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Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Elementary Education Program

Pre-Observation Form

Directions: This form is to be completed prior to every lesson that will be observed by the mentor
teacher or university supervisor. It is to be submitted no later than 3 business days prior to the actual
observation along with your lesson plans.

Name: Fumi Agboola, Deena Alzaben, Leighton Mauze Date: 11/6/17

1. What is the topic of your lesson?

The topic of our lesson plan is Veterans Day.

2. Why are you teaching this lesson? What is your rationale for teaching it?
We are teaching this lesson because it is important for students to know why we
have Veterans Day and what it means to be a veteran. Through this lesson, we
hope that students not only gain knowledge about Veterans Day, but also
understand to say thank you to everyone and what someone in the armed forces

3. What is your Teaching Behavior Focus? Why did you choose this?
Our teaching behavior focus is to diversify who is called on in class. We chose
this because it is something we hope to implement in our future classroom.

4. Why did you design your instruction in this lesson the way that you did?
Why did you choose this way of teaching the lesson (e.g., Was the idea
from a methods course? From your mentor teacher? Another source?)
We decided to use a read aloud because it exemplified Veterans Day
and broadens students vocabulary while tying in different standards from all
subjects. We chose this way of teaching the lesson because it is engaging for
them and we want them to value reading as a whole. We chose this topic
because Veterans Day is coming up and we dont think most students know
what Veterans Day is/why they have school off.

5. As you are thinking through this lesson, what do you believe will be the
most challenging part of this lesson for you when you teach it? Why?
The most challenging part for us will be classroom management. We have a
problem with this because the kids get so excited and want to share their own
experiences, so often times they will blurt out.

6. How will you know if your learning outcomes for the students are met
We will know if our learning outcomes are met by having the students make
cards for Veterans and through class discussion.

7. How will your classroom management support the learning outcomes?

Our classroom management will support our learning outcomes because when
people listen and are quiet, everyone can pay attention to what is happening,
concentrate, and learn more effectively.

8. List 1-3 areas which you would like for your observer to pay particular
attention. Why do you want your observer to focus on these areas?
We would like our observer to pay attention to our classroom management
because we all feel like this is something we need to work on. When doing
lessons, we have been running out of time and have observed that occasionally it
is because of our lack of total classroom management.

9. Is there anything else you would like your observer to know before the
We would just like our observer to know that we are trying our best to tie in
everything we have learned in class and are trying to apply it to our lessons.

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