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Names: Hctor Cangs, Armando Loyo, Sebastian Albuja, Steven Beltral, Alejandro
Class: 5th 99 A

Date: 08/05/2016

Topic: Dramatization of the theme Harry Poter.

Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 3
General: ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Specif Objectives: ...................................................................................................................... 3
Lovecrafts Biography:.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Development of the project ...................................................................................................... 3
Role of each member: ........................................................................................................... 3
Materials Used: ..................................................................................................................... 4
Procedure taken to develope: ............................................................................................... 4
Pictures:...................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Dialogue : ....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.



To integrate the language skills that students need to master to fully participate in an
integrative project and meet the grade-level content standards. (English Group) (Philip
Eil, s.f.)

Specif Objectives:

1. Learn English in a dynamic way, applying the topics learned in all the lvls of
English, explaining one of the stories of the writer H.P Lovecraft.
2. 2. Students will be able to interpret a parody orally present the main facts of it.
3. .Professor will evaluate the development of his/her students language skills
4. Students will be able to acquire language through receptive and productive skills
5. Professor will assess students production according to the pre-established

Development of the project

D=Dubledore; H=Harry; S=Snape; G=Hermione ; R=Ron

Role of each member:

Hctor Cangs as Dubledore

Armando Loyo as Harry
Sebastian Albuja as Snape
Steven Beltral as Ron
Alejandro Coyago as Hermione

Materials Used:

Sailor hats
Acoustic Track
Music Player
Crystal Bottle
Toy gun
Procedure taken to develope:

1. Assignment of the characters

2. Budget preparation
3. Looking for costumes
4. Preparation of the script
5. First draft
6. Preparation of the video
7. Second draft


Part 1

D: Well come to the Howards school of magic and sorcery, a place where I can tell you that it is
safe for children, and that it has no history that could threaten our existence, But there is a
huge killer snake under the stairs, and a Big dog with three heads and a tree that can kill them
and spiders like a man who can trade his face.

M: thank you professor dombledore that would be everything. As he was saying, welcome to

G: These candles are waxing wax everywhere.

Part 2

H: That time tour is fantastic Hermayoni, you should keep it forever.

G: okey

H: no, seriously it is too valuable, you must promise that you will keep it.

G: Okay, I promise.

H: Hermayony something convenient can eliminate all the rotates and that will be the last one
left, you have to keep it.

G: I promise I will not get rid of him.

What the hell are you talking about?

Part 3

V: I'm going to kill you harry potter, I'm aiming my baryta as hard as I can.

H: what is the use of tom? You tried to kill me once and I did not work.

V: I'm going to destroy you.

H: you've already tried it 5 or 6 times, and I just came back from death

V: lalalala I do not hear you, too busy about to kill you.

H: you're crazy, and now we're about to kill your pet snake. it's the end.

V: never is the end, abada quedabra ... (shot dead in the head xD)

S: Ahg muggles.

H: Professor sanpe is alive.

S: obvious, of course I'm alive dumb,

H: but how? I saw him die right in front of us.

S: dah magic, I am master of potions and obviously had a plan of reservation, I have been
watching Anti venom of honey of badger since I pass it to the side of those particular in

Y: Honey of badger only takes what it wants.

S: And there is nothing that prevents me from healing my wounds. Now Mr. Potter if he could
give me his cloak of invisibility and miss. Granger your tour time. There is one last thing I must

G: teacher realizes that if he does this he will not be able to return.

S: I am aware of the risks and misconduct. Granger.

r: You have to turn that thing up about twenty thousand times, sir.

S: Then do not make me lose count Mr. Whiysly.

r: no sir.

H: Good luck teacher:

S: Goodbye children ... 1,2,3,4 (rotating)

Spend the time ... two hundred and sixty thousand turns after

Part 4

S: two hundred and sixty-two thousand twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, if I succeed I have it.

Part 5

V: I can make animals do things without getting into trouble, I can make bad things happen to
people, if I want to.

S: Adaba quedabra.

D: What? What is this?

S: Take this lord mister hahahaha

D: why did you do that?

S: evidence removed

D: who are you?

S: oh, sorry for that, just saving your life, in the future, just like ... it's a long story.

It is really long that if we wrote it we would complete at least 7 books.

D: oh 7 movies.

Part 6

D: I would like to introduce you to your new master of defense against the dark arts. The
teacher x

S: You will not approve!

D: that is out of place, classes have not started.

The end.

The original parody has been created and published in English by HISHE.

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