is boards.
lesson present? independent work that becomes
a class review when I go over Solving problems on worksheet.
each problem.
What will it take Creative plan on Shopping
neurodevelopmentally, Students may consult with Spree homework assignment
experientially, classmates around them during where items for purchase
emotionally, etc., for your the white board activity if represent the decimals they
students to do this lesson? theyre stuck and cant get the add/subtract with other
right answer. numbers.

In class worksheet students

work on alone where they can
use notes will challenge them to
work alone without immediate
Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action-
interest- choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible increase options for interaction
authenticity, minimize threats Whiteboard activity
Shopping Spree assignment
ignites the creative side to Adding/Subtracting Decimals
students and is a real life worksheet
application that they can use for
the rest of their life when Shopping Spree homework
shopping for family and friends. assignment
It also is open ended where they
can search for fun things to get
their family and friends. Should
be a fun activity rather than the
usual number crunching.
Materials-what materials - Decks of cards for War Wednesday warm-up (ready to go)
(books, handouts, etc) do - White boards, markers, pen/pencil, laptop to get a start on homework assignment.
you need for this lesson - White Board Activity sheet with problems for students to solve and the solutions (ready to
and are they ready to use)
use? - Shopping Spree homework assignment (ready to use)
- Adding and Subtracting decimals worksheet for in class (ready to use)

The classroom will be set up in groups of 4 students per pod. This will be necessary for the copycat
activity so students will be sitting next to their partners.
How will your classroom
be set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
(6 minutes)
Motivation - War Wednesday warm-up. Teacher will tell - Students will grab a pack of cards for them and
(opening/ students to grab a deck of cards from the red chair their partner.
introduction/ up front then find their seats.
engagement) - Teacher will display the guidelines of what the
face cards are valued at (example: King = 12).
- Teacher will specify to multiply the two cards for
- Teacher will put a timer up on the projector for 5 - Students will know what to do and will begin
minutes. War!
- Teacher will tell the class that whoever got more - Students who got the most cards get a piece of
cards can get a piece of candy from the closet. candy.
Development (20 minutes)
(the largest - Teacher will ask two students to help pass out - Two students will help the teacher pass out white
component or white boards and markers to each student. boards and markers to each student.
main body of - Teacher will tell students that they will display an
the lesson) addition/subtraction problem on the projector and
they will have to solve the problem by showing
work and circling their answer.
- Teacher will tell students that when they are done
to raise their board so the teacher can check for
- Walk around checking boards for correctness and - Students will solve each problem displayed on the
tell students to find correct answer again if they get overhead projector and hold up their solution. If
wrong first. the teacher tells them theyre wrong, they will try
- After all students have at least raised their board again.
once or have gotten the correct answer (even if - Students will watch the teacher solve the problem
everybody hasnt gotten it right), the teacher will on the overhead projector.
solve the problem on the overhead projector and
explain how they got the correct answer.
- Once the teacher gets through all 8 problems, ask - Students will give a thumbs up/thumbs
students for a thumbs up/thumbs middle/thumbs middle/thumbs down based on how theyre feeling
down for how they feel with addition/subtraction of with adding/subtracting decimals.
- If there are a lot of thumbs down, work some
more with white boards. If good understanding
and lots of thumbs up, move onto the worksheet.

(10 minutes)
- Pass out Lesson 5:2 Adding and Subtracting - Students will pull out their note sheets if they
Decimals Worksheet to students and tell them they need them to work on the Lesson 5:2 Adding and
can use their notes for the worksheet. Subtracting Decimals Worksheet.
- Do the first problem for the class to show whats - Students will follow along with the teacher on the
expected of them. Specify that there should be first problem and write down what the teacher
work shown and the answer circled. does.
- Teacher will tell students to do Khan Academy - Students will work on Khan Academy exercises if
exercises online if they finish before everyone else. they finish early.

- Tell students to put worksheet on the red chair up - Students will put their worksheets on the red chair
front when theyre done. Say that this will be up front when theyre done.
graded for correctness, but redoes are allowed by
going to Google Classroom and printing off the - Students will print off the worksheet from home if
sheet and doing it at home. they wish to improve their grade on the assignment.
- Once everyone has turned their worksheet in,
transition into talking about decimals in everyday

(7 minutes)
- Ask students to work with their partner and come - Students will talk with their table partner about
up with a list of ways decimals are used in real life. where they see decimals in real life and make a list.
- Once students have talked for a minute with their - Student partner groups will share one thing from
partner, ask for each partner group to share one their list that they got with the whole class.
way. The teacher will write each way down on a
sheet of paper displayed on the overhead projector.
- The teacher will focus on shopping and how
important decimals are to cashiers and shoppers.
Tell students that cashiers need to know how to add
and subtract decimals when giving back change to
people. Shoppers need to know how to add or
subtract decimals if theyre on a budget.

(10 minutes)
- Teacher will pass out the Shopping Spree - Students will follow along with the teacher as
Homework Assignment and explain the they explain the assignment and instructions.
- Display the assignment on the overhead projector.
Tell students to write their name, date, and hour,
and do the same as the teacher.
- Teacher will show students how to navigate the
assignment by doing two items. After each item
chosen, subtract that price from the $500 and note
that that is now how much money you have left.
- Tell students to get as close to $0 left over as you

(9 minutes)
- Then, teacher will tell students to pull out their - Students will pull out computers and begin
computers and get started on the assignment. working on the assignment.
Encourage students to evenly distribute the $500
amongst all 7 people.

(5 minutes)
- Put the morning announcements on the overhead - Students will watch morning announcements then
projector. Once theyre done, go to the door and pack up their stuff and wait for the bell to ring.
talk to students while you wait for the bell to ring.

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
This mightve been my actual favorite lesson. Im very excited that I get to teach it this upcoming week (November 28). I
like how I get to bring real life application into this lesson and to adding and subtracting decimals. Often students will ask
about why we need to know what theyre being taught in class for the day, and often the questions are directed towards my
mentor. This time, the questions will be directed at me and thats why I find this lesson to be especially engaging provides a
great learning opportunity as it contextualizes the material of the lesson with things in their life, like shopping for gifts for
their friends and families. I love the ownership and creativity that this Shopping Spree activity will give the students. I also
think that the white boards will be a great opportunity to help students learn as well as help myself learn how the students
are doing. I look forward to teaching this lesson and its unfortunate I cant provide evidence quite yet as to how it went!


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