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Butterfly life cycle activity

The Objective:
The student will be able to:
Level: -Understand and follows the butterfly life cycle step.
-Order the life cycle.

Resources: Teacher Instructions:

-Teacher resources: CD, the sheet with the Each student will have a sheet they will do it
sentence for the activity.
individually, and there is a small sheet give
-Student resources: Worksheet, pencil.
the instruction and the steps of butterfly
growth. The teacher will say the steps not in
The Purpose: order, and while saying the step the teacher
The student will develop their knowledge in science goes around the class and observe the student
and understand how the butterfly growth, and it answer and help them if they need.
improves their listening and guess the steps of
butterfly life cycle, and pick the keywords while the
teacher says the steps.

This activity can present in a science lesson, the activity Is the teacher will say a stage of the butterfly
growth and the student should write the name under the picture, a teacher will not tell the steps to let the
student thinking. This activity develops the listening skills while the student will listen to the steps from
the teacher and they also use the writing skills and pick up key points to guess the steps and order it. The
steps name is in the box because this activity for grade 1 and they still grow up with learning new words
also they cant remember the name with the sapling. In pre-listing, the teacher will play a short story
talking about the butterfly life cycle, and the student in this age learn by listening. This will help them
listen to a story simply for pleasure, they will focus their attention on or remember details, and when the
teacher tells the steps, they will remember the step name (Brumfit, Moon,& Tongue,1991). So, the
teachers should always find a video or songs link to their lesson and play it for the student, and they will
learn better. In a while listening the teacher give them the new vocab which is eggs, chrysalis, caterpillar,
adult butterfly and show them cards and asking them which step are this. As children practice through
imitation and repeat, a teacher will guide children, correct them, and provide challenges to learn while
they listen to its link to Vygotsky theory (Berk &Winsler,1995). In post listening, the teacher gives them
the worksheet and start to tell a short hint about each step, and they will guess which step is this and write
it under the pictures.

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