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Thin-Layer and Column mobile phase is easily controllable.

Chromatography: Identifying an Using pure solvents alone, or a

Unknown Analgesic, Determining an combination of different solvents, allows
Ideal Mobile Phase and Monitoring for the possibility of an infinite range of
the Progress of the Mitsunobu polarities. Pure solvents alone range
Reaction. from polar to non-polar and mixtures of
solvents will result in a wider variety of
Ben Zene polarities. The choice of mobile phase is
crucial for a clean separation. If the
Nazareth College of Rochester, 4245 East Ave,
Rochester New York 14618
solvent chosen is too polar the
components will move too close to the solvent front and likewise if the solvent
is not polar enough the components will
Aspirin was compared to five standard remain too close to the origin. In either
analgesics using thin-layer scenario, separation is poor. The ideal
chromatography (TLC). The ideal mobile phase will move the components
mobile phase solvent for the Mitsunobu about half way between the origin and
reaction was determined as 35% ethyl the solvent front.
acetate and 65% hexane. The progress of Two common types of
a Mitsunobu reaction was monitored chromatography are thin-layer
using column chromatography and TLC. chromatography (TLC) and column
chromatography. TLC is useful for
Chromatography is an efficient separating and identifying unknown
and relatively simple technique for components of a mixture using pnly
separating and identifying components small amounts of the mixture. In TLC,
of a mixture. The components are the stationary phase consists of silica or
separated because they have different alumina coated on a glass or plastic
affinities to two distinct phases. One plate. For large separations or
phase is stationary, while the other is purifications where the product is
mobile. needed for further experiments, column
In most chromatography chromatography is advantageous. The
experiments, either silica, or alumina, stationary phase in a column
serves as the stationary phase.1 Silica chromatography experiment is also silica
and alumina are both polar and their or alumina packed into a column with a
polarity remains constant throughout the constraint at one end or into a buret.
experiment. The term absorbent is Although 20-50 g of the silica or
commonly used when referring to the alumina per gram of sample will often
stationary phase. A mobile phase suffice, some separations require ratios
consists of a solvent that moves up a of 200:1 or higher.2 It is important to
plate by capillary action or down a select a column that will completely
column due to gravity. Unlike the contain the absorbent with about 10-15
stationary phase, the polarity of the cm to spare and the height of the column
should be at least ten times its diameter.3
Lehman J.W. Operational Organic Chemistry.
A Problem-Solving Approach to the Laboratory
Course, Third ed; Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle Lehman, pp 618.
River, NJ, 1999; pp 618. Lehman, pp 619.
In a previous experiment, a between the movements of the spot to
common analgesic was isolated from a the movement of the solvent front 2.
prepared mixture by extraction. The Because this ratio is the movement of a
common analgesic and five standard spot in relation to the distance the
analgesics (salicylamide, ibuprofen, solvent front moved, the solvent front
aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine) does not need to reach any specific point
were analyzed using TLC. The unknown before it is removed from the developing
and the five standards were all UV chamber. Rf values ensure the ability to
visible. Because the analgesics travel compare the spots from two or more
different distances up the plate they must different plate, assuming that the mobile
have different affinities to the mobile phase used remained constant for all the
phase. In this experiment the mobile plates.
phase was 200:1 ethyl acetate: acetic
acid. The spot for the unknown was view
under a UV lamp to be between the spots
of aspirin and acetaminophen 1. We
knew that the analgesic could not be
acetaminophen because acetaminophen
is too weak to react with HCl of the
aqueous layer in the extraction
mentioned previously.4 We concluded,
then, that the unknown was most likely Rf = X/Y
Figure 3

The Rf values for the analgesic

TLC plates are given in Table 1. There
is a difference of 0.066 between the Rf
value for the unknown and the Rf value
for acetaminophen, and there is a -0.077
difference between the Rf values of the
unknown and aspirin.

Table 1
Figure 1 Analgesic Rf Value
Acetaminophen (A) 0.476
By simply looking at different Salicylamide (S) 0.738
TLC plates, it is often difficult to 0.362
compare the movement of the spots. In Aspirin (Asp) 0.619
order to compare the spots, Rf values are Ibuprofen (I) 0.785
calculated. An Rf value is the ratio Caffeine (C) 0.362
unknown (#2) 0.542
Knoerzer, T. Fall Organic Chemistry Exp. #3.
2002. The differences between the unknown spot and the two standard spots
ganic/labstuff/fallexp3.htm are very close which poses difficulties
for identification, even though we know
the unknown is not acetaminophen.
Ideally, the unknown, aspirin and
acetaminophen should be spotted on
another TLC plate using a solvent that is
not as polar as the mobile phase. A
slightly less polar solvent would move
the spots towards the middle of the plate,
away from the solvent front and
hopefully yield more distinct Rf values.
The method of chromatography
is also used for purification. In a
synthesis of Acyl-Functionalized Figure 3
Azacycles, part of a reaction was found
to contain 77% of the desired product by
chromatographic purification.5

sm PPh3 p sm PPh3 p sm PPh3 p sm PPh3 p

100% EtOAc 90% EtOAc 75% EtOAc 50% EtOAc

10% hexane 25% hexane 50% hexane

sm PPh3 p sm PPh3 p
sm PPh3 p
35% EtOAc 25% EtOAc 100% hexane
65% hexane 75% hexane
Figure 4

Occiato, E.G.; Prandi, C.; Ferrali, A.; Guarna,
A.; Deagostino, A.; Venturello, P. J. Org.
Chem.2002, Vol. 67, No. 20, 7144-7145.
Monitoring the progress of a reaction is and move more components down the
a third application of chromatographic column than were desired. After
techniques. collecting ten fractions, the first, fifth
In order to monitor the progress and tenth fractions were analyzed by
of the Mitsunobu reaction, we needed to TLC in order to find out if the samples
determine the ideal mobile phase for contained pure components. The first
separation using TLC. Seven mobile fraction contained a faint spot while the
phases consisting of different quantities fifth fraction was pure. The tenth
of ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and hexane fraction contained the desired product
were tested using TLC. Because the along with a faint impurity spot. The ten
reactants and products were UV visable, fractions were combined together
the plates were viewed under a UV lamp because we were more concern with
4. The ideal mobile phase is somewhere separation than of complete purity. The
in the range of 50% (EtOAc): 50% combined ten fractions will be used for
hexane to 35% EtOAc: 65% hexane. further experiments.
Both the 50:50 and 35:65 mixtures of
ethyl acetate: hexane moved the spots Experimental Section
halfway up the plate. The lower spots in
the PPh3 and P lanes are the same Identification of aspirin. To separate
material, a byproduct, meaning that the solutions of ethanol were added the
reactant mixture is not pure 3. However, unknown, salacyimide, aspirin, caffeine,
because there is no starting material or acetaminophen and ibuprofen. The
triphenylphosphine (PPh3) left in the mobile phase used was 200:1 ethyl
product (P) lane, the reaction went to acetate: acetic acid. Spots were viewed
completion. under a UV lamp.
As for the other mobile phase
solvents, 100% EtOAc solvent was too Determination of the ideal mobile
polar and the spots moved too far up the phase in order to monitor the progress
plate. Likewise, the 100% hexane of the Mitsunobu reactoin. The mobile
solvent was very non-polar and the spots phases tested were 100% ethyl acetate
stayed too close to the origin. (EtOAc), 90% EtOAc and 10% hexane,
Once the ideal mobile phase was 75% EtOAc and 25% hexane, 50%
determined, column chromatography EtOAc and 50% hexane, 35% EtOAc
was used to monitor the progress of the and 65% hexane, 25% EtOAc and 75%
Mitsunobu reaction mixture. Collecting hexane, and 100% hexane. Spots were
fractions from column chromatography viewed under a UV lamp.
is valuable for large separations and
purifications, especially when the Column chromatography. To a buret
components are needed for further column of 36 cm in length and 2.5 cm in
testing or reactions. The desired product diameter was added 1.5 cm of sand,
of the Mitsunobu reaction, was separated followed by 15 cm of dry 70-30 mesh
using a 1:9 ethyl acetate: hexane mobile silica, followed by 1.5 cm of sand. The
phase. The ideal mobile phase was not column was packed with a 1:9 hexane:
used at the beginning of the EtOAc mobile phase. The column was
chromatography because the 35% flashed with nitrogen. Ten fractions were
EtOAc 65% hexane would be too polar collected and the first, fifth and tenth
fractions were tested using TLC with a
35% ethyl acetate, 65% hexane mobile

Supporting Information Available:

Lehman, John. Operational Organic

Chemistry: A Problem-Solving
Approach to the Laboratory Course,
Third edition. Prentice Hall: Upper
Saddle River, NJ, 1999; pp 116, 617

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