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Theresa Daniels Concordia University Fall 2017 Practicum III

Standard One: Instructional Leadership

Today was the first day of classes! During our lunch the
new Assistant Principal (1styear) and I worked in the foyer
of the campus to field students scheduling questions and
help students get moving to lunch or the appropriate Hawk
time class (similar to homeroom). We noticed quickly that
there was one teacher in particular that had confused
students, so we worked to troubleshoot these issues. We
ended up with an unbalanced lunch due to students from
CCE and Dale Jackson, and a scheduling mistake. I worked
"Hawk Time"
to get those students seated in the library and worked out
adjustments for
the issues on their schedule, which included their need to
8/28/17 CCE students,
attend HAWK TIME, our instructional video programming
homeroom teacher
for success with school and procedures. Overall, the
students were willing to work with us and the lunch, in my
opinion went smoothly. It was certainly a hiccup in the
scheduling, and this had to do with our new AP not
knowing an unspoken procedure for students who come
from the main campus, but we worked it out in about 25
minutes. Everyone was safe and sound, and everyone will
now receive the appropriate programming and instruction
during Hawk Time.
On Thursday I focused on preparing 870 handouts for the
students to utilize during the Friday presentation about our
upcoming Block Lunch schedule. The new schedule starts
on Monday, and I communicated those expectations to
staff that they will need to show students a video I have
Email staff about prepared as Block Lunch coordinator, and to walk students
Hawk Time for through the website to glean the information they need to
9/7/17 Friday/ make be academically successful through our tutorial program. I
handouts for all worked with student aides to get handouts to all teachers
students for their 2nd period class on Friday. The preparation for
Block Lunch events and the tailoring of tutorial schedules
began in early August, when I worked additional time in
the office. Today was the culmination of those preparations
as we begin our Block Lunch next week. This addressed
standard 1, ii.
I met with the instructional technologist, and all campus
E-Portfolio Leaders
9/14/17 leadership to determine correct dates and format for
introducing district-wide Eportfolios to all students at the
9th grade level. This is a district policy and we were
working to help integrate the lessons into our Hawk Time
advisory schedule.
As we started Block Lunch this week, I also monitored and
assisted with teachers tutorial times. Getting students into
9/14/17 and
Block Lunch tutorials, helping them complete assignments and being
supervision/tutorials sure they understand how to use this academic time wisely
is why I have split my Block Lunch duties into
supervisory role and academic role in my log.
Today I met with the ELA team and worked through the
10/16/17 upcoming exam week with them. As a department we hope
Instructional Time to utilize our exams as Curriculum Based Assessments
with English Staff since our district does not do this formally. Today I also
arranged a school business day for the staff so that we
can have a full collaboration session in December. This day
is needed as our PLC from past years was met with
scheduling conflicts this year. Our English department, its
assessments, and its collaboration make student success
more achievable.
10/18/17 After I completed this walkthrough, I had an informal
conversation with the teacher that actually turned into an
Walkthrough of instructional brainstorming session. She explained that she
Spanish I class felt stuck at her desk when students began walking up
during their writing assignment to seek her help. She asked
what I did in my English class, and I suggested that
conferences with students coming up from their desk to
your desk could work without them forming a line. I
explained a clothespin, or Now Serving system where
they could draw a card, place a clothes pin on the line, or
even write names on the board and then sit back down until
they were called. I appreciate opportunities to share some
instructional and design techniques to assist teachers.
During my third observation, we walked three classrooms
11/14/17 and observed students engaged in a myriad of activities. It
Walkthrough of will be so important for me as an assistant principal to get
Math Class out of the office and see the students working and learning.
(Observation 3) These two different science classes and English class were
all engaged in great work and students were all putting
their minds to the task at hand. As I went in during the
walkthrough, I asked students how and what was expected
of them. Some of the teachers engaged with me. In a more
professional appraisal, I will be a fly on the wall. But I so
enjoy walkthroughs and I know I always will.
Standard Two: Human Capital

After the first days lunch and this situation, which

occurred above, the administration team met for 30
minutes to work out the kinks that occurred in our first
days scheduling of lunch. Our first year AP and myself
updated duty stations and sent updates to teachers to
troubleshoot this issue. Working with my admin. team
on trouble shooting the first few days is so important to
12:35-1:05 "Hawk
the proper operation of the school. We worked with our
8/28/17 Time" lunch debrief
counselors and our registrar and fixed schedules. I
meeting (logistics)
worked with teachers to correct mistakes and change
their duty and times. Things happen, and you have to
roll with them. We rolled today and landed on our feet,
no problems. This was an adjustment to the personnel
which we have in the building; Human Capital and
simply speaking personally to each teacher made a
difference in correcting the scheduling issue.
Students ask very provocative and in-depth
questioning; and teacher and students have a very
fascinating rapport. She has set a precedent of both
communicating deep information with these GT and
Walkthrough of AP students, as well as balancing a positive and
9/19/17 Social Studies productive environment. Compliance and note taking,
Class and most students are engaged. Teachers enthusiasm
really makes students interested; there are a few side
conversations/ overlapping but they are all engaged!
The amount of information she covers, and the way the
students react with her is great.
Teacher is available to answer questions as students
work to chart and draw the differing phases/
descriptions of the phases of major stages of the cell
cycle: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
telophase, and cytokinesis.- Assignment visual on
Walkthrough of projector during this time. Students are all engaged,
Science Class teacher is in the teaching zone and moving around the
classroom to assist students. All students are engaged
and working. Students are using their technology
(PPTs) and all their notes to create a chart that includes
the image and the definitions in their own language.
No objectives posted in room/ agenda only
Students are asking questions aloud while checking
Walkthrough of math homework problems. Teacher is very receptive
Math class and students are working to understand. Students ask
questions well, and do not seem shy to ask as needed.
Teacher allows time for processing and feedback,
questions. This teacher worked on reviewing the
distribution of polynomials as a warm-up and
homework review. She reminded students of the test on
Friday and focused on continuing learning of
multiplying polynomials (This test is a mini test and
counts half a major grade).
I wanted to get into a classroom and see one of our
10/17/17 smallest, and yet important sub-populations; our ESL
Walkthrough of newcomers. These students are arriving to the United
ESL newcomers States and being enrolled in public school for the first
class time. Thee students are very limited proficient. The
teacher worked very thoroughly with each student to
complete three tasks: a required TELPAS writing
prompt to measure their level of understanding written
in English for similarities and differences, a reading
section, and a workbook section on careers and people
with visuals and language.
I wanted to dive in to the campus plan and work
10/26/17 through our preparation from last years work as we get
Campus Plan and ready for a Building Leadership Team meeting next
campus liaison at week (SBDM team). I spent an hour working through
home study (MINI the document and thinking about how we can help staff
PROJECT) align the campus goals of bringing in a speaker to their
classrooms with my campus liaison project and my
Nepris online training. I am working to integrate these
concepts for our staff.

This morning meeting is the weekly meeting with

10/27/17 counselors, librarian, secretary, and administrators to
Administration cover upcoming events and school needs. We
Morning Meeting implemented policy and we do discuss highly sensitive
staffing needs and issues so I have placed this in
Standard 2. This meeting did deal with staff
collaboration and leadership through the lens of the
office team and how they can create better functioning
systems to address issues with staff or supervision of
Standard Three: Executive Leadership

I met with our campus testing coordinator for an hour to

review the needs of the English department for beginning
of the year campus-wide Nelson-Denny reading
diagnostic testing. She and I worked to coordinate the
passing out of test (administration) to specific classes and
to work on the logistics of applying the accommodation of
extra time which is now allowed for this testing. She
showed me how she will input the data in the system. I
Testing Coordinator then coordinated which English teachers and which SDI
8-30-17 meeting to work on (Specially Designed Instruction) teachers would be in
accommodations each testing classroom; to be sure we met the
accommodations for students who required them for
Special Education and 504. We also worked on the
tracking system in EDUPHORIA to get ready for grading/
scanning. Testing policies and coordination are imperative
to the assessment/ data of a campus. We rely on this early
data to be sure all students are appropriately placed in
classes, and to inform teachers so they may enhance and
specially design instruction.
I was asked by my attendance clerk to see if there was a
way to arrange an additional tardy detention day on
Fridays. I had information as my role as Block Lunch
coordinator that this staff member would be interested in
Arranged new volunteering to run a detention. Attached is my email to
9/26/17 detention staff/ day her. She agreed and I worked with my principal to be sure
on Friday that she has a flexible afternoon one day a week, since she
is working additional time but cannot be paid. Both my
principal and I spoke with her. My principal and I had a
discussion about how this was a good example of resource
This week as part of my Mini-Project as the Campus
Liaison , I hosted an event for our student body in which
the Barnes and Noble Community Relations Manager
from our Lewisville store came to speak about new books,
Host Barnes and and banned books in honor of banned books week. The
9/27/17 Noble Speaker event was open to all students and about 40 students total
during Block Lunch showed up during their lunch-hour to participate. Some
students were very excited about the event, so I know it
was worth the effort to communicate and bring this
Representative to our campus, and to help students see we
want them to have an ongoing love of learning.
Discipline for I asked my assistant principals to give me the role of
9/27/17 Tardies (forwarded disciplining students who have received a tardy to school,
from A.P.s) and assigned a detention, but did not attend in the 48 hour
window. This complements my current job of assigning
detentions for student who miss tutorials. This is a simple
and effective way to participate in disciplining students; I
will call students to my office, assess the situation, and if
needs be, reassign detention or designate a day of PAS. I
will contact parents so they are aware of the situation. I
will work with district policy and record the disciplinary
record in the SKYWARD system. For any students who
are assigned a day of PAS, I will email our registrar, who
then informs teachers of the placement.
Today I substituted in the office as an additional AP while
my principal was gone. A full day in the office was an
10/11/17 Entire day in Office important realization of time management and how to
shadowing work in chunks so that investigations can get
(Alternate Schedule completed, discipline can be served, executive leadership
for PSAT) 7:45- tasks can be accomplished and then still be available for
3:45 lunches, passing periods, and any other assistance teachers
and students may need. I was able to go up during 2nd
period and assist a substitute to set up the videos for our
programming today. We also had an alternate schedule
due to PSAT testing, so we had a fundraiser volleyball
game for 30 minutes to monitor before lunch as well. I
worked through the morning to assign more than ten
detentions for students for both tardies and missing IDs as
per our new policy. I assigned one student a single day of
PAS for his 6th missing ID. With my mentor, we
completed an afternoon theft investigation and worked
within the discipline matrix and with our SRO and I took
the students written statement. (Student admitted theft
and possession right away.) I worked within the computer
system to assign the student 5 days of In School
Suspension. We chose not to send this student to DAEP at
this time as it was their first infraction and they were
honest when they admitted the theft. The parents of the
other student did not want to prosecute so no restitution
need be made, but the possession will be returned in good
condition tomorrow. I monitored the student in my office
for 30 minutes before the end of school. It was a long but
productive day and I assisted and performed in several
standards today.

A full day in the office:

7:45 to 8:10 cafeteria duty and checking student IDs.
10/20/17 Entire day in Office 8:20 to 9 am Weekly meeting in principals office to
(Pep Rally address the long view.
Schedule) 7:45- 9 to 10:30 am working through student discipline (address
3:45 6 students on detentions, IDs, and tardies. Did not have
any behavior issues to address at this time).
10:30 to 11- worked through other online and
administrative tasks/ cleaned up office and got set for next
11:00 to 11: 14, remembered to eat lunch because we are
on a pep-rally schedule.
11:14-11:44 subbed in the PAS room to relieve teacher for
11:49-12:19 B Lunch Duty.
12:19-12:50 C lunch break in office
12:54-1:29 D Lunch duty.
1:37-2:35 Office work
2:35 until 3:35 PEP RALLY Duty and Participation! (I
was slated to play musical chairs!)
3:35-4:15 Detention (subbing until we return to our real
schedule next Monday).

Busy and full day, but no surprises here. I really enjoy

working as an administrator.

While working with an assistant principal on a academic

dishonesty case, to which the Pre-AP geometry student
10/24/17 Emergency admitted to stealing a copy of an old test from another
response/ crisis student, it was revealed by other office staff that the
management- student had purposely ingested a bottle of antihistamine
overdose suspected medication. The nurse responded by calling poison
control and then notifying 911. Emergency services took
the student by ambulance. The A.P.s and Principal and
counselors all worked together to contact and arrange
parent to meet student at school to ride in ambulance. For
my role, I was in the academic discipline meeting with the
student and she admitted to the cheating incident. She also
was very honest and we thanked her for that. We moved
swiftly when it was discovered that she had ingested pills.
All A.P.s, nurse and counselors sat with her in one office
while we waited for paramedics and then moved her to
nurses office. My principal stated to her that having all
these people around you should be a clear sign that we
care about you and want you to be okay. I appreciated
how swiftly and calmly we all worked together to assess
the situation and follow-through for the well-being of the
student and family.
Today we put out a handful of fires so to speak. I
addressed a paint spill from student council in the girls
10/26/17 Administration bathroom and worked with Officer Langston to located
meeting after the video footage during Block Lunch. During Block
lunch- addressing Lunch we also had a female on female verbal altercation
issues that we had to address. Students without IDs were a big
concern during lunch as well, and working to get students
who are failing into Block Lunch tutorials did not go as
well as we had anticipated this week.

I have been assigning discipline for tardies and IDs and

missing tutorials this week, but that was not out of the
ordinary. Some days the load is certainly heavier than
others, but the pendulum seems to keep swinging.

My principal has set me up for success in the area of

executive leadership and requested that I start a Block
11/15/17 Block Lunch Lunch committee. Together with this team, we will aim to
meeting with new address some current issue we experience during our
committee Block Lunch and I will seek input and suggestions to
improve our weakest areas; although we have many
strong areas as well.
Standard Four: School Culture

Preemptive changes were made for a female student who

was a part of a ring of girls who would fight last year.
Student is at 9th grade campus with one class at main
Discipline Action
campus. In that class was a girl she fought with last year.
with A.P. - work
Counselor and AP worked to change her schedule and
8/29/17 ongoing bullying
explain that she could work to avoid conflict and let them
issues from last
know how they could help her this year. Discipline issues
that can be preempted, and relationships with students that
can be built to help avoid later conflict are a necessary and
healthy part of any well-functioning campus.
Today we had a pep-rally practice for our freshman
students. I assisted with the logistics of having one group
for students at lunch, and then staggering the release of a
second set of students to come down to the gym. When the
students were in the gym, it went very well. The problem
was that at the end, we decided to release the gym students
a few minutes early to stagger the crowd in the halls, but I
realized we had not told the main campus, and students
from our campus would be arriving during their last two
Assisting with Pep
9/7/17 minutes of lunch. Two minutes is a long time when you
Rally practice
make a scheduling error. I radioed to the main campus and
asked if they would like me to hold them outside. I
physically went outside and watched the 50 to 100 released
freshmen. It could have gone differently, but it went
perfectly. These students listened and waited patiently that
final minute for the bell to ring. Logistics and timing are
important. Administrators have to move fast to make
adjustments in those tricky timing issues. This addressed
Standard 3,i.
I assisted with supervision at Friday Night Lights! and
will do so again this week. We worked from 6:45 pm until
11:30 pm. It certainly makes for a long day, but we got to
talk with so many community members, students, parents,
and that makes it worthwhile. We rotated duty stations
Football Home
each quarter and communicated on our radios. There was a
9/8/17 and Game monitoring
student who had a panic attack and was taken down to see
9/15/17 and shadowing and
the paramedics, but I was not involved with her. There
were students throwing bottles on occasion in the student
section we were watching and we moved to position
ourselves to stop that behavior. I was told to look out for
drinking (from parents as well as students), smoking
behind the bleachers, student profanity, student PDA, and
just be a part of the community. At the second event, there
was a student fight, with crowds of students running under
the bleachers at half time. All administration worked as a
team through radio to secure the area, find the students
responsible and escort those students off the premises.
I asked my assistant principals to give me the role of
disciplining students who have received a tardy to school,
and assigned a detention, but did not attend in the 48 hour
window. This complements my current job of assigning
detentions for student who miss tutorials. This is a simple
Discipline for and effective way to participate in disciplining students; I
9/27/17 Tardies (forwarded will call students to my office, assess the situation, and if
from A.P.s) needs be, reassign detention or designate a day of PAS. I
will contact parents so they are aware of the situation. I
will work with district policy and record the disciplinary
record in the SKYWARD system. For any students who
are assigned a day of PAS, I will email our registrar, who
then informs teachers of the placement.
At the start of second period, a young lady came to the
nurse having an asthma attack. The Aps met with the nurse
10/18/17 Emergency and the nurse determined that paramedics needed to be
management- called. As paramedics were on their way, the team of Aps
paramedics called worked together with support staff to notify the parent and
for asthma attack the sister of the student. The parent was not reachable at
first, so the students older sister arranged to get in touch
with the mother. The mother was then arranging a ride to
the hospital if needed. After emergency personnel arrived,
it was determined that the student not need to be
transported to the hospital at this time. The student had
only just brought in her new prescribed steroids so the
medication took effect appropriately and the student was
able to return to class after being checked by paramedics.
Staff worked seamlessly together to respond to the medical
situation of this student.

Today we worked through months of logistical

11/10/2017 Veterans Day coordination with our high school neighbors, band, ROTC,
Assembly and Veteran guests to provide students with a n hour and a
half presentation of the colors, the national anthem, a
history of Veterans day, a guest speaker, and fly overs of
war planes! The students acted in an appropriate and
predictable manner which was a boon to come of the other
activities I have seen from students lately. They were
excellent and the weather was perfect. All went on without
a hitch as far as I could see. Teachers watched students
well. Student Council managed the seating perfectly, and
the students shook hands with our Veterans at the end! I
served as security and answered teacher and staff
questions, but it was excellent.

11/27/18 Afternoon
through discipline response I wanted to mention one important discipline case that we
12/6/17 to fight/ are working on and is ongoing. On 11/27 we responded to
intervention with a fight between three females in front of the bus stop. A
officers parent of one of the females was present and joined in
attempting to stop the fight, perhaps. I was involved in
helping pull the girls into the office, taking statements from
one of the girls, and with an officer by my side, I let this
student know of her suspension pending further
investigation. In the course of the next three days, there
were two other fights between our two school campuses,
and we had to continue to investigate allegations of
upcoming fights. I attended a conference call while my
principal was out of town so that we could establish
appropriate discipline procedures. After reviewing video
footage, the students were also issued citations from our
officer, one being a minor assault against me when a
female student in the office pushed past me and another AP
to hit a different student. We restrained her. The students
are now all working through their discipline and we are
hopefully working to prevent further disturbances by these
students. It was a team effort of all administrators, nurse,
parents, staff to get students under control.
Standard Five: Strategic Operations

Safety and transportation being the top priority today, it

went fine. We release at 3:35 and by 3:50 we had only
four buses yet to arrive. We knew which buses were late
coming from the elementary campus. A few students had
missed their bus, but we have a sweeper bus to gather
Bus Duty 3:35 to
students by 4:00. Overall, it wasnt the smoothest day but
4:05, monitor
for a first day it went well enough. The nest days
8-28-17 student safety/
continually improved, and we made adjustments. By the
assist students with
fourth day the buses were running much more
consistently and on time. Being available to assist
students, and to assure them and assuage their worry
about the buses is an important task to maintaining these
operations. Communication to everyone is key.
Standard 4, iv
The years first lockdown was conducted at the start of
second period on Tuesday after Labor Day. I shadowed
my assistant principal, and we met in the command
center and then went out with our SRO officer and our
Preparation for
district security officer. Immediately at the start of our
lockdown drill-
lockdown we had two female students that had not been
follow up with
pulled into a room, so I opened a side room to shelter
teachers needing
them. We had several doors unlocked but no one inside,
door coverage and
9/5/17 and every other door in the building was locked and
Lockdown drill
secure. I had walked the center hall and checked doors.
with administrators
Overall, the drill was conducted in a timely fashion. I had
(shadowing) and
hoped that our AP who announced would have given a
debrief with SRO
bit more guidance, but he simply said, We are in a
lockdown. Essentially, we must be prepared to only be
able to say those few words to keep our campus secure.
Our staff and students did very well. Standard 4, ii and 4,
This mini-project promotes our campus through both
a book study for staff, and a community outreach/
database system brought to us from the district.
Essentially, I am operating in Standard 5, to use strategic
Campus Liaison
planning, resource management, and policy advocacy
9/12/17 while at the same time strengthening our relationships
with the community. This project also aligns with our
campus goal this year to utilize community members in
all of our classrooms at least once for the year. That
would mean we need over 70 volunteers, speakers,
community members. Standard 4, iii
Because of this Campus Liaison position, I did get to
work with some community members like Raising Canes
Outreach travel and
9/14/17 this week as well, to secure donations for our campus,
interaction (MINI
and to set up an event with Barnes and Noble to visit
students here on campus! Standard 4, iii
One of the best and newest experiences was being able to
lead our private investigator, Sarah and the drug dog
Bonsai around to classrooms. When they show up, it is of
course policy to drop everything you were doing as an
Assistant Principal and walk classrooms (I went with our
new, first year AP). Each classroom took about 5-9
Walk classrooms
minutes to complete and we walked 6 classrooms. We
10/5/17 with AP and DRUG
did not hit on any substances, so that is a success to our
schools safety. The handler was very informative about
law, training procedures, and even my role as an AP. It
was a good experience, and an important part of Strategic
Operations in that we must follow and teach all students
to follow the policies implemented by the district on our
campuses. Standard 4, iv and 4, v
Furthering the idea of policy implementation this week
was working inside the SKYWARD system on discipline
as an AP (under her profile). My mentor AP allowed me
to make decisions about sending students to PAS (in
AP discipline work/ school suspension) and calling parents, and allowed me
10/5/17 understanding to input the discipline into the system. I followed the
SKYWARD system discipline Matrix and worked to use my resources to
apply policy to students with frequent misbehaviors
(tardies, skipping class, excessive missing IDs). I am
feeling more confident in my choices for student
discipline each day.

10/31/17 Two full days in I worked a teacher/student conflict throughout my two

through office as substitute days in the office that involved a student and teacher
11/1/17 AP misunderstanding.

My principal brought a student in to my office and asked

me to get a statement and follow up as needed. It was far
from this simple.

10/31/17: 1:10 pm until 2:05 pm

Student account - Mrs. Daniels took statement from

student in office after speaking with student, kept student
out of the rest of the class period, statement was exactly
the same as teacher stating the teacher said "I could beat
you with this..." a pointing stick, and that he attempted to
remain calm but asked to go speak with a counselor and
she refused. He then asked to call mom, and the situation
escalated, and ended up with the principal seeing the
student in the hall with teacher and allowing him to come
to the office at his request.

Teacher email to AP:

Teacher says "I was going around the room working with
all the students. I use a stick to show the students where
to go on the computer. When I got to STUDENT, he was
on the internet and I tapped him on the shoulder (he was
on his headphones) and he said something. Then he said
dont touch me and I was laughing and said, I could beat
you with this (I thought he was kidding.) I said sorry!
Then I went on and he just got out of control. Yelling
and carrying on, so I moved him. He wanted to go to the
counselor and I said no. Then he called his mother to tell
her and asked me to speak with her. I then explained it to
her and he just got mad, then started again. PRINCIPAL
came down the hall and he got hold of him.

Parent showed up to the school 20 minutes later in an

agitated state. She said she could not get a hold of
anyone at the school. Mrs. Daniels met the parent and
spoke with parent and student in conference room. Mrs.
Daniels spoke with student and parent calmly and
assuaged concerns. Student understood that he needed to
be aware of tone with teachers. Agreed with mom that
the teacher's choice of wording was not appropriate and
mom understood that she and Mrs. Daniels were not
there in the room with the student and the teacher at the
time of the incident. Mrs. Daniels made it clear to mom
that a schedule change could be looked into but not
guaranteed, and it was pointed out he had requested a
change already.I allowed the parent to state her side of
the story, that she was on the phone with the teacher in
class and then everything cut out and she was concerned
about her child. She called the school and felt she could
not reach anyone (we just happened to be understaffed
today). 1st conference with Mrs. Daniels and Parent.

Decided we would follow up with teacher and work with

counselor for possible schedule switch if needed, but
recognized that if not, he would be responsible for the
class and working with the teacher.

Parent left without resolution to issue but with positive


Discussed options with counselor and because he had

already requested schedule change we will attempt to
switch. Everyone seemed content.

Follow up with counselor about possible schedule

change and follow up with parent at 2:43 pm. 2nd
conference with Mrs. Daniels and parent.

Wednesday, 11/1/17: 8:15 am-8:30 am

The next morning around 8:15 am, the same student

missing his ID went to buy a 6th temporary ID. He called
mom to complain that he was going to get ISS. Mrs.
Daniels intercepted the call with mom because student
walked into the office and Mrs. Daniels assured her that
he could buy a new ID but that per our policy he was on
his 6th ID which would be ISS. Mrs. Daniels walked
student to library to purchase ID and return temporary
ID. Student had not been telling mom he was getting
temp IDs and had several IDs at home. Mrs. Daniels had
long conversation with student about responsibilities.
Student was sent to class with an ID. Mom was assuaged
that he now had an ID. 3rd conference with Mrs.
Daniels and parent.

Counselor was still working on switching schedule but

believed that would be possible by third period.

At 11 am our principal called from her district meeting to

ask up to follow up on this schedule change and this
teacher/ student issue because the parent had at some
point contacted the Chief of Schools. (I am thinking it
was before she came up to our school, because after that
she was always content with what we did. ) The student
was already in his new class. The parent had already
talked to Mrs. Daniels and a counselor today (3rd and
4th conference with school). The counselor followed up
with the parent one last time and made sure all was well.
(5th conference with school)
I was called in to a meeting with the principal and AP. I
worked confidentially on drafting an email to the teacher
to address the behavior in the classroom and to be aware
how the student and parent had interpreted the data. It
was also made clear that it is not our policy to switch the
student, but since this student was already making a
schedule change, we went ahead with that. I feel my
principal well-approached Standard 2; even when it is
difficult to reprimand a teacher, it is necessary.

These two days of experiences with the student/ teacher/

parent/ A.P./ counselor/ principal/ Chief of Schools'
involvement is nothing short of the moment (24 hours)
that completely rounded out my Standard 2 and Standard
5 missing pieces. The interconnection of all the events
that can stem from a single moment in a classroom was
astonishing, but not unfathomable.

In contrast to this event, we also had a student with a

warrant in Dallas. Dallas PD came in quietly and waited
in the office and addressed the AP and myself. With the
other AP, we went to get the student, escort her to the
office. Then, I started lunch duty, and then when all
students were down at lunch, we moved the student in
custody out a side door with DPD. It was the most calm
and professional situation of the day and we coordinated
it very well and was over within 8 to 10 minutes.

12/5/17 and After-School

12/6/17 Detentions for I volunteered to cover after school detentions during our
Block Lunch testing window because we have changed our lunch
cancellation times for testing. Being flexible and available is a big
part of this job, and being able to work out how things
will get completed when everything suddenly gets
changed is an important skill. I am glad to have the
flexibility and organizational skills to change as needed
when this arises, as we know it always does in schools.

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