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1. Identify some of the problems likely to occur in a boundaryless organization like Newskool Grooves.

What are the Advantages of boundaryless organizations? Some issues that have occurred at the Kiev
offices, managers there said that their computer programmers find working with little structure is
uncomfortable. They are used to the idea of a strong leadership structure and well-defined work

Trying to reach co-workers in other offices who practice boundaryless organization has become an issue
for some managers. They said that when they call the office they say to wait until their meeting day
which is an issue because they have an immediate issue and cannot always wait until they decide to get

Developers working on hardware in different locations had a communication breakdown which required
many hours of discussion to resolve which could have been avoided if they were all on the same track.
The developers seldom met face to face and all made progress but all of them moved in different
directions with the product development.

An advantage of boundaryless organizations:

Boundaryless organizations communicate mainly through email, phone and other virtual methods rather
than more traditional face-to-face communication. The freedom to telecommute with international
employees removes geographical barriers to productivity and allows for schedule flexibility. By
organizing expert employees in groups and giving them decision-making authority, these companies can
change quickly to meet needs and function efficiently in an ill-defined hierarchy.

Employees no longer work in isolation but work as part of a team on broad, company-wide projects,
quality management, just-in-time methods, lean production, and supply-chain management, reports
US Legal. To be successful, you should feel comfortable in a chaotic free-form workplace and have an
ease of working with people to orchestrate the incredible amount of networking required. When
employees manage and coordinate their own projects, it fosters a sense of pride in the ability to change
and meet the demands of the situation fostering a strong work ethic.

2) Consider some of the cultural issues that will affect a company operating in such different parts of
the world and whose employees may not be representative of the national cultures of each country.
Are the conflicts you observe a function of the different types of work people have to perform?

In this boundaryless company, headquarter in Berlin, Germany, structure outsourcing company

in Kiev, Ukraine, marketing in Los Angeles, so many different employees with different cultures are all
collaborate working together to achieve organizational goals. Employees are also very diverse in values,
personality, and work preferences which are deep-level diversity.
Some cultural issues that are sensitive will rise in the workplace and create unpleasant things
among employees. Employees might not be working together well as they will have fighting in the
decision making. A good research in understanding various biological characteristics like gender, race,
ethnicity, age, or disability, will better the surface-level diversity. Almost all employees are creative and
like to accept challenges. Therefore, in this similar personality and work preferences, they should be
emphasized in working with others as a team. Training for team building with different cultures people
will be quite important.

Looking at the conflicts in Newskool, like the difficulties in decision-making and employees
fighting to do what they perceive is better compare to the others. It takes time for the company to come
with one decision as all of the employees can participate in decision making. People that are so diverse
will suggest different solutions, reflecting their different cultures. Maybe it will be good to have a proper
discussion in decision making, and only few managers can have the power in making decision in the
discussion. It is not a function of different types of work people have to perform. As people from
different areas or departments can contribute their opinions and ideas in the same work that require
one decision.

Another conflict will be inefficiency. Yes, different people must perform different tasks in their
organization, but Newskool is boundaryless. When Gerd, the founder and the CEO does not satisfy, he
asks his employees to redo the work tasks. It will cause a waste in resources as Gerd perceive something
differently from his diverse employees. Sometimes, it is good to have hierarchy as people can know who
to refer, which department to function and so on.
This conflict is a function of different types of work people have to perform. The employees that
are sometimes so dominant and think their works are correct, refuse to listen to Gerd and do things
according to their own way.

3) Based on what you know about motivation and personality, what types of people are likely to be
satisfied in each area of the company? Use concepts from job characteristics theory and the emerging
social relationship perspective on work to describe what might need to change to increase employee
satisfaction in all areas.

Types of people are likely to be satisfied are competent, anxious, empowered and open people.
This based on self efficacy theory; this theory refers to an individuals belief that he or she is capable of
performing task. People who posses self efficiency believe that they are capable in behaving in a way
that produce that outcome they want.

In Newskool Groovers, their employees are participates in decision making and innovation,
creative and competent people. Because technology plays a major role as a communication medium in
the boundaryless organization, much work is done from a distance via e-mail, phone, and fax. Less work
is done in traditional face-to-face settings. Virtual collaboration makes it easier to use the expertise of a
broader range of individuals. With telecommuting, international employees are more easily made a part
of all business processes. Employees often like the freedom that boundaryless work offers them,
particularly with virtual teams and more flexible work plans, arrangements, and schedules. Due to that,
employee in company satisfied with the area of the company. Characteristic employees in company are
likely competent and strong team skills.

Concept job characteristics theory a model that proposes that any job can be described in terms
of five core dimension: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. Based on
this theory, to ensure employee satisfaction in all area in Newskool Groovers are by creating and
maintaining a common task and group climate to focus groups and teams on the tasks at hand and on
overall strategies, focus is on how to move ideas, information, talent, and decisions where they are most
necessary, increase individual skill to do a task, hence he or she is encouraged to do it, regardless of title
or position, jobs are rewarded on the basis of doing the jobs, not for accomplishing the necessary work.
Thus, personal accountability for the work is discouraged at the expense of accountability for the job.

4) What types of human resources practices need to be implemented in this sort of organization?
What principles of selection and hiring are likely to be effective? Which Big Five traits and abilities
might Newskool supervisor want to use for selection?

One types of human resources practices need to be implemented in this sort of organization are
performance simulation tests where what better way to find out whether applicants can do a job
successfully than by having them do it the is precisely the logic of performance simulation tests. These
types are more complicated but the test have higher face validity which measures whether applicants
perceive the measures to be accurate. This types get of organization popularity has increased.
Organization can do for their human resources practices more best based using are work samples in
organization. Work samples tests are hands-on simulations of part that applicants for routine jobs must
perform. When we can see from Newskool Grooves to test and design the companys hardware
products, employee apparently needs to do more than send each other code. Actually, the organization
not necessary take all code only choose use sample test. This method more better to measure
applicants knowledge, skills, and abilities with more validity than written aptitude and personality tests.
Have a three selective of hiring are likely to be effective which are Core self-Evaluation Of course all
company want their employee know about his self weather weaknesses or strength. So, for more too
efficient in the work he will know first before he starts the task, because he will think about his self first.
Emotional Stability is a second one for hiring people the Company wants a personality dimension that
describes someone who is responsible, dependable, persistent, and organized. It is because for easier
company do the work and he can help the company make a profit and attract more customer. Third is a
confidence the employee has a good confidence level. For example, in interview the company can
psycho the employee for know the him or her confident. If at interview, the employee cannot handle
him emotion he cannot handle many task in one time.

From Big Five traits, the suitable use for selection are openness and conscientiousness. In
openness the supervisor can increased learning, more creative, and more flexible. It can effect their
training performance, enhanced leadership and more adaptable to change. The second is
conscientiousness relevant is greater effort and persistence; more drive and discipline, and better
organized and planning. The effects are it cans higher performance, enhanced leadership, and greater

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