You are on page 1of 61

Extra No.124 cU~3 C-tctlIJ'+l'il r::(. ~l. :J'-1.



t ujarat clobtr ent a,ttte

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.
Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
I-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Gov~rnment of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

~u~le. a1:>1<~1r?ta1afl ~1a.t1~ ~een - ~o'\s

(~"lf<ld at:>l<~lr?IBI ( afl tj_Gen B<ql) CtllCtldall '\--all rat~a.t !i~ :ofa<.I~ ~Gl~Cil G~E.ql<tall all~tafl "rl~<ld
<t. -Olla-Jle aPl<Lllf881o11 afl:il "tl21121C-l qls'fafl :clla-Jla-GI 'icl2n dl.<X.<t/o<x./<tS all il<t G1i"Ol<2!C-J Clafl d-lcPll21d<1czl \..l~l2lla-J
~"t<ld oj::>Rl..Jli881 ( afl 'ic12n 8<q1) 0Jl0Jdall fdtG1a-il <tEEo all fdtGla-J-S<t :oia-q<2! o1~o11 ai.<x.<t tl<tVJ d<?.ll< Bil raiGla-J-53
:oia-q<2! aflil %'l2112!C-l qlslafl :ci1il "tl21121C-l 0158 a-i1e (lafl :ci1il slc-ia-i ai0J< 0 a-ii "tl21121C-l <3ileq1i)c:;i 'icl~C-ll %'1~< 8<q1a-ii
-0112!c-i f9.
<>RL1118s1 ( afl 'ic120 s<q1) VJl0Jdall rai<?.Ja-il <tEEo o11 rai<?.Ja-i-s3 tl<t0J %'1~< s)c-i L1~1211a-i tl<t0J aflil <t12112!C-J qlslafl
:ci1il <t12112!c-i 0158 a-i1e 2lafl :ci1il <t12112!c-i <3ileq1il~ fdtG1a-i s G :oia-q<2! -011a-ile oJ::>1<L11f8s1oJ1 ~1<2!C-J1 s1<3fd:cic-iil d:il8 "OI~<
Bil Cla-Jali alla-tl :1-l~W 8Nla-Ji -OJICl f9.
:oi. qls Ol6Balt :MBI< ~Gl~Ci G~E.ql<~ ~~ ~1~ <1s1e1
al. alCtl< allil-1 ~<a11tl
'\ ~ 3 ~ g
<t <t -Olcj~~d :cil~01al "t~Q-l18<161s qic1 <161s q1~, -011a-ile Q-l l<cn<?.l <l~GI 81~~
-011 ft %'1 f2l c:>fl
<X. <t ~ la-f la-GI c:>fl <tilall -Ol80J<Q-Jl8\..151l21 ::t<~ I ils, ale.fl oJ::>liJ, Q-J1<cn<?.l <1~<?.J sl~~
3 <t ~la-Jla-GI :cll~e-OJC-f1 880JIC-lQ-ll8<1l211 e<VJI< ils, -011a-ile. Q-JRcn<?.l <l~GI 81~~
0 <t ~la-Jla-<?.l GI 10JQ-ll8-0JE~::>IQ-J 18 <l"t ::!<~I ils, ale.fl al::>liJ, Q-JRcnGI <l~GI 81~~
'-l <X. ~ l;}J la-GI c:>fl il12tle101o1 ilt?tleQ-118'-lec-i al::>noJ 1 a-ic~e rqeci 1<, Q-Jl<cn<?.l <l~GI 81~~
s <X. ~ la-J la-GI c:>fl e~IOlo1 '<$R81a-d LJeC-J ffia-Jd::!<I, -Olla-fie Q-l l<cn<?.l "told I '-l IZf
'9 <X. '-l81dq::>] a-i~a-$RQ-ll8<1a-f~Q-ll8E.~18 <0J1<1 q1s, -011a-ile Q-Jl<cnGI <l~GI 81~~
G,, <X. ~la-Jla-GI ti8~1Q-l 18!]~Q-J181..i&.11 qic1 ili"{?dq1~, -011a-ile Q-Jl<cnGI <l~GI 81~~
E 3 ~ la-J la-GI c:>fl CJil u{l Oj al CJil VJ IQ-l 18 0J_g'<..l<I~, o1c.f1q~lt?c1, Q-Jl<cnGI "taldl LllZf
c-fT0J :<lJ GI I -011a-ile

IV-C--124. 124-1
e:Rf?:i:R:> .lfl8~1<C P!f"\
~l<C '3l1-ell<C 18~1hC:lclD
'lfl&~l<C ua2'fc 5\,0e-eO-Ee :lfl[FIP
'~lb~( -/(pR) '3 l!WR: - : Lo 16?:
R~J.? RL2::i.1e: R[pcllV '3(!-el l<C 'lfRI RlR Plc~fc J311Vl-e(91 r5J3 J31 IVl-)[J516 R.Oll-elR 5 .R.e
'3ll-el l<C lP l.9o~ I l<C
R~J.? Rl?tlc R[pcllV 'lflclD [?ID 'PRllC!< 18fJIP I bl Rb J311V'f01-e J311Vl6~l' P~R'iOl<C 5 Ee
R~J.? Rl?tlc R[pcl IV '3ll-ell<C 'S@IDl6z_-C g~ IDLJ-cYll-e 1.9o@~ IJC-C R.OI I-el R 5 ee
R~J.? Rl?tlc R[pcl IV '3ll-ell<C 'clclD l6@1c lJl311-e J311VP~@ ID[:?llfl~ IJC-C !cbPl63h 5 \, e
R~.l? Rl?tlc R[pcl IV '3ll-ell<C l?!'llle llCllc Y!E)ctb-J3 '31-eY~l-elJ-)R h Oe
R~J.? Rl?tlc R[pcllV '3ll-ell<C S@ cll0C'3 LJ.DTC"? J31 IV'31-e9~ 81 P-cf R.Oll-elR h -:> \,
R~J.? Rl?tlc R[pcllV '3(!-ell<C lfRIRlR Plc~fc 1-)Z.h )<:I r2.)l-ej3 1IDLJ-cY IJC-C R.olf-el R h 7\,
R~J.? Rl?tlc R[pcllV '3ll-el l<C SI bl RRIC:lc ~le 9!-f.J P~l<C 1>110!9~if.o IJC-C R.Oll-elR h 6' \,
'3 (!-el l<C
lflh IPID~ tctpC:llV \clh c~!f 1io1P11-e1&LJ-)l8 l-)z_hj311V'3l2JUc e:11-e'1-)c12J R.Oll-elR Jl 5 \,
'3 (!-el l<C l(Jl.9o[}ll<C
lflh IPID~ tctpcllV 'lflclD[plD 'llDl!fllb'3 fGh lblRb lc)-Cf-)1-e~ cll-eID[p~ P~R'iOl<C Jl h\,
lflh IPID.Ro tctpcllV '3ll-ell<C 'SI bSll<C lft31bj3llV/C ID[:?IPLJ-c IJC-C R.DI I-el R Jl Jl\,
lflh IPID.Ro tctpcllV '3ll-ell<C '8llelJ'3!1c 1-)Z.h cl 1-eicl.(:1<e ID[:?I A.leJ 1-e IJC-C tc.o 11-e I R Jl E\,
'3 (!-el l<C
lflh IPID.Ro r.:tpcllV 'SI bl tclJl318 'lch[j-)lfl l<C 1-)z_h1311-u11.o81311V16~1-e ic.olf-elR t: e \,
--------- --
I 1?111. I PIDJI:, lctpC:lfu 'R.lbc&lcib 'lch[j-)1-elt<e: cl W<:hJ~I 1VlP.o& cl 1-e&1c~l} I() 1.9,, P~R!?>f<C 2 "6 b
lf 1h I PIDJI:, tctpcl IV 'LclclD[plD 'Slc 1e:h.1-euv cl_?l9 J311VlciC:g) IDi:?IPleJR IJC-C lc.Oll-elfi:'. 2 0 \,
5 h Jt ' c t.
1f1iocR 1-ellO c.-:>! io
ICllS~ @IR ~h P,clb~~~ ..)~12~ clSH: 1,!J>Sgl? ~lb ~
9Ioz-zo-n: '"xa '.3:.LL'.3:ZVD .LN3WN1I'.3:AOD .LV1IYfflD z-vz I
Extra No.127 cuflfa C-lc:tl"6lt'1.l ~:(. ~l. '3'4.00/-


bt ~ujarat ~obtrnmtnt ~a,tttt
Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission .
.....-: ...
. ~LCl.c:fl "1.0L~' ~litl~ {2~-~0'l S
{2~ =ut.~Ltl EH~l ~ln.ld "1,0R' (..{l 12~a h~Cl.L) f11.Lf11.d'1l GittitL-'lC:::C:::)S' "'LL Gittit-S (. {2LitaL
(:r~t.Cl.R"1.L " "IS'L~~Ld

.$+i.l5 : ~2~l/~LCl.(.fi/'1.'ll/~ll. {./~O'l S

( 'l) ~LClc:0. '10l~'l{t[(-thl"il "IS'tallCl(:l ~l+i.lrtl {2q(l dl. ~ 'lj~f~O'l S "il ~l"IS' lll"IS'li\.(-t t:S.dl. +i.ct0Ltatct~ltl
'4.~1tall+i. ~"IS'~tct --tot~'4.tR-thl ( :{2q(l h~Clt) "UC>!.ct--tl Gitt+i.L-'lC:::C:::'ll' --tt Gitt+i.- .H ~..etit --t~--tt ..fC>t:(. n
't!,"IS'f11. ct?.l.R h~1 Gitt+i.-F3 ..a~ "lfquct(-t ~L~ "IS'tallct(-t 6loh +i.t2 ~t~ "IS'taucta hta+i. ..fC>t~ II'
+i.L "IS'tallct(-t C3~t.ctL:(..:t "IS'ttl~ h~Cll+i.i ~Lcta 0.

(~) tj,OR4.tR-thl ( :{2q(l h~ctl) 61.LC>tct"il Gitt.lit 'lC:::C:::'ll'"il Gitt+i. S3 ~tC>!. "IS'Ltl~ h~(:l '4.~tall+i. ~"IS'C>t
"lfqllq({ ~l~ t~Lcta 6loh +i.L2 ~l~ iS'qucta (J~t.ctl~t.:t Gitt+i. St. ~..ciit ~Lctc:0. --tOL~'4.LR-thl"il
ictitat htC3~KHt ct~11 "IS'ltl~ h~l d~l"il "il+i.t >l~~ h~Cll+i.l ~Lct 0.

~. ct1s ~oh"1.t ~2l~Ell Gltt.ctHi '1.llt ~~ ~H"1.l~ 'l~ ~l?l lil~ll

-i. -if1!.~ '! "1.llt ~~.'1.l~

'l ~ '3 )I' 'I. s

'l 'l ~l+i.lrtl ~1 Gilct"il~"i ~qGil8 '4.l2talctlSlttl '4.t6=1.l.L =1.1.thSl '4.L:H, tis '4.t. ~lClcll Gil ~dlit trlctl 'Lll2L
~ ~l+i.trtl ~1 ~ t:S.trttr,Jlr,fi ~~6!.Git8 itut att:S.h t Gilou.u1, t1s. 'LU ~l ctcll Gil ~dlit trlctl 'Lll2L
-3 '4.t9lct q 0 li:!iG-t.t8 ~~l8G-t.t8 othh ci-0.+i. rttl'l +i.fl :(. 'Lll:H tis. 'LU ~t qclJ. Gil:(.dlit iS'rlcU 'Llli!L
"t ~l+i.lrtl ~~C>tuti ttl~--tuti '4.oltat att:S.hl Gilouui., tis 'LU ~lq(-{l Gil:(. dl?.{ iS'rlctt 'Llt2L '
't i ~l+i.lrtl ~1 ttt.Llclhl~rt fl'LthG-t.t8 'Lt:(.+i.t:(. &utl ~1itt, +i.lctl GiLOUUf., Gil:(. dll!. trlctl 'Ltli!L
"U-)bll-C 'LclBQJl<C P!li
l?l<C IB~lhclclo LJ-)bll-C
'LclBQJl<C U2l2fc 5"6o-e--eo-Ee :lnLclP
'tnlb~(-/~1<) LJ-)bll-C-: lol;5-C
lflh l"!--,9,, lc"[}J'Hlv 1}-:>blR 'c1cl--H3C.R 1-:>Zh. 911V'3}-1l<t 911Vl5't1t 'h--lltlR .R.c
}?lh lP1--.9c hlP'CllV lJ;>blR 'l?'bll-:> lcll<iltthlcll-- lblRb 911Vcb&9 911V~'J<t ~~f.l<t t-c
}?lh ii-.,9,, hlP'CllV 1}-:>blR l?hlRlR ltlh&l?lC 'b 'b-1}9 e' 911Vl--~ l--"tJ1-:>.9ctc lJVC 'h--llt1R cc
}?lh 1Pl--.9c hlP'CllV Hl~12) 1--15(t 'ltlh lJ-""(1-:>lq 1'3~1-- lh1,HI<) 9llV1--1'1:11--'tJl'ln lt12) UG"C Jeb 163h. ;i 'bC
}?lh 1"1--,9,, hlP'CllV lJ;>blR: 'Deb U5l'3 9~ BTB>l--1'1:1 cllt~R~ltq 'h--lltlR Oc
}?lh 1"1--,9,, hlP'CllV 1}-:>blR 1n63lh 'Cl?'J't "lfclallV 9llV 911Vlttlt c 9llVlP'!<.9c 'h--lltlR ;,)\
}?lh 1Pl--.9c hlP'CllV 'l?hlRlR Wl?lbB~De '~-0'b $'\HG ellt~h~l--lt 1--'tJB"l--lR 1,16' 'h--lltlR n
}?lh 1"1--,9,, hlP'CllV l?hlRlR clcl--l'31J5.9c 'C.5-1?' le 19-01&b 911VP1fclCi c "l--'tJ1JCB'f3 1,16' 'h--llt1R h GI\
lc:}t 1}-:>blR \
l&Jltl-- -c11V 1--lP"l-- 'cl?'J't "lfclallV 'ltllh. cU'3lhl?'lV l<t~ 1h1J't;~t lhl}tclJClP. 'h--lltlR 3\
k!t lJ;>blR
1CiJlt1-- cllt) 1--l.P1-- 'cl?Jt lfclallV 'tc11h. cU'3lhl?'lV 'I<\~ Thl}tl-:>~c lh1}tBll<lq9 'h--lltlR hb
l&Jltl-- PcllV 1--l.Pl-- 1J-:>b1R 'l?hlRlR J'llh. hU5ll<t 1-:>11'1:1 911V'312.Jc 1<t P.'tJl91Tu'3 1,16' 'h--1lt1R .R.\
l&]ltl-- -c11V ?lP"l-- lJ;>blR 'lnlJellV lS'lcl<i ''(leb 1&19h. ltt19h. 11<\ c1Jl9-0 1fJ1}91--' ~ 1,16' 'h--lltlR .R. '\
lf'lh 1Pl--.9c hlP'CllV 1}-:>blR ''fil)n; lnlb b~l'tllt 9J1-:>~ q91h 1-:>11-:>Cb?P. 911V15~lt) 'h--lltlR Cb
}?lh 11--,9,, h lP ellt) lJ;>blR lJSln lJ-"11<-lfclR (f:>h lV) 1-:>Zh e11t~qi-.q e11t~~~ 'h--lltlR
lflh 1"1--,9,, hlP'CllV lJ;>blR ''(lebellV? 11ei1c 911VqlJ51<t 1--'tJJl<l.b 1,16' 'h--lltlR 0\
}?lh 1Pl--.9c hlP'CllV lJ;>blR Deb 1-:>Zh. BZh 911Vl5~lt] 1--'tJ'l:]l'h<\ 1,16' 'h--lltlR E' ;,)
}?lh 1Pl--.9c hlP'CllV 1}-:>blR D <jt '1JebU5l'3 9~ 1-:>lB'l<\ltR~ cllt~l--t 'h--lltlR ,
lJ;>blR 1P19-0
}?lh ii-.,9,, h lP cllt) 1n63lh ~1Jl'2 ~i.~ 'Rlb~l'C ~le ~11Vl1511<t ~11Vl51,c~ ~~f.l<t GI
~lh lP.ll<\lb'3 11--BlBqlJCc
}?lh ll--,9,, hlP'CllV "lS'ln'(lellV lPllt 1}-:>blR lhSJt cllt~5tl3 1--'tJl"l--bllV lJVC 'h--llt1R ~
s 1\ j.. ' c b
'ltn~cR ltll-- cWK c le)!-- "}'
~lR~ @lR llh. ltll--cR l"l<t ltll-- ~clb'3ltf1 rnr~12): ll--~S't> Slb "l<t
9IOZ-zo-Z 'X3: 3:ll3:ZVD .LN3:WN113:AOD .LWVfflD z-LZI
Extra No.110 cuflh c-tc:tlO+t-il t.~ ~l. \3'4.00/-


ttr;be ciujarat ciobernment cia1ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
I-L) made by Statutory Authorities other the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Exdse, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission. "iOR"lllElhL....fl :cl.Ll{ {2tg{l-~O'lS

{2tgll :ot.~L~ &l~L ~~kl. "1.0R'4.LlElht....fl {{l 5~Cl.l 6l.L6id"il Mtil{l-'l~~'a' oil Gtttit-S t ~..qi\ ~2til<:t.L
. 8ii.t.ct.R1-it -itl{t..fl ~~:(.td
( 'l) ct~~l-St "1.0l:(.'lLl:G..&l"i.l ..flit "6''2llCtC-l ctll..fl ~t+tlt ic12(l ctU. 9./o~/~O'lS: "1.l ~l"t ~Lillil<:t ct..fl
+J.ct::irntct:(.1j '4.R:12tt+t ~"t~tct .;.::it~'4.LR:-t.&t (..fl ic12n .&:(.ctt);,t f.i.~+t1 9.<.:::<::ls' --tt Pt~+t-s'l
:ot...<:til. "1.~"1.t -i.~'l ~"tc.t ct~l~ h:(t M~+t-S-3 ~.-ctil. ....flit "t~ttCtC-l q),~1..fl ~tii. "6'12LtCtC{ c1cS.& +tl~
:cuii. hlc-l+t .{c.i.~ 'a' +ti "6''2LlCtC{ (3i{t,qt~1.t ictil.E:t.t ~0,~ _&:(qL+J.i ~Let({ 0.
(~) ...;.::il:(.'4.LR:-t.&t ( ic12a .&:(.qt);.t f.i.~+t"t 9.C'.:C'.: .;.t Pt.~+t s:-3 tJs"tc.t ill~h .&~a '4.~12u+t :!"tc.t ..flit
"tquCJ.a ct1~1..fl ~tii. "6'12uck1 ~6.& +tt2 ct...fl ~tii. "tqltctc-t 6ii.sctt~1.t Gi?.t.+t s: c. ~.-ctil. ct~~t~1
.;,::it:(.'4.tR:-t.&t'it ictil<:tl .&t6~<:t:(t ct:(.11 ~~:(. h:(.t ct:o-it...;.i "1.t+tt ).tfu~ Hqt+ti ~t2t 0.
:&I. Cl.H &t6~vtl >l5R :\2Lil.Et Gii.t,C!.l~tl
... ...[(J.f.~
:cl~ "1L1 '4.~ :ell~ o&.s L~L
'{ I I
'l ~ -3 't I '4. I s
'l 'l 'l :&l.'j~~ct ~"Ovt6t 'i. :&I. ~fci.t.0-1.L~ I '30 ,~!.1<='4. &i.;)c-tb, :i,r<t-tltt~ I 0-1.t~ctltt "O'ictt '4.t2t
"Olfct. ~?1.1 ~2H1~L I ~.'4.l.
~1~ttt2lrL1 ~ti\., 62lttlt.~L ~ls l
I ct~~t.s1 ct.t.~iJt~ltll "Ol.~~ct
IV-C Ex.-110 110-1
}?lh. Wl-'-9-0 rilJ-lc11-V th. . 1JnS: (:1h1,?l'l<t hlk 1'1-> ! 911-V <:h. 911-Vlclzltli 1
P1rj l<cit:'I
I lJ (:'R: .1Jio 101\inc I
I I "'" !
I I r
I }?lh. lPl-'-9-0 h1)Jc11-U 1fllck!h i 1,S'11H:lh.. 'it' ltllcll-''.9:i I \imh-9-01-<c 1--11...kJ I 1]<-:C 1-c->llt11(: (: I u.
1 i
OU.9..::)2' Pc'R:1Jio I
1fllck11t w 1,S'mclh."'it lb1t1:b
I ~ 12.Jl.9-0~ll<c I
}?lh. 1,...p,, h1}lc11-V
I 1rjl:c'j:;. l<c
,I 5 "be I
1fl631h. )(:1?1_'2 k\f.>R Rlb1,chl'b I ~ml<.63 i...i:iw~l<i
H'R:"l}'o 1fl1_ckJlt1 i lihll-' I
I }?'lh. Wl-'P,, h1JJcl1-V ll<ifl:lli - l_,S'll(:C "lh. t 1,S'lb1-)o/Q} Bil1-)cb"21-' clh~h.1JhP,,
I 1-c->lhlR I .9..
Pc'R:~ 1Jalk11c
- Oc
I }?lh. 1Pl-',9,, h1)Jc11-V 1fl1_clc11t i 1,S'lRC:P .1_h. t '1_,S'1b1191l<c 911-V1J?oBl( 911-Vl<i.1?1_~ jcb Pl63h. 2 /)1,
I -
Pc'R: l?o 1fl1_ck1h w b'31,9,, I I I
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l ! I
I Pc'R:t?o 1fl1_clc11t1 1)&11-'lt I
}?lh. lPl-'>?o h1JJcl1-V U'lRcP " 1,S'lb Bm911-V ckl...'tll'l smvn't_tc l-'1?11-'1l1_t I 1,1<-:C 1-c->lltlR
Ib I h. -:1
1-lc'R:t?o 1fl1_clcT1t1 UTR:cth."it lh1,c'3l"2N:
}?lh. 1Pl-'>?o h1)JH1ti l?h1R1_RltlclB..% G'"b-('.c icm3--%1c ~mh.~cl'l R->HtlH: 1.9.. l ,b
,____ I
1lc'R:1Jio 1-)(h.
911t>ThK 91}t)W:igK 1-c->lltlte
I }?lh. lPl-'..% h zye:lltl wte:ic1itw wm-clh.t' U'1bBi91<.J I2 l h.b
e:'R:1Jio 1n1_clc11t"1P U'lRcP \illl; I
}?lh. Wl--..% h1)Jclltl "1_h."lt'l?h1R1_R 1611--ltl'R:'O"b-~ 91ltl1h.2] 1-"'tJ~ll-"lJt 1,1<.:C 1-c->lltlR (: Rb
il (:'R:' 1Jlo 12Jh.l.9oK
}?lh. 1Pl--.9o h 1)Jclltl 1,1<.:C jcb 163h. b .9..
Ii 1n1_clc11t"lP l_,S'1RC:P"1_h.'h clc1"".9o1J-'h 91ltl'3rc 1-"'tJ11-)1Jtc
l E'b
'- .. I Pc'R:l}'o lnlC:lc11t"lP cl1t S'll<l:
I 1
i hlf<i.1e: h1JJc1}t) 1,?1'R:C:P"lh."h 11_ltl'i'~ 1-''R:-"lt lhlf.>11 liID'ia1i... l'lmcb2-i.. ts- 1-c->lltlR .9.. n
'- . Pc'R:"1Jio '3h~
hlf< h1JJcl}t) 1n1_clc11t1- ts-m-cth:'it -cic-1... zyc'lrj l'\1161-)~l<c 1t1,Wtii9 1cb 163h. I2 bb
I >----
'R:~l1 I c'R:1Jio 1'\?lt
I 111f<i.1e: h1JJclltl I 1fl1_ck1ltw 1,'llRcP"th."'it clcl-'1JJ61rj '3lt l'l('.clil,~c si:;.11<11chl'R: 1,1<.-C 1-c->lhlR (: I 01,
'- ...
Pc'R:1J?o 1ntcic11t1 1,'i'lRcPth."'it l&Wh.
hlf< h1}lclltl
I 'l,c'31'3'ttm 1}'-1J')l1 c~i. 91ltlltl1-)k 1-'1?1</h-e 1]<--C 1-c->lltlR b i 2 ~ I
Pc'R:1Jio intck!h1 l
I }?lh. 1Pl--.9o h 1)Jclltl 1,S'l'R:cP' lh.. 'itl,S'lb1-)1B9 lltl I
i 91ltlll->1'3 91lt>1-"l'lllt I 1-c->lltm I .9.. I I 7
Pc'R:t?o 1n1_clc11t1 lblteb 12.Jl..%~ll<c
l?lh. lPl--Jo h zy-clltl 1,S'1Rc" 1!1-. 'it hlln~ l;t'31'3 I 5:\llt>l->lh~c 9lltl16WK 'lrj1:c'j:;.1'c 2 G'
Pc'R:t?o 1nlclcJlt"lP l.,'i'lRcP"lh."'it
'r1Jn-91JnW11'llt-~JI.. b '\_(:lh.
}?lh. 1Pl-'P,, h1)Jc1ltl lfh1R1_R lc1_hl'lR lblRb 911t>'Ri11<11-"tilh.1<: ~ 1-c->lltlR cl 5
-c'R:t?o 1n1_ck11t w c1ltch.
J?lh. Wl--J?o h lPclltl 1,S'lRcP .1_h.'.lt Jlh.1~~1<t' 5h.JI.. 91ltllc1c1Jc '1->"\?lht) 1,l&C 1-c->lltlR b c h.
Pc'R:"t?o 1n1_ck11t1 lalWlt <-
J?lh. lPl-"..% h1)Jclltl 1,'llRcPlh."'it cic-i..1y111ic-R1 l'lIDPlt~ ~~~e~ R->11tlR JI.. JI..
Pe:'R:t?o 1n1_ck1lt1 1b11Cb 12J1.9o~ll<t
}?1h. 1P1"".9o hlPclltl i,s-m-clh.'it t1)n~l.,c'31'3 SI11t>llttrc 91ltl'Ri11<1 'lrj1:c'i::.l<t 21 2
OU.9..:::)' 'Pc'R:1Jio 1~1J1b
}?1h. Wl--..% hlPclltl 1n1_ck1it 1 1,S'lRcP cki... P13bN: ~m3--~lt 1-""\?lh~it uvc R->lltm (: c
s h ~ ' (: b
l&Wlgo @lR Tul\ )tll->cR ltll-> c~}' '}'
P,clb'3~t) 'P.>~1'2'!t cWl'l'.ll->~9~ ]lb "1'c
;:)-AI .LWd] 9IOZ-ZO-Z: '"X3 3.L.L3ZV0.LN3WN1I3AOO lV1IVfDO z:-ou
c~ ~ 1P~1'1t 11'\ 1.P)'1'1t e'2~'1 ~hn... 5 'boc/c.o/t;c -: t<tl,cl
't1'l: W~1'h.c1c1--1JrR:c "t,s-m-c -:h.-tt
tFW~1'l: U&'2ft '-c~.lli] 'U:>S-Tlt 1K 1PS'1'1t c'21'>1 l<>hll--
'l<ell:>l'I: ( t?R) 't!<c Wl-<Jl'h.clci-. 1,HR:c "\,cWQ!t<c Ua'2ft
5 'b/1t11a~n.f'"fcmf"1n.i-.1s-mc./p.'l:th1ttc: 11'1tsr
on.i<..::::i2 'c.'RlFo 1fll._c1cTlt i 1fPllC
1?1h. ii.. .9c 'tiW Hlt) u-mc.i:ilh."lt'c1ci..b'Ffllt -~r~1Jlo1eic. c1lt~&tlc 'h->11-tllC .9.. n
on.i<..::::i2'c.'R:1Jlo 1fll._c1c11-t"1P cl'ltch. ~1.9,,
1?1h. ii.. .9c h 1Pc11-v wmc.i:i 'lh.''h' c1f~.9cl2.J 'flru1}t) "K -c11-t~y.,12.l ~'tc~l<l: E' 0-c
1fllckT1t 1i:i is-me. ""l.h. 'h' s-tc 'F.l(h.
l?lh. lPW,, h1Pcll-v 1:.c.1b~ 11h.1J'l. t t:"b- 1}<1 ~ 11-vll>"E,_. ,_. ~1'J...M!i 1,"l<JC 1<->11-tllC c n
s h. .9.. E' c 'b
l&W~ ~lR'lllh Jtll-"cR ltll-" cl<J}- '}'-
-c1"b?.~f;) 'F.l~1?1t cWK ll-"119~ /lb 'l't
-on 9IOz-zo-Z "X3 3.Ll3ZVD lN3WN1I3AOD l\11IVfDD
Extra No. 114 cu~~ ~ctlll'it.'1.l t.~ ~l. J'4.00/-


Q[;bt ~ujarat (obtrnmtnt ~a~ttte

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

;)tia~cfi ..-iot ~ 'ltRl5t ~llll.rtt :{2ia'l-~o'l S

1_2ia'l =bl~5HL (Hl ~/!'.(.ld ..-tOL:(.'lLRl5L (~ :{2iat 5'.(.cU) <>l.l6ld'1.l ~itlf.l 'l~~ "1.l ~itll-.S:c
-Ot...ct~ :{2l~<:t.l (Ji\sqHl"1.l "1.llll~ IS'LJ.:(.ld

.kli.L51p~'l/ '"1.'ll./otia~cfi/'.(.O'l.S:, dl.'.(.-3/o'.(./'.(.O'l.S:

( 'l) otqtsc(l .-i.ot'.(.1.J.Llc-thL'"ll l!qu2ta 12qil ctt. '.(. 'l/o";(./";(.o'l .s: .-i.t ";(.LI! ll.L"ttil.c-t
l-1.i:FlLqtct'.(.'lj 1.J.[{ml-1. ~/!";(.td .;.ot-:(.1.ltf?tht ( 12qil !5-:(.qt) <>tt<>tct-tl Mlll-1.L 'lC'.'.C'.'.ls' -tt Mlll-1.-S'l =iJt..-qi{
'i't!'it ..-i.. { 'l :Jsl!<>t ctlf.t{ h{L Mll+t-s0 =iJt..-ctil. ~u2ta ~L1{ l!mCla ~oh l-1.tZ ~t1{
bkt+t ..-i.<>t{-ls' +ti l!qu2ta C31{<e,ci.t{l..t 1ai:lc-tt l!l~{ h{ =iJtLCt 0.
(";(.) -t::>t{1.ltfC-tht ( 12qil h{ci.t) 61.Lc.tct-tl Mlll-1.L 'lC'.'.C'.'.ls' -tL Mll+t .s:0 :J,l!c.t l!L~";(. b~C-t 1.J.[{qu+t :!l!c.t
";fquqa ~L-i1 "(fquqa ~ob l-1.LZ ~t1{ ";fquqa (31{'(,qt{l.'.i. Mll't s c =1;{..-qi{ otqtscD.
-t::>t { 1.llf?tbt'il 12ti:lc-tt btC3~c-t {l ct {L1 "tt~{ h{L ct =iJtl-ti 'il+tl >l~ctt !5-:(. Cl.Ll-1.i :ouq 0.
:at. ctl~ ~.s.!5-tl l ~2Lil.e.L CJil<C.<tll-;i -tlll 'l~ at~ "6LSL~
~. ~ "1.lll al-tl~
'l l .a 'l s
c+tt~<ll.1.1. ~t~I.!.
'l 'l at+tt..-1{~ bC:.-'4.'i.l6)."1't>l.glil ~ '4.2C-t c+tl2 liBlC:.-C-tl, ornt~Al.
1..fiot ~52~1. '4.L~, ii~~ q[iltl.!.L, <liH <ll.1.1. ~ L~I.I.
<. 'l at+tt..-1{~ ollctt tt."1.~"lc+ttl:S' '4.Zc:t
OL~LScfi 5!.g)a
:otj~l?tct ii~~ q[ilt~, OLLl.!.?f.l :/:ltaLl.! c+tt ~ <ll.1.1. ~L~I.!.
-3 'l l)L~l~Lc+tll:S' ~CJ.Wc+ttl:S' BUl.'4.lct.
~t~"IS'Llct.':1:lil, OL~LScfi 5lg)a
0 ~lct+i.'4.t~ :/:ll:/:l.Ll.!.21., M~'lh c+!.LX.<ll.?.t ~t~I.!.
'l at+tt..-1{ [}~hc+ttl:S' 6l5hc+tt6 '4.2C-t
~ls, OL~lScfi 51.g)a
N-C Ex.-114 114-1
..l}-)l<tl)<: l,'CWQ)l'C 1l'i:
W1-<Jlhclcl-- lP~1eiic 5"boc/co/2c -: l<tl,cl
't,c l~Qll'C uei21c lP~1eiic -: mhl
'lccll:>l'C ( lJ'lC)
\. \.
1}:>~121ic 'sT1:>1211S'h. 1'1-);)h '31.}t$'ll-)~1'l: 1~1R'31t 'fl1t 1Pl1tlR 5 Kc
h10lc hlPHtt)
\. \.
'(P~lblc 'slbH31Wlo 1<l c ll'l: 1-f~ltl~)t '31JI: c B~-<Jl'l: 1Pl1tlR 5 2C
h10ic hlPc lit)
\. \.
1}:>~121ic 's~t)lh.-tJ <R09m~ 91R~ 911-t)hTul'l: P(?l2.Jlh.9o 1,16(: 1P11tlR 5 Ct
h 101 c h lP c lit)
RYcW \. \.
1,16(: 12.Jl..%~ll'l:
lP ~ 121le 'l?'lb11<ii:1 l;'.Jh.1n$'l Hlt'.9'15lf:$'l P(?lf?ll-'li] 5 "be
h 101 (: h lP (: 11-t) -i-.~:J'R:'(:: l<'c
l?Th. Wf....9o hlP'Cl}t) 1r~121ic 'll->-)l$'l1t 1r:1z lClRJ B1Bl2J!<.9o cl1t'.9'R~-)1 1Pl1tlR h. m
lP~lalc ::)1,
J?lh. Wf....9o hlP'Cl}t) '1-)(h. 9Mll<;>~ 911-t)l2Jlt c }c'bl63h. h.
's~t)lh.-i1 9m~ 'Tu~h.-tl1 .9olc
J?lh. Wf....9o le lP c 11-t) 1}:>~la1c 's1l:>E'3 B(h. 911-t)lS'11c 1--(?.9ol'CR u 'lc-->lltlR h. n
1,16(: 12.Jl..%~ll'l:
l?lh. Wf....9o lelP'Cl}t) '(P~mic 'lcl'bll'l: <R011 B(h. 911-t)ls"tS<RO 1--(?lPhlcR h. 01
J?lh. Wf....9o le lP c 11-t) 1}:>~121ic "2~ .9olclcff BlB'3 911-t)R~ c 112.JK 1Pl1t1R !!. '.'!1
J?lh. Wf....9o lelPcl}t) '(P~lalc 'll->-)l$'llt 1,H( ~~De 91M2ib<Ri> c llt'.9'h~1J-' !!. h.1
J?lh. Wf....9o h lP c lit) 1}:>~1Cilc 'S'l'b~l1t Htlf 911-t)l(;fl~ 1'(?lld<tt) 1,1<:.:C 1P11tlR !!. R.1
1,16(: 12.Jl.9o~ll'l: --:-1
I }5'lh. Wf....9o le1P c lit) I 1}:>~12ilc 'Sl'bcl}t)~l,'31-- c B( c 11t'.9'l-)~l!: f... (?115ll'l: !!.
J?lh. Wf....9o le lP c 11-t) '(P~mic 'slb1J<:Tl3 'C.'(:l1t '3lt$'ll'l: 911--lt 1Pl1tlR 2 Cb
J?lh. lf....9,, le lP c lit) lP~lak 'lh'tl!JS' ll-)11lt ll'l:'(Pm 911-t)ElJ3 911-t)ls~l:l 2 bb
~'R: '(::1'l:
J?lh. Wf....9o le1P c lit) '(P~mic 'mf...'blm Hlt cl1t'.9''3~12J P(?l}t)Ds l,16(: 1Pllt lR 2 01
J?lh. Wf....9o hlP'C.11-t) lP~mic 'D-);)l$'llt l.9olclJ- l<i.'\E cl}9'1ls 11--lls1 1,16(: }c'bl63h. 2 :::>
J?lh. WhRo hlP'Cl}t) 1}:>~la1c 'l?hlRlR f...'tl:j l;'.]115 B~Dc 911-t)f...$'lllt 911-t)Blh.Dc 'lc-->lltlR c /
lP~lalc 12.Jl.9o~ll'l:
J?lh. Wf....9o le lP c M 'Rl'bll'l: lc~9'1,c21~ -cic'R: B(h. 911-t)~l}V 9Mbc r-~'R:'(::1'l: c 0
'(P~lalc 'Rl'bl;'.Jh.1n$'l
J?lh. WP.9o le1P c 11-t) l-)(h. 911-t)ls~ c Wl-)1t t 1,16(: 'lc-->lltlR c '.'!
'l,c21~ ck'R:
J?lh. Wf....9o le1P c lit) lP~lak'l?lelRlR fcB\'. BZllc Rl'bl:j1J6 l}t2Ble.9o 1,16(: 1Pllt1R c h.
5 h. !!. 2 c 'b
~11--cR lt1P. }-- . }--
ldlS1_.9o ~lR Tuh. lt1P. }c1b'3~E) rn~121c c WK ll--191? ~lb "l'l:
;J-AI .DIVd] 910z:-z:o-n: "X3 3ll3ZVD lN3WN.1I3AOD lV1IVfflD

Extra No.112 CllNb C-t.ctl6ll..U t.~ ~l. '3'4.00/-


tltbt @ujarat d9obtrnmtnt @a,tttt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

it.i~c:fl .-i.oR'll~t..U ~lit.l"'l ~a~Cl-~o\~

~2~ :ot~l~ Eil~l ~~ld .-i.ot~'ll~l..fl ~2~ ~~cu tJt.ltJt.d.-tl Rttit.L-\C!:C!:)S' .-tl Rttit.-~<!: :oi_..q,~ ~Gl~at
C3'ilt.Cl.l~l.-tl .-tlit.1..U lll~~ld
(9.) +ti-Scfl -tOR'lllC-thl-tl ..fl~ "6'qw:la ql.{...(l. ~llll.-lt 1_2qU ct.U. 'l/o~/~O'lS. '1.l ~l"6' l.t.llll~a ct...a
'4.({qllll ~"6'~lct. '1,0L~'4.LlCl.~l (..(l 1_2qU h~Cll) "tl"tct.'1.l Rttlll 'l(::(::)S' '1.l Pttt+t-S.'l :ot_..q~ '1.1i_'1.l ..t.~'l
~"6'"1. ctttL~ ha Ptttit.-s.-3 :oi...ctil ..a~ ~LLcta ql.,s1...l ~Lii. ~LLcta ~oh it.L2 ct...a
~tii. hl.ait. .-i"t~ IS' it.i
Ol(qLtcta 8ii.t.qL~1.t 1_2L~aL 1!1.~~ h~qL+ti :ot.Lcta ~.
(~) ~OL~'4.llC-thl (...l =i_2qU h~qL) "tl"tct.'1.l Pttt+tl 't(::(::)S' '1.l Pttt+t S.-3 ~"6'"1. 1!1.~~ h~a '4_({qul{ ~"6'"1. ..a~
Ol(qLLcta ql.,s1...l ~uii. ~ncta ~M it.L2 (i...(l ~Lii. ~ucta 8ii.t.qL~l..t Ptttit. s. c :ot..ct~ it.i-Scfl -tot~'4.LlC-thl-tl
1,2t~aL hLC3~a~l. ct.a?r 1!1.~~ ha ct.:oi.1.-ti -ttit.l. J.l.~(i h~qLit.i :oi.Lct ~-
:ot. . qU &f.M"1.l > 1_2til.a (3~(,ctt~1
..J.. .{(,{~
"1.Lll ~~'1.L~ '4.~ ~L~ "6l.-St~L
'I. ~ 3 )S' '4. ~

:ot.~:H!.~ct ~i.(k1t&f."1. ohtll~ttS' :1.ti.ti.~'l

~t~ctlit ~L~it
'I. 'I. t.J.tClt qfUJ.~, lJ.t-Scfi, lfl.~~d ......
:ot.tft"6'Lfct ~ ht:Jl~

~Lllt~-W r.:t_l{uu&f."1. llle'1.~Lt) ~ie'1.t2\. ~l~Ll.t.21., llt-Scfi,

~ 9. ~ "6''1.dl '4.t21:
'li.=<1.ta lfl.~~d.
3 :ot.::)s~~d ~~Lett'4.t.& ~l~Lit.21., llt-S cfi, ~L~ctlit ~L~l.t.
3 ~'4.Ll1~~L ll~~~lll~ '4.2.C-t
:ot.tft"6'Lfct lfl.~~d hl~~
(::~'6% "l:PS'1lt
'tcW~l<l: RW~ WBl ~Rll--.9~{h 5 'boc/co/t:c. -: l<tl,cW
t'l<l: W~lh.:Clcl-" tpS'1lt .1J:>S'1lt 'l-"'3R lb~ WBl
'1,cW~l<l: l)&21t .1J:>S'1lt '1,<:W~l<t RWli] W~l ~R11--5?olh
'lc"<:l'Pl<t (WR) . t'l<t Wl-<Jlh.clcl-" 1PS'1lt 't,cW~~ U&21t
h.'b/ltn&~h.f~1Rf1h.l-" 1J:>S'11t/1--tchlt~: ~Thlf'
}?lh. ll-.9.i hlPcllt) -c~l?o '1P5'1lt 'rlJng clla~ R Re
i-)1})1<1.ltR~ SH1t>'l->1Pllt) 'h--lltlR
}?lh. 11->.9.i hlPcllt) . c~l?o '1P5'11t 'rUng 11111c~ t,cl3\,.k _9llt)l'li'E~ 91lt)lC~lh ' E:'c
'lrj~t:l<c 5
l?lh. 1)..)I., h'\P'Cllt) -c'R:l?o '1P5'11t 'rUng l,5'1<1113 l,cl3\,.k 91lt)'i31Jlo l>~llr~ ~ - 'h--lltlR c cc
l?lh. il--.9.i hlPcllt) -c'R:1Jlo 'lP5'1lt 'Wll--1J&l<lll3 1}t1lc 91lt)1c~lt l--~1;ic11c b H
l:i]'R: t:l<t
l?lh. 11--.9.i hlPcllt) lc{llt l'lmcl119 l'l~tc 'h--lltlR J-.. De
'1P5'11t 'l?hlRlR hl/,,h~lb
lflh. 11->.9.i 'h]pcllt) -c'R:1Jlo '1P5'1lt 'l?hlRlR c~!'t 1}t1lc 91lt)1Jloc'R: 91lt)t:lt ' ;;i1
'lrj'R: t:l<t
l?lh. Wl--.9.i h]pcllt) -c~l?o '1P5'1lt 'rlJng lh~W c /"b
cllt~c~hk l-~11--bllt) U<-.:C - n--11tm
ll'llbl-)~lR u~
l?lh. 11->k h]pcllt) c'R:l?o '1P5'1lt 'rlJng -c1ia'R: b 01,
91lt)1c~1t11--~l()Tclk - jcb 1()3h.
RltW J-...
" . -c~l?o '1P5'11t '5'lc 1--9~ ni.w ~~ 11~f<: ~~13 ,,,
nl01c hlPcllt) 'h--lltlR
-c'R:1Jlo W~lt
l?lh. Wl--k hlfcllt) h. 'b
"lr5'1h 'm6'1h. 11n11c1n-.1 lr% ~rult1h'lil>B ~ru~~l3 'h--lltlR '
" .. -c~l?o '1P5'11t 'rlQ)g lJ31ic 1J&1l1 '1'lrn>'312Jcl<t l-~%1-t R"b
nl01c hlPcllt) U~ - 'h--1lt1R c
RltW ~-l()lk~ll<c
" .. c~lr<> 'lJ:>5'11t 'rlQJg lbl-- tc'B\,.k 91lt)clt) 1--~mwE) E:'"b
nl01c hlPcllt) l:il 'R:t:l<t b
l?lh. 1"1--k h]pcllt) c'R:lJlo '1P5'1lt 'rUng )..1~ Cb
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J?lh. il--k h]pcllt) c'R:l?o '1PS-1lt 'lhlJng c1Jlob 5'l91c 91lt)~9 ~f<:l'li'El-- bb
l:i]'R: t:l<t ' '
J?lh. Wl--k hlPcllt) c'R:l?o '1P5'1lt 'rUntJ lrlR h'Elh. ,91lt)l--(!,~ 1--~~h.g l,l<JC - 'h--llt1R c Ob
(1--~'Pl}t) ;;>
J?lh. il--k h]pcllt) -c'R:1Jlo '1P5'11t '5'1bcllt)1' ll--ll--
lh~5'lR ~ru~~ 1--~l>k~ ~ - 'h--lltlR b
J?lh. ])..)?., hlP'Cllt) e'R:l?o '1PS-11t '5'lblhl,5'lcl<I R 7
Slllt)l--lblclt) Slllt)l'l;~lt 'h--lltlR
J?lh. il--k hlPcllt) -c'R:1Jlo '1P5'11t '5'lc lfoll<J!'t l,cll<Jc snlt)l'liWK 11()K jcb 16'h. ' 0
J?lh. 1"1--k 'hlPcllt) -c~lfo '1PS'1lt '<J l-9~ ~m 91lt)~'h.12J l--~1Pcl3 ~ - 'h--lltlR c 5
J?lh. Wl>k 'hlPcllt) -c'R:lfo "lr5'11t '5'1b1hl,5'lcl<I 5'l91c 91lt)icru12g l--~11<1."E b h.
l:i]'R: ~l<t
l.:c~l1 c'R:lfo
1-)'(h. 91lt)11a1lt) 91lt)h.~~ J-.. R
n101c 'h{Pcllt) '1P5'11t "lfhlRlR Jlh.lh~lS' 'h--lltlR
,J-AI ..nrvd ] 9IOZ-ZO-Z "xa '.3:ll'.3:ZVO lN'.3:WN1I'.3:AOO lV1IVfflO Z-ZII
Extra No. 128 curt!s <'.1.ctl"6+1."1l t.=< ~l. ~'-1.00/-


utbt @ujarat ~obernmtnt @a~ettt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

...... -'--"

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

<lat~:>Hat oPl~ 1.uR-1s1 ~-tlilll~ ~ll?fi - ~oq~

~ll?fi <0tlQs1~1 lQl~l ~i~lct oP1~1.uR-t8l ( ofi ~ll?fi 8~Ql) vtlvtctoll fOt~atl <lEE'6 otl fOt~at ~c;
<0toQ~ ~ll~e-tl <lii'tQl~lofi o1mlofi oYt~~lct

(q) GJl~=>llJl oPR4llC-t8loil oil~ tl;?llQC-t Qt~oil ~-llatl~ ~cl;?0 <il.~q/~/~Oq<S otl ~t C1l'1~C-t (toil
Jlct=>ll;?lct~1~ Lt\?xl;?llJl ~t~lct <Jt=>t~L!llC-t8l ( o0 ~cl;?0 8~Ql) vtlvtctotl lotC1Jll qEE't otl lotC1Jl-'S(
~<JQ~ ot~otl ot.~q ~060{ rtC1l~ 8~1 lotC1Jl-<33 ~<JQ~ oil~ o'l;?llQC-t Qt51oil ~-llJt t~llQC-t 0'\58 atl2_
(lo{) <X-llJt ffic-tat otvt<X 't ati tl;?llQC-t GJtC:Ql<XtOl ~cl~c-tl '16<X 8<XQlati ~IQ 0.

(;x) ot=>t<XL11fC-t81 Coil ~c:l;?n 3;xq1) vt1vtctot1 totC1at't qEEI( mi lOtC1at-<S3 ~o.<vt '16<X 8~c-t Ltl?x1;?11at ~o.<vt
oil~ t~llQC-t Qt51oil <X-llJt tl;?llQC-t 0'\58 atl2_ (toil <X-llJt tl;?llQC-t GJtEQl~Ol lotC1Jl-'SG ~<JQ~ GJt~=>llJl
<J1=>R4llC-t8l<J1l ict~C-tl 8tGfO-~-lC-t~ ct<X1S '1"'Q<X 8~ ?i~totl <J1lJll 1l~-lHt 8<XQlati ~lQ 0.

IV-C--128 128-1
- 'fc@~ 1J6"J:>Tlc'11h t:J1.% ~'f.(fDJ1c j{ 51:.
1Pc~ \iTl-OPp16.% h~~
J.?lh hllcchD
1P1'>.% 1"2lPcllil 'fc@~ U6pmqlh t:J1.% ~'f.(fo)1c j{ h'b
lle1}-J~h \il1-01tb<% 1s-e1:'.:J
11'>.% ntp c 11-il hllCchE) $l?''\P'l't1g: om~ m1-0h ~~ 1'>t?t:J1c1.% u:.~ lCOlhnt .R .R 'b
]).o,% lelPcllil 1-tllcchS) 'lflc1'>1?1'> 1-JZh m1-0A.~~ 1'>1:'.?1Uc rr-~1e011-tm .R E'b
Jflh hllcchD 'l:!m
lJ.o.% lelP cllil l}'>h? 16lfg '1-t1P.1!.6R gm .%1rn~ :it0161-t1c lCOlhltc E c'b
l J.?lh '~m )C~lfl.c?<>1:_c
]].o,% 1.!lP c11-il 16lf $> '(?1lil lelc
me 1'>ftc1fl> A.1:'.:Jh lCOlhltc E bb
]>,% RlP c11-il hllcchE) '1le1Jn~ l9QJ $~1c Oll-02ln 1-o't'.?1J.oR1-o 1}'.-~lCOlhnt
I O'b
JJ.o~ i.!ipcllil hllcchD 'lc)!tllelJl:!ll:! 11nt01' ~11-0R~~ ID't?l':lft E ::)
u:.~ t:J1.%~Tl<~ ~'fcf.ol1c
i I
.. T hllcchD
- I c ?
I '$lbl1111 'f'~ lf1818 c21:!1~1 011-011hyc bcU.c lCOlhltc
- hllcc'l-tD 'Tuun~ 1911-0 $~le 011-01-01-:>-)b 011-01ac~ t:J1.% ~l)Q ~'ftf.o]Q c G'
- '$lbl11h '~@~ fYtcb 1111-t ~11-016\:.1:-"JI.! 1Pc'h 1}'.-.-t )CO)hltc c 5
- '$lbl1lh ~@~ fJhb 1}'.-.-t1!J chlQ 1-J<Clh U:.~\cb16'h c h
! I I I
I i
1'2Vt1c RlPclru t-tncchD ">1bmuan::> icm? 1-Jll-J~f0 1111-0~lJ:Oh lCOlhlR b x
'RVtlc ntpclru I h llc chD '$lb Hl811-t R~l:'.J 1611-oU6H1 cl.!l\H: \cl:>mh b E
-!- I
R(8~ I
t2Vtlc lelPclru J 1-t11cchD '~@~ hlc'b- 1-J~? m1-0'>"t::~ J.o"t?'l)b'.%1c 1}'.-.-t 1C01hlR b c
tc\8~ !
I 'R~lc RlPclru I hllcchD 'r@~ 1-tlc'Q 11nf03 m1-0rtl5l:J J.ot?1~1:'.:l 1}'.-.-t 1:J1.%~l)Q ~'f.(f.o]Q b b
5 h ~ E c b
I ttllDcR 1t11D
1~1S~ C'l-9 }'>
~'@ltc ~h 1t11n ~c11:>3~9 })~12~ c1ssn. 1!"S39l? ~l? ''!'>"~
9IOZ:-ZO-Z: 'xg 3.1.13ZVD .1N3WNCl.3AOD .lVCl.VfflD
"L<;C>Jh 'e28~8 Mt:IJJ>
181-<JlhC>JcJJ> lfllcC>lf)
'LC>l8QJ~ ua2~
't:-elb~ (l9re)
ff~),? ltllcHt!)'tHbS'lbcti>
1"2lf;t1 c 1"2 tp )ti)
c 'R!)lS> cb1h S'lbc}i) \11}i)lltl}'t 0lti>lol6c8 le"lltlR 6' ?c
n1f;t1c ntpcl}i) 1-tllcch!) 'R91S> cblh TU>M3 \11ti>16~c mtDfi:l<.l2J 12l~~1rc ~'Rforc 6' 6'c
R~J,? h11Ccl-tE) 'RE)lS>
J<lf;tlc 1<1Pc l}i) cblh 1htc tp~rn: llCllbSl-t 16(}~ 1-Jlo)!:C 1}-t le"llt m 6' Sc
~~),? hllccl-t!)
r<lf;t le r<1Pc 1ti> I 'H:91S' cblh 'S'TJ:>l}-JClb '(?lh m1V16~R lotJl~fc 1}-t le"11-t Ht 6' he
lflh 1-tllCcrt9
lPloJlo Rij-> c l}i) '(?lb1Ji11c 'clc).oP~m eclh blcMlM \11ti>1-J~R le"lltm 5 ~c
lf lh 1-tllccltD
11'>.% RtpcHt) 'l!C1c:r~ ip~rn 1c~ i:Jn-Ufs' <:r11-:i}"1ltc I f2"11-tnt I 5 E<:
lflh hilCc hfl
1 1-o Jlo R 1J-> c lti> '1Jlblfl11c 'clc).o~m b31R ~ri.,,u61s.1 1.f 1l-&9o1c 1}-t le"ll-t m 5 cc
lflh 1-tllccrt!)
]loJlo t.qp c11V '1Jlb1Ji11c 'clclo~1R \1-t16 p~ 1J->~111C 1}-t le"ll-t 1lt 5 "be
lflh 1-tllcch.D '1-t.llcC1-t!)
])D,% 121}-> c ]h) 1f<>ft;, 'S'lblRlf 11'> 1R lfl(<) \1lhlc1c1!'t \-1 lhl Cl'lr\1 le"lltm h Oc
lflh h11Cch!)
1Pl<>Jlo l<ij-> cllil 'c'Q:lll-JlM 'S'lbcl-trn I }J~h \'.11hl1f).l.~lo {ilhll?i~S' \cbP161h h
I 0b
lf lh ltllcch!)
lPl-oJlo Rij->cllil I 's-11:> 1-t 18 'm10~ 19ls.!
c l}nltW \1l}i)P116ll. l}Bll-t~ 1}-t le"lhnt h ?ti
lflh hllc?:h.!)
lP lo.9o 12ij-> clti> lf<>ft;, '11<\0~ R1bPtJ~ l}~le"lhlR h (i'),
cs~]3 ~11Vl61El!.'2 lJ->hl?i.9o
9IOz-zo-z 'x3. 3.ll3.ZVD lN3.Jt\IN113.AOD lV1IVfflD
Extra No. 122 Cl.l~3 C-tctl"6ll.'1.l ~~ ~l. ~'4.00/-


UCbt ~ujarat ~obemment ~a;ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police; the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

qs1c.fl a1~1~"!1r?!s1 ~1a.i1~ ~en - ~o'l'i

~en :oifEls1il .qm ~J.'~10 a1~~'ur?!s1 ( afl ~en s~q1) <ifl<ifc1a11 raii!fa.i) 'lEE a11 raii!fili - u :oia<.1~ tj_e1~m
<3iJeq1~lcr11 a11ililafl "Yl~~lc1
( 9.) ~10l'.28i51 '.::9t:Jlofl qs1c-fl crPl'.21..Jlf881o11 oflil %'~11ClC--J q')slcr0 ~la-Jlcr<J ~G~0 c11.'.29./'.2/~o9.S o11 il%' <J!"Ol~C-l (1ofl
aicPl~lcJ:iltl 1..j ~~llai ~%''.21c1 oj;)l'.21..J tf881 ( ofl ~G~n 8N I) 0l 10ldo11 fdt<Jail - '\EEo o11 fdt<Ja-J - s '\ '<>jcrq~ o1tlo1 I
cri. :;i '\ tl%'0l Cl<J 1:;i 8'.21 fdt<Ja-1 - s 3 '<>Jcrq~ oflil %'~112lC-J qlslofl ~15:! %'~112lc1 6:158 a-J 1-Z C1ofl ~ 15:! slc--Jd--l cri01:;i -o d--li
%'~11Clc--J <3~cc-Jiil;j 'BGl~C--JI "01~'.2 s:;iq1a-li ::0112lc1 8.
(<-) crPl'.2'--!1~81 (ofl ~G~n 8:;iq1) 0!10ldo11 fdt<Jd--li '\EEo o11 fdtG!a-J S3 tl%'0l "01~'.2 8)C--J '--l~~llai tl%'0l ofli) %'~11ClC--J
q\slofl ~ 15:! %'~112lc1 6:158 d--l IZ C1ofl ~ 15:! %'~112lc1 <35:ic.q 1:;il.;:i fdt<Jd--l s.::: '<>Jcrq~ qs1c-Jl oJ;:>l<.1..11f881o11 =BG1~c11
8!Gfd:cic1il d'.218 "01"&'.2 8'.21 d'<>ltcrti alld-lt :i.J~SSI 8"2q1;Hi =21-llCl f9. q)s ~oBalt ~Bl~ tj_el~Ci GiJf.q ltl \.I~ ~1il cis1e1
al<>i~ atla.f ~~a11tl
'I. ~ 3 11 \.I g
'l 'l 1..ls1c1q::iY :;>--:>[] '.Girw81o:io1 <.1d--l1Cl-118 ;}-Jls1~<J1 ~::i1:;iq 1:;>-1, qs1c-Jl Cl-ll'.2c0GI %'o1c11 '--llif
~ ~I;}] lcr<J :;>--:>[] ~~c116:Jo1 :l--J(q~ICl-118 ~::i1:;i VJ 1Sl<J 1~cn1, :;>-1;:,1<.q l:cJ, Cl-I l'.2c0GI %'o1cl I '--l lif
tl. '-11.cl1. qs1c-Jl
3 :;>-11;}-J lcr<J '<>l~c1Cl-118 BCfJICl-118 :;>-Pl'.2 ci-11cr2m ~cn1, tl.1..Jl.c11.qs1c-fl Cl-ll'.2c0GI %'o1c11 '--llif
'1) :cl IJ-11 crGI %'<.icOCl-118 ~i8'.2Cl-118 ~::i1:;i w--fl<J1 ~cn1, :cJ;:i1:;iq1:cJ, qs1c-fl Cl-ll'.2c0GI %'o1c11 '--llif
\.! ~ ~l&llcr<J :;>--:>[] <.a-flc116:Jo1 '.21;}-JICl-118 8SlGll '<>!1cric.cr1;:i1<- ~l:;>-11<Jtl, qs1c-Jl Cl-11<.cOGI %'o1c11 '--llif
g :cl I;}] lcrGI :;>--:>[] ~;}-JC--J"cil(;Jo1 tlE.'.Giw '--lZC--J 81518'--l 1, qs1c-fl Cl-ll'.2c0GI %'o1c11 '--llif
\9 '--ls1c1q::iy 8~'.2Cl-1181-lc::!,Cl-118 ~;)l'.2 :cJlc-118 qcn1, :c-P1<.q1:cJ, Cl-11<.cO<.t %'o1c11 '--llil
C.Dl~n tl.'--l! .cl 1. qs1c-fl
~ ~l;}-Jlcr<.t o11'.21<.1~1Cl-118 Slc<.IICl-118 _::if<_! :cJ:>INI~, qC--Jt~crfl, Cl-ll'.2c0GI %'o1c11 '--llif
tl '--ll .c11. qs1c-Jl

IV-C--122. 122-1
c.sj3 'LW5QJfie P!h:
~l<e 18~1hclcf.o ij-)ISb
'Lcl8QJ fie ua2'fc si,o-e--eo--e :fflLclP
'~lb~(-/jyR) ij-)ISb - : lDl6(:
ij-)ISb 'lh'}e 'lJ.DS
I j]lh IPf.0.% lc[pclft) t-)lbctc.% ~1h lf.Olffllb3 11D.% f-)lbclc.% f-)ff-)f.Olc63 f311VJPIJ5 I ROI ~I fC Jtc
j]lh IPf.0.% lc[pclfU ij-)ISb'lhR 'lD631h s.oz_-c fCf0 c.1~c.h f3l1V1wt3 f311VPeJl8 P~'klO~ c
j]lh IPf.0.% lc[pclft) 'IWlbf.O ~1h c4J!- c[jtb{~lc 2! ffl J31 !VP!Jl-C.% f.01:?1 PLJc [)C-C tc.01 ~11-C cc
JJI h IPf.OJI., lc[pcl ft) 'lf lcl 1-Cll-C clclo[)Gtcllc 2! ffl f31 ft)~.ol2G 1Dl:?ll-)l)l8 [JC-C tc.o lie IfC 5
H 'be
j]lh IPf.0.% lc[pclfU 'lD631h UJ:>S llclJ-)t3=S) t-)z_h f311Vll61f.O f31fV~.ol2G ROI ~11-C Oc
1-C~J-? tcL2:t1c. tctpc.1 IV 'Slc f3@t3 'LlDS S~lc S~lc Sl !iJ Pf0Sll~ Sl !iJ PG fie tc.01 ~11-C ::> l.
1-C~J_? tcL2:t1c. tctpc.1 ft) ij-)ISb'lh'}e clP-C:QJ ll<:l-C8 DZ.h f311V16tfc f.Ol:?IPLJc [)C-C tc.o I~ 11-C 71.
--~-----~ '-~--~" ,,_~
j]lh IPf.0.% lc[pclft) ~)-ISb'lh}e 'l-Clbltc~8 lfCllD c.1~'~.0!2G IDl:?fCll-)~ [j<:-c tc.o I~ 11-C h. 6' l.
1-C~J-? tcL~lc. 1ctpc.1 IV ij-)ISb.lh}e 'LJ.01!-)l?ICl~tf f31ftll-)1108f3 f31 ft)f.Olmf3 ROl~lfC 51.
R~L.8 1c~1c. tctpc.1 IV 'lD631 h f.016z_-C l-Cf0 'I-Cl blJV! ft) c.1~c.h f31 ftllffllJV f31 fV~.o~~ l2J ~ 'lOfie h. l.
ij-)ISb '8ltc8@1~
1-C~J-? tcL~tc. tctpc.1 ft) 'tfll-C l?lbJlol~fC U.Oll-C IP~~ c.1~'!-)flh 1.ol:?f-hitc [j<:-C tc.o I~I fC JI.. l.
1-C~L.8 1c~1c. tctpc.1 IV ij-)ISb '1c.h.1c~Jlof0 2! flt f31 ft)l6~1c. f.Ol:?}eg [j<:-C tc.o I~ IfC JI.. 1.
ij-)ISb 'S@ f.OG
j]lh !Pf.OJ, lc[pclft) lfl8SlfC 'lflclfClfC clcf.O[)Glcllc Pblhfe Sl!ij~.o~ Sl!ijf.O~'f3tt ROl~ll-C Cl.
fC~L_8 1c~1c. tctpc.1 tv ij-)ISb 'lf lcl fClfC clcf.O[)Glcllc IC.I blafC f-)lf-)};)f f0 161f.OQJfie lc.Ol~ll-C l. l.
cl 1af?;
j]lh IPf.0.% lc[pcl!V ij-)ISb 'lf lcl fClfC clcf.O[)Glcl le f31 ft)16tf lc.% f.Ol:?[pblcft) [j<:-C tc.o I~I fC 01,
J]lh IPf.0.% lc[pcl!V ij-)ISb 'lflclfClfC clcf.Ollct,(1-C cl~ch f-)lh_\'lSl f.01:?12Jfc~ [j<:-C l2J ~ l(, fie ::>
5 h. JI.. c l.
1f11DcR kl ID ck>!
ICllSI:,-\> @IR ~h. '>clb'3~9 f.)~I~~ clBK l!-Bg(? ~lb !~
9IOz-zo-z ''XH 3.LL3:ZVD lN3WN~HAOD lWVfflD z-zzr
Extra No.122 cu[lfa '-tctl6ll'"ll t.~ ~t. '3'1.1.00/-


t!tbe Clujarat ~obernment ~a~ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

qs1c.fl a1:>1<'l!1r?!a1 ci1a.i1~ ~een - <o'\ s

~een :oJ~BI~ .qm ~'lf<lct of:>Rl.Uf?IBI ( ofl en B<qt) c.tlc.tdoll '\EEY oil rat~a.t - !i.C :oJaCf~ ~<!l~Cil
a;ile.q1<lott ollailofl ')']~<Id
( "l) ;:.JIVJ'.2.8i51 ~t:tlall CJSIC-fl oPl'.2.l.llf0l81afl allil "ls'l21121C-I CJ!s1all ;:.Jld-Jlcr<.! aj_Gl2n c11.'.2."l/'.2./0<o"lg afl iJ"ls' <.!ICOJ<i:lc-1 Clall
d-lcPll2ic1:il<j, l.J~l211d-l ~"ls'(lc1 af::>J(l.Jlf0l81 (all aj_Gl2n 8'.2.CJI) Ctl1Ctlc1afl fdl<.1d-ll - "\EEo afl fdl<.!d-l - g"l -O-Jo-CJ<i:l aftiafl
ai. '.2."l ti"ls'Vl Cl<.11'.2. 8'.2.1 fdl<.1d-l - g3 =<r1o-CJ<i:l allil "ls'l2112!c-1 CJ!s1all ;:.i1;H "ls'l2112!c-1 6io8 d-11~ Clall ;:.i1;H 8lc-1d-l oiCtJ'.2. -() d-li
"ls'\2112!c-1 (3;}:Jc.q1i),;i ~Gl~(-11 "016( 8Nfa1i '<lf12!c1 8.
( () af.Jj(l.j I(851 (all aj_Gl2n 8(CJ I) VJ 1Ctlc1af I fdl<.1d-ll "\ EEo af I fdf<.!d-l g 3 ti"ls'Ctl "016'.2. 8~(-1 l.j ~l21 ld-l li"ls'Ctl allil "ls'l21121C-I
CJrs1afl ~1;H "ls'l21121C-I 6io8 d-11~ (lafl ;:.i1;H "ls'l21121C-I (3;Hc.q1i];i fdl<.!d-l gL '<r!o-CJ<i:l CJSIC-ll af::>J(l.Jlf0l81afl ~Gl<i:IC-11
8! <38:ctC-l'.2l cf'.218 "01~'.2 8'.21 (l~j)af i a! Id-Ji ),..J ~SSJ 8(CJld-J i '<il iCl 8.
--~- qls ~68otl ).181< t~Ci<d, '-I~ Cit~ <>tls1121

aic.i< all~
'\ ~ 3 y '-I !i
'l 'l w91 c1 CJ ::iY :c:>fl 'Gir~s16iaJ '.21a-11Cl-l 18d-lis1:cn<.11 :CPl(CJ i;:.J, C!SIC-fl ci-ir2cnG1 "ls'olc11 LI 1if

~ ;:.J Id-11 a-GI :c:>fl ;:.J<l;!c116iaf ~icll21Cl-ll8 :~pl( Vi 1Sl<.1 l~Cfl1, ;:.J::ll(CJ i;:.J' Cl-l1(cn<.j "ls'afc11 L11if
ti.'-ll .(11. CJSIC-fl
--- -- -
3 :Cl I&I Ia-GI :oi~c1Cl-l18 BCfl1C'118 :~p1( Q-JICJ;:.JI( ~ufl, ~ .cll.C!SIC-fl "Oafc11 l.Jlif

y ;:.i ld-l lcrGI "ls'cicnCl-l18 ~i8'.2.Cl-l18 ;:.i::i1( W-fl<.11 ~Cfl1, :CPl'.2.C!l;'.-1, C!SIC-fl C'mcn<.1 <oaJc11 LI 1if
'-I < ;:.J I&l Ier<.! :c:>fl '.2.;i-nc-116iaf (ld-J IQ-l 18 8Sl<.! I '< :Cll'.2-11<.!tl, CJSIC-fl C'll(cn<.! "Oafc1 I LI lif
!i ;:.JI &l Ia-GI :c:>fl 6d-JC-1'116iaf tiE.'Gi~ l.J~C-1 8J6181.J I, CJSIC-fl Cl-l1'<.1 coafc111.l1if
'9 Llt91c1CJ.:iY 8~(Q-ll8 ~c:!,Cl-ll8 :CPI( ;:.ilc-118 ~afl, ;'.-J.:i1'.2.ci1;:.i, Cl-l1(cn<.j coafc11 L11tr
c.VJ l2n ti. Lii. c1 I. C!SIC-fl
~ ;:.J 1;i1 lo-GI afl(l<.!l21Cl-ll8 Sll?GllCl-ll8 _:::>1(1 ~Pl(CJl:cl, 2Jc-11~ufl, (l-JJ(cn<.j coo1c11 L11tr
~.Lil .c1 I. CJSIC-fl

IV-C--122. 122-1
c.sJ3 'Lc18QJ 1<c I.)! K
Jei<C 18~1 hclc!D [J-)ISb
'Lcl8QJ1<c uci2'fc s i,o-e--eo-t:e =ffl[J:IP
'~lb~(-/~R) [J-)ISb -: LDl6C
(J-)ISb.lhR '[JD~
J.?I h 1PID-% tcUJWu I f-)llJ-(:f'c,% '~lh llDlffllfJ'] 11-D.% 1-)1 b-Ctc-% 1-)l l-)l-Olc63 f31 IV_UJ[J5 tc.oll-tll-C: .!le
J.?lh IPID-% RUJcllV [J-)ISb"lhR 'LD631h s.oz_-c l-C:l-0 mah f3llVILD8 f311VP-eJl8 P~'k:TD!<c n
J.?lh IPID,% i~[pcllV 'IWlbl-0 '~lh c~J~ c[Jtb~l-tlc 2! ffl (31 IVP!Jl-C:.% 1-DtJI PLJc lJ<-C tc.011-el 1-C: cc
~-- [J-)ISIJ lhR
l J.?lh IPff>,~ RUJcllV '[ftclf-Clf-2: clc!Dl)Gtcllc 2 !ffl f3 I h)~.o l;?G; ID!:? ID [Jt8 [)C-C tc:.o 11t11-C 5 l,c
- -- ~--
J.?lh IPfD.% lcUJcllV 'LD63 I h LLD& I R[J-)(3:9 1-)Zh f311Vltano f311V~.ol2G; tc.01I-ti1-C: Oc
1-C:~L? tct?<1c. tcUJcllV 's~ f3~13 'LLD& Sl_?llc Sl_?llc Sl~Pf0Slll-t Sl~PG;i<e f'c.Oll-tlf-C: .:ll,
~- ~--
1-C:~L? tcL2'tlc RUJcllV [J-)ISb"lhR clP-C:QJ lf0-C8 1-)z_h f31 IVl6~c IDl:?I PLJc lJG-C tc.01I-ti1-C: 7\.
_,, - "~--
- J.?lh IPID-% lcUJcllV -"[t)isblhR 'l-C:lbltc~8 ~I fD c11-t'~.01;?G; IDl:?l-C:l 1-)~ lJC-C tc.o 11-t I 1-C: h. 6' \.
1-C:~J tct?<1c. tcUJcllV [J-)ISb"lhR 'LJDlt-)l_?ICll-t~ f31 IVl-)1 l-08f3 f31 IVID1cl-tf3 f'c.Oll-tlf-C: 5 l.
1-C:~J tct?<1c. tcUJcl IV 'LD631 h IDl6z_-C f-C:f') 'I-Cl blJV! IV c.11-tch f311VlffllJV f3l1V~.0~1-t l2J ~ T!>f'C h. l.
[J-)ISb '8lle8@11-t
1-C:~J tcL2't1c tcUJcllV '~11-C: [?lb.%11-tl-C: U.Oll-C: IP~l-t cll-t'l-)Elh IDl:?l-h-eLc lJC-C tc.011-tll-C: Jt \.
1-C:~J 1ct?<1c tcUJcl IV [J-)ISb 'lchlc~.%1<:i 2!ffl f311Vl6(:>1c ID(?R& lJC-C tc.011-tll-C: Jl ~\.
[J-)ISb 'S~ !DG;
J.?lh IPID.% lcUJcllV Lcl8Slf-C: 'lf RI 1-C:ll-C: clc!DlJGRI le Pblh!C Sl~~.o~ Sl~ID1-t8tt f'c.Oll-tll-C: Cl.
1-C:@,8 1ct?<1c tcUJcl IV [J-)ISb '[ftcll-C:lf-C: clc!DlJClcllc lclbtal-C: 1-)ll)lQll<:i 1611DQJI{(; f'c.Oll-tlf-C: \.\.
J.?lh IPID.Ro lcUJcllV [J-)ISb 'tflcll-C:ll-C: clcl-OlJGlcllc f31h)l6[?1c.Ro IDl:?UJblclV lJC-C tc.o 11-t I 1-C: 0 \.
J.?I h I PID.Ro lcUJcl ft) [J-)ISb '[ftcll-C:ll-C: clc!Dllcl.<1-C: cll-tch 1-) ID(?l2JfcLR::. uc-c l2J LR::. 10 i<e ~ -:>
5 h. Jl ~ c \.
1f11DcR 1-el!D ck>!
ICllSt'-> @IR ~h. 1Dclb3~~ 1-:>~12~ cleH: 1.!-!19(? ~lb !~
;:)-AI-.DIVd] 9I oz-zo-rz '-X'.3: 3:l.13:ZVD .LN3:WN113:AOD l WVfflD z-zzr
Extra No. 122 ctl~3 ~-tctl6l'l"1.l t:~ ~l. ~'4.00/-


tltbt ~ujarat ~obemment @a;ettt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

C!SIC.fl aF>l~'\.l!fc'i81 ~Id-II~ tj._ee0 - io'lS

tj.,een :oif?Ia1il .qm ~~~1d a1:>1~"ufc'ia1 (oft ~en a~q1) c.i1c.ida11 'lEEY a11 rai~a.i - g~ :oia<.1~ tj.,e1~m
<3~E.q1~la11 a11a.ilofJ 'Ylf?~td
S(}li5 -
( 9.) ~10F28i61 ~t::Jlofl CJSIC-11 al.::>l'.21.-llfCl81all oflil "tl2112'C-I CJlslofl ~ld-llcr<.J ~z12n dl.'.29./'.2/<X.09.S all '.21"11 <.!l~~C-1 Clofl
d-ld.::>ll21d'.21<j 1.-1~l2lld-l 1"t'.21d al.::>l'.21.-llfCl81 ( ofl ~12n 8NI) 0Jl0Jdall rai<.Jd-11 - 9.EEo all fdl<.Jd-1 - S9. '<>jcr(j~ altio11
oi. '.29. ti"110l d<.!l'.2 8'.21 fdl<.Jd-1 - ~13 '<>lcrCJ~ oflil "tl2112'C-I CJlslofl ~I~ "lll2112'C-I 6'.168 d-112. Clofl ~I~ 8IC-ld-l al01'.2 -<> d-li
t:t12112lc-1 <3~c:.CJ1il~ ~z1~c-11 ~t'.2 8'.2CJ1a.1i '<-'1121CJ ~.
('.2) of.::>l'.21.-llr0J81 ( ofl ~l20 8'.2CJI) 0Jl0Jdo11 rai<.Jd-11 9.EEo all rai<.Jd-1 S 3 ti"t01 ~~'.2 8~C-l 1.-l~l211d-l ti"t0l oflil "tl2112'C-I
CJ!slofl ~1~ "t1211ck-1 6'.168 d-112. Clofl ~1~ "t12112!c-1 <3~c:.CJ1il~ fdl<.Jd-1 s.:. :oicrCJ~ CJStc-11 oJ.::>1'.21.-11fC-181oJ1 ~z1~c-11
s18fd:cic-1'.2I c1'.21"8 ~~'.2 8'.21 Cl=<->Jla1i oll&ll :1-1Riw 8'.2CJl:Hi <-'l!Cl 9.

:Qi .ai qls 0'.168o11 J.481~

1~c-1_<3iliE.q1~cd \.I~ ~I~ <)151~1
qjc.i~ alld-1 ~~a11tl
'l ~ 3 y '-I g
'l 'l 1.-lt91dCJ.::>l ;:-:>fl '<-ir~816'.loJ '.21d-11Clmf d-lls1;:-0<.J1 ~.::>l'.2CJ I~, CJSIC-fl Cl-I l'.2cfl<.J "tald I 1.-1 ltf
~ ;:-J ld-1 lcr<.J ;:-:>fl ;:-JJ;!d 16'.lal >--1f2t121ci-mf ;:-J.::>1'.2 lti!Sl<.!1~011, ;:-J.::>!Nl;:-J, Clmcfl<.J "toJdl LJ1tf
ti.Yi .cl I. CJSiC-fl
3 ;:-J l;f-1 lcr<.J '<>li',dQ-!IEf ~011Q-mf ;:-J.::>i'.2 (l-!ICJ;:-Jl'.2 ~011, '!:_!.LJl.dl.CJSIC-fl Clmcfl<-J "told I LJ 1tf
--- ~------~~-~-

y ;:-J ld-l lcr<-J "tcicO(l-118 i8'.2(l-!18 '.2-Pl'.2 '.21;Hl<.JI ~011, ;:-J.::>i'.2CJl;:-J, CJSIC-fl (l-!l'.2cfl<-J "toldl LJltf

'\.I ~ ;:-J ld-1 lcr<.J ;:-:>fl '.2;HlC-116'.lo1 '.21;}-11(1-118 8Sl<.J1 :oJ laical.::>l'.2 ;:-Jl;:-J I<.!~, CJSIC-fl Cl-ll~cfl<-J "told I "lJ ttf
g ;:-Jid-Jlcr<.J ;:-;>fl ~;:i.1C-J-c116'.lal tic'Gi~ LJ"'Z.c-1 8l6J8LJI, CJSIC-f1 (l-!l~cfl<.J "to1c11 LJltf
'9 "llt91dCJ.::>l 8~'.2(1-118 >-lc:!(l-118 ;:-J.::>i'.2 ;:-Jic-118 ~011, ;:-J.::>l'.2CJl;:-J, (II l'.2cflGI "to1c1 I Ll ltf
cltl 12n ti LJI .cl I. CJS IC-11
~ ;:-11;:i.11cr<.J o11~1<.Jl21(l-!18 Sll?<.Jl(l-118 _.::>i'.21 ;:-J.::>i'.2CJl;:-J, 2!C--l1~011, (l-!l'.2cfl<.J "to1c11 LJltf
ti.1.-lf .d I. CJSIC-f1

IV-C--122. 122-1
c.sj3 'Lc18~1<e P~K
~f<C 181;2) I hclct.o LJ-)ISb
'Lcl8~1-<e ua2'fc sboe-eo-e =1<1LclP
'~lb~(-/(pR) l)-)IS'b -: 1.Dt6-C
l)-)ISb.lhff 'lJ.oS
I lfl h I Pt.oh tc[pcl fU 1-)lb-Ctch '~lh 11.Dll<llb-:? II.Dk 1-)lb-Ctch 1-)ll-)t.olc63 f311-UJPU5 tcoll-el R .A.c
LJ-)ISb.lhff 'l.D631h s.oz_-c Rf0 c.11-ec.h f3l1-U11.D8 J31fUPeJl8 P tfJRYD 1-<e tc
r~~IP~~ R~OI~ l)-)ISb.lhff
. lf !Pt.oh t~[pclfU
___ ., __'1w1bt.o '~lh c1J~ c[jlb~1-e1c. 2! l<l J31 fUP!JRh 1-Dl?I PLJc LJ<-C tc.01 I-el R cc
LJ-)ISb' lh:ff
.lflh IP!.D.J<o tc[pclfU '[j?tclf~:lR clct.ol)Ctcllc 2 ! l<l f3 llv .o l:? G:; t.o !:? II-) [j1. 8 LJ<-C tc.otH:IR 5 'be
--- --
.lflh !Pt.oh R[pclfU '1.D63 I h LlDS I RLJ-)!3=f) J-)z_h f311-UI t61 t.o f31 fU.ol;?G:; tc.01 I-el R Oc
R~J_? tcL~lc R[pcl fU 'Slc f3@t3 'LlDS S~lc S~lc 9~Pf09ll-e 9~PG:;f<C tc.ofJ-el R ;) l,
R~J_? tcL~lc R[pcl fU LJ-)ISb'lh'ff cll.)-(:Q) lf0-C8 J-)Z.h f3llV16~c t.ot?IPLJc LJ<-C tc.of I-el R 71,
.lflh !Pt.oh tc[pclfU ..... - . ft)f-Sb-:-lh. ff ' RI b I tc~ 8 l)'Clt.o c.11-e.ol;?G:; 1-Dl:?Rll-)~ lJC-C tc.of I-el R h. 6\ l,
R@,8 tcL~lc R[pclfU l)-)ISb' lhff 'LJDl_!--)l?ICll-e~ 131 fUJ-)1 f08J3 f311Vt.olct-ef3 tc.olJ-elR Sl.
R~l-_8 tcL~lc tc[pclfU 't.o631h !.Dl6z_-C Rf0 'RlbLJV!fU c.1t-ech1311-UI lflLJV f3l 1V.0~1-e el~ YDl-<e h. 'b
l)-)ISb '8ltc8@11-e
R~J,? tct?t1c. tc[pcl fU '~IR [?lbhll-eR LJ.DlR IP~l-e c.11-el-)Elh 1-Dl:?l-Y-i:ttc l)C-C tc.olJ-elR .Ill,
R~l? tct?t1c tc[pcl fU LJ-)ISb '1c.h.1c~hf0 2! 1<1131 fUl6(:>1c t.ot?ff8 lJC-C tc.ofJ-elR )l E: l,
LJ-)IS'b 'S@ t.oG:;
.lflh !Pt.oh tc[pcllV Lc18YR '[j?tclRlR clct.ol)Ctcllc Pblh!C 9~~.o~ 9~1.Dl-e~K tc.olJ-elR Cb
R~J_? tcl?tlc R[pcl IV LJ-)ISb '[j?tcl RlR clct.ol)Ctcllc IC.I bt6R l-)IJ-)'f01 f0 1611-DQJl-<e tc.of J-elR l,l,
.lflh !Pt.oh tc[pcllV LJ-)ISb '[j?tclRlR clct.ol)Ctcllc f31 IVl6[?1ch 1-Dl:?[pblcfU lJC-C tc.ot J-el R 0 l,
lf I h I Pt.oh tc[pcl IV l)-)ISb 'lftclRlR clct.oltc!_<R cll-ech J-)lh!'t9 t.ot?elfc~ uc:c el ~ .YD 1-<e E: ;)
5 h. )l E: c l,
lf11DcR 1-el!D ck>!D
ICllS~ ~IR ~h. !'>clb3~9 1-)~I?~ clRH: 1.!-89(? ~lb iaiq;
9Ioz-zo-z "xa 3.LL3:ZVD J,N3WN1I3AOD J,WVfflD z-zzI
Extra No.117 cu~~ ~ctl%lt..U t.~ ~l. -3'4.00/-


be @ujarat @obernment @a1ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, E!e~~tfo:n Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

"ll?.15 a1::1r~'-llfa8I ~la.ti~ ~120-~o 'I. !1

~een ~ff.ia1il .stm ::i..!"'~10 oi:>1~,.11f0a1afl (afl ~en a~cu) '\<:-<=oil rai~~ - st ~a<1~ ~1~ci1
G~e.qRloil oilai)ofl ~f?~l<1
~15 :- ~e121/a1'4/"ll?.IS/o~/~o'\S
( 9.) 'Oj<_qc-c-ll ~C:-C-llafl OilGIS oPl<.\.llfB81oil afliJ ls'l211ClC-I q'fstofl ~Ha-lier~ *12n dl:illtl :-Cl9./ OCl/<.09.g oil i!cis'
~IC01?:lc-1 Clofl fl-ld.JI 121d<.1~ 1.1~l211ai ~cis'<td oi.JR\.l 1r881 ( ofl ~12n 8<.<.n) Vi 1vtdoi 1 fdt~fl-11 9.E<.:--o o11 fdt~ai-g 9.
'Ojcrqil ol~oil cri.<9. ~ls'Oi dGIR 8:il fdt~ai-S3 'Ojcrq?:j oflil ls'l2112iC-I cils1 o(l ~IJ:! ls'l2!12iC-1 cii68 d-lie dofl ~1J:J
8lC-1fl-l oivt<.:--o aii ls'l211ClC-1 (3;i)c,q1iJ~ ~C.l~C-11 "01~<. 8<.qtaii 'OJICiC-1 ~.

(<) 0Pl<'l.llr881 (afl ~en 8<.<.JI) V!IOid oil fdtGtail 9.EEooil fdt~ai g3 ~ls'Oi "Ol~Hi)Ci 1.l~ella-J ~ls'Oi oflil
ls'l2ll2ic-1 cils!afl ~1;!.l ls'l211ClCi cii68 a-JIZ ()o(l ~1;!.l ls'l211CJC-1 (3J:Jc.ci1<.I ~ fdt<.ia-i gt; 'Ojcrq?:j Oil"-15 oi:>l<.\.llf881o11
<Lc.1?:Jc-11 81G~~C-I<. d<.18 "lfl~<. 8<.1 d'<>lloii oilfl-ll 3..l~tfk 8Nla-Ji 'OJICJ ~.

a-t c.ils c;'j5g oil ~81? ~l~Ci (3~c,c:11icd ~~ ~1e!cd Sllal

ate.ii al la-! ~?otl'!:L

'\ ~ 3 ~ g

9. <lid-lier~ :c'.>fl
ota-l'c.10oi ~)!(l(llltf Q:l~(l-1~ ~.\.ll.dl.Oil<.JS, ~.~<.CJt:/l Q-11<.dl"-l 'toidl \.llC.'f
Cl ~ld-llo-<.l :c'.>fl ~IC~oflciiot rai;l.l"t:i.fl-1 !<. \.lZC-1 ~.\.ll.dl.Vit~s. ~.~<qt:/l Q-11<.dl"-l ls'oidl \.llif
3 <-!ld-llo-<.l ~t?C-1.a-JI<. <t:>lc:J!(IQ-118 \.lZC-1 ~.\.ll.d1.0i1~s. ~.~<.qf:/l Q-11<.dl"-l 'told! \.llif

-oJ :cllfl-ller"-1 '<>l<.f<1C.Q-11tf )q IQ-1 ltf )..l"Ol\.! lct ~.\.ll.dl.Vil~S, ~.~<_qf:fl Q-11<.dl<.l '-<lotc11 \.llif

1.1 "?. ~ Id-11 o-GI :c-?fl "O<.lllct81Gloi cis'dloi.fl-11<. llZC-1 1~.ajp1::J,<.I, c11.VilGIS, ~.~<.CJt:fl Q-11"(.c{];>,j <totdl \.llif
g :cl Id-11 o-"-1 ~?fl :H$C-l!6iot 8<.!(loiQ-118 ~lC~8J \c-11-GJ-~:1<.1 fCJ~dl<, 0ll"-IS, c11.0ll"-IS <.1~q 1c:l 8191~ \.j 1if

~~~d "Ollct 1~~'<1Q-11tf 2t~ldQ-118 w-m ~\;lc-t ils, <.fCJ"L118ofl 0l 1$-1 i, <.i~CJ 1c:l 8191~ \.j 1if
I '9
0ll<.lS, dl.Vil<-lS
IV-C--117-1 117-1
stc11<:i 'Lcl!:?~f{c P[tt
l::'f{c 1!5~1hclcJ.O Si<lf0
'[f1!5~f{c LJCl2fc 5 \,Oe-eO-ce : fflLC:IP
'~lbl<t{ /l?R) Ste I 1-D - : lota-C
J?lh IPJ.Ok t<:l}>cl!V I lJ=3bcf{c~ 's1<:1f01plhRI J-)ZhJ31 fV!{c~ fll!Vct?.-f3 t;:.ol!{I R .Jte
Ji'lh .. RlJ.lli> SRl!o.,P.lh\'11 I bl Rb fll !VI !{lf-C J311VJ3~ P~RTOl<t 2e::
IP~ r
J?lh IPJ.0..% Rl}>clfV Sl<:lf'J.IP'lh"ffl lal8Ll'CJ311VIPS IDl;?lh<>lh l)G-C t;:.oJ 1-1 R ee
I lJ<-C
lflh IPJ.OJ:, Rl}>cl!V LlDS t;J-)lR 's1<:11-01plt-t}fl 11a I b!5!{ j3 I ft) clJ3 'R: IDl;?RI f-)~ l(J~ P~RTOl<t 5 i,-e
lfl h I Pl!>..% l<:ij)cl IV Sl<:lf'J.IP"lhff J-)z_t-t f311Vl9(> J3t!V32Jc1<t tc.01 !{IR Oe
lfl h I PIDJ:, Rl}>cl IV Stclf'J.IP"lh'lt J-)Zh f311VclJ3R e:1!{81ab !cbPl63h
- 0\,
J?lh !PJ.OJ:, ieij)?:llV Sl<:lf'J"IP"lh"ltl f-Y~..h f31 !Via~ ti: J.Oi;?l lo!{Qj lJ<--C t;:.o I!{ I R ?\,
lflh IPJ.OJ:, Rl}>cl!V Sl<:lf'J"IP.lhf:e !5l;?!{ !tcl)-Tu3 TDll-0iD~IR l)<--C f<:.D I !{ I R h
- 6'\,
lflh R~J_? l}lb&lc Ste I f0 'lf RI RlR ~'it)J<:.tS '7 Jt J-)Zh J311VG;f~ f31 ft)'f)ft) t;:.oJ 1-1 R 5\,
1?1 h R~J_? !}I b&lc Sl<:ll-0 'lf ICI RlR 16\:?fl!c '0-!J'=I f-)Z.h J3Hul6~ 18 <:1 !{fgieJ l[e tc.o I !{ I R h\,
lflh R~L!5 l}lb&1e: SICll-0 '~IR J-):cj31Y 'k?bl6!l DZh f31 IVE[J3 ID(?EU.0 l)G-C f<:.DI I-el R .Jt\,
Stelk; 'glh 3fD~YR f-)Zh j311Vl6'{!{ IDl;?l!Dh-)8 ..Q..
lf I h R~J_? !}I b&lc 'oq lJ<--C !cbPl63h
lJ=3bcf{cy 'stc11-01p
J?lh R~J_? l}lb&lc 'Stclf'J 'lft21RlR ~'it)R:,1'5 6'Jl.. 1-)zt-t1311V'iOQJ c1!{i.op~ J<.ol 1-el R eh
lJ=3bcf{c~ SRlf01p
lflh R~J_? l}lb&lc 'SRlf0 's.oz-c SRll-0 'J.Dbhl !{IR6J.DB J-)Zh 1311V1~f f311VJ.DJ{[JC f<:.D I !{ I R b \,
lflh R~J_? l}lb&lc Stclf0 'lfRIRlR Rlf~ I l'<'B!t cl !{16~1 J.D(?f-)l!>ll-C IJC-C !"2.ol !{I f-C 0 \,
lflh R~J-? l}lb&1<: 'SRll<:J"IP 'SRll-D 'glh 3fD~YR sll6 f311VPcfV ID(?ELJ" IJC-C R" I !{ 11-C 0
l?lh R~J_? l}lb&lc lJ=3bcf{c"Y 'SRll-0.IP 'lchc3~~1 DZh J311VllDB J311Vc!5J.D~ !"2.ol !{I f-C 7
5 h I .A. f: ?: \,
ThllDcR kllO
lcHS~ F>~IR ~h. F>clb'3~~ 1->~12r: c1&11: l' &9t> ~lb k!i
9 IOz:-zo-n: 'XH 3ll'i1ZVD .LN3WN1I3AOD .LV11Vf!1D z-L ll

Extra No. 103 cu~5 <:-t.ctlIS'll''il t:~ ~L. ;:.'4.00/-


bt ujar ~ obtt tnt t

Vol. LVII}
Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
I-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

(lll(llc a1=>1c'l11fCis1ofl ~mu~ ~een - co' s

~en $im =>J'll'clct a1=>1c'l11fCis1 ( ofl ~een sccu) <">1161cta11 rai~a-i) 'l.E<:cra11 rai~a-i - !U :a.iaqil ~1ilc-11
(3~e.q1cla11 alla-tlofl "Yl~clct

za-tis :

('l) Q-llQ-1< aPR41R'f81a11 aflil "ls'l211ctC-l q')slafl <116-ll<Kl =<J?,12fl dl.<'l/o<ho'\Sa11 ii< G!l"'61~C-l (lafl 6-ld.'.>ll2ld<1<tl
\.1~12116-1 ?_!"ll'<ld aj.:>J<\.JIR'l81 ( afl 'ic12fl 8<q1) 0Jl0Jda11 raiG!6-ll '\EEoa11 roiGl}J-S'\ :otcrCl~ a1tla11 oi.<'l tl'-'ll'OJ dG!R
ail raiGl6-I - g3 :oiaq~ aflil "ll'l2112tc-t qlsafl <i1;ii <12112tc-1 0108 6-112. C!afl ;:i1;H alc-16-1 oi.o- 6-li "ll'l2112tc-1 <3;iic.q1it.;)
'icl~C-11 "016< 8<q16-li :otlctC-1 iJ.
(<) aj.'.>J<\.JIR'l81 ( afl =<J?,12fl 8N1) 0Jl0Jda11 roiG!}JI '\EEoa11 roiGl}J g3 tl"ll'Ol "'616< a)c-1 \.1~12116-1 tl"ll'OJ aflil "ls'l211ctC-l
qlslafl <JJ;ii "ls'l211ctC-l 0168 6-11"2. (lafl ;:i1;H "ls'l21lctC-l <3;iic.q1<.;) roiGl}J SL :oiaq~ Q-llQ-1< aj.'.>f<\.JIR'l81a11 'icl~C-11
a1<3fd;:ic-1il d<18 "016< a<1 C!:oila11 a116-ll :i..i~w a<q16-li :oi12t 9.
:a.i. qls 6lsscr1) J.ISlc tj_G1ilc-1 (3~e.q1ccd '
,. 'll~ ~iii <Yls11a1
al. alla-f ~ca11~

'\ ~ 3 er \.I g

'\ '\ 'l . <116-1 IrrGi ~:>fl >.flcfl01a1 8C-tJ~IQ-118 688< ~lf5da1.'.>J< <il;:i1Giil, Q11Cl1< Cl11<dlGl "ta1dl \.lltf

< <. <116-1 IrrGi ~:>fl <1!_!01a1 6-1la1~.:>IQ-118 \.12.C-l ~.\.ll.dl.Q-llQ1< Cl11<dlGl "ta1dl \.lltl"
3 3. \.l81d q.:>] '.0!6-l<dQ-118 .:>10~1Cl118 ;J.JICfl1 d-l 1Cf11q i;:J Q182t' Q-11Cl1< Cl11<dlGi "ta1dl \.lltl"
0 o. <Jl;).Jl<YG! <1"01Q118 "lfl;J.JIQ118 6181< <;!f.<1Gi 1q i;:J, Q-1 IQ-l<a1q I Cl11<dlGl "ta1dl \.lltl"
\.j < '\. \.l81d q.:>] ~:>fl .:>fld101a1 c-flc-11~ ciil1.1J112fl 8d-JIC-l~<I, Q-11Cl1< Q-li<dlGl "ls'a1dl \.lltl"
g <. <Jl;).Jl<YG! ~:>fl i)a.flc-t i0la1 f2la1lf.;J.J R 688< d-JQIC-l~a.fl ;:il;:i1GiiJ, Q11Q-I< Q-ll<dlGi "ta1dl \.lltl"
'9 3. <J l;).J (<YGj a1)~1;J.J I< :l..I f2l l21'<iw :otlll Il2fl :oifGl8ia1.:>R <il;:i1Giil, Q-llQ-1< Q-li<dlGl "ta1dl \.lltl"
L o. <116-llrrG! '<iw81rrd f\'.ldiJ.CtJ<f.l<l ~5"211 .:>f1Gi?fl <il<i JGliJ, Q1 IQ1'.2 Q-ll<dlGl "ta1dl L!itl"

IV-C--103. 103-1
1-e11cj3R 'c'28~8 l".ltcl ID
~f<C 18~1hclc1D cl-Ull-U
'lfl8QJ f<C ua2'fc 5l>oe-eo-e :ln.LclP
'tnlb~(-/~R:) cl-Ull-U -: wra-:c
J?lh IPID.% !c[pcll-U cl-UI 1-U '1 blD 211-e<:1 l".lc3 S(2?1c 9!EJ 1-)11-) I 1-Ulo~ ICDI I-el 1-C Jl Jlc
J?lh IPID.% R[pcll-U tbl.Dcl-Ull-U '1-Ctbcll-ech cll-ech 1311-UJP 1311-ULJtl-)P 12.J LR., P~'Rfof<C . tC
J?lh IPID.% R[pcll-U cl-Ull-U '1ch.c[ji cl,?19 J311-Uf011".l IDl?ll-e!lt lJ<'.-C t?n11-e1i-c e: cc
J?lh IPID.% tc[pcll-U lbl.Dcl-Ull-U '211-ec11".lc3 S(2?1c ll-U01".l 11".l~!'C l)<:-C RDI I-el 1-C \, 5 \,(:
J?I h I PID.% R[pcl 1-U 1i.o~c1-U11-U S(2?1c ll-UlJ611-U 9!EJ.%1cl.Db RDI I-el 1-C Jl Oc
J?lh IPID.% R[pcll-U cl-Ull-U 'Lc~IR[}I~ IPRl91-C 1-)11-)11-ell-C cll-eltt?ll-U t?n11-e1i-c c :;>\,
J?lh IPID.% R[pcll-U I blDcl-UI 1-U 'I-Cl bLlDI 1-e LI.DI 1-e J311-UID[?ID IDl?I PLJc l)<'.-C RDll-ell-C c 7\,
J?lh IPID.% R[pcll-U cl-Ull-U '[?lbPll-C gift l-)ll-)[p!8 IDl?ll-)[j-e~ l)<'.-CRDll-ell-C.\, h 6'\,
J?I h I PID.% R[pcl 1-U cl-Ull-U'~IR 3~-Cl-e ~ltclf<C 1-eJcPhlCllc i-etc9?Q RDll-elR .Jl 5\,
J?lh IPID.% R[pcll-U cl-Ull-U '1-ClbllD~ c889 1-elCPhlCllc l-)ll-)IR!e8 t?n11-e1i-c c h\,
J?I h I PIO.% R[pcl 1-U cl-UI 1-U '.%lei ID~ I t2[?9lJl J311-UIDI blcl-U IDl?ll-C~ l)<'.-C RDlfelR c .ll\,
J?lh IPID.% R[pcll-U cl-Ull-U 'clP-CQJ IR~lln. 12.Jhl.R.,tl J311-Ult~l-e8 1Dl?'f31-e l)<'.-C RDI fel 1-C \, Jl \,
J?l h I PjD.% R[pcl 1-U 11Dkc1-Ul1-U '1ch..%1cb-C S(2?1c lc!-Cck> 11-U'0k> RDlfelR .Jl Cb
J_flh IPIDJ\o tcUYClf-u 11-Dk;(:l-t)lf-LJ Sl91c 9!E)Pfe~ 9!EJR:i!C!Db !cDI 1-1 re 't bb
--~-------------------- ---~---~-----------,-- ~---~------~-~-~---- ----~--~~-
J?I h I PIDYo !c[pcllv cf-LJI 1-U 'I !Dkcl-UI 1-U S(2?1c 11-UP 11-01-elc l)<:-C tc.ol tel R . c 0\,
----------~----- -------------------- f.---------------------~~~- .
J?I h I PIO.% R[pcl 1-U cWll-U '1ch.Yotcb-C cll-ech J311-Ulc~J.olte tot?l)Dl3 l)<:-C 12.JLR., P~'i'cfof<C '\, t 0
5 h. JI. c l,
ie1iocR: kl!D ck>ID ~
!CHS~ @IR: ~h. P,c1b~~~ 1->~12~ c1s11: l.!"figl? ~lb ~
91oz-zo-Z 'xa HllHZVD lNHWW:IHAOD J,WVfflD z-rn1
Extra No. 100 c.ttN-1 ({"6+l:1l. S=< ~l. ~'l.1,00/-


bt jarat obtrnment a;ettt



Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Ruies and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
i-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

:Jtit.f!ot:>!~ Pif:ttofl ~ur~!~ or;1~ LtilC-tstm'1 ~11ett1o-q ~c.t:fl - ~oq~

~e;~fl '\>.tffft8t~'1 ~l~! ~t~lrt oPl~LllK-!&l { ofl ~l~fi 8~Ql) (.J.l&itioll rot<'.!cttl G.EE'l\ au fat~!<tt ~G
~o-o~ ~lt~c-n G<llcot~lofl ctmlofl '1~~trt
=>ti81crPt;x fo'tt:tloil -lt~t:!;x ovt;x'4tlc-t8lrnl rn1~ tl?llOC-t cu Si oil <XHJ-ll<Jc.t ajct:;ll cil.<Xq/ ~/ <Xoqcs rnl 0<>t
c.i[0r1?:\o 2lrn1J!(Pfl?!<i<X10, '-l~l?llJl :!t<Xlci rn:)l~'4tf8&t (oil ajc:l?LJ S<XQ!) c,Hvl<i<Y!! Gtcia!l qs:::y Oil G1c.ia1-'5q
~<JQ~ rn~rnl o-i_;xq ~601 2\<X 3;x[ lutc.iat-<33 .:vwq~ rn1~ tl?llQCl q[Sioil <X-ttJ't tl'.?llQC-! 0lo& a1i2. ?toil <X-ttJ't
s[oat oiclf~ x a1[ tl?llGc-t 6Jlt:Gt001aja2lrnv((?;x 3;xotati ~ilGC-! t9.
=>ti81rn=>t~ Rl&itrn1 -lt~t:!;x rn=>t;x '-lltc-t8t0i1 (ajcL?ll 3;xqt) 01t0100it toic.t<Ht q<'t rnt toic.ta1 '33 ~tvt
-Yt"(?;x 8~Ci Ll~l?llJ\ ~601 rnl~ tl?llOCi OtSi<Yll ;x-itJ't tl'.?llQCi 0108 J\[2, ctrn1 <X-llJl tl?llQCi 6a1t:Oi001 futc.tat '33
~Jf<JCl~ -lt~t:!,'.;( rn=>t~LJtfc-t8lOil ajct?:lm 8t6~~-tc-t0 <i~18 "lb<X 8<X1 ?l~trni rnta!t 1lR-tS8 8;xQtctti ~tCi E9.

"'11.oi:l ~Is / &i.6sm1 J.ts1~ ~z1?'1.c-1. <33'l.Gcu:.xc1 'lfai ~l~ ~Sll?l

oi&l~ oil3t ~Hoit~
q ".)
'-' 't lj 'S

q ""q ! :x-llaH(J\:l :x:::>O ~rtCJt10\oi 6~~tR46 Qturn ()\Q[ sc-ndl :XilJl, "42ll'~.J,:X, 0{1 Q rt1 ;::j 0
t ()\ \tl
rtL fc, :>ti81o1:J[Q '4l21
- - ----- --
Q q Q-llaJ[(J;::j Q:::>[l 15~tQ0\ol (J\2Q:Xf~46 St00 all21 mQ1, Ql2lJli, "42!l:.J,:X, 01l:X\0'2.l :Xt~1;::i
rtt.fcY.:>tiEOoi'.>lQ Sl~Qi
3 q \.\(.9[\! q:>\ 001J"J[;:'') {Q[(J\;:') 6lSl~
1:\W:.J,:X Ql\Q Q:X-rtl, 1:\2!l:.J,Q, 01l:Xdl;::i 0 6()\CT[

rt L fdt. :>t iEOoi'.>lQ

't q Q![Jj[(J;::j '<t{;:'J\tRi6 s~tQ1R46 Qturn l.tlG"-ll, "42tl:.J,Q, \!l.fcY_:>tiE0oPl:X '"a:xt~1;::i

II 01t;x,O;::i
l\ ~ '4l9lrt Q'.>l :x:::>fl ~l.0\oi tlJ<ctQ;:'J 6lSl:X al!2t 6lSl:X Ql:Xi. "42!l':.J,:X, - 01l:X\f1~0{(J[\li1
<iLfcY.:>ti81oPl:X '4l21 I
'S ~ :Xil<1\[(f;::j Q:::>\1 6Qit0\oi vllC-ll;:'J 6lLl:X -"'" ioO "''" """"'" cttPt. 'ti~lm;,~ -;,"'"n~ %otcll ]
.. '4t21 .

IV-C --100 100-1

C::>lc f-OlJ3) le 'GclSQJl-<c J-) )ii:
lS}{_!lhekW chll6Q.
LclSQ_l}<e uei2~
l'C'-c: 1b }<e ( L9 re)
rc~!f clc\O LB! lc"J,~r l p
~'-le t<>UJcll0 ch.it6Q. 'L<>t<>lfcl):c 161\.Dlel):c .:<. lDQllJ Y!tjrD& Y!~Ji;i.O(olc .t<',OlJfll-c , .:<.c
01c t<>UJcl!e'> clcJ.JlLB!lc'>'d'lP 'rcl!J s~lc 'ch.lt6Q. S(flc a1101cte& (1110:?!elDk l2J \lo P ttJfc YD t<c , c
;)'-\c t2UJcll0 i clc\.DUJ!lc'J~J'IP 'ch.ll6Q- 'll-)8Je >'<>\lLCP c!lech 1-e:M~ lt<>L~l):c lJ<:c t<>,0nenc , cc
rc~!f I <''kl-DLB!lc. ~JW
?'-le t<'tf-lcllv 'ch.1161,:l 'loJ.!ccP 'rclb cJ,?19 cJ,?19 c;;m,,1&11: io~llT3h5
I l?D !ll'll-c ,
-------- . I lJ<:c I be
2lh cldO 13llc'Jol'IP I
I i \..
!.~--L 'ch.ll<~ti: 'L<'t?lr~IJ:c~,1Q~J bl3llf' Jl-)Ql!) Q!~Ji;i,09_\f' ~ol:'._)JWUt> I lj<:-C f?SJlll?l}C G"b II
I "
10 'ch.lt6Q- '\cllf' l.!.obzlt<'l,lDl<) Jl-)Qlb 9!~Jl6l\.DlcZ 9!tJlX0lac 12,01lflrc ;\ bb I
clcJ.Jll,l3!k~:.iw 'ch.1J6Q-'JJJcc I
9l oz-zo-t:z "x:i 'i1LI'.3ZV0 lN'.3VJ:N.~3J\00 .1 V~IVfDQ z:-oor
.,._ ~~

~ Extra No. 102 cttN!r c-tcttco+1:1I. t.~ ~t. ;:,'4.oo/-


:be @ujarat <lobernmtnt <la;tttt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

&tl ~ tl --tor~. '4.llEL~l { 2~'1 ~ o 'ls:

{2~'l :ot.1:4~t~'l cct.Hl ~_r't:uct --tol~'4.llEL~t ( ..(l {2~'l 3~cu) &J.L&J.ct--tl lvt?{l-1.t 'l~~lS' vtl

lvt?{ll ~l :ot..-<:t~ {2l~<=ll fril.t.ctl~L --tl --tlllt..{l cota~tct

..Ptib:- t.. J.ll./&ll ~ Ol/.-i.. '4.l. 1_2q(l/1_2lilC-t G~t.ql~/~O'l <;

('l) &tl~OL rt,:)L~'Ll.LR:-tbl'il .-0.~ coqllq({ ql.s.-0. ~PU~ 1_2q(l ctl.~ 'l/~/~O'l<; 'i.l ~lO ?.tl6'lilEl ct.-i.1

+{ct.Olqlct~1j '4.~qll+{ ~6'~lct "i,Ol~ '4.LR:-tbl ( .-0. 1_2q(l b~ql ) &tl&tct'i.l M?.t+-tl 'lC:::C:::O' 'i.l

M?.t+-t-s 'l :ot..qil 'i:!'i.L .-t. ~ 'l :!'t&t ct?.tL~ b~1 M?.t+-t -s3 :ot..qil ~ttCl.c-t :ctt~
O~llctC-t ~Cb +-tlZ ct.-0. :ctl~ blC-t+-t .-i. ~+ti 6'qllctEl 6~t.ql~t."i. 1_2LilC-tl Ol~~ b~qt+-ti :otlctC-t 0.

( ~) .-i.ot~ '4.lR:-tbt ( .-fi 1_2q(l b~qt) &tt&tctvtl M?.t+-tt 'lC::C:::o vtL M?.t+-t - s3 :!t&t COL~~ b~El '4.~qtt+-t
:16&t .-0.~ ll'qLtctc-t ct1s1.-0. :ctl~ 6'15Ltctc-t ~ob +-ttZ ct.-0. :ctl~ 6'15llctC-t 6~t.ctl~t."i. M?.tit -s:c:ot..qil

&tL~Ol 'i.Ol~ '4.lR:-tbt 'i.l 1_2lilEll blG~El~t ct~11 6'l~~ 5~1 ct:otl"il vtl+-tl J.Lffittt b~Clliti :otlct 0.
'31b1'31-tl<c . ~
}?lh 1PP..9o 10blc
'9llfR'3 1 U<--t 1-Pll-tm b J<. t:''b
h1Pcl1-V 911-UliDsl<t i--t;1_..w
'1.l?o Ell9 'mb 10blc 'e c H:
'3lbl'31-tl<c . ~
}?lh 1PP..9o '9llfR'3 i 1,clltlc
1-Pll-tm J<. 2 c'b
h1Pcl1-V 'l.l?oHl/h
911-vlfol-tlc 911-vh')2~
'Rlb 1,cll9c 'l<t/'b h.Oc
'3lb1'31-tl<t.lfo '9tsrc31
}?lh lPP..9-0 -cww
'- 1-Pll-tm 2 2
'l.l?o c'- 119'le11-t)lCi l<. bb
h1Pcl1-V 911-vll-)}t) 911-Uil-t
'n1b "Q-'lfomw t0oc
}?lh 1PP..9o '3lb1'31-t1<c. lfo '9lsr-?:'31 t-)ztt
1,1<..:C 1P11-tm c 2 01,
h1Pcl1-V 'l.l?o E119 'ic11-v 63 h 11 911-vl6~1C i--t;lPUc'J"C
'31b1'31-t1<c lfo
}?lh 1PP..9o llCi1c
'91src'3 i l.l?o c 1191t 1,1<..:C 1P11-tm b 2 :::)
'- '-
h1Pcl1-V 911-Vl(;~l-t P.t;l,.....bll-v
'l?nmtn 11ei1c' c7V<.
'3lbl'31-tl<c . ~
}?lh 1PP..9o '9llfR'3 i BZh
1-Pll-tm J<. c 7
h1Pc11-V '1.l?o E119 911-V$'lillcP. 911-vPc1-V
l?hlRlR .9o7'bl~ ''b::::>h.h.
'3lb1'31-t1<c ~
}?lh 1PP..9o '9llfR'3 i lJ:iS'P ~lfe
2 c 0
h1Pcl1-V 'l.l?o (:'- 119 911-vb~l.019 911-Vl(;~l-t ~ll<c ~'ft:i;.l<c
'u-)11<: u--911-Vce~ '::::>e::::>.9-.
'31b1'31-t1<c . .9ij
}?lh 1PP..9o ~hl.l?oh:
'9tm'3 w '1.9oE119 1,1<..:C 11-"11-tm c C: ~
h1Pcl1-V 911-Vl.01-tlls P.t;lP1,R
l?hlRlR 1-tll31-)1i'Dc 1,19/c.9-.
'31b1'31-t1<c . Pi]
}?lh 1PP..9o BZh
'91m3 1 '1.l?o ell<> 1,1<..:C 1P11-tm b C: h
'- '- c 11-t!j' c }t) 1--'ti}).9o12
l?hlRlR 1-tll3cTul<c' 7::::>.9-.h
'3lbl'31-tl<c ~
Rlllih lf<tl c lCi l$'ll'tt
'9tirtc'3 w '1.9oE119 1-PHtlR J<. b J<.
h1Pcl1-V 911-V1}-1t 911-v~l}t)
'l?hmtn c131})ch '5 .9-.
- - - - ---
R\CFhlf<tlc 1 '3lbl'31-tl<c . ~ '91!fC'3 i lh'B:Jlcl!{
h-'lhlH: -b f'
tc1Pc11v 'l.9-0~119 'P$'l1Rb 11-)l<rt(] f' I
I 9r1-t:>1P1!t 911-Ult-)l~ I
'3lbl'31-tl<c . ~
RlFhlf<tlC '9llfR'3 1 Uc1'2h.
U<--t 1-Pll-tm c b C:
h1PC:l1-U 'l.l?o Ell<> 'l?hlRlR 911-VTl>'tc 'lf-0 11-'1,19
(:le,_. c 'lhl?'ll<t ' 5 0 b 5
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h1Pcll-u 911-DP Ht) 1-'1?11-' '8
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@lR Tuh }clb3lt) B~12!c C:: W'K 11--5i919
'- '- Jlb "}'-"1't
9IOZ>ZO-Z 'xg 3ll3ZVD lN3WNll3AOD lVl!VfflD z-zo1
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t 'Ile W~lh. cleP. l9o ~ 11')
l,C:W~'llt l,1a2Ji: sioe:/e:o/t-c: 1
'm1b1'c ( rrrc) '3lbl'31t1'c - : lnla-C
'3lbl'31t1'c . ~
'n. WR:'3 1 'l.9o c\. 11'1
.)' \.
'felb c Wl9
\. \.
';:;;> 7 2'
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.)' \.
"lP 'l.9o c\. 11'/
'l?hlR:lR 1Pl:iCcR '0h.7
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Rllqh10lc 1-)(h
'9lsrR:'3 1 (: (:
h1Pcl1-V 911-VlCi'l?J'K 1--1?W~'J<:
'1.9-0c11'1 'lcllVh: h. '2' 7 2' b
Rllqh10lc '3lbl'31t1'c ~'9lirR'3 llC.1 (:
h1Pcl1-V r 'l.9o c\. 11'1 'S'lb})llc
\. \.
'3lb1'31t1'c . ~
'9lirR'3 1 (lJ<tlt)l-)(h.
h->lltm O(:
'l.9o c 11'1 'le 11-V
911-VhlTI> 9nucrhP
63 'lh: 11<-t llnlb 1J<th ')( h b
'3lbl'31t1'c . ~
Rllqh10lc 1-)(h.
'9lirR'3 i h->lltm
h1Pcl1-V 911-Vl.9-01\, 911Vl6~1t
'1.9-0cll'l 'lcllV 63 'ot c
'3lbl'31t1'c . ~
Rllqh10lc 1-)(h.
'9lirR'3 7"6
h1Pcl1-V ~h:hllV~
. 1--1'1.9olcR
\. \.
1 'l.9-0(:11'1 'le 11-V 63
'3lb1'31t1'c . ~
).?lh lP'l--Jo 1-)(h
'BlsrR:'3 1 lJ<-.:C h->11-tTR: 1 I h 0 'b
" '- C:ll-tJilYt-~ 1->~B?o~ _J
I h1Pl-ll-t\
- - II '1.9-0~ll'l lcllV R:"ft , e:0h. b
1 1
Pl--~+~ ~'3lbl'31t1'c"lf-0 '9llf:c'3 1 1-)(h. ~ h->11-tm J... J... ~1
11-v 1.9-0 c
11'1 'le11-vlCi l<:. ' ht <: <: 911-V~.9-0 911-Vl&t~ ----
l}: 8lb
Bll-Oj;>lb SJ11v\:lhl I Jcb Pl6lh L" I R hb
~------I ----r---------
t:lh 19-01'\:
911-VP-91-t 1--1?11<-t~
(: b
9IOz-zo-z 'Xtr tllltIZ\10 lNtIWW:ItIAOD l\111\lfflD [;:)-AI l1I\1d
Extra No. 106 cuflh C-tctllflt..ti. t.:(. ~l. '3\1.00/-

~ ;;r:ffi

Qtbt 49ujarat 49obtrnmtnt d9a,tttt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

qc-ipfl~i a1:>1i~1c.fla1 ~1i>11~ ~en-~ o's

~en ~r'4a1tl .s;m ~'lf?ld a1:>1i~ic.fla1 (all ~en a?q1) c.tlc.tdati rai~i>tl-'\c:c:vati
ra.~i>t-St ~o<I~ ~<!l~Cil 6~tq1i1ati atli>tlafl ~l!ild
!ii>fia - ~een/qe:ipfl~? a1~1/~1~c-116~tq1?lati atli>tlafl ~l!?td/~o'\s
("l) q(-lci-fl~< 0Pl<1.JIC-fla1o1i ofl~ ~e112lc; q(sofl ~Id-lier~ wen dl.~"\/o~/~o"\5oli ih ~l"Ol~C; Clofl d-Jd.:>leld<1~
1.l~elld-l ~~<Id oJ.:>RlllC-flal ( ofl wen a<q1) GJIGfdoli roi~d-ll-"\EEooli ldi~d-l-5"\ :oicrq~ oltioll oi.~"l ti~Gf
a~1< ail rcri~~-53 :oicrq~ ofl~ ~12112lc; q(sl ofl ~1a:i ~e112lc; 61&a d-11~ Clofl ~1a:i alc-td-l oi.o a-Ji ~e112lc;
<3a:Jt.q1iJ~ w1~c;1 "01~< a<q1a-Ji :oi12le-t ~.
(~) oJ.:>1<1.llC-flal ( ofl wen aNI) GJIGfdoli ldi~d-ll-"\EEooli ldi~d-l-53 tl"l(Gf "OI~< a)c; 1.l~elld-l ti~Gf ofl~ "l(l2112lC-t
qrslofl ~1a:i ~e112lc; 61&a a-JI~ (lofl ~1a:i ~12112lc; <3a1t.q1iJ~ ldi~a-J-5G :oicrq~ qc-1ci-fl~< o1.:>1L11c-fla1o1i :aj._z1~c-11
a1<3fd-~c-1il dil8 "01~< ail Cl:oilo1i o11a-JI J...1~~ a<q1a-Ji :oi12l ~. qls 6isaatl J.1a1i ~l~Cil 6~tq1icd ~~ ~Iii <Yis1e1
aic.i? atli>f ~iat1tl
'\ ~ 3 1( ~ g

"\ "\ "\ ~Id-! lo-~ c:>fl '.(,j1.J16io1 ci-fld-l~Q-JIU1.l<d-!R d-l~doJ.:>R "\ qt;:Jci-fl~< Q-Jl<cfl~ ~oldl 1.llif

~ "\ ~ ~Id-! fer~ c:>fl "l(~IGiol fb..J:ci.:>IQ-JIU~lqs1 ~dl<ld-JoJ.:>R qt::Jci-fl~< Q-Jl<cfl~ ~oldl 1.llif

3 "\ 3 1.lt91dq::>) ~1211Q-JIU oll<jQ-118 oit.1fe1~1 d-l~doJ.:>R "\ qt::Jci-fl~< Q-Jl<cfl~ ~oldl '-llif

0 "\ 0 ~la-tier~ .:>Od161o1 ~<IQ-JIU s101~<1 il8JJ5 fCJ:cdR qt::Jci-fl~< Q-Jl<cfl~ <1~1~ al~~
1.j ~ "\ ~Id-II~ c:>fl ~1ig6io1 ::ill_gaiQ-118 9!8c-ll~1 Q-J<q1s ~il, qt::Jci-fl~< Q-Jl<cfl~ ~oldl '-llif
5 ~ ~ ~Id-! lo-~ c:>fl c-flc-1161o1 o11.:>1~Q-11Ef .:>118~rn -~Q-JI< ~il qt::Jci-fl~< Q-ll~cfl~ "lloldl '-llif
'9 ~ 3 ~la-ti~ q IQ-1 lcf Q-l 11211Q-11Ef ~ 1qs1 Q-J<q1s ~il, qt::Jci-fl~< Q-Jl<cfl~ "l(oldl '-llif
G ~ 0 ~la-tier~ C;El'-l~/2 Elol~Glld-!~12 Q-J<q1s ~<1, 1.l~ q1lJ11o11 Q-l l~cflGI <l~GI al~~
~Sl~d-11 ~1a:i qt::Jci-fl~<
.c~~ 'cc8(i>8 kltcl!D
~~ 18~1hclc!D chlJVl:3b
'lfl8~~ ua2[c 5\,oe-eo-e :lfllflP
'tnlb~(-/{PR) .ChlJV1:3b -: lr.>t<re
Rl~1_8 tc01c tctPclhl chljVJ:3b 8l_tc Ci;ICtc~kl I lelJ?Jt3b f3l l-Uei;cb$' J311-UfOQJ tc.olt-elR ~ 5 ~e
ch{)Vt:3b '2J~
J?lh IP!Dk lejpcll-U Rlb~[j-e-)lb clc!Dc8Sl?!~ ltc(91clR f311-UGl.r.>tt f3l1-Ulatpt1: P~RTD~ 5 e
.lflh IP!Dk IC!Pcll-U chijUt:3b \, clc!DP~l-e Slct? f311-Uc8!G IDl?IR~ t.J<.-C tc.o 11-e I R e 5 ee
R~!._8 1et?t1.c tctPcl 1-U ch.ij1)t:3b ~lbc'3 l_?cll-etc LJal!Dlb f311-U'3~9 IDl?ll-)~i-e t.J<.-C tc.ol I-el R \, 5 \, e
Jflh IP!Dk IC!Pcll-U ch[Jtlt:3b ISlblflh 11eua~ 1311-UIG~'R 1311-Uklc!Db tc.olf-elR ~ h. Oe
Jflh IP!Dk IC!Pcll-U chlJVl:3b ~IR Ptcltc!< 18f.>IP clc!S f311-Ull-e~ f311-UIG~l_tc tc.olf-elR h -:> \,
lflh lP!Dk lc!Pcll-U chlJVl=3b ISlblflh ltcUa'Cll-U .c11-e1G~ie.J IDl?IPtjc t.J<.-C tc.01 I-el R e h 7\,
R\El._8 tcl?tR tctpcl k) chlJVJ:3b Le~ 1tc~kl ISlblflh 11eua~ f311-Ub~lfl'R IDl?llGI~ .[j<:-C !cbPl63h \, h 6'\,
Jflh IP!Dk tctPclfV ch.l]Vt:3b {?lb!-)& LJalRlb f311-Utal-e!fll-) f31hllG~l-e Jc.olf-elR ~ ~ 5 \,
Jflh IP!Dk tctPclfU chlJVl:3b ~lh '21c clf<:>c'3 1-)tjll,!c 9~~.o~f-e 9~tck[p fC.Dll-elR ~ h\,
Jflh IP!Dk lc!P.Clk) ch.tjUt:3b l_?lbJ-)g IS bite J311-Ulc!"Ch{I ID).?fl-)ij-) lJC-C Jc.DI I-el R e ~ ~\,
Jf 1h IP!Dk Jctpcl 1-U <:l~QJ i_!o.%1f<:> ~'9 u.o l?J319 Sf<:>!8J311-Ul-Ut:3b IDl?llDbll-U lJC-C Jc.ol I-el R \, ~ \,
R\E!._8 tc01C IC!Pcl 1-U (LC~ ct;~) Le~ Ph.kc W!-)l_RJ3l1-Uei;t3Jb 9~~.0~1c tc.olf-el R ~ e\,
R~!? 1c01c tctp<:tl-U ch.tJVt:3n IF~ ua11-)1-U ua1J-)k)j311-U!Db(i;c9 J311-Ulek!"C tc.olf-elR \, \,
R~J,? Jc01c lc!P'Clk) chlJVl:3b If~ Ph.kc cll-echJ311-Uklc!Db ID).?IR~ lJC-C le.DI I-el R e 0 \,
R~!._8 tc01c tc1Pcl1-U 8l_tc ei;lkl!'C ~lt:>c'3 1-)lfV ua1J.Dl8 J311-UID~~ IDl?l-WlJG lJC-C le.DI I-el R \, -:>
5 h. Jl ' ?: \,
Jfl&o~R kl!O
ICllSl:\> @IR ~h. F~lb'3~f) 11-)~I?~ W.iH: U!i9l? ~lb ~~
9Ioz-zo-Z 'xa HllHZVD .LNHWN1IHAOD .LV1IVfflD z-901
Extra No.108 CUNh ~ctlOli.1.l ~~ ~l. '3'4.00/-


Qtbt ~ujarat ~obtmment ~a~tttt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than..the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
aqthorities under the Election Commission.

c.t?tflClll at:>l?\llf?ts1of'I ~~lril ~eeO-?o '\ !1

~een :oif'Q51~ .s;m ~"Rld at:>1?,.uf?t51( crfl ~een 5?<u) c.i1c.idat1 rai~~l-'\e-e-ir a11 rai~~-!1.c :oia<1~ ~~c-11
<3~E.ql?tatl all~tcrfl CVl~?ld


(<t) vt'.(.qlCfll oPRlll!?Ja1o1i oflil "t{211q(; qj5'fofl :clla-flcr~ :aj__zen ell. <{"\/o<(/<(o"\S-oll ih ~l~~c; (lofl
a-ic1:>1e1c1ilczi '-l~e11a-i ~"t<1c1 o1:>RL111?la1( ofl :aj__zen a<q1) vi 1vic1o1i rai~a-il-<tEEo o11 rai~a-i-s <t 'Qfcrq~ oldt.oll
oi.<(<t tl"tVI a~1< ail, rai~a-i-s3 'Q!crq~ oflil "te112lc; qlslofl :c11a:J "te11ctc; 0)5a a-iie Clofl :c11a:J alc;a-i oivt<-
o a-ii "te112lc; C3a:Jc.qr~1~ ~1~c;1 ~fR a<q1a-ii 'Q!lq f9.
(<) ~"t<lc1 o1:>1<t111?la1( ofl :aj__zen a<q1)vi1vic1o11 rai~a-il <tEE-o o11 rai~a-i-s3 ti"tvt ~~< a)c; '-l~e11a-i ti"tvt oflil
"te112lc; qlslofl :c11a:J "te112lc; {;)5a a-iie 2lofl :c11a:J "te112lc; C3a:Jt.q1iJ~ rai~a-i-st 'Qfcrq~ vt<q1cri1 oi:>1<tlll?la1o1i
a1C3cr:cllc;il c1il8 ~~<ail, Cl'Qflo1i o11a-il 1.l~f..El a<q1a-ii 'Q!lq E9.
:at. ai q"'}5 Gl55atl ~l~Cil <3~E.q1?cd \I~ ~ii ~sie1
atc.t? ).151? atl~ ~?atltl
"\ "\ "\. '-!~Id q:>] :>nc1161o1 :cils1Ql 18' ~cq a-i121c.fh ~ol '-ll~Cfl, B!(1qo1::>1<, Ql l<cfl~ <I~~ al~:ci
:c:>fl Vl<q1cri1
<( "\ <(. :cl la-f I~ :c:>fl Rltf161o1 <1e11Q11Ef:cilc~8l B!(lqo1:>1<, Vl'.(.q IC/l I Qll<dl~ "tolc11 llltf

3 "\ 3. :cl la-f lcr~ <1~!(1Q11Ef o11<e1Q11Ef q~q1en~ 1 a-i121c.fl< ~ol \.Iii!, ti vt'.(.qlCJll Ql l:fl~ "told I ll lif
0 "\ o. :clla-flcr~ !(ng(lj 18' o11~Ql 18' a-iii! a-il<1 ll<I, Vl:cl~~!(lol '-Iii!, Qll<dl~ "tolc11 '-lltf
ti Vl'.(.qlCJll
'-I <( "\. :clla-flcr~ :c:>fl E.~ 161o1 "t~!(IQl 18'8:ciiJ~ I ltfl<I fCl:ccll<, vt<qlCfll Qll<dl~ "tolc11 '-lltf'

s ~ <(. :cl la-f lcr~ ~:>fl a-llo1161o1 tiB!(IQ11Ef :u1qs1 'Qfi~Sa< ol::>I<-~, vt<qlCfll Qll<dl~ "tolc11 '-llif

IV-C Ex.-108 108-1

1w1bc1<:> 'te(E& Ppi
~I-IC l&~lhelc!D llolbel<:>
"~1g~~uai~ ht.oe/eo /t:e-: !fl{}:IP
'la-'l:lb~ (@R) 1w1be1<:> -: w~
lJ:?lh lPID,R., IClPC:Hv llolbel<:> 'elPCQJ ICl!fl b3~J31 IVIC'lte-31-) J3l JV.%1e 1C.01 ffl R .st 5 .ste
llolbel<:> 'lo63lh llDllG
lJ:?lhlPID,R., 1Ctpc11V e11-e 'El 1<:> ~lbe'3 11a1'3lJtlfl c~ J311V<i;lcllD J311VPte~ !cb P163h t: 5 t:e
lJ:?lh IPJ.OJ., IC[pellV 'L?tclRlR eldOlhll<:>c-559 ltcJlal!-e J311VY!>& !Of:?b{i; ij<-C tc.oltelR e 5 ee
LJ<:-C eJ~
.!f 1h IPlD,R., tctpcl IV llolbel<:> 'clcJ.Olhll<:>c-559 C:ll-eehj311VIG~~ ioli-3~!1'1; P~RY!>l<C b 5 t.e
lf?lh IPJ.OJ., tctpcllV llolbel<:> 'Lcl? P~le Selk> J311Vl~J311Vl~~hl PK 1C.0J telR Jt h Oe
.lflh IPJ.OJ., tctpCHv 1w1be1<:> 'Le~ lJDlR 11-)l)C llVte~ 9~ebll-){j tc.oltelR t: h ;;)\,
lflh IPJ.OJ., tctpC:llV llDlbel<:> '!.Fl? ltc{Jti>lt3 I lc~ti>lt3 j31 IV~K !Df:?I Pk!<C LJ<:-C tc.01 tel R e h 71
:iflh IPID,R., tc{PC:Hu llolbel<:> 'If:~ ijDl_R lcR~~J311V&E:I~ !Df:?IRijDl<C l:JC-C tc.oltelR 1 h 6'1
llolbel<:> 't.7
:if I h I PJ.OJ., IClPel IV io el3 '3G;~te tfi~ '&ltc clRbllV 1lol b J31 IV3!2.J l!cc9 J31 IV&l!Gl<C tc.01 tel R Jt .JI.. 51
:iflh IPJ.OJ., tctpellV I lolbcl<:> 'lf:l? I tctplcl b Sl_91C J311VfG,R., J31 IVIGti>l-e8 tc.oltelR t: Jt hb
:iflh IPJ.OJ., tctpC:llV llolbcl<:> 'Lei_? ttct?lclb RI le:> j31 IVll;lf:Uc IDl:?I IDIVl!I; LJ<:-C le.DI tel R 'e Jt Jtl:,
:iflh IPJ.OJ., tctpellV '!f:.l? llclJDll-)R-&llC clRbllV 1Ch1Cllej311V&h{J IDf:?l!D[je LJ<:-C IC.of tel R '1 Jt tb
lflh IPJ.OJI., IC[pcllV 'to631h lflclRlR lc.lfC919 IClq_g 1f:l_tej311VbllV 9~b~9R IC.oltel R 'Jt t et.
:iflh IPJ.OJ., tctpellV llolbel<:> '~lh lDlGZ.~ RI<:> lf:ll-eJ311Vlt311<:> 9~Pplol<:> tc.oJtelR t: t bb
:iflh IPJ.OJ., tctpellV 'lo63 I h I.? tel RlR lc.lfC9 I9 l(lq_g IC'll9l,tcJ311V!C !Df:?ll-)LJI;~ [JC-C tc.oJ tel R e t Ol:,
]fit-d-J.)lDJI., tc{Pcl IV 1w1bc1<:> 'If:.!_? tobic 11-)lEl_R J31 IVDI htlc IDl:?P~b le.DI tel R 1 t ::>
1to1bc1<:> '!tel?lb
lf?UC\ JPID,R., lc[pcl IV lJDll3B LJGlDP 's~ e:h.1a1e 11-J~I b J311VLJGb~ J31 IV2J.O le.DI tel R Jt e 7
lJ:?lh IPJ.OJ., h[pe1hl llolbel0 'e-clc!D c&Sf:?!l<C [fSJ-)lR j311Vtplte J31 IVl9~ P~RY!>l<C t: e 6'
~llD?R kllO ?l!iK ?19!" .
ICllS~ @IR ~h. 10?1bs~9 m~12~ 1.!!i9l? ~lb !" ~
> 9 rnz-zo-z '"X3: 3:llHZVD lNHWmIHAOD l V1IVfflD z-80I
Extra No. 101 cul'tb ~-tctl~1.l ~~ ~l. ;'3'4.00/-


Qtbe cujarat d9obemment ca,ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

~lilm a1~1?\11raa1afl ~~~ ~aiaO-~o,g

~zen :oif?l81il e,c.m.1 :J"lRld crPRlllf881( crfl ~zen 8<q1) CiJICildoil rai~d-ll "lEEo crfl fdl~d-1-SC: :oJcrCl~ iZl~C-11
(3}lc.q1iJcr11 oild-llcrfl ~~<Id
S~iB. al\1Ci/~a121/q)$-, ell g /~51./~o,'lt
"l. :ulilc-11 cr1=>1L11f851cr11 crflil tt1211Clc-1 q(s1crfl ~Id-Ila~ ~zen dl.~"l-o~--xo"ls cr11 iltt ~1~~c-1 Clcrfl
d-Jd=>l121dilci \.l~l211d-l :J<t<ld crf:>R'lllf881( crfl ~zen 8<q1) CiJIVldcrfl rai~d-ll "lEEo crfl fdl~d-1-S"l :oJcrCl~ crj~crfl
cri.<X"l tl'tVl Cf~R Bil rai~d-l-S3 :oJcrCl~ crflil 'tl211ClC-l q(s1crfl ~1}1 't1211ClC-l (;!55 d-JIB Clcrfl ~1}1 8lC-l;}l criVJ< o
d-li 'tl211ClC-l (3}lc.q1iJ~ :aj?l~C-ll ~~< 8<ql;}li :oJICl 6.
<. aPt<'ll1f881( crfl :aj._zen 5iq 1) VJ 1VJdcr11 fdl~;}jl "lEE<> cr11 fdl?.l;}l s 3 tl'tVl ~~< a)c-1 'LI ~1211;}1 tlttVl crflil tt12112:rc-1
q(s1crfl ~ 1}1 tt1211Clc-1 (;J5a ;}I 1-Z Clcrfl ~ 1}1 tt1211Clc-1 <3}lc.q 1<1~ fdl?.ld-1 s c: :oiaq~ <..ililc-i 1 oi=>R\.l 1f8a1cr11 ~z1~c-11
a1<3fd~c-1il C1il8 ~~<ail 2l:oilcr11 oil;}ll :J.l~W a<q1d-Ji :oi1Cl 6. q)s aic.t? 6tsaa1) ~Bl? ~l~Ci <3i1tq1?cd all~ \I~ ~il -vts1121
all~ ~?alltl
, ~ 3 y \I g
"\ "\ "l-'\..IE91d q:>l ~:>fl Ci? Cj,cr1 (;Joi :oJ 0-CiJ I~ Q1 Itf :oic;;).Jlcr11 'LllB"l-, <..1lilc-11 Q-ll<cfl?.l <I~~ 5'j9)~

~ "\ ~-~l;}lla~ ~:>fl Cl?Cjoi(;Joi ~C-ld loiQ1 ltf ;}j~~c.q1afl ~i],.~oil c,.j~ Qil<cfl~ <I~~ 8191~
ac-115)~1 :CZaS 'Lii~, <..1lilc-11

3 "\ 3-=oicz!~~C1 ~RI E.121Q11tf ~'ll1Q11tf :U-1121121 'lll'\..IZ1..l<l3-, <..1(iJc-11 Q-ll<cfl~ <I~~ al9l~
0 "\ "O-~l;}lla?.l <gQ11tf Z'jQ11tf Vil<.!< q1:c_<l.l<l,<..!liJC-JI Q1Rcfl?.l <I~~ al9l~
1..1 <X "\-~Id-Ila?.! ~:>fl =>1(-Jl(-j(;Jcrj ;}l~<Q11tf ~vt'll<I eJ lcrfilS <..1(iJc;i Q1 l<cfl~ 'toid I 'LI lif

s <X ~-~!;}Ila~ ~:>fl q~fo(;Jcr1 i}l~IQ1 IV <15lS q1:c_<'ll<1,~lilc-11 Q-ll<dl?.l 'toidl '-llif
'11-)tfltc '1f15QJl-IC Pp"I:
~I-IC 18~1helc!D 11-)lfltc
'tcl8~1-1C uci2'fc 5\,oe-eo-e :1n.g1P
'~Lttls ~1~ 1->~ 11-JtflR: -: lr.>16?;
R~!,? IC~IC ie_ij)Cllt> 'S'~ !DI ta 'elc!D tal !Dtcf\ ICllY{,tC f311t>llD63 f311t>IG~Y 1C.01 I-el R-.Jt 5 .Jte
, JC;lclRICl8
R~!? 1C~1e t2tPellt> 11-){.?l_tc '-elehl 1Ctp&1-e f31 lt>Cbbc f31 lt>IC.R:.J'C !cb Pl63h- 5 Ee
11-)lfltc '11-e~lk>
R~J,? R~IC tctpCllt> '6' Uol llDllG -clehl1Ctp&1-e I IC\Jlt3 f31 lt>Pl-el R IDl?Y!>J(, lJC-C ICDll-elR-e 5\ ee
11Cllb81-e -
R~~ R~lc IC[pclk) 11-)tf ltc '-elehl 1Ctp&1-e f311t>IClQJli JDt_:>Y!>Jlt> lJC-C ~ ~ P~RYDl-IC- \, 5 be
etc I l'l
Jflh IPIDJ(, IC{Pc11t> 11-)!fltc !fl? t,el9t_8 J3I1t>J&> J3l It> hJ? IC)(, 1C.01 I-el R-.Jt h Oe
jflh IPIDJ(, ICtpcllt> 11-)lfl_IC S'lb llCtjelelc ICl!Yl_tc llt>hc YljC~g IC.oltelR- h ~\,
J?lh IPJDJ(, t2tpcllt> 11-){.?ltc !Fl? lJ.r.>lbllec)(, J31 lt>f JD.)e IDl?lfl-el-IC lJC-C ICDll-e!R-e h 7-b
lJ?lh IPIDJ(, IC{PCHu 11-)lfltc lfl? lJDCbPlclt> 11-)lst Y!f)j)IG lk>lkl63 lJC-C ICDll-elR-\, h 6'\,
11-)lfltc 1-)~l!.c
J?lh IPIDJ(, ICtpcllt> 1-e~ll-IC Wr~lc elc!DlJC-Cll?> Y!f)l-e11CGIDl3 Y!fj~~t3 Jc.01 I-el R-.Jt Jl. 5\,
R~J...8 t<?~lc tctpctlt> 11-)lflt'C c1c!DlJC-Cl1G <:tel l'l J3I1t>f:J&> J31 lt>2{,e~ ICDll-elR-' ..!l h\,
<:I 13 !'t
R~,(.? R~ le R(p2:1 It> 11-)tfltc clc!DIJC-CI IG J311t>IG(~ IDl?IP{J-el-IC {J<:-C ICDll-elR-e ..!l ..!l\,
J?lh IPIDJ(, t2tpellt> 11-){.?ltc Lei_? ij!>CbPlclt> J31 lt>l-el ICG~le ID~llClfl-IC lJC-C ICDll-elR- \, Jl. \,
11-){?ltc S'l-elR
R~~ IC~ le ntpcl It> '~IR 1f~8 e1'3Pl-)l-ell-e {}:>ID f311t>l-)11-elc)(, f3llt>tc)(,f-IC IC.oll-el R-.Jt t e\,
11-)tflle'S'l,E IS'~ltc f3l1t>G;1-e1e f311t>l-)!}063 ~~ P~RYDl-IC- ' bb
~ts IC~1C t<?[pel It>
J?lh 1PIDJ(, IC[pcllt> 11-){.?ltc 'leh2hlh ltc(F81R J311t>Yot?J IDl?Gl-e lJC-C ICDll-elR-e 0\,
R~L8 tc~lc tctpellt> 11-)!fltc 'leh2hlh f311t>l'l.l;i>~ ID~ll'l.ieJl-e IJC-C ICDll-elfC-\, ~
Jflh IPJD.R:. tctpCllt> elP-cl?J 21,!-h lchc~lb C:tcl I'\ J31 lt>k>1 kl J31 It> Pelt> tc.oll-elR-.ll. e 7
Jflh IPIDJ(, ICtpcllt> 11-)lfltc e:1 P-cl?J 21,!-)"- J31 lt>8LJ-ceJ31 lt>IG!jllc)(, f'<?.Oll-elR- e 6'
s h. ~ ~ 1.
Jf1i.o~R lfl!O
IC'llS~ @IR ~h. lfllD 10~b~~9 f-)~12~ ~l&tt l'&9t? ~k>!'> ~lb !'>~
9IOz-zo-z "X3: 3.L.L3ZVD .LN3WIDI3AOD .L~fflD z-101
Extra No. 105 cu~.& ~c:tl"6+1.'1.l t.~ ~L. ;:.'4,00/-


tltbt ~ujatat ~obtmmtnt ~a,tttt

Vol. LVII} TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016/PHALGUNA 4, 1~3:7f.'ii.z:;
Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gjarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the-.
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election.
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under!the Election Commission.

E.1afat:>1? a1:>1?"11~s1 ~1af1~ ~een -=l.o,g

~een ~~s1il tqm ~<t?ld a1:>1?"11~s1 (ofl ~en s?q1) c.11c.tda11 rai~ail,,e-e::.- a11 rai~af-g(!' ~~~ ~1~c-11
C33lE.C41?)atl atlaf)ofl ~~?Id . .

Sails: ~ee1/~~U.i<f/C4~0/=l.3"1/=l.o,g dl.=l.3/ o~/=l.o,g ,

"l. cld-loPR oPRlllf?t81all allil ci<ellClC; CJls'fofl ?lld-ll<T\?.I ~ze0 di. 'X"l-o'X-'XO"lS all ilci< \?.ll"lll~C; dall Q.Jdb1e1c1:il~f
'-l~elld-1 ~ci<<lci a1:>R'-llf'G81 (all ~zeO 8<q1) CtllOlciall fdl'Ud-11. "lE:E:o all rdl'Ud-1-S"l ~<TCJ~ a1~a11 aL <x<t tl%'.Ctl
d\?.IR 8<1 fdl'Ud-l-S3 :oi<TCJ~ allil ci<e11Clc; CJlslall ?J1:! ci<e11Clc; {;)58 a.i~ Clall ?J1:! 8lc;d-l ai01<-o d-li <e11Clc;
<3lcCJ1il~ ~z1~c;1"lll~<8<CJ1d-li :oi1Clc; 9,i
<x. al:ll'.2'-llf'G81 (all aj?e0 8'.2CJI) CtllVldall fdl'Ud-11 "lE:E:o all fdl\?.ld-l-S3 tl'Ctl "lll~'.2 8)c; '-l~ella.J tl'Vl allil <e11<lc-t
CJlslall ?J 1:! ci<e11Clc; (;)58 ;i.j ~ Cl all ?J 1:1 <el IClc; <3:icCJ 1il~ fdl'Ud-1 s c. ::of<TCJ~ 1;}-Jal:lR al:lR'-11 f?t8tal I ~GI~@
81<3R?Jc;il cJ:il8 "lll~< 8il Cl:oila1i a11d-ll ~~w 8<CJld-li :oirCI 9. q)s 6lssa1) ).181? ~el~Cil 63lE.C41?crl,
atCif? otlaf ~?atltl "I~ ~Iii ~Sll21
"l "l "l ?l ld-l l<T\?.I ~)fl ~I Rel(;) al '.21~Q11tf a1ilSJ\?.ll 5.alCJI CtlQR'\.l'.21, tl.1d-Jal:ll'.2, ~~1a11c-On 81918 '-1 rif
cJ1.c;16l, f%'.:oid-l)c-0 (<l~CJIEJ 8191?1 '-1~)
<x "l <x ?l la.J l<T\?.I ~)fl ~ :>0 c1 I(;) of [~~I Q1 Itf 5.VJQl'.2'-l'.21, tl.Ela.Jal:>R, ~~1a11c-On 8191?1 '-1 lif
~W'-l'.21 c11.c;16l, f%'.:oid-l)c-0 (<r~CJrEJ 8191?1 '-1~)
3 "l 3 ?lid-lier\?.! :>T!VJ'.2Q1 ltf allal~Q1 ltf a11ilc; I 5.alCJI CtiQl'.2'-l'.21, tl.1d-Jal:ll'.2, ~ !(fotlC-0?:G 8191 :cl '-11 if
c1l.C;16l, f%'.:oid-l)c.fl { <~CJIEJ ~91:cJ '-I~)
0 "l o ?lid-lier\?.! <er E9ISQ1 ltf ct'.21a.JQ1 ltf vtllli I 5.~all Vll'm'-l'.21, tl.1a.Jal:ll'.2, ~~1al1cfln 8l9l?J '-llif
C11.c;16l, f%'.:oid-l)c.fl (<1~q1EJ 819)?1 '-1~)
'-I <x "l ?l ld-l lo\?.I ~)fl a1<&11(;)a1 <~8Q1 ltf; 5.~'-lltf~il. tl.1a.Jal:ll'.2, ~~1a11c-On 8191?1 '-llif
c11.rn6l, f%'.:oid-l)c-fl (w~q1EJ 8191?1 '4~)
s <x <x :cl Ia.JI er\?.! ~)fl Q1ICJa11(;)a1 8lilZQ11tf~IQlel 5.~dRla.J al:>R, tl.1d-Jal:>l'.2, ~~1a11c-On 8191?1 '41if
c1l.C;16l, f%'.:oia.i)c.fl (<1~q1EJ 8191?1 '4~)
"{911-) '[Flf5Qjf<C P!K
l:?f<C 1g~1h<:tci.o <:1ci.ote1'3
'Lclf5QJl-<C ua2F: 5\,oe-eo-e :lilj,<:IP
'tnlbf<C(-/{PR) <:lc!Dtel'3 - : lDl6-C
{~h R~J.? tplb? 't91t-YlP 'clc!Dtel'3"fe
J?lh R~J,_g 2-CLJ-)l!Dll';I:? '!ftclRlR tallDIV?"Q. IICLJcf-)lf<CJ311VGte J31 IVPte~ tc.oJtelR Jt 5 Jte
(~h R~J-? lflb?:i.R) '{911-YIP 'clc!Dte1'3"fe 12.J~
J?lh R~1,? 2-CLJ-)lJDl~I:? 'l?lh s.oz-cRlo 12lte"Q. f-)l hlCJlo j31 h)Jf59 J31 h)~.oQ_te Ptf)R!Df<C 5 e.
(~h R~J,_g lflb? 't}?Jf-)"1P 'clc!Dtel'3;fi' ,
J?lh R~1,? 2.C{j-)l!DlGI:? '{?ICIRlR llolloj31R"Q: clfN:hj311V{P/CR:. JDt_:>Rlf-)~ lJ<..C IC.ol tel R e 5 ee
( ~h R~!? Qlb? lf)~tef<C~ 't911-YlP
J?lh R~J-? 2-Cij-)llD16Je 'clc!Dtel'3"fe 'S@ cl t311Clfllc"Q. l 1Ct~J3I 1Vf5~c t.ot:iP1D.oG; lJ<.C tc.oJ tel R \, 5 "'e
(j-)~tef<C"~ '{911-YJP
J?lh IPl.DJlo !C{PcllV 'clc!Dtel'3"fe 'Lei_? 1hS.09 "<.{ lDblcj31 IVICl QJ K j31 IVf-)'ieJ 1C.01 tel R Jt h Oe
ij-)~W~ 'l911-YIP
J?lh IPl.DJlo tctpcl/V 'clc!Dtel'3"le 'SI b.(j.D(!5"Q. lcRIR:Jtj31 IVG;b<: J31 IVclJ.l';g) tc.oltelR h. ~\,
LJ-)~tef<C~ '{911-YIP
J?lh lPl.DJlo IC{PcllV 'clcl.Dtel'3"fe 'If~ lhS.o~r~ toblc J3Hof-)'ieJ t.ot_:>I Ml~ lJ<..C tc.o Ite IR e h. 7\,
ij-)~tef<C~ '!}?If-YIP l!C(j-)1[)'3
J?lh IPl.DJlo ICtpcllV 'clct.otel'3"tt 'SlblJ.Dl8"Q. j311Vf-)t)f<C l.D!211Db11V lJ<..C !cb Pl63h \, h 6''\,
(~h R~J,? {?Jb2:i.1c) '{911-YIP 'clc!Dte1'3"fe
J?lh R~i? 2.Clj-)IJOJ(';~ 's~ JIC{.?JIV63 'ich 2hl!<"Q: 1l'll_lo J31 IVYclo j311VllDl_IV tc.oJ tel R Jt Jt 5'b
(ltlh R~!? lflb? (j-)~tef<C~ '{911-YIP
J?lh R~J.? 2.C[J-)l!Dll';~ 'clc!.otel3"fe 'I.Fl? lhSJYQ. l f-)@1 t.o J3l IVl.Dlc63 Jjl IVElJ3 IC.oftelR Jt h\,
( ~h R~!? tf lb~Fc) {J-)~tef<C"~ '{911-)"1.P
J?lh R~J.? 2.Cij-)ll-016~ 'e:1ci.otel'3"~ 'Le~ 11eua1bQ. cl'!'lJ31 IVJl';{?JIV t.ot_:>J ll';J!-Q: lJ<..C tc.01 tel R e Jt Jt\,
ij-)~te!-Q:" ~
( ~h R~J.? tpl b? '{911-YIP 'clct.oteJTtt
J?lh R~!? 2-C{j-)ll.Dll';~ 'R1bcf51Clb 1i.oQ. SICJ9 j3Jh)Jl';~R lDl?lf-)SK lJ<-C Ptf)RID fie \, Jt \,
LJ-)~tef<C"~ 't911-YIP {Sh)
jflh 1Pl.DJlo IC{PcllV 'c1ci.ote1'3'fe 'lchcl91o l!Dk"Q. f-)l f-)Jlot5 j31 IVcl!l'; IC.DI tel R Jt e\,
(~h R~J.? {?lb? {f)~tef<C"~ '{911-YIP llC{.?blb
J?lh. R~~ 2:Cij-)li.Dll';Je 'c1ci.ote1'3tt 'lFl? 11Ctpch.Q. J31hlSl631ClC J31 IVCi;teijV 1C.oltelR \, \,
(~h R~J.? lflb? LJ-)~tef<C"~ '{911-YIP
J?lh R~!? 2.C{j-)lJ.011';~ 'clct.otel'3"tt 'lFl? llCtpc'h.Q. lfN::J J3l!Vll';~9 JDt:>IJD!l';3 lJ<.C IC.of tel R e t 0\,
LJ-)~tef<C"~ 't9Jf-)"JP
J?lh. IPJ.DJlo IC{PcllV 'clc\!>tel'3"tt 'lfl? f-)Zh"Q. Jf-)@I\!> J311Vll';(21;!) l.Dl?LJ"'3!1C lJ<.C IC.OJ tel R \, ~
(~h R~!? lflb? LJ-)~tef<C"~ 't911-YIP
J?lh R~J.? 2-C(j-)IJDJ(';~ 'clcJDtel'3"tt 'clct.o teJCI PU-C"~ cttechJ311Vll';@lcJ311Vll';~9 Jc.DI tel R Jt e 7
(~h R~J_? lflb? LJ-)~tef<C~ 't911-YIP
J?lh R~J.? 2.CU-)JJDJ(';~ 'clct.otel'3"fe '\, \, \, io 21[:h."Q. f-)(9l!c J31 IV!Dll';cf5 J31 IVf-)l)f<C !cb Pl63h e 6'
ICllS~ @IR ~h. lfl&o~R lfl&o ~19!0
10~1bs~~ U>~I<?~ ~ l!ih'. 1,!DS9 I? ~lb !D"lq;
9IOZ-ZO-Z 'xa tllltlZVD .LNtIWmltlAOD .LWVfflD z-so1
6 /
~Extra No. 1 0 7 / ' .""'"'y c.U~ C-lctl%~'1.l t;~ ~l. ~'4.00/-


tltbt ujaratcobtmment a1tttt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
I-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

naSI a1:i1<'1.111?:imofl ~mu~ ~ell-~o'\!i


~aefl ~fUattl e.qm ~ima o1:i1~'l.l11?:ia1( of\ ~t:?fl a~<u) r.>11<>1<1oil fOl~<HI '\<::C:: a11 ~~~-u <>iut1il ~1~c-11
o'lla.tlofl "YI'l?<lct
zCHis. aft1C;/~.ma1/c.i)S-'\ di S/~51./~o'\S
'l.. 'll1i5J oPR1.llf88lall ofli) <is'l21!C1c-J q'js!ofl ~ld-11~ <{?12n dl.~'l.-o~-~o'l.S all '.2l<is' ~'j~~C-1 (lofl dicPll21diJ<?.i '\.1~1211J1
~"'.21d al:>li1.llf881(ofl <{?120 8'.2q1) V110ldall loJ~dil 'l.EEO' all loJ~d-1-S'l. -Oto<.tf al~all oi.~'l. t),<i!Gi d~l'.2 8;fl loJ~d1-
S3 :ojrrCJ~ oflil <Js'l211Ckl qlslofl :ell~ "l2112ic; 0158 d-JIZ 21on ~I~ 8lC-ld1 oiGl'.2 Q' dii <i11211<k1 <3a:ie,q1il~ <Li1!C-J1 ~~'.2
8'.2.q1d-Ji :oi12t ~.
~. oPl'.21.llf881( ofl <j?12n 8'.2ql) GilGidall loJG!d-ll 'l.EEO' oll loJ~d1-S3 ~<Js'Gi ~~'.2 8~C-l 'll~l211d1 ~<Js'Vl ofli) <Js'l21121C-l CJlStofl
:ell~ "61211ClC-l 0158 d-JIZ (lofl ~1a:i <Js'l211ClC-J ea:ic.q1iJ~ lo1G!d1-SI'.'. -Oto<.!~ 1.llGSl al:ll'.2'\.llf?-!81al! <J.?i~C-11 s168:c1C-Jil dtl8
~~~ 8721 d'Ollall allJ1l 1-l~ffE.l 8'.2ql<Hi :oi1q f9. q)s ot68ot) :M81?. ~el~Ci <3~Eql?.cd oilai ~~ :c11ii -i1s1ta1
ate.ti. otl3i ~?.otltl
"I. ::t 3 y 'lt g

"\ "\ "\ -?114-! lrrGl ~:>fl 4-1g,0Jo1 \.Jl\.JC.Qlltf 6181< 2f Cio1 I!:'.! o1:JR, \.J IZSl (lj l<dl<OJ <l~Gl 8l~?J
~ "\ ~ -?114-! lcYGl ~:>fl :ind10!o1 Ql<dJd-11< q<<J112n 2tc-1o11ei oPR, \.JIC.Sl Qll<dl<OJ <l~Gl 81~?1
3 "\ 3-?114-! lrrGl "t<.if2IQ11tf :i1is1~ 5181< rniJq1<J, ~o1 <Is, 'l!1c.Sl cimdl<OJ 'o1dl 'llltf
Q' "\ -0-?114-!lcrGl c-f1c; 16io1 t.~1<!:'.!Qlltf 5181< q(-Joil!:'.l oJ:ll<, 'LllC.Sl Qll<dl<OJ '<s'o1dl 'llitf
\.l ~ "\ -?J Id-I lcrGl ~:>fl of1m6ioi <~d-18ie1<1qc-1 d-1~<1<0! I d1 elEq 'll l:il, 'LI IC.SJ cimdl<.i 'oidl 'lllit
s ~ ~ -?J l;J-1 lcrGl ~:>fl ~)1J116io1 ildo1J~d-ll< 'LIZC-l E.<VJR1 ~18, \.llC.Sl Qll<dl<.1 "o'oidl 'llltf
'9 3-?Jl;}JlcYGl iJC-llQlltf d11211Ql ltf Q-fl;J-1112n iT0-11q1<J, \.llC.Sl Qll<dl<-1 '<s'oidl 'llliT
.:::: ~ -O-~l;).Jlcr<.l <1$Qll8 819!Qlltf 6181< iTollq l:cl, 'll IC.Sl (lj l<dl<.i 'ls' aid l \.lltf
E 3 I<t -:ct 14-! lcr<.! ~">fl a.i$Cii6iot <1<rrs:1>1-l~lt:. 'l.11<18 <1121'll<1<0JI q1:ci <Jlj:j, 'LllC.Sl Qll<dl<.! '<s'crfdl 'llltf
"\O 3 - <m-11 crG! ~:>fl <is2.110ial f<11<q_qd11< ?11<.!dl Q2tc-ll 'lll:il, 'll1c.Sl QJRcfl<.! '<s'aldl 'llltf
'l.'l. 3 I 3-~1:H1crGI ~S~IJ<Hl'.2 -"1121cidCilC-l E.:cit8 ~otte.J <-flil ?ll:cll<.!il, 'LllC.Sl (lll'.(cfl~ '<s'oidl 'llltf
"\~ 3 I -o-:ci1:H1cr<l :oiaJl'll ~Q (E.~e JS1c11 'Lil~ QlcSl, 'll12Sl I cimdl2.1 'aJdl 'llltf

IV-C--107-1 107-1
"l?21h ISIR3 'Lcl!5~1<C Pp'l
~l<C 1!5~1hclc!D l?21h
'Lcl!5~1<e ua2'Jc 5 l:.oe-eo-t:e :ftlLclP
'bslta 'l? 1,r.~ l?21h -: l.D~
J.?lh !PIO..% tctpclltl l?21 h 'clc!Olcl?.oJ3 cl!519 J3t1t>lf.>1g J3l1t>ID1-e tc.oll-elR-Jl 5 Jle
t;i21h 'l.D631h Plcll'CJ'l ~~
J.?I h I PIO..% tctpclltl 1gf.>1p 'cl9k> ~lbc3 lblD e:11-ee:h J311tl3QJcl<C J311tlcl_!G~ P~RlDl<C-t: 5 e
.lflh !PIO..% tctpclltl t;i21h 'Rlb2@1k> 'RlbP~3 Sl,?llc f311tlb~l.Dk> IDl;?lclP lJC-C tc.oll-el R-e 5 ee
J.?lh IP!Ok tctpclltl l?21h 'clc!Olcl?.oJ3 cl819 f311tlhlJ-){j tot?fcte !cbPl63h-l:. 5 l:.e
.lflh IP!Dk tctpclltl l?21h 'clci018f0r<: c889 J311t>UMW3 l-)l l-)ID9ll-e tc.oll-elR-Jl h Oe
J.?lh IPID..% tctpclltl ISIR3'1P 'l?21h (lchPl-eill) re ltc[JSlDll3 f311tll09ll-e f311t>Tulto !cbPl63h-t: h. .;;)l:,
J.?lh IP!Ok tctpclltl ISIR3'1P 'l?21h (!chlClcliD) re lbl3F f31kY3QJl_!c IDl:?Lcl~c lJC-C tc.oll-elR-e h 71:.
J.?lh IP!Ok tctpclltl t;i21h 'lflclRlR lflJC Ci;fal!OlJ'6" f3 I R~ f31 It> tcJ!o t?.J ID l:? I ID [Ji! lJC-C tc.olitlR-1:. h 6'1:.
I lct;il b~j)C
J.?lh !Pi.oh tctpclltl t;i21h 'RlbLJClll'C!h f3lltll09ll-e f31k)Pcltl tc.oll-elR-Jl Jl 51:.
J.?lh tPi.oJ!o tctpclltl l?21h 'Rib UClltc!h ltclfl3blR f311t>llC\b f311t>Bc tc.oll-elR-t: Jl hl:.
J.?lh IPj.0..% tctpclltl l?21h 'ltc!l4l l_ID9~ 3tcc'R e:ggg e:11-e1Gti-)8 'l:?lPcll<C lJC-C lc.Dll-elR-e Jl Jll:.
lJC-C l(J~
J.?lh IPIDJ!o tctpclltl t;i21h 'RlbP~3 ICll9l._tc f311t>IG'?_IO ID\:?lh.!C P~RlDl<C- b Jl 1:.
.s h. J. 1: \
lt1ioi1< ltllO !19!
lcUS~ @II< ~h. ltllO '>!lb"3~9 1->~I* !l&K L'&9l? Rb '!"'~
::::>-AI-DIVd] 9Ioz:-zo-Z: ''XH 3ll3ZVD lN3W~3AOD lWVff1D z:-LOI
Extra No. 109

~ \il'ffi

tltbt @ujarat @obtmmtnt @a,tttt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Elect~on
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

c.i1c.t<1 at:>1<~1f(:l~1 ~mu~ ~eeO-<o, s ~

tj_een ~l'Els1il .s:tm ~IRLd at:>1<~1a.is1( oO ~een s<q1) c.t1c.tc1o11rat~a.i)-,e-e-v011 rat~-~~ ~o<t~ ~~1~c-t1
eite.q1ilo11 a11a.i1o0 'Yl~<1c1
:isa-ii8: ~ee1/q~0/<(3<t/C(o<tg di. <(3/o<(/C(o<tg

(<t) VJIVJ<I a1:i1<'41r881a11 aflil "ll'e112lc-1 qlslafl ;?-Jla-Jlo-~ xleen di. C(<t/o<(/C(o<tga11 ~"ls' ~lll'l~c; dafl
a-id:i1e1dil~ '4~e11a-i ~"ll'<ld 0PR'41r881( af1 xleen &<q1) VJIVJdaJi roi~a-il-<tEE<> a11 roi~a-i-g<t ~oq~ a1~a11
oi.C(<t ti"ll'VJ 2'1~1< 8:21, roi~a-i-g3 ~oq~ aflil "ll'e112lc-1 qlslafl ;?-J1i! "ll'e112lc-1 Gl58 a-i~ dafl ;?-Jlil 8lc-1a-i- oiVJ<-
<> a-ii "ll'e112lc; (3a:Jc,q1:?J~ aj?1~c-11 ll'I~< 8<q1a-ii ~12lc-1 f9.
(<) ~"lS'<ld a1:i1<'41r881(afl xleen 8<q1)VJ1VJda11 roi~a-il <tEE<> a11 roi~a-i-g3 ti"lS'VJ ll'I~< 8~c; L1~e11a-i ti"lS'VJ aflil
"lS'e112lc-1 qlslafl ;?-JJi! "lS'e112lc-1 Gl58 a-i~ dafl ;?-Jlil "lS'e112lc-1 (3a:Jc,q1:?J~ roi~a-i-gc: ~oq~ VJIVJ<I aJ:>R'41r881a1i
aj?1~c-11 81Go-~c;:21 d<18 ll'I~< 8<1 d~la1i a11a-il )...l~E.E.f 8<q1a-ii ~12} f9 .
~. ai q)s ~65ol) tj_e1~m eite.q1<~ ~~ ~1il ciis1e1
at<il< ~!ii< atla.t ~<o11tl
"l 1 <t. :ci 1a-i 10-~ c~ '<tll~llGlaJ E.J;ii~JQJIEf q1q5)~1 <la-JaJ:>J< VJ IVJ<I Ql Rcfl~ <I~~ 8i~:cl
<( 1 <(, :ci1a-i10-~ c~ tia-!d l"lS'GlaJ ll'l l?lEl.Jl la! QJ"}"l(q Ien ~i'4<1"lS' '4<1 Ct!IVJ<I Ql Rcfl~ <I~~ 8l~:ci

3 1 3. ;?-Jla-Jlo-~ VJlqQJIEf f.qQJIEf (;j~~I ~ 1'4<1"lS' '4<1 VJ IVJ<I <>mcfl~ <I~~ 8l~:ci
0 1 o. :clld-110"~ 2Jc;~QJIEf VJ1qc-JIQJIEf E.1!C1181~1 ~qaJ'4<1 VJ IVJ<I <>mcfl~ "lS'aJdl '41tf

LI 2 <t. ~<j.ll1f21 c~ "lS'~lc:cia11Gla1 ~<fqEQJIEf a:Jq1s1 ~afl ~.8.vll. '41:21, U;ll<i,1~, QJRcfl~ <I~~ 8l~:ci
g 2 <(. :ci1a-i10-~ c~ GbJIGlaJ ~)GbJQJIEf d~~I EJ~q aJ:>R, VJ IVJ<I QJRcfl~ <I~~ &l~:ci
'9 2 3. LIC91dq:>) qaJ<l"lS'QJIEf qJG<IQJIEf q1C111 El~q aJ:>I<, VJ IVJ<I Ql l<cfl~ <I~~ 819l:ci
('.'. 2 <r.:ci1a-i10-~ <1<o-~Ql1Ef (3;H:l1QJIEf C9ieVJR VJ:cl c~~lal '-11:21, VJ IVJ<I QJl<cfl~ <I~~ 8l~:ci
TIT #"!. r.__ "1 /\\
e:le1--1,1:\11c 'h~lld!Slt ra:cle:\lt 1,C:lffR
"[})~tic 'Lc18~'4C: Pp~
'~l&llJ~ ua'2~ "h\,oe/eo /e-: ln.LclP
'tnlb~ ({PR) U-JZt-el4C -: to~
R~l,? lc~IC lc!Pclhl 1c1<:>11<:> '~rh ICltc rtcLc8!8"Z llcLJ-Jk>!'4C f311Vl6@'310 J311VJOta~ tc.olf-el R ".Jt 9 .Jte
R~J..? tc~rc tctpctlV R1<:>11<:> 'e:1cJO 1c161'4C z llcLJ-JR[J(,, J311VICl.Jloc'4C: J311V2'JO lcDlf-elR " 9 e
J?lh IPID.Jlo tctpcllV te1<:>11<:> 'rcltc ltcLcffllffl llc[)-J~ J311VPclV JOl'._:>1611-J~ IJC-C lcDlf-elR "e 9 ee
R~J..? tc~IC lc!Pcl IV lck>I k> '~I h ICltc Ilclf8!8 3tc~ J311Vt-e[jlc JOl'._:>131JCc IJC-C lcDlf-elR "\, 9 \,e
R~J..? tc~re: l?lPcllV 1c1<:>11o 'rchcll3 c8c8 1-Jl'._C 131 IV'3l.!'2.J tc.olf-elR ".Jt g -oe
R~J..? 1c~1c tctPCHu rc1<:>11<:> 'rchcll3 llclf~8 j31 IVI ffllJV J31hl16!llc.Jlo lcDlf-elR " g -=>\,
R~J..? lc~R tctpcl IV Rk>lk> 'tt!><= IJO{?clt-etcz 131c~c J311Vl-Jlk>8J3 J0l'._:>131}Cc l)<:-C lcDlf-elR e g 7\,
R~J..? tc~lc tctPctw 1c1<:>11<:> "2l[n Itc{.?l3z 1tcLcl-Jl8 J311Vl9~ IDl?I ~lJDf-e [JC-C !cbPl63h . \, g 6'\,
R~J..? tc~lc lclPCltl> 1c1<:>11<:> 'rchr.ob(k z 131ffl131IVl-JIVl'._C1311Vfc.J1o tc.olf-elR ".Jt v 5\,
1c1<:>11<:> ~rh ctf-C
J?lh IPID.Jlo tctPcllV
l-J8[?~ ffl~h 'c[J(,,f<:> IDJ3~ clk>2!63 f311Vl6tllc.Jlo c11-e'16~ tc.olf-elR " v h\,
R~J..? 1c~1c tctPcl IV 1c1<:>11<:> 'Le~ IJOlln ~lffl Itct(2 c8!6lD~ IDl?I ~l(J Ii l)<:-C lcDlf-elR e v .Jt\,
J?lh IPID.Jlo tctPcllV rc1<:>11<:> ~rh Rltc ltcLc8!8 1Rt(2 f311VPJ-Cb J0l'._:>1161'4C [JC-C tc.ol f-el R . \, v tb
J?lh IPID.Jlo tctPcllV ICk>lk> 'S.oS)lh-e81ftE8 11Cllb8H! J311VlffllJV J311VIS\ffl lcDlf-elR ".Jt 8 e\,
R~J..? lc~IC tctPcl IV 1c1<:>11<:> f:e 's@ 11a1tcLc8 EIH! J311V3'2.J~c J311V(kf-e[J'l '2.J~T!>14e " 8 bb
R~!..? -tc~rc tctPcl IV 1c1<:>11<:> ~ 's@ 11a1tc1f8 clt-ech 1311V(kt-e116 JOl'._:>ltc.Jlo [JC-C tc.olH!IR e 8 0\,
R~J..? tc~rc tctPcllV lck>lk> '[?tclR:lR talJOl-Jt? 11Cllb8H! J311V~!C JOl'._:>1611-)~ [JC-C tc.olf-elR "\, 8 -=>
lf111>~R fellD ~l&h: ~k>!
ICllS~ @IR ~h. 10~1b~~9 IJ.)~1'2~ t!&9tJ ~lb ! ~
;:):j,\I ltJVd ] 9IOZ-ZO-l '"X3: 3:ll3:ZVO 1.N3:WN1I3:AOO 1.V1!Vffl0 Z-60I
Extra No. 104


bt @ujarat @obernment @a?e t

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
I-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

fu33L vtOL~' ~LlUrll =1(2.lill.L-~O'l.S:

=1(2.lilt'l ~~3L~'l E.c!HL ~l(~Ld vtOL~'ll~3L (..fl :i(21i11.'l 3~cu) "l.Lt'..t.dvtl ~PPl.l 'l<::<::ls'vtl ~PPI.- .s:c. ~....qil
:i(2ti!Et.t 6li_t.qt~lvtl 6LJ.~ld

~l!l3 :fu33l/vt 'll/~ll!L/~2.lilll/~/~o'l .S:

( 'l) Rl3hL .-J.OR4.LR:-t.3L.-J.L ..-fl.~ "t~ll<?\.(-t ctl.s1..-fl. ~Ll!Lrtt 1._c.~(l dl. ~ 'l/o~/~O'l 5 .-J.L ~l"t l.ll"tLi{a ct...-fl. l!d0L~Ld~'li
'4.~~lll! ~"t~Lct. .-J.OL~'4.LR:-t3L (..-fl.1._c.~(l 3~cu) t'..t.Lt'..t.ct..-tl Ml.ll!L 'l<::<::~.-tl Ml.ll!-5'l =<Ji.-cti{ .-tll.-tl .-i.<>t'.l '.l 'l ~"tt'..t.
ctl.lL~ 3~1 Gi.l.l+i.-5-3 =<>i.-ctil ..-fl.~ t~LLCl.a ctl.s1..-fl. ~Lil t~LLCl.(-t 61.63 +i.L~ ct...-fl. ~Lil 3L(-t+J. .-i.tJt.~ Is' iii "t~llct(-t
8ilt.ctL~l.."i.1_2Li:l.(-tl "tltl~ Hctl+i.i =<>llct'2t 0.

(~) .-J.Ol~'4.LR:-thl (..-fl.1_2~(l HctL) t'..t.Lt'..t.ct..-J.L Ml.ll!L 'l(::(::~.-J.L Ml.ll!-5-3 ~"tt'..t. tLtl~ 3~<:1. '4.~~lll! ~"1561. ..-fl.~ "t~llct({
ctl.s1..-fl. ~Lil "t~llct(-t 61.63 +i.L~ ct...-fl. ~Lil t~Llct(-t 8ilt.ctL~L."i. Ml.l+i. 5 c. =<>l.-ctil fu33L .-J.::>L~ '4.LR-t3L.-tL 1_2Lil(-tt
3LG~C2t~L d~'l1 "tLtl~ H'l d=<>ll.-J.L .-J.ll!L '.\ HClL+i.i =<Jl.Lct 0.

~1- ql.s 61_03 -tl 3HL ~ :i(2tilEt.L 6li_t.ql '.l i ' "'
~l~ '
...{tJt.~ -i<>t.~ vtll! ~'.l-tl"~

'l ~ -3 Is' 'l .s:
'l 'l 'l-~Ll!Lrll ~'l h+i.L =<Ji'i. Cl~ 1>[ll!L ~(l ~h..-fl.3(-l ~LD~i'2t, =<>llULIJt.l <lil~dll.l ~L"01.l hL9l~
't[l ~..-fl. 61.l~+i.i' Rlh3l
~ 'l ~ -~l l!lrll ~'l fru.-i.61..-i. ~(.(l+J.<+i.LD ~Qi~(ll.lL ctLSl'i.L~ lclML~ 'i.l~ fu.t+i.L <lil ~ dlI{ t'i.ct.l '4.l~
'4.lt9U\., Rl3hl.
-3 'l -3-~l l!l rt{ el~l! ~Slh ~tlH ctLSl'i.L~ lclML~ 'i.l~ fu.t+i.L <lil ~ dlI{ 6'i.ct.l '4.l~
'4.lt9U\.' Rl3hl.
'If 'l ~-~ll!lrtt ~al!L'i. ~l~'i. QiOLLS Rl3hl-~ ~it.ct.' 'i.l: fu ."i.l!l <lil~dll.l '.ll"01.l h19l~
'4.Lt9ut, ctLSl.-i.L~ (-tct.1., ra33L
'4. ~ 'l -~ll!lrll ~'l =<Jil{l.-i.L61..-i. Gl!~<lilD ~Qi~(ll{L 'i.L: fu .t+i.L '4.lt9U\., Rlhhl <+i.L~dll.l ~L"01.l h19l~

IV-C--104-1 104-1
-c1cP.l,l:\}lc 'h'\-)ll&~lt. hllc:\lt l,clli'C'R:
"(rce1rc) clcl!>~l.!6 'LWs~f'C Ppi:
l;?f'C 1g~1hclcl!> 19-i~
'Lclg~f'C ua2[c 5 \,oe-eo-t:e :f<lLclP
'~lb~(-/~R) 19-i~ - : lDl6C
l~Yl~J 'l}-lBl1 .1}9. SqJlo
R~F nl01c lelPHtt) t.. 'h./51..'2'2"~ 11J-)<) 1.9o~l.9o llt)~P. ~illBlh.1<-<rl le->lltl'R:- 51.. 0 7c
111~ 'lfhl'R:l'R: 1Pl.9o
'R:~l1 h'l01c hlPcllV l,ch'\-)~l]c 'lh.~ b~ltlC W lh'~Jl'R: 9 llVlhlB '312.J c '\<c Plrjle'f..'\<c-t' 0 0-c
111~ 'tclh. l?'lbl&lc11<c
'R:~l1 hl0.n lelPcllt) 'lfhl'R:l'R: l,c h'\-)~lJc 1,cllt 91lt)l'\-)1'\<c P.1?1J1.l]c l,'IG'.C 'IPlltTR:- c 0 H
'R:~l1 hl01c lelPcllt) 111~ 'lfhl'R:l'R: lJtlbC181c clltch. 91lVltl<) 1--'l?t?<>lc l,'IG'.C 'IPllt11-C- b 0 h. c
111~ 'Slc "Rtc"1J1."1?
lflh. lPP..9o h 1P c llV 'lf h l'R:l'R: lfb le}\ 1.J1o~1.9o 'l?<>lltlJ<t ~mc. ~,~'!<) le->llt l'R:- 51.. 5 .Re
111~ 'lfh l'R:lR
lflh. lPP..9o h 1P c llt) lfblc!c 'tclh. c~}t P.1lti~ ClbC'\<c 9llt)~'\}t) 9llt)l}h% le-> llt l'R:-'2 5 t:c
lflh. WP..9o hlP c llt) 111~ 'lfhl'R:l'R: 1Pblclt) 1.9o~l.9o ~illl<)lBfc ll<)l'R:-p l,'IG'.C lPlltTR:- c 5 cc
lf lh. llJP..9o h 1P (: 11-v 111~ 'lfhl'R:l'R: lfblc}'. lh15'1?<>lt 11:.<~'\<c 1P c 13 l,'IG'.C 'IPlltTR:- b 5 'b(:
R~l1 hl01c lelPcllt) 111~ 'lfhl'R:l'R: lfblc}t l c 1t'R: '31tll<c '\-)T1<:119 le-> llt l'R:- 51.. h. Oc
lflh. llJP. .9o h 1P c llt) 111~ ' 't! m c 1J1.nrnbn U&lh. 't! 9llt)lt1,~T~9 9llt).9o'l?<>l<c JcbPl<rlh-t' h. ::) 'b
R~l1 h'l0lc hlPcllt) 111~ '1lt~ll<) l}-'3~lt '39 cl~1c 9llt)P.'R:~ 1--'l?lltlJl~ l,'IG'.C 'IPllt11-C- c h. 7 'b
111~ 'lflel'R:l'R:
lflh. W'\.> .9o h 1P c llt) lfb R: 1t 'lf h l'R:l'R: le '3}?'R: lh1,c h l)C 91lt)2l,c ~ 1->'l?lh.) l,'IG'.C 'IPllt11-C- t h. 0'b
111~ '1lt~ll<)
lflh. 11Jl->.9o hlPC:llt) l}-'3~lt llt~ '1llc cl~1c U&ibl-)l<c 91lt)P.~~ l-)911te9 le->lltl'R:- 51.. 51.. 5 'b
111~ 'tclh.
lf lh. Wl-- .9o le1P c llt) 12ll<c lcl'hUCiR: 'lSlh. P..9ol~lt l}tlbcl}c 1,C:h~P. 1,C:hbUli le-> l ltl'R:-'2 51.. h. 'b
lf lh. llJ'\.>.9o h 1P Hlu 111~ 'ln<rllh. lrll-)l1 'i<)'\-)11J lsic? 911-Dcl}t~ 1--'l?lltBR l,'IG'.C lPlhl'R:- c 51.. 51.."b
111~ 'C!ll-C
lflh. 11Jl--.9o h 1P c llt) lB kl</ lB1)-) ' (: l.9o'!<) p.9 't! 911-)'l? 9llt)lt1C11 1--'l?ltR'\-)1$' l,'IG'.C 'IPHt TR:- t 51.. E''b
R~l1 le101c lelPcllt) 111~' l?'lbl,clh lhU&lt)~ i..~~ clc'R:l<c le-> lltm-.R f' (: b
R~l1 'hl01<: lelPcllt) 111~ ''R:lb lfl-V lS''3~ 911-Vl<)'!?l.9o 9llt)(:bP.'\<c le-> llt m- 2 f' 'b'b
R~l1 h{01C lelPcllV '111~ ''\?'lb t<: lh 'It1)-)lJ-U i....1~ 1'31,c ~ l,'IG'.C lPlhTR:-c 2 O'b
R~l1 h{0lc lelPcllV 111~ 'lfhl'R:l'R: lfbR:}t lhUCilt) ~ Hl<)'i9'\<c llt)Cl--" l,'IG'.C JcblJl<rlh-'b 2 ::)
'111~ 'ln<rllh. lr lln lllillc--1
R~F h{01<: lelPcll-V 'st<: llt(:'~ )ClP. lhUCilt)R Hl<)B'\<c ltlli11 lc->lltl'R:-51.. (: 7
R~l1 h{01C lelPcll-V '1111JC 'lfhl'R:l'R: h'3}?'R: 1S'3~ 911-Vl<)'!?l.9o 911-Vllt~ JcbPl<rlh-t' (: 0
111~ 'C!l'R: l}-llnlllillc--1
R~l1 h{01C lelPcllt) 'Slc llt(:'~ )ell-> ''R:lblflt) clhJC 911-V'\-)~'\<c 1--"'l?ll--"lC~ t,'IG'.C 1P1hTR:-c (: 5
5 h JI... t' c b
~lP.cTC ltll-- cl</}'- c '!<) }'-
lalSl~ raTR: Tuh. }c11:>'3ltJ m~12}: cWK 11-- 1919 .n.b f..l<t
" " " "
:::h\I-l {IVd] 9Toz-zo-Z 'xa 3:ll3:ZVD lN3:WN1I3:AOD iv1Ivrno z-voT
' I
.._ Extra No. 116


Qtbt 49ufarat 49obemment 49afette

Vol. LVII] TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016/PHALGUNA 4, 1937 __,
Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

~uufl~L( +il..).-tol~ '4.LC-0.i5L ~l+tl~ 12~fi-~O'l 5

12~[1 :ot(q_i5L~'l ~l~l ~IS'~lct. .-J.OL~ '4.LC-0.i5L (~ 12~[1i5~cu)6ll6lct.'"1.l M~+tl 'lC:::C:::'lS' '"1.l M~+t-5C :ot.~?4.

12L?4.C-tl G~t.cll~L.-J.l '"1.l+tl~ IS'l~~lct.

Js+tii5 :

('l) +t.Lufi~L(+il.) .-J.OL~ '4.Lclli5L.-J.l ~~ ~ucta ctl.s1~ ~l+tl~ 12~[1 ct.l. ~ <t/o~/~O'l.5 '"1.l ~LIS' ~L6'L?4.C-t
d~ +tct.OL~lct.~'lj '4.~'l~ll+t ~IS'~lct. .-J.OL~'4.LC-0.i5L(~ 12~[1 i5~ctl)6ll6lct.'"1.l M~+tl 'l,(:;(:;(S' '"1.l M~+t-5'l

:ot.~?4. .-t~.-tL "1.. ~ i ~6'61. ct.~L~ i5~'l f.1.~+t-5'3 ~~?{ ~~ ~uctc;. ctl.s1~ ~L~ IS'~LLcta ~M +i.L2 ci.~

~l~ i5La+t "1.61.~ IS' +ti IS'~LLcta 6~t.ctl~L~ 12L?4.aL IS'l~~ .&~ctl+ti :ot.Lcta t9.

( ~) .-J.OL~ 1.uc-O..&t(~ 12~[1 .&~ ctL)6lt6lct..-tL r.t~+i.I. <tC:::C:::'t .-tl f.1.~+t- 5'3 ~6'6!. IS'L~~ .&~a '4.~~LL+t ~6'61.

~~ t~LLctc;. ctl.s1~ ~L~ ~uctc-t ~M +i.L2 ci.~ ~L~ lf~LLcta 6~t.ctL~L~ r.t~+i.-5c :ot.~?4. +i.Lufiiu(+il.)
.-J.OL~ '4.Lcll.&L.-J.L 12t? .&t6~a~I. ct.~'l1 IS'l~~ .&~'l d:otL.-ti '"1.l+tl >tfuctt .&~ ctt+ti :otlct t9.
clcl--1):11lc 'n~11a~'ft lieh'\lt i,-cwcrc
'3bln~ 'l,C:W~l'C J'K
l"l'C W~lh. C: leli. (" l}t) lh1Jnllt
l,C: W~l'C l,lttc~ sioe:/e:o/ee:: 1
'mlhl'C (\?VC) Cl.Jt) irc1Jn11t - : inra:c
J?lh. 11--.9a h 1P Hlv f1Jt) lhlJnllt ~1h.lf.>~irtn~ 1S% 5rnv'!<)l}'I~ '3 ltlltlf.>l<c lPlltlR" JZ 3 .R.c
J?lh. 11--.9a hlPHlv ("Ut) lhlJnllt '1,cl.E 1w1..1J?c~ 5-'b l?lV 9l'l't)})~l<c 1--'ltjll<c'3lt~lt Jc'bl63h.. ' 3 N
~ ..
J?lh. il--.9a h 1P c llt) ("1Jt) lhlJnllt "Rl'blS% '1lll:ltllt 1S% c'blB~ l--~l--16lc l?--lltl'R. c 3 H
. ~
R~l1 h10lc hlP'Cllt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt tcl.E lJnl'P w~ir'i\11<) t:-;:;>'b c'Pllt '3ltllt.9c1 1--~ll--% lPlltlR"'b a 'bC
R~l1 h10lc hlP'Cllt) lhlJnllt 1n63lh. ~llec.'31}-cl)\115B'b1'3 c'Pllt 9llt)11}R 1t7c h. Oc
R~l1 h10lc hlP'Cllt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt 'c.-("Ut) lhlJnllt JZt:- lJ'f.>lR Slllt)llt1}t> Slllt)l--~llt ~R~l<ct:- h. /)"b
R~l1 h10lc hlP'Cllt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt "lh."lt c'Pllt 91lt)9~~ l--~11--l}C~ lPlltlR" c h. n
R~l1 h10lc hlP'Cllt) c1Jt) lhlJnllt .n c'Pllt 91lt)cltt) ~ll<)cl.E lPlltlR" 'b h. 0"b
R~l1 h10lc hlP'Cllt) CUt) lhlJnllt 1 CUt) lhlJnllt lh. 'ft c'Pllt Slllt)l--~~ B~l<c lPlltlR. JZ .R. 3"b
J?lh. il--.9a h 1P c llt) CUt) lhlJnllt ~11' cRltlJt> ltl.9a 91lt)l.9al c lt~ c lPlltlR"t:' .R. h. "b
("Ut) lhlJnllt 1~11<) 1}-J?o..~~ l--l91F>Z
J?lh. 11--.9o h 1P c llt) 1S% Slllt)ldlltRll<c l--~1'3~1R lPlltlR" c .R. .R."b
'- ~
("1Jt) lhlJnllt cl:cl2J lSl'b
J?lh. 11--.9o h 1P c llt) 91lt)'3ltllt.9cl l--~l--1311'1. lPlltlR" "b .R. E:"'b
R~l1 h10lc hlP'Cllt) ("1Jt) lhlJnlltcRlh'!Fo"fl Rl'blt1.9a ltl.9a 91lt)l--El~ c'bl--l<c lPlltlR" JI... E: H
R~l1 h101C hlP'Cllt) ("1Jt) lhlJnllt cRlhlFo"fl Rl'b'3~lt '/;> 1S% 91lt)'j9~ lt~c 1Pllt1R"' E: "b"b
R~l1 h101c hlP'Cllt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt cRlhlFo"fl Rl'P c'Pllt .R.h. 'b c'Pllt 1--lltl?R 1--~lt~c lPlltlR"c E: O"b
R~l1 h101C hlP'Cllt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt cRlhlFo1~ Rl'P Udlltm 1S% 9llt)'3E)1'3 l--~l--16lc 1Pllt1R"'b E: /)
J?lh. ll--.9o h 1P :c llt) CUt) lhlJnllt -c1l>Cl2J le~ -; 1S% ldlltRll<c l--~llt19 lPlltlR"JZ c 7
Cl}t) lhlJnllt lPlltlR"t:'
R~l1 h101C hlP'Cllt) '~lR h.[1. B~ ll--l31C 7"1-1(9W lh'{lnllt c'Pllt Slllt)lf.>l't:c~ '3ltlltlf.>'b c 0
R~l1 h101C hlPcllt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt 'c.1:c12J lh~ll'\lc t:-n Udll3l-) 91lt)c'3~ 1--~lltlf.>~ lPlltlR" c c a
R~l1 h101C hlP'Cllt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt 'cll>Cl2J le~ .R. c. m~ 91lt)1~R l--~191,cR Jc'b163h."'b c h.
J?lh. 11--.9o h 1P c llt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt 'cll>Cl2J 1s1'b ll--1S% 1S% '3lt ~lt1--1.9a 11--'\}C~ lPlltlR"JZ "b .R.
J?lh. Wl--.9o h 1P c llt) ("Ut) lhlJnllt 'cll>Cl2J cl)\ lhl,cl'\.9a 1~1lt 91lt)~l! cltE) lPlltlR"t:' 'b E:
J?lh. 11--.9o hlP'Cllt) ("1Jt) lhlJnllt 'cll>C12J lSl'b 11--1S% c'Pllt '3ltlltlf.>'b 511l<)c.l- lPlltlR c. 'b c
CUt) ~
R~l1 h101c hlP'Cllt) lhlJnllt '~lh. cl)\l<)~'cl:cl2J 1Slb Ual'bl3~ 91lt)l--El~ l--~11--% lPlltlR"'b 'b "b
5 h. JI... ' c 'b
Jtll-- 'CR lt11-- cl<)}"
ldlSl.l?o ~lR Tuh. lcl'b'3ltt) rn~12'ft cWK tp-19~ ~'!? "}""l<c
'.)-AI .UIVd] 9IOl-Z:O-l '"X3 3.l.13:ZVD .LN3WN1IITAOD .LV1IVfflD l-9II
Extra No. 123

~ ;:;p:Rf

ujarat clobernmtnt "a,ettt

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other 1lhau the Governm~nt of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

"lft+i.~tcta -i..:>t~ 'ltlG.sL ~t+i.t~ 1,_c~a- ~o'ls:

1,_c~a :Ql~sl ~'l GL:(.l ~"lf~ld .-t;;)l~ 'ltR-t!l (..fl 1,_c~U H ctt)6lt6lct"1l H.~lll. 'l~(('ll' .-tt Mllll :r c. :Qt.<.tit 1_ctilat
6i\t,ctl:(.l"1l '1.llll...0. IS't~:(.td
.6+tis :
( 'l) IS'lll ~t<:ta "1-:>t ~ 'lt[G.sMt ...O.~ IS'~tct<!t ctl.Si....O. ~t+tt~ 1,_c~'l dl. ~ 'l/o~/~o'l !i '1.L ~LIS' ttlttila ct ...O. +i.ct.;)t~Lct ~'ltl
'l~~t+t ~"lf~tct. tj_;)t~' (...0. 1,_c~a s~<:tt) 6lt6lct"1t H.ttlll. 'l~~'lf"1l H.ll+i. -s:'l :Qt..qi{ -r~"'"'-L ..t. ~ 'l :!"lf6l
d~-IH .H'l Mll.+t.-S-3 =l>l.<.til ...(l~ IS'~lct<!t cfo~1..Q ~Wt IS'~Llcta &los +t.l~ (i,...(l ~llt slC.-tl{ .{~~ +1.i IS'~lq({
8ilt-ctl ~1..t 1,_ctil<:u tttl ~ !s ~ ctt+1.i =l>ltqa 0.
(~) Pl~'ltR-t!t (...0. 1,_c~ s~i:u) 6lt6lct.'1.l Mlllll 'l~~(( -1.l Mll.ll S-3 ~IS'Cil IS't~~ !s~a 'l~~ll{ :!"lf6l ...0.~ IS'~tq({
ctl.-s1...0. ~tit IS'taucta &lM llt~ d....O. ~tit "lfiauqc.-1. 6ilt.< Mllll sc. ~..q_~ IS't+t~tct<!t "1;) 1,_ctilc.-tt
!st6~c.Ht ct.~11 tttl~ s~'l ct:QlL-tt -tt+tl. }.lfu~ s~ctl+i.i =l>ltct 0.

~-!- ctl.s ~o!-tl. ~cl~a u~~Cll~-!

'lift ~l~ 176l&l~
~6'.~ ~6'.~ Y.!l~ -tllt ~~ ..... l~
'l ~ .a 'l f.
'l 'l ~tllt~ '?;?lL lltdl&l..-i. CJ.tat 'l ~ +i.t ~ ~::!llt-t~l ~, ~- IS'Lll ~tcta (l{t~dlll ~l~?.-1. !stgt~
~ 'l ~t+t.t~~'l l{~&l.-t <!t~l?l ctlil<:-t.l 0.:!lll""l~l~ ! :! IS'l+t.~lct..C.-1. (l{t~dl?.l :(,t~?.t s1gj,~
'3 'l 'lt9tct.ct.:>t <l.'1.l '1.l21.l IS'll:.C!. ~:!+i.l'i~l~, ~- "lflll ~Leta (l{t~dlll. ~l~?.-1. !lgt~
<f <t. ~t+t.t~ ~~t+i.a Ciltctt !t;;)LSl~t ~:!lll""l~l ~I:! IS'lll ~lC!.C-1. <+!Hdl?.l :(,l~~ 5tgt~
\l ~ ~ll-1.l~ '?;?tt ...0.ct.l&l-t ~l%{l{l ;;)tl+Cl ~:!lll'i~l ~, ~- IS'Lll ~Leta (l{t~dl~ ~t~?.t st~~
!i ~ ~lli.l~~1. ~L~6\.-t cllaL(l{LU IS'llh ~l~~u(l, ~ IS'l+i ~lC!.C-1. (l{L~dl?.l :(,t~~ 5Lgt~
0 ~ ~l+t.t.-?.t ~ctdl ~ ~ on..-i. ttl.c.Hl ~:!li.ll~l ~, :!IS'lll ~LctC.-1. (l{t~dltt 176'1.dl 'llat
(. ~ ~llll~ 1H6ld. ~~+I.a ~tci.!s1. 6'.~l~ 'l ~l, ~.116l+i~Lct.a (l{l~dlll ~l~~ .fstgt~
~ .a ~l+t.l.4t ~1. z.~&l..-i. cuilat bl.l ~1.~lct.lSl, ~- IS't+t. ~l<:lC.-1. (l{t~dltt 176"'1.dl 'll~
<t.O -3 ~llll~~1. ~<:Q&l-t ~ql(l{l .fst;;)tSl~l bl.l ~l~lct..lSl, ~ Olll ~Let.a (l{l ~dl~ 0"1.d.t 'llal
't <t. \3 ~llll~ &t~!il{t ~l~ 'll~=l>ll~~ (+\Hdl~ 0"1.dl '4.tit

IV-C--123-1 123-1
clcP.l,1:i11c "hB11&:5h ~h.\lt l,clffR:
1ge:1~ ~'Tub~
'Lclf5QJIR: 1-Jh!EJteJfu 11:3~
l::'IR: 18~ I hclc!D 1-Jblcl-el.R,,
'Lclf5QJ IQ: uci2'fc 5l.oe-eo-e :ftl.LC:IP
'~lb~(-/[pR) 1-Jblc - : 1.r.>16<:
R~lli l<'\~lc ri(pclM t-:>'Plcltl.% it' c. n,1'hl,c 11<1 clltch. ,Smv1c.w m~ l<->-llt1R 5 ~c.
R~l_li 'hlf<tlc nWcllu til'Plcltl.% it' c. 1131--lh~~ 1til~1b 91lt>1JC'hlc P.~llt l<->-lhlR 5 tc.
n~l_l$ 'hlf<tlc nWellt> tilblcltl.% it' e: 1131'hl,c 119 l'hl,HI() 91lt>lt c~ P.\?it? ~ l<->-lltl'R: 5 cc
R~l_l$ h~lc 'hWHffi t-:>'Plc 1tlJlo it' c. 113l'hl,c 119 SlltJlo 91lt>Eit P.\?k'J't 5 'be
lflh. n)P..J?o -nwe: lM til'Plc lt1Jlo it '1?"1'P1hl,c lh 'P~l.9o lJCJlob ~l-)llt l<->-llt1R h. Oc
lflh. )p..J?o 'h w(: llt) r)Pl c ltl.9o 'j.t "l)n~lSlS 1Jt11c Htl<: le w l<->-1lt1R h. 0'b
lflh. 1P.9o 'hWclM 1-:>bH: ltlPii 'it tl)n~11nll'Gl1t 1Jtllc n&1<: P.(?~lJ-) U~ l<->-lltlR h. ?'b
lflh. l'PP.Po nW c lM til'Plc ltlJlo 'lt 'lSlb c llt>1 c"tt-) l'lit1<: P.\?1P.lf> u~ l<->-lltin h. 0'b
R~l_-1 'h~lc 'hWclM l-)''Slc l-:>~9i'fl l<->-lltnt R 5'b
91M11t1c D'liltl}t>
'R:~l_li nlf<t1-c nWHlv t-:>blc lt1Pii ;:t 'RlbP.Pol,c 'fl n&1blilt li-)'t? \FolclP. x h.'b
lflh. ip..9-0 nWclM t-:>Prt tt.1Pii it ~1n. t-:>~9w 11<1.?"lcW 91Ml'G~c )..\?'\P1fo 1,~ l<->-llt.l'R: R R 'b
lflh. 1p..9-0 nWcllt> l-)blc ltlJlo it '1<: h. c 1~19 WHl<l 16~\Fo P.(?lW~ u~ l<->-lltin x f:''b
lfl'h. llJP..9-0 'h c llt)
w BblcltlJlo it '1-c h. -c1~1<1 U&Wltc \FoP.1b1cW -ctlt l<->-lltlR 2' c 'b
r)bffltlJlo it ~1h.
5 h. Jt.. 2' C: b
~ll->-cR lt1P. C:WK C: le>!-' cl<>}"
'\&l Sl.~, l;ffFC l:Ih.
" '- ~clb':lltf:J ~l!l?Jt l_l--~9~ }l_b ~l<t
;)-AI-l (IV d] 9IOZ-zo-Z 'x3 3ll'.3ZVO lN'.3WmI'.3J\00 J,\QIVfflO z-ZI
Extra No. 121


'lEbt clujarat clobernment cla,ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

~~1"11s1 a1a1cl.l1f0s1all e11a-i1~ tj_een -<ou

~een :oi~s1il .stm ~-read a1a1cl.l1f0s1( all tj_een sccu) 6fl6fda11 rat~Clf) 'te-e-v a11 rat~Clf-s ~ :oto<1il ~e1ilm
~alf.q1c)a11 a11a.t)afl "rl@cld

~d-fi8: =<.!Zt21/ o</<o"l.S

("I.) ~-:>11'-llSI oPl'.2'-llf881o11 aflil "l<t2llqc1 cils1afl ~lld-ll<r<.l 'ize0 di. <"l./o</<o"l.5o11 il"l< <.ll"OlifC-l Clafl
d-fd::i1121d<1ci tJ~e11;i.i ~"l<<ld oj::>1<tJ1f881(afl ~en 8<ci1) CtJICtJdo11 roi<.i; "l.EEoo11 roi<.id-1-5"1. :oi<TCli! o1tio11
ai.<"I. ti"l<Cti <1<.iR 8<1 lai<.id-1-53 :oi<TC1i! aflil "te11qc1 cil.$afl ~1a:i "lS't211qc1 6158 d-llZ Clafl ~1a:i 8lc1a-i oi. od-fi
'l(t211qc1 <3a:icci1il.;i ~1i!c11 "OI~< 8Nld-fi :oi1qC-l ~-

(<) o1::>1<tJ1f881( afl :aj.?en a<ci1) CtJ1CtJdo11 lai<.i; "l.EEoo11 lai~;i.i 53 ti"l<Ctl "OI~< 8)C-l tJ~e11a-i ti"lS'Ctl aflil 'l(t211qC-l
cils1afl ~1a:i "lS't211q(-l 6158 d--llZ Clafl ~1a:i "lS't2l Jqc1 <3a:icci R.;i laJ<.Jd-1 5 <'.'.'. :oJO"Cli! ~-:>Jill ISi oj::>RtJ tf881o1 I ~1ifc11
8IG~~c1il dilB <oJ~< 8<121:oilo11 o11d-fl :l-l~1 8'.2Clld-fi :oi1q ~-

:of I!! q)si c:}55a1) tj_e1ilci ~alf.q1<cd 'll~I etlil cVlSllal

al. a16fc :l.151< alla-t etcalla;!
'\ ~ 3 'll g

"I. "I. 'OJ~'.2!.~ d OJ dl :c:>[J 8d-!CfJl61o1 ECJIQilEf Cllt21c.fl GtlC-lltllSI, Clt218< f21MR, Qi 1<dl<-i w~l<.i 81~~
~-:>I Ill IS I

~ ~ la-J l<r~ :c:>[J .c.fl61o1 a-J IC-l I <5Cl I G"l!C-lltllSI, ~-:>11'-llSI QiRcfl<.i '.21~~ 81~~

3 '-le>ldCJ::>l ci~nQi1f o1Re1Qi1tf ~lc~8l G"l!C-lltllSI, ~lc~8l ~<1, QiRcfl<.i <I~~ 81~~

0 ~ld-110"<.J o1<~GQilf ::iO::i11Qi1tf Cll<ol Cll<ol ~<1, G"l!C-lltllSI, QiRcfl<.i <l~<.J 81~~

IV-C--121. 121-1
e:icl->1J111c 'h~11~!5t ra-ctr.ilt lclffR
wblct? 'LCl!s~ fie Pl Ii.
!?fie lf5~1hclclD ISlhlJ<.R ISlhlJ<.R R
'Lclf5~fle ua2'fc !1-e~IK> lJDllDllh f5~1611i clcll-CbLJh 'lDll-e l-ef61i
'tnlbfle( -/~R) 1-)lY lc,lj?~ 'IDblV u-cclfle"[f.>-: lDf6C
ISlhlJ<.R llc[,lDl-elf5
R~t,? R~lc R[pcl IV 'ISlhll-)IC:b c~i-e llD!alli f311Vlbei; f311VLJhb~ ~11-ell-C Jte
R~t.? 1c~1c tc[pcllV ISlhlJ<.R 'clPCt?J c[j}lfle foe u-ci-euv fcK> tc.olt-ell-C Ee
ISlhlJ<.R '[f~
R~t.? 1c~1c tc[pcllV I lcLJCl I hf\ cl P-Ct?J c[j} I fie llcl~lh[l J311Vll-)lh IDl?R.% lJ<.-C tc.01 I-el R ee
R~t.? 1c~1c tc[pcllV 'ISlhll-)IC:b c~i-e llD!alli IC\IYllC: J311Vt-elc 1Dl?l2Jfct.R:, lJ<.-C tc.01 I-el R 5 'be
ISlhlJ<.R '"l-)~u-c1e:~u;
Jflh IPID.% lc[pcllV clclD lclclOfle n-[fl? IRQ'CR Y!fjJ<.63 Y!fjl6clh3 ~11-ell-C Oe
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV ISlhlJ<.R '~lh lf5~1hclclD Sci K> J311Vt-elc f311Vtc.%fle tc.olt-ell-C -'.)\,
Jflh IPID.% lc[pcllV ISlhlJ<.R '[ftclRlR lJ<-lcllc clc!Sb J311Vlh~c IDl;?kl IV lJ<.-C tc.01 I-el R 7'6
ISlhlJ<.R 'lD631h
Jflh IPID.% lc[pcllV [jD[j-)QY ' .. 1h Itel@ Dlt-e., Sci K> J311Vlc.lfC& IDl;?IDIC:1 lJ<.-C tc.o I 1-e I R h 6''6
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV ISlhlJ<.R 'bib LJDlblK>"te 11-)~18 J31!-01-)t-etac f311Vc~lc tc.olf-ell-C 5l,
ISlhlJ<.R ' .. 1h
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV IRl63 Dlt-e., 'lD631h LJD[j-)QY Self':> f3llVSl3lfle J311Vl[Ccfle h'b
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV '~IR [}OR[Plfle 2-clh Self':> J311VcYIDl-e IDl:?~i-e lJ<.-C 1e.ot t-el R Jt'b
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV ISlhlJ<.R 'th 1s'fe11e: Self':> J311Vllh.% IDl;?Ci;~ lJ<.-C tc.ol t-el R JI_ tb
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV 1s1h11<.'R 'Le~ Le~ Lclt-e J311Vlc.lfC& J311V~~ie.J 1e.011-e1 R e'b
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV ISlhllGR 'clPCt?J c!51C1b l)Jlulb 5311V11a1e: f311Vt.R:,lc 12J LR:, P ~'kID fie bb
Jflh IPID.% le[pcllV 1s1h11<-'R: 'Le~ lPl?Y I 1-)~lf5 f31 IVPklch IDl;?[p!'h lJ<.-C tc.ol t-el R O'b
Jf I h I PID.% le[pcl IV ISlhllGR 'lf~ llDllclf.>~ Self':> J311VllDlf5 IDl;?LJCll-e lJ<.-C 1e.o 11-e I R E.' -'.)
R~t.? R~lc tc[pcllV 'I Sib g~i-e f5ll'C: ISl-e[j-) f5~1-e J31 IVID~~ J31 IV3LJhc tc.olt-elR 7
R~t.? 1<~1c tc[pcllV 'Le~ t.R:,I b f5ll'C: ISl-e[j-) l.R:,I b J311VcY1~ J31IVIS!1-e 1e.01 t-e1 R 6'
R~t.? 1<~1c tc[pcllV ISlhlJ<.R 'ISlhll-)IC:b I lc[,lDl-elf5 1Cl.%cfle IDl:?lJC! h lJ<.-C tc.ol t-el R 5
ISlhllGR 'ISlhll-)IC:b
R~t,? l<L~lc tc[pcllV lF~ 11eLwi-e1g [j-)Sbl1Dlf5 IRLlDl-el8 J311VIG~Y IDl:?[}Oh lJ<.-C !cbPl63h c h
5 h. Jt. 1: \,
1'11D~R Ji!llD ~ISK ~k>ID i.o
ICllS~ @IR l~t\ 10~b~~9 l:-)~121c 1!S9l? 1.Slb 'iDfle
:::>-AJ-J,1{\fd] 9IOZ-ZO-Z '"X3 3ll3ZVD lN3WN113J\OD lY1IVfflD z-1z1
Extra No.125

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

~2~'l :ot~!>l~'l ~l~l ~l!~ld F'H'llCEl.!>t( 12~'l 3~ql) "Ll"Ld'"i.l ~qlll 'lC:.::C:.::'lS' "1.l ~qll-S:l :oi_,,..qq :{2tilEU
(Jl{f,.ql~l'"i.l " d'LJ.~ld

('l) dLC-l.L8.L ..-f.0L~'4.L~!>L'1L .{l~ ~Llct8. ctl.s1..U ~L+tl~ ~2q(l dl.:('l/O:(j:(O'l.5..-t.L :(Llf ~l"tlil.a ct..U itctOLqlct.:(lj
'4.~qllli_ ~lf:(Ld ..-f.OL:( '4.LIJ:-t!>L(..1. ~2q(l !>:( ctL) f.t~+tl 'l.C:.::C:.::(S""i.l f.t~+t- S: 'l :Qt..qil. "1.~'"i.l ..{. ~ 'l ~l!"L
d.qt~ !>~'l ~qtt-s:-3 ~,,..qil ..U~ ctquC\a ctl.s..U ~L~ lfquC\a ~M +tL2. d...1. ~L~ >1.a+i. .-1.. 'lS'+ti ctquC\a
6~t.ctl:(L:t ~2Lil.C-tl "tl~:( !>:(ctL+ti :otlct8. t9.
(:() ..-f.Ol:('lLR:-t!>L(..1. ~Gq(l HctL) <>t.L<>td"il f.t~+tl 'l.C:.::C:.::'<S'..-f.L f.t~+t S:-3 ~l!<>t "tl~~ >~({ 'l~qllli. :!,l!<>t .{l~ "tquC\c-1.
ctl.s1..U ~L~ lfqlLcta ~b!> li.LZ d...1. ~L~ "tquqa 6~t.ctL:(:t f.tit+t S:{. :Qt..qil. dl8.l8.L ..-f.Ol:('lLR:-t!>L..-t.L ~2Lil.aL
!>L6~8.:(L d:(11 ctL~:( !>:(l d:otl<tl ..-t.L+tl >tfa~ !>:(ctL+ti :otlct t9.
=ot...i. qts ~M..-t.L ~Hl <. :{2tila 8ilsqt~1 'l'ft :ct.l~ l!LSl~
..-i"t.<. '"i.lll :ct.~'"i.l~

'l <. -3 'lS' 'l s:

'l 'l 'lt9Lct.cto[ ~n !>E-'l'1L~..-t.1d'1<+tl8 ~ctufiitL ~<>t.L8 ~l~Litil. dLC-l.LC-1.L <+tl:(dJ.q "t"idl '4.L2J:
~ ~L+tl~ ~1 :(L~~.-t lSclltt<+tL8 <>tL:(1=<tL ~S!>L ~L~Litil. -dl8.LC-tl <+il ~ dl it "t-i.dl '4.Lit
'3 =<>l1:ti~d SLitl<+tltS' 'll=<tl<+tltS' OLUJ.=<t ~ .-j,:(aj}~ Z!>~l -dl8.LC-ll <+iL:(dJ.~ "t.-tdl '4.Lit
)S' ~lli.L~ <:!,'4.~<+tltS' :otL~ctlfl<+tL8 t:fl:('t:(l .-t :(:ill~ 2.> :(l -dl8.LC-tl <+il :( dl~ "t.-tdl '4.Lit
'l :( ~L+tl~ ~1 ;t.-il~.-t f.tfd.-t<+tltS' ct!.L~ <lt."il'll.~-dl8.L8.l <+ll :( dJ.~ "t.-tct.l '4.L2J:
~ ~Lltl~~ +t~~.-i :( ~+t!> ict. l!Li-0. ~S!>L ~l~L~il. dl8.L8.L <+tl:(dl~ :(L~it >19).~

IV-C--125. 125-1
-cicP.Th1lc 'hl'llla~t hl'lc1h 1,clffR:
l.Dblct? 'l!=3~ t611~lR cLJc
e-c28ti>8 101e1:>
~IQ: 181-~lhclc:> 11-)11-)IP
'[Fl8Qj!Q: ua2'fc 5\,0e-eO-Ee !fll[FIP
'~lb!Q:(-/(j}R) www 'B~~9rri JBlc lf.>Tk'fC 1-11-~lh.clcP. -:lflhl
R~lq hl0lc hlPHlt) 11-)ll-)l lS'lbl?lJC llalbqh 911-Vl]-)b 9llV'3h'fl\'.C lPlhlR 7..
R~lq hl0lc hlPcllV ll-)ll-)1)) - c le P. c 2q~ Jl<c sraw 911-Vm~ 911-VRI:!-c ~l.9o ~'ft:'j:l<c '
R~lq hl0lc hlPcllV ll'l11-)l c ll>ClP Wl}tP.t 11-)lbl&t 911-Vl<t~P.h P.1?1l'fC Uoc lPlhm c
ll'lll-)1)) lS'lbl?lJC 2blk 911-VltRW P.1? 5
R~lq hl01c hlPcllV ~l.9o~l<c ~'ft:'j:l<c 'b
lhlflc l-)ll-)l:P-'-% 9llVP.1P.9o h-lltl'R:
R~l1 hl01c hlPcllV - s1 c lac '3fc '211-n. 'h-- 7..
" "
R~lq h10H: hlPcllV 11-)ll-)lP jlh.1&'{?1c.9o Uc11lt1 911-Vh!$1JG 911-V2tc 1J lPTltTR: '
R~lq ic101-c hlPcllV WlBW clcP.l'l~llc ~llc 911-V~l'llh P.~ll)c 1,1<..C lPlltlR c
R~l1 hl0lc hlPHlt) 11-)ll'lW lS'lbBZh. lh1,"Cl9lS' l'll'F.l.9ob P.~lP.J<:l<c 1,1<..C lPlltlR h. 'b
R~l1 nl01c hlPcllV w1r)w - q1k ra1i-.w l'th 911-VP.l]-)P. P.~1P.Wlh.9o lPlltl'R: 7..
J?lh. WP..9o hlPcllV -1n61lh. llttlfC 1}1.1]c -c1191i-.w ~1c'3'Q-'l() cllt~'l}tl<t 'lc--lhlR '
R~F icl01c hlPcllV ll'lmw - lSlb r)Zh. sq-11-) 911-VW{ft P.~ll<tt) ti<..C lPlltm c
}?lh. WP..9o hlPcllV - clcP. cbis-'~ac~ sq1l-) 911-Vc1]&~ P.~lht) 1,1<..C lPlhlR 7.. 'b
R~lq hl0lc hlPH\t) - l?hlRlR .9o11'tll<c lhl,"Ctq 911-VP.'flllt l-)ll-)11)&h c h--lltl'R: 7..
J?lh. ii-..9o lclP<:llV -1?h1Rl'R: "C'b<lf 113 ltlc 911-Vlbl?o 911-Vl&WK ,___ 1cbl61h.
____ '
- r-------
m:.c11 icl01c hlPcllV 11-)l'Bl lS'lb cl}t)~ 1J&llV'19llV~121?o P.~11}t ti<..C lP llt m c
-- " -----
l?lh. ip._g., tlP l})ll-)lP 1Chl)&l1V? l)tt )J 911Vl61Jk t:Jll1Htt2.J 1Y-t le~lltTR 2 1,
j?lh Wl-Jo h1Pcl1V ll-)11-)lP-- lf'Rltt:Ltt: ltb1)6 lhl]-)fl-1 l-)ll-)(:'i11->lt ,S)llV16(?1? h~lltll-t x
- . ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - f----------
J?lh WP.Jo hlPcllV lMB>l ' S'_.. t) lh.-t8 l'l1}t 2qsi-.t) 911-VhW'K 911-V'l}tl<c h--lltTR: '
5 h. 7.. ' c b
ltTl~cR hlP. (: 19 }'-
~Sl.9o @TR: Tun }clb'3ltl) l'll!lc): cWK lP.~919 Slb ....... l<c
"' '- ..... '-
;)-AI-,UIVd] 9IOz-zo-n: 'xaa.LL3:ZVD J,NHWN1I3AOD J,V1J:VfflD z-ui
Extra No. 119


Qt{Je ujarat obernmtnt ct9a1ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
I-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

h~l~ -t:>L~' ~lli.lftl 12~U - ~O'lS

12qa ~rq5t~'l CC{Ht ~"t~tct. . .pt~'4.tCEt5t ( 12qa 5~qt) C>ttt'.>tct.1.t f.t1.p-1.I., 'l~~'t 1.t Gtii.+i.-s c ~..qi{ 12til.c-u
fritt.qt~l.1.t "tttl~tct. .
.6+!.t5 : 12qaj1.;it~'4.tRHt/+J.ct.;itqtct.~'l/~o'l S
('l) !tgl~ 1.0R'4.tRHl"tl ..fl~ "l(qttck-t ~lli.lftl 12qa dl.~'l/o~/~O'lS '1l~L"6' lll"ttil.C-t ct....fl +J.dOtqtct.atl
'4.~qtt+J. ~~td 1.;it~'4.tR-t5t (..fl 12qa 5~qt) t'.>ttt'.>tct.'1t Gtit+i.L 'l~~'t rtt Gtit+t-S'l ~..qil_ rt~'1t ..-i..~'l 't!"tt'.>t
ctitl~ 5~'l Gtit+t-S-3 ~..qil_ ..fl~ "l(qlt<l(-l ~t+i. "l(qttq(:t &lo5 +tt2 ~t+i. 5LC-l+J. ..-i.C>t~ '6' +ti "l(qttCl.c-t
8+i.t.ctt~l."112til.c-tt "6'ttl~ 5~ctt+i.i ~tCl.c-t 0.
(~) rtot~'4.tRHt (..fl 12qa 5~qt) t'.>ttt'.>tdrtl Gi.1.t+i.L 'l.~~'6' 1.t Gi.1.t+t S-3 '!:!"6'1'.>l "tl~~ 5~C-t '4.~qll+J. '!:!"6'1'.>t
"l(qtt<t(:t ~t+i. "l(qttCl.c-t &\05 +i.t2 ~t+i. "l(qttCl.c-t (3-i{t,qt~l..'.i. Gi.1.1.+i.-s c h~l~ '1ot~'4.tR-t5l1.t
12til.c-tt 5tG~(-t~I. ct.~11"tttl~5~'l ct~L"i.i 1.t+i.I. 3l~~ 5~qt+i.i ~tCl. 0.
~. cH~ &lo!"i.1 :itht~ 12t~ca (3~t,qt~tl '4.lll ~L~ "o'L~L~L
--i. -it'.>t~ 1.Lll ~~1.L~
'l 'l ~titt.-ii. Mt :2.ctolciiol Elol~~la.t(}l1Ef "ll~c; :cq1a-flol1<1~121 :cil:ci1~tl, (}l l<dl<i <'told I "ll lif
~ 'l ~L+i.t.-ii. ~?l'l E.~lollciiol <>Jfdlc;a.JR ~e.JR (}ll<dl<i <'toldl "lllif
~fdld 8lc;lafl, 8121<-til
-3 'l ~l +i.t.-ii. (}!12f~la.JR c.{lgc;(}!Jff "ll~c; ~I jE.(] vtSSl, ~.8121<-t<1 (}ll<dl<i <'toldl "lllif

'6' 'l ~l+tt.-ii. (c)za.t(}l lff (c)ct~ ~12 <11211 Ef .ol~lil i?lff'.2;C; "ll lil, (}l l<cfl<i <'told I "ll lif
:;>~. 911. fdJ. Vil$' 8121<-t<1
'4. ~ ~l+tt.-ii. ~'l <>Ja-flol lciiol <>JV-C;?Jd R q(?l<I"l! 18, ~ 8121<-t<1 (}! Rdl<i <'told I "ll lif

s ~ ~L+tt.-ii. Ml c;c.fld16iol ia:i~1(}!1Ef "ll<a.tR c;~a.fl~i1, s121ct<1 (}!Rc/l~ <'toldl "lllif

'9 ~ ~L+tl.-ii. <a:i~l(}llff "ll<?Jlda.J(}llff ~la.ti (}llefl~ a.ill<, (}ll<dl~ <'toldl "lllif
.:ci1Efq~j)' 8121<-til

IV-C--119-1 119-1
'c1c1--U:i11c 'n~11ti!5'lt hl'h:ilt l,clffR:
"31t2l?lD 'tf18~~ P!H:
.!;?~ 18~1hclcl0 Lc.%108
'Lcl8~~ LJoc'fc 510-e--eo-e :fllLclP
'~lb~(-/[pR) LcJ.>lo8-: lDta-e
Le.% 10 8 Ye
.lflh IPlD.% tctpcllV 'lcllV !&>[Jo '8llC '21hllC 1-Y(h f3IIV'iD1-e cl 1-e'1-)'hQJ 'h->lltTR: 5 .R.c
.lflh IPIDk t2tpc11V '[JSSfll lJDCblDPc 1-)(h f3l 1V1-eioh. f311Vlclc~ 'h->lltlR 5 N
.lflh IP!Dk t2tpc11V 'Lc11s-~S 'c{J~ Cbl-elc ~IV f311Vfu<lQJ 1Dl?l~'3 1,161: 'h->lltTR: 5 H
lfklo8'le 'Id IV
.lflh IPIDk t2tpc11V ~[Jo ' us s fll U l)llle 1-)(h cll-efP~~ IDl?llGQJllV W-:C 1PlltlR 5 bC
.lflh IPID.% RtpcllV ~.0~113ci-e lc'h3f01~ cll-ech f311Vl-ePlRch f311VP~lDf'J 'h->lltTR: h. Oc
.lflh IPIDk t2tpc11V Lcklo8 'Lclc!DP5l]@ P5lJ@f311Vll-elR f311V'3Qjc~ t:!lJlo P~R~l<c h. :::)1,
LcJ.>lo8'le cl P-CQJ
.lflh IPIDk tctpcllV '1c'hctcl? llDllG 1H: 1-)~~c f31 IV'2Lc~ lDl_?l 1-)[j-) 1J6C 'h->lltTR: h. 71,
.lflh IPID.% tctpcllV Lcklo8'le 'lchSl631oc cl,?19 f311VPllVH: lDl?lh!C l)C.C !cb Pl63h h. 0'b
.lflh IPID..% tctpcllV '~IR b~l91-e t611Dl-el8 llolc 9~l?S 9~~.o~ 'h->lltTR: .R. 5'b
.lflh IP!D..% tctpcllV '[?ielRlR 1-elc~ cl,?19 f311Vlol-ec f311VIG&lc jcb P16"3h. 5Z h. b
R~l.1$ 1<'101c h'\PC.llt> 'lc[?.of3 '~IR llDllG 'ltl .%le 9~~.o~~ !Dl_?llD~ 1,161: 'h->lltlR .R. .)(.1,
.lflh IPID.% tctpcllV Lc.%108 \clclD lct?n lol9l_IC f311VI lo& IDl_?lloE~ 1,161: 'h->lltTR: 5Z ''b
R~l.1$ 1<'101c h'\PC.llt> Lcklo8 '1t-)8tc lJ0lt3 lc~b f311VISRle f311Vl-)~lR 'h->lltlR ' Cb
'Lc.%1o8'le ''fc.!QJ&
.lflh IPID..% tctpcllV ~cl IV ''fc.LlDS klc-o '6-'.)e lc~b f31 IVl-)'Rc f31 IV&'R'fc. 'h->lltTR: ' bb
R~li; nl01c. hlPcllV Lc.%108 '[?t21RlR cllc'31t2 lc~b f311Vl-)~I,!": IDl_?lO~llG 1J6C 1PlltlR ' O'b
.lflh IPID..% tctpcllV Lc.%108 '~1 hlJD'31-e lc~b f311VRlt2[j-)j3 [Jo[Jo><::llD~IG 1]6C1PlltTR: ' :::)
.lflh IPID..% tctpcllV Lcklo8'fe ''fc.LlDS .%le .%le f3llVSl631oc f311VIG~c lPlltlR c 7
'jtll->cR lt11-> c~}' '}'
1eimRo ~ rn: Tun. P.clb'3~E) 1-)~l?'P: cWK ll->519't> J[b 'l<c
;:)-AI-.L1IVd] 9IOz-zo-n:: 'xg: '3:ll'3:ZVD .LN'3:WN.1I'3:AOD .LWVfflD z-6I I
Extra No. 111

~ iiJ<ffi

tltbt ~ufarat ~obemment ~a,ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

51~<1 ot:>R1.11f051 ~1~1ril qeen-:io'ls

qeen ~ra1il s:tm ~'lf<ld o1:>1<l.41faa1 ( ofl qeen 5<q1) Cifl<ifdotl rai~~I 'l<=<=vo11 rai~~ s~ ~o<i~ ~e1~m
6~e.q1<lot1 otl~lofl '\"l~?ld

i~ia ::~~~1~1ri1 qeen; 51~<1/:io'\s

ltlSI ~E=llofl 61~<1 oPR41f881oll oflil GJ{el12Jc; q'Js1ofl ~Id-II~ ~en dl.C?."l/ oC?./C?.o"lSoll i)GJ{ ~l'Ol~C-l Clofl
d-JC1:>1ele1<1<1 \.l~elld-1 ~"l(<ld oJ:>Rt.1lf881 (of] 'ic.e0 8<q1) GilGidoll fdl~d-ll "lEEooll fdl~d-1 S"l :QJoq~ 'oJ~oll o-i. C?."l
tl"l(Gi <1~1< 8<1 fdl~d-1 s3 'bloc.i~ oflil "l(e112Jc; q'Js1ofl ~1~ "l(e112Jc; Ol68 d-11~ (lofl ~1~ 8lc;a-i oiG-J< o 4-li "l(e112Jc;
<3~q1ilc'1l 'ic.1~c;1 '01~< 8<q14-1i 'bl12J f9.
oJ:>1<t.11f881 ( ofl ~en 8<q1) G-JIG-JC1o11 fdl~d-11 "lEEoo11 fdl~d-1 s3 tl"l(Gi '01~< 8)c; t.1~e114-1 tl"l(Gi oflil "l(e112Jc;
q'Js1ofl ~I~ ""l(ellck; Ol08 d-11~ (lofl ~I~ "l(e112Jc; G~q1i)c'1} fdl~d-1 - s~ :Qjoq~ 61~<1 oJ:>l<t.11f88loll ~l~C-ll
81G<TcfiC-J< C1<18 '01~< 8<1 d'blloll olld-ll l.-l~<lR 8<q14-1j 'bll2J f9.

~- qls c;i55otl )..151< qe1~Cll (3~e,q1<cd all~ \4ef ~Iii

of. otCif? all~ . ~?otl~ <1s1e1
:i 3 \4 s
,____ \.lf91C1q:>f ~)fl

i!c-0~10lo1 ~<1C-JQil8 fYJ~ <~. rYl~ ~afl~, tl.l.IJ.dl.61~<1 -

~ Id-11 CT~ ~)fl q~<vflvfl ~1~8_'blc-0 :2'1~ o11oJ1 :2'1~q1s1, tl.C11.61~<1
"?. -
,____ ~.ltlSI.
'bl<1~~C1~ lc1 ftt.184-IR 6J<IC-JIC-l ilfud ilfud ~ai1~1, tl.l.IJ.dl.61~<1
3 -
,____ ~.ltlSI.
0 ~Id-II~ Ef<~llc'blC-0 fdl~IR'blC-0 :2'J~ o11o11:2'f~q ISi, tld 1.61~<1
-cic~1J111c 'hl-)11ti~t hlh:ilt 1,cWclC
ISi:'._\ 'lcRl9 'Lcl8@Jlie PJK.
~lie 18~1hclcl-D lcR19
Lcl8@Jlie ua2"fc 5\.oe/eo /e-: lllLclP
'~lb~ (@R) lcR19 - : lDl6C
IPl-0.Ro t?tpcllV IC:Rl9"1P"'R '[ft?lRlR clcl-DPl6 1-)Z.h J311V81,!61ie J311VID~R f?Dl~IR
.lflh (1-)~b J311Vll-)ll-) it>)
IPl-0.Ro t?tpcllV IC:Rl9"1P"'fe hLJ61-Dt)l2 l~~ 11-)J:?lb 9~1-)116'f?l 9~~DZIO !cbPl~h
5 f----
.If f.ll .. "ISl'._l"Ci;
IPl-0.Ro l?tpcllV IC:Rl9"1P"~ 'clP-Ci2.J ~11'2211~ 1-)Z.h J31 IVR.~~ 1-Dl.?19~ lJ<.-C f?Dl~IR
.lflh [J<.-C lP lJ!,{) I lie
IPl-0.Ro t?tpcllV IC:Rl9"1P"'fe hLJ61-Dt)12 I~~ lblRb J311VC:8!6 1-D(?IR.ieJ~ P~RlD!iC
- .Jt
. IC:Rl9"1P"'fe '1Slb311?~ 12l~ 31?~ lJ-)liCP811?lJ-) ID[}3l08E f?Dl~IR
- t
IC:Rl9"1P"'fe '1Slb311?~ 12l~ 31?~ 1-D[}3'i)11-).Ro ID[}3~lt?Lc f?Dl~IR
h. f----
- e
lcRl9"1P"'R 'Lclcl-OIC:[jlDJ3 lc~b 3~~~cei;IO 1-D(?IBLJDlie lJ<.-C f?Dl~IR
"1Sl0-"G; IC'l19h
- b
IC:Rl9"1P"'fe '1Slb31?~ 12l~ 1-0lf(lfolP-)lie lDlfoll-Dll!ocB [J<.-C f?Dl ~l R
- .Jt
'~Sf(). LJDJ311Vl9~ J311VLJCl~ 9116 e:1~~ 1-)b~t) f?Dl~IR
.!fl ll
IPl-0.Ro t?tpcllV IC:Rl9"1P"'fe '~Sill LJDR131-0b~ 1-)Z.h J311VPDl8~R c1~1t~h f?Dl~IR
- "1Sl0-"G; IC:Rl9"1P"'fe cl~ch J311VPplDk> ID(?l8[1SJ'C lJ<.-C f?Dl~IR e
.lflh "1Sl0-"G; 1-)Z.h 1311Vc8-cl1V
!PIO.Ro l?tpcllV lcRl9"1P"'R 'lt?LlDB llDlblC:ltc (1-D(?IR.LJD~ it>) 1-D(?ll-)~c lJ<.-C f?DI ~IR
!PIO.Ro t?tpcllV lcRl9"lh"'R 'l,!cbLc8z. ~c cl~chJ311VlPl~ J311VllDB f?Dl~IR
.Ifill '2J lJ!,{) I lie

!PIO.Ro t?tpcllV lcRl9"1P"lh"'R' LC:lcl-Dtpl-D ~c lblRbJ311VLJCl~ J311VIC'l~c P~RlD!iC
t -
.lflh IC:Rl9"lh"'fe
IPl-0.Ro t?tpcllV '~LlDB 101-Dlblc1VJ31VG; ~c b3LR:.J311Vf01f0 1-D(?lb{J lJ<.-C f?Dl~IR
.!flt\ lcRl9"1P IC:Rl9
lPl-0.Ro l?lf>cllV "lh'R '~LlDB Fi G;1-)1~1c11-D ~e: cl~chJ311VPllVK ID(?lc[jlDJ3 lJ<.-C f?Dl~IR
- .Jt
lcR191p}e 'll?LlDB ei;~LR:. G;18 lJ-)liec~1ie lJ-)liec.Ro~ f?Dl~lR
.!fl ll IC:Rl9"1P"lh"'fe
IPl-0.Ro t?tpcllV 'lt?LlDB IPl?lSlll ~c f-)Z.hJ31fV~D~~ Cl~l-0'2.JlfU f?Dl~IR
- "1Sl0-"G; IC:Rl9"1P''fe '1Slb8[i>~ 8[i>~ 11?~18Pc'fe [}':>[}':>~RI-) lJ<.-C f?Dl~IR e
- "1Sl0-"G; IC:Rl9"1P"'fe \Slb8[i>~ 31?~ lJ-)liec[p>c j011-013LJtc'f?l lJ<.-C f?Dl~IR b
5 h.
,_ t ~
ICllS~ lf11DeR 1-ellD ek>ID "
@IR ~h. 1-e11D 1J>elbs~9 11->~1i~ eUiK 1.!89(? Hb ~
AI l1IV d ]
9rnz-zo-sz "XH HllHZVO lNHWN1IHAOO lV1IVfflO z-111
Extra No. 115


Qtbe d9ujarat d9obernment d9a,ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

3cSEUa. "1.0L~ 'lla.! ~Llll~ =i2iit - ~O't.S:

=i2ta'l :ot.~3H'l ~L~L ~"d'~Ld "1.0L~'lLa3L ( =i2ta'l 3~<:U) 6ll6ld"1.l Pllllll
1.~~ "1.l Plllll - .S:t. :ot..-<:L~ =i2L~a.L (3l).~<U~l"1.l " "d'la~Ld

.klll3 : <l2ta'l / "1.. 'll./3o<:LL<a/<:t,.t{l.

( 't ) bloL &c=a.L.-fi !o<aLa "1.0t~ 'lLla!t "1.L .-ft~ ~tqa ct1S'L.-fi ~LllL~ ~2ta'l
dl. ~ i/o~/~o'i .s: "1.L ~L"t lll"d'L~a d..-fi lldOLtact~'l 1 'l~taLll ~"t~Ld "1.0L~ 'lLla!L
( ~2ta'l 3~ClL) 6ll6ld "1.L Pllllll 1.~~ "1.L Plllll -.S:'t :ot..-<:L~ ""1.L ..-i. ~ 't ~"661.
dllL~ 3~'l Plllll - .S:\3 :ot..-<:L~ .-ft~ ~taLqa CllSl.-fi ~Lil. "d'taLqa 61.o! llLl ~Lil.
!tall ..-i6l~ lli "ttaLq_a 6il.~ctL~1.t =i2L~aL "d'La~ 3~ctLiti :ot.Lq_ i9.
< ~ > "1,0l~'llla3L < ~2iit !~ctL > 6l.L6ld "1.l Pt.llit1 i~~){ "1.L Pt.ltli. .s:\3 ~"661. "d'ta~
!~a 'l~talll ~"661. .-fi~ "ttaLqa ct1& ~Lil. ~taLqa 61.03 itL2 d..-fi ~Lil.
"d'taLqa (3il.~ctl~1.t Plllll .s: (. :ot..-<:L~ !o<E:ll<E:l "1,0L~ 'lLa5L "1.l =i2L~<E:ll 5L6~~a~1 d~'l~
"d'L a~ 5 ~'l d :ot.l"1.l "1.Lli.l 3l ~ ~ 3 ~ ClLli.l :ot.Lq i9 .

T\T 0 T:v 1 1 ;;: 11'-1

-cici--tl:\11c 'hi-)11ei:st. hlh1lt 1,clffR:
.9cpSh~'tcW~"M: 1K
l""M: Wlijlh c le,_. t>lt>9~
l,cW~"M: l,1&2ft stoc/co/ec.: 1
'mlb"M: (lPtc) l:;>11:;>9 ~
- : lnra-c
J?lh. l?lb51olltlC 1-)1B91"lJS'1't 1}-11-" BZh. 91lv~J!c5lo cllt~3""%1c le-"lltlR s ~c
J?lh. l;1b51olltR Bll-)91' S'lblhl,S'1 clel,cW 91lv~W l,.gl6'3lt~lt le-"lltlR s ec
}?lh. '[?lb51olltR 1-)rn91'f?1QJ.g 1e:1z clltch.>l(J i-.~mkJf) U<:C le-"lltTR: s ?:. c
1-)1B91'lS'lb1-)1fi'17~1't 1~lt
J?lh. l;lb51olltR U<-.:C le-"1ltlR s tc
1}-l~lt '31RK3""12Jlh.9c i-.~llvl2JK
B1B91'1n631h. i-.lczt:
J?lh. l;lb51olltR ~lbclv 91lv1C1~1b Yclci-.b le-"11-t1R h Oc
BlB91 clRbllv
J?lh. l;lb.9clltR le-"llt1R h ~b
l?hm lR lh.~<:b"is"9' <: t 1-)lB'!Pllt 9llv111r51oc
J?lh. l;lb.9clltR Bll-)91' l,clei-.1c:tr9 clcl,cW 91lv1f'.1.g T:n')i-.lJt-Clh Ll<:C le-"lltlR h 7\
J?lh. l;lb.9clltR B1B91'l'clt1~lt 1~lt 1h1Jt'3m<:9 sp.11')1hlJ'>lc Ll<:C le-"1ltlR h G't
}?lh. l;lb.9clltR Bll-)91'2~ i-.h'k{Jt] i-.h~ 91lvlbUc 91lvfi.9c le-"llt1'R: ~ St
J?lh. l?lb.9clltR 1-)1B91'1J~1't 1)""1}<\lt lc-"lltlR ~ ht
1-)Zh. 91lvh.1)-)~ cllt~!l&K
}?lh. l;lb51olltR B1B91 'Wlblt11~1'k: l,l<:C le-"lltlR ~ ~b
'- ~
!hl}tli)~lh l]'>l]'>1'3~1lt
}?1h. l;lb51olltR B1B91 '1J ~1't 1)""1J<tlt BZh. clltW!l&K i-.~1-)cl,? 1,1<..:C le-"llt1R ~ f::\
J?lh. l;lb51o1ltR 1-)1B91'1nW 1}--llni-. 1Jtl.9c 1-)lBlfC19 9llv3--~Ye lc-"lltlR f:: ct
J?lh.1_?1b51o1ltR B1B91 '1-cll.-c11c'R1bl,clli l,c\_li 91lvl'PltlR 91lvlle}t 12)15/o lrj'lcT:l'c f:: . bb
J?lh. l;1b.9clltR B1B9Si' ~lb cl~ 1c~b 91lv~ech. ,_.~~1lt1t 1,l<:C le-"lltm f:: 0\
J?lh. J?lb.9clltR BlB91' ~lbc1Rbllv l,l<:C le-"lltlR f:: ~
<:1ltfil;>ltl() ,_. ~r~lcllt
l?lh. l;lb.9clltR B1B91'1J~1't l]nlblb~ BZh. 91lv2'13 91lvl}-bi-. lc-"lltlR c 7
}?lh. <:llt ch.
Bll-)91 'S'lblhl)nlc}t !cbl6"3h. c G'
wi-.Yc h'\Pcllv lR 91lvi-.lclt 9llv~l()
J?lh. l;lb.9clltR lJf>llC ~m~l'c i-.~1uc l,l<:C le-"llt m c s
'S'lc Ycf.>S'h.1 '1cll.1Jr)lR
}?lh. l;lb51o1ltR BlB91' S'lblhl]nlc}t clltch. 91lv1&ltc i-.~1...w 1,l<:C le-"lltTR: c h
J?lh. l;1b.9clltR lhG.11') 91lvllnW cllt~.9c\}-'lt le-"lltl tc b ~
'e:1.:cl() ltUC '1<:ll.1C11~\~
B1B91 'S'lc'31b1'3ltl'c
J?lh. l;1b.9clltR le-"lltll-C t f::
'l?hll.:c\_R J"lh.1-)l-tl() BZh. 91lv12\_6"3 '31RKT:llv
J?lh. l;lb51olltR B1~91 'l?hm lR<:lei-.1en~ l,l<:C le-"lltlR t c
l~lR clltJfh~\~ i-.~rn~&
J?lh. l;1b.9clltR B1B91'1cltlt'R) l,l<:C Jcb 16"3h. i b
l~\,R 91lv16l;lc51o i-.~cb~
~li-.cR ltli-. clclJ-o-
Tuh f.cTh'3ltf:) t>~l2'\: cWK ti-.~s>~ ~ll:> }'- ""M:
;)-AI ,DIVd ] 9IOZ-ZQ-Z: 'xa 3:ll3:ZVO lN3:WmI3:AOO lV1I\fff10 z:-s;11
Extra No. 113


tltbe c!9ujarat c!9obernment @a;ttte

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
I-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
in duding those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

~tt!=at ~::it~' :{2~1l-~ott s.

{2isll :ut!Ahttl ectRl ~~td .;,ot~'4.t~t(...O. .<i,2is[l h~ctL) CtitCtict--tt l-1.ti.+t.L ci.~eCl' '1.l Mtt-+t st. <i_2tilE1.t
C3~t.c:tL~L'1.L '1.L+t.t...0. "6t~~td.
~+t.i!s :
('!.) ~L~~L rt.OR4.LR:1!sl '1.l ..{t~ ll'l?llctEl ct"'L~1.{l <ll+t.l~ =<{p~LJ. dl. H/o~/~O'l .S: rll ~lD lllDLltC-1. +t.d.Ol12tct.atl
'4.R12W-t ~D~tc:l rt.OR4.tR-t.!st( {2120. !s~cu) CtiLCJic:lrt.t Mll+il 'l<.::<.::'trt.L Mll+t.-.Vi ~v<:tlt rt.~rt.l ..f..~9.
~ll'c.t !s~'l Mll+t.-S\3 ~v<:ttt ..{t~ D'2ttCl.c:i. q(.~1.{l <tt~ D12llClc:t ~M itL2- !sLEt+i. .-i..-'t +t.i "Dmctc:i.
C3~t.ql~L"1. {cl~<:tl DLil~ ~~qt+t.i ~lctC-t. t9.
(~) r!.Ol~'4.LR:-t.!sl (.{l {212(l !s~qL) &!.l&!.ct.rt.L Mll+t.l 'l<.::<.::'O' '1.l Ml.l+t. S\3 ~"Oc.t ll'l~~ !s~C-1. '4.R12LL+t. ~"Oc.t .{l:4
D'2ttClc:i. q(.~1-t'l ~Ll{ "ll''2LLctc:t 61.o!s +t.t2. d..{l ~Ll{ "012uCi.c-1. C3~.t,qt~1..t f.1.?.tit s c. ~..q~ ~til~l '1. 0 L~'4.tR-t!sL.-i.t
{2LltC-l.L ~LG~<:l~l ct.~11 Dl~~ !sa ct~L'1.L rt.l+il >l.Rl~ 5~qt+i.i ~Lq t9.
=<>!.. cu.f ~M'i.L >l.5R {2L~(1l 6i\t.ctl~tl '4.llt :tll~ <>tlW?l
.-i. .-ic.t:(. 'i.l+t. :ti:(, 'i.l:is
'l ~ -3 ({ '4. s
'l 'l :cl Idi Io-Gl :C:>fl o1lci10Jo1 fckd<r!R&ll'.2 '-HdiR tl.Lll.'<l~'.21 cil.'<l~'.21 Ql F2d1Gl "O'o1ci I Ll 1tT
~ .'4'<-ldii?IC-l
~ 'l :cl Idi Io-Gl :c:>fl c-1~a-fl0lo1 "O'il'<l&Jl'.2 0ic-f1 tl.L!J.'<l~'.21 cil.'<l~'.21 Clir2d1Gl "tolcil L!1tT
I ~.L!'<-ldii?IC-1

I -3 'l ~'1~d ~d'<l&l 12 ~"O!Ql 18L!'.2di12 tl.Lll.'<1~21 cil.'<l~'.21 Qj 12d1Gl '.21~1Gl

! "Olfd ~.<.i'<.!d-lclC-i I 8i~'.2-l
Il 'l
'.2-l l&J !o-Gl ~1a11Cli18 ei?110l18 0m1~1 tl.L!1c-f1vis1 L!J.0liR1c;1 <'ll2d1Gl "O'a1c11 L!ttT

I~>llc; 10!~
i I
dl.'<1~21 ~.<.i'<-ld-li?IC-l
I :cl Id-l Io-Gl :C:>fl <i"51odQi 10 tl Lll .'<1~21 c1 l.'<1~21 Qi 12cflGl "told I Ll itf



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1 V -\.._.., LA.-1 1....J

"C:lcl->1,1\llc 'h~n&:st. ~lnlt 1,C:lffR:
'Prtl. 1-c~15
'- . "
" c21B1 191111--
tltc 1-c~15'" 111-<Jlh.clci-. 1crin : 1n"BC
r 1,cW~ltcU&2ft " 1<i1F1
'mlt.>1'1: ( ij\lt:)
1-)191-elCJt"~ 'IC~l~;"IP lf5r)lR
J.?lh IPID~ tcl}YcllV ('f2uo~ 1eh.1m)R) '1e~l6 F J31 IVl-eln.lle 9!EJ PplDk> tc.oft-elR 5 .Re
1-)191-elCJt"~ 'le~IG"IP
J.?lh IPID~ tctpcllV (~uns 1eh.1-e11-)R) '1e~16 F llleLcfk> 9~t-e1e 9!EJ'i0t1D !cb Pl63h 5 N
1-)@H!IC:Jt"~ le~l(;'IP
J.?lh IPID,% tctpcllV '1e~IG ~LIDS ltclfh F ltcLJ-)Zh J311VIDPe ID.lpf~ l)C-?: tc.of I-el R 5 cc
1-JEH-etcr.~ 'le~IG'IP
J.?lh IPID,% tctpcllV (~UD\5 ltc[J-J811:>) 'le~IG 'fe llle[flf':> 9~~t) IDlplPJ8 l)C-?: tc.01 I-el R 5 'be
l-Jl91-e!Cf'"~ 1Cl!9h
J.?lh IPID~ tctpcllV 1c~161p 1e~l6'lh'te ID I In. 1-e ~lie ID I In. ID lJe I lie h. Oc
R~L8 1-JIYl-ele!''~ le~16"1P 1Cll9h '3~1-el-J-<:>lle
1C11'1C tctpcl IV 1_!:3~1-e itJtcb 'lc~IG "lh'te ~19 ID!ln.IOR91-Jc:Ct-e8 R.Dlt-elR h. ~b
R~L8 1-JtYl-elCJt"~ lc~IG" '~IR 8l?l-e
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J.?lh IPl.D,% IC[pellV 1e~t6"IP 1e~l6"lh'!C ua11-J1G'ili. 1-)1-e~ei-e n~'Rtb IC.of I-el R .R 5b
J,21h IP!.D,% IC[pellV tc~l6"tP tc~l6'ltt"te ua1b'3h '3!Cl-e~ e11-eh'{JH: IC.ol I-el R .R h.'b
J.?lh IPf.0,% IC[pellV 1e~1?;1p 1e~l6"lh'te 1-)Zh 9~tot-e8 t.olptl-J!fec l)C-?: IC.of I-el R .R .R'b
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R~L8 1-)191-et?:Jt'~ le~l(;"IP
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J.?lh IPf.0,% tctpetlV le~l(;'f P IC~l(;'lh'te I'll,? J311Vt-e~lle J311VP~lle R E' bb
J.?lh IPf.O~ tctpcllV rc~1e;1p 1e:~1e;lh"te Let Rf.Diie !i'lt-el-JIJ?: !011<:>1 Rtf l)C-C le.DI I-el R E' O"b
l-Jl91-etcj'\'~ 1Cll9h l)C-?:
J.?I h IPf.0,% tclJ.:>Cl IV te~t?;'tP le~1e;ttt!C f.Dt!llelJC;k> lJOLJ':>lf.D!Jt-e !cb Pl63h 2' ~
J.?lh !PIO,% tctpcllV lc~l(;"IP chlR!9'ttt"F lf5rJlR 1311Vtplt-e 1311V~tce tc.ot I-el R c "")
J.?lh IPID,% tc[pellV 1c~1e;1p 1e~1e;lh"te lJDlR ~.o!'Cl':lllV'R ICltcletf.D IC.otf1!1R c 0
J.?lh IPID,% tctpel!V IC~l(;'f P le~l(;'lh'te 911e; ett-eft<;Q.-Jlle f.Dlpl9l?C l)C-C tc.ot I-el R c 5
;3. h. .R. E' (: b
'jt11->clC 'lt11"" (:~}" '}"
1~m.s?o @l'R: ~n. ?c11:>'3~) 11:>1"!12~ cWK 11--19"\? JU:> 'l<t
;)-AI l~Vd] 9IOz:-zo-Z "X3 3ll3ZVD .LN3WN1I3AOD lV1IVf.OD z:-n I
Extra No. 118


ujarat C!9obernment C!9a,ette

Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.

Statutory Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Parts I, I-A and
1-L) made by Statutory Authorities other than the Government of Gujarat
including those made by the Government of India, the High Courts, the
Director of Municipalities, the Commissioner of Police, the Director of
Prohibition and Excise, the District Magistrates and the Election
Commission, Election Tribunals, Returning Officers and other
authorities under the Election Commission.

~l~?ll .-F>l~ ' ~llllrll 1_2~'l ~O'l.S:

1_2l?l'.l :of.~5l ~'l s;ll~l ~"6'~ld -1.0L~ 'llfEt.5L ( ..ft 1_2~'l 5~ ct.l ) 61.l<>td-i.l f;tltitl 'l(::(::)( -1.l R~it- st :oi,.-qq
1_2Lil.<:t.L oil.f.ct.l~l-i.l "6'l~~ld
.h 'lib : ~1 . .;,. '4.l. ~l. 1-/ x. 0 'ls
('l) ~hfbu .;,:>L~' ..fl~ "INLLqa ct1s1..fl ~l'll..-ll 12q(l dL.~;a/oX./X.O'l.S '1.l ~hf lll06l~({ +f.ctOLqlct~'ltl,
'4.~qLL'l{ ~"IS'X.ld ..-FJLx.' (..fl 12q(l bX.ctl) 61.Lt'.>f.cML'll 'lC::C::IS' '1.l'l-S'l :oi...-ct~ "1~-tl .-l. ~ 'l ~"IS't'.>f.
ctttL~ 5~'l'l.-s;a :oi...-ct~ ..fl~ "IS'quqc-1. ct1s1..fl ~L~ "IS'qLLqc-1. 6i.6b 'lL2 d...fl ~L~ bLC-t+t .-lc.t~ IS' +ti "IS'quqc-1.
O~fAL~L.:t 12L~<::Ll "IS'l~X. bX.q.L+i.i :oi.Lq<::L t9.
(x.) ..PLX.'4.LR-1.&L (..fl 12q(l Hctl) C>J.LC>tct"i.l 'lC::C::IS'-i.L s;a ~"6'C>J. "IS'l~X. b~<::t. '4.~qLL'l{ :!"6'61. "IS'qttq<::t.
ct1s1..fl ~t~ "IS'quqc-1. 6l.6b +i.t2 d...fl ~t~ "IS'quqa 6~t.ctt~1.:t st.. :oi...-ct~ ~1/fbu .;,oLx. '4.tR:-tbL-i.t 12L~c-1.t
bLO~CHl ctx.'l1 "6't~X. H'l ct:oi.1.;,i -i.L+tl :it~i\ b~ctt+ti :oi.tq 0.
:oi. _..{ ct.ts ~65-tl 11.5l ~ 1_2til.<:t.L Ollf.ct.L~-i 'l~ ~l~ "6'lsl~
..f <>t~ -1.lll ~~-1.l~
'l ~ .a )( 'l s
'l 'l 'l '4.t9ld q o[ =?:?L'l ct"l.t6l...-i. ~t~c+tte cttttx.'l 6ALttX.LC!.l~, q<::LMOLX., c+ttx.dli.i. ~t~tt b19l~
:!.ctL~l.oifl?Lt &.:oi.tqit.
~ 'l ~ =?:?L'l ~tc.i.;, +i.6l..-i. :11. ~1"IS'c+tte t ~C!.l '4.t~, c+i.t~dltt ~l~ll !rt9l~
:!.ctL~1oifl?Lt &.:oi.tqit.
;a 'l ;a :oi.:is~~d "IS'tlci. o~~tc+ttG ctL<::t.oiflc+ttG +t!rcttqu 6. qqL!rX. C4.L~, ~.ctl.~loifl?Lt c+i.L~dltt ~t~tt Ir19t~
& .:oi.tqit,
IS' 'l IS' ~:11.c+tLe ~e+i.t.c+tLG +i.ab 6.c+tl~ ctl~ :ttH~ct.L..fl c+i.LOUUJ., c+i.t~dltt ~l~ll bt9l~
:!.ctL~Loifl?LL &.:oi.tqit_
'4. ~ 'l =?:?L'l c+tL:Js6\..;, +tle"i.c+tte' ~L6LS 6.'l>lL~~ctL, ~.ctL~l.oifl?Lt c+i.l x. dlti. "6''1.dl '4.t2t

N-C--118. 118-1
'.c1ci-.u~1ic 'hBlla~h ~lc.\lt l,cWcR
"311-)'2~ 'c'28ti>8 k>ICIJD
~fie 18~1hclcJD 1"-~lR
'lflBQJfle ua2[c 51,0e-eO-e :1rtLC:IP
'tnlb~(-/{jlR) IK.~lR-: lDtitC
31Cill<c . .i?iJ 11<-lfolR. 1P. 'it lcl'flb
Rl.1!S hl0lc h'\PHh> 'S'lb c l'flb 'SSlR: lb'\->. 't 5mvB119SS9 91lt>'\->lclt9 1-PlltlR P-. 5 P-.c
31Cill<c . .i?iJ 11<-lfolR 1. 'it
Rl.l!S hl0lc h'\P'Cllt> 'Slb c l'flb '!Sl'k: lb'\->. 't ictrib 91wi-)~1<c 91wl1>US9 1-PlltlR ' 5 E:'c
31Cill<c . .i?iJ 11<-lfolR. 1P . 'it
Rl.lSS hl01c hlPC:lw 'slbcF'lb 'me: lbl->"'t l'Cl'flb 91lt>tclh-'l91->(?11..l'fll'R Uoe 1-Plltm c 5 cc
3]Ci11<c . .i?iJ ll<-lfolrc1'jt
'Rl.l!S hl01c h'\Pcllt> "tnllcllt> lb~Hh: 'Rlbclw1<t lcl'flb 91wi..~1h l--(?131,c~ l,loC lPlltm i 5 'b c
31Ci11<c".i?iJ 11<-lfolRw'it 's1e:
Rl.lSS nl01c h'\Pclw R:lK~ 11<-lfol'R 'l?hl'Rltc l}tl'fl"'t lcl'flb 91wi-)~c 91wl9~'tlt 1-Plltl'R P-. h. Oc
31Cill<c . .i?iJ 11<-lfol'R 1- 'it
'Rl.W hl01c h'\Pcllt> "tn631h. 1-)'fi.c91ri ~SS-Th: 1}'lll91}-)"'t c llt ch. 91lt>1Jl>W 91lt>~l-- 1-Plltl'R ' h. /)1,
31Ci11<c .i?iJ 11<-lfol'R w 'it '<: n>c-t~J
Rl.W hl01c h'\P'Cllt> ~ss1R: "tn631h. 1-)clri c lh~ll<i. <t 13h.lnP 91lt>P~lt 1->(?lPUc l,16(:1-Plltl'R c h. n
31Cil1<c".i?i] 11<-lfol'R"lP-'it
Rl.lSS nl01c h'\Pcllt> '9~tc ll<i. '2~ c 'fllbJ?o 't lSblR: 'flE)PlfolCic 'l->\?'i3lt l,loC 1-Plltl'R 'b h. 0'b
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh. lP'\->Jlo h1f cllt> 11<-lfol'R"lP-'it '1llc: 31\Cll<c.'t BZh. 91wRJ?o ... wu--J?o <: 1-Plltltc P-. R n
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh. lPl--Jlo h 1P c llt> ll<-lfol'R1'jt ''2~ 1->b-~'t 1-)Zh. 91wB~1<c 91wl6t-'l1<c 1-Plltl'R ' J_ h. 'b
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh. lP'\->Jlo h1f cllt> 11<-lfom 1 'it ' <: 11e19 121lt 't Bznw <:1lt~l->Pt 1->'l?ll-)~ l,loC lPlltl'R (: R R 'b
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh. 1i-.J1o h1f cllt> 11<-lfol'R i. 'it '1nlh.~116. 't 1-)Zh. <: llt~h.llore 'I--\?BP~ l,16(: lPlltl'R 'b R E:"b
31Ci11<c ..i?iJ 11<-lfolrc1'it
lflh. li..J?o h1f<:lw 's1<: 1->lczc 12-'l'f '1lh. 91w<:3'ft><t BZh. 9llt>l6~ c 9llt>l->'\P.llo 1-Plltl'R R 2 (: 'b
31Cill<c . .i?iJ 11<-lfol'R 1. 'it
lflh. lP'\->Jlo h1f cllt> 'm1R: ~ltR '11R: m1c 't 11Cilc B1Bll9'J'l: 91lt>B~1<c Jcb P163h. 2 ' 'b'b
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh. ii..J?o h1fclw 11<-lfomw'it 'm1ll: 112rci ~lt> cllt~~~ '1--\?Wl}\~ l,loC 1-Plltl'R c 2 O'b
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh lP'\->Jlo h1f cllt> ll<-lfolrc1'it '1Jsl<i.1}--lfoc3'ft><t BZh. 911t>l6'f h. 1-"'l?lht) l,loC lPlltm i 2 /)
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh. lP'\->Jlo le1P c llt> 11<-lfol'R1'ft ''fl~i ~lt> 9llt>H.:Cllt> cllt~P'\n~ 1-Plltl'R R (: 7
31Cill<c . .i?iJ
lflh. ii..J?o h1f<:lw ll<-lfom1'it 'mb l,c119c<t tc 119 c snwlb 'E 91wi1 1-Plltl'R ' c 0
31Cill<c . .i?iJ 11<-lfolR 1 'ft '1n~c llt>
Rl.W nl.0.1c h"\p<:1w 1}--lb~<:lll: 'lnlh.1}--lfoc3'ft><t 1Jf.ll'R 91w~ 'tlt i.. \? iei <: 1J l,loC 1-Plltl'R c c 5
5 h R ' (: b
~11->c'R: ltll-- (: 19}'-
ldlSl~ '@Tie Thh Y. c1b'3ltE) rn1312P: c WK ll-"SSS'l? ~lb }'-" l<c
J':.. AI- J,1IVcl] 9IOz-zo-z '"X3 3ll3ZVO J,N3WN113AOO lV1IVfflO z-81 I

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