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Aerial Shot

An aerial shot is typically made from a helicopter or created with miniatures (today, digitally), showing a
location from high overhead.

Camera Angle
Camera angle refers to where the camera is placed in relation to the subject of the image.

Canted Angle (Dutch Angle)

A canted angle is when the camera is tilted, usually to suggest imbalance, transition, or instability.

Circular Pan
A circular pan is a shot in which the camera rotates 360 degrees around a fixed axis.

A close-up is a shot in which a persons face fills most of the screen, although the term can also refer to any
shot that appears to have been taken at close range (or through a telephoto lens), and in which an object
appears relatively large and in detail.

Continuity Editing
Crane Shot
A crane shot is achieved by a camera mounted on a platform, which is connected to a mechanical arm that
can lift the platform up, bring it down, or move it laterally across space.

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