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Hannah Johns

Comp 105

Monday Reflection #1

September 18, 2017

Analyzing Strategies

Throughout my writing and reading, I have become aware of particular patterns I

followed through the process. I try to focus on the layout for each paper and how to reduce the

amount of filler words. Over the weekend, my friend and I tackled more chapters in the novel,

They Say I Say, and accomplished our part in the reading group assignment. When reading my

section of Sustainability, I analyzed what I read and wrote an outline corresponding to the main

points the author wanted me to acknowledge and comprehend. I noticed I organized my outline

by the names of each article and wrote down key points to remember. I tried to find a way for my

brain to attain more information by reducing the amount of information I listed. When writing

the WA #1 assignment, I noticed that I not only focused on how to structure the paper

incorporating the template, but I tried to add in vocabulary to make my point more understood. I

used words that clarified my point of view to the extent that there could be no miscommunication

towards my opinion. As for the reading, I looked up unrecognizable words that occurred often to

try to comprehend the article. Over time, I have found many sufficient ways to improve my

writing and reading skills.

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