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What to do in case of a fire in a restaurant

1. Stay low in the ground, while proceeding to the nearest exit by crawling

2. Dont open doors that are hot to the touch, but if you do open a door, do it

3. If any part of you clothing catches fire, roll immediately to the ground.

4. Call 911 if you cant exit.

5. Signal for help with a cloth or flashlight at a window.

What to do in case of an earthquake in a
1. Relocate somewhere quickly where nothing can fall and strike you.

2. Take cover under a desk or table.

3. If you cant take cover under a desk or table, brace yourself against a wall
or piece of furniture.

4. Make sure to cover your head and neck with your hands.

5. Do not seek out a doorway.

What to do in a terrorist attack on a
1. Get out quickly.

2. If you cant get out, hide. Get somewhere, like a bathroom or office closet
then block and lock the door.

3. In a bomb attack, leave the area ASAP, once outside, stay away from
crowds and unattended cars.

4. Stay away from damaged buildings.

5. As soon as you get to a relatively safe place, call 911.

What to do in a flood at a restaurant
1. Be alert, monitor radio stations.

2. Get to high ground.

3. Evacuate immediately if you think you are at risk or are advised to do so.

4. If someone falls in or is trapped in flood water, do not go after the victim,

call 911.

5. Never try to swim in flooded water.

What to do in case of an animal bite in a
1. Call 911 if the bleeding is severe, blood spurts from the wound.

2. Dont panic.

3. Apply direct pressure until the bleeding stops.

4. Get medical help inmediately.

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