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Compulsory Military Service Should be Abolished Everywhere

At present, one of the rights that most identifies the human beings is the one of
freedom, perform the obligatory military service supposes to give two years of
your life to the service of the country, without the possibility of election. This
constitutes a violation of that right, preventing the availability of these young
people to perform different activities such as higher education or technical
studies, as well as to work and provide them family economic resources.

Another important reason why compulsory military service should be abolished

is that, during the two years, young people not only lose the opportunity to
develop themselves as useful professionals for society and support their families;
but also, inside the military institution they obtain skills that will not be useful to
them in the modern world, except in case of a military crisis, and that once they
finish this service they will forget quickly the obtained knowledge as this will not
be applied to any activity in their daily lives.

It is well known that the treatment given to persons performing this compulsory
military service, is based on abuses by superiors with the incorrect purpose of
teaching "order and discipline" and sometimes the treatment received can be
considered as inhuman. I personally have relatives who have performed
compulsory military service and although everyone says that it is true that it forms
you well in certain aspects, everyone also agrees that there are many human
rights violations.

The consequences have repeatedly killed the lives of many soldiers in various
parts of the world. As a result, we see that compulsory military service in the world
is only a sign of violence, mistreatment, violation of human rights and corruption.
These crimes are unpunished, and abuse of power is also observed.

Some people argue that military service does you good. Two years in the army,
you hear people say, will knock some sense into him. The opposite is usually
the case .Anyone would resent being pushed and bullied for two years, all in the
name of discipline. The military mind requires uniformity and conformity. People
who do not quite fit into these characteristics suffer a lot and may even finish the
forced service with serious mental disorders. There are many useful ways of
spending two years in order to be a better person. Serving in the armed forces is
not one of them.

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