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Changing the Culture !

L4 Assignment: Changing the Culture

Group 20- Currier

Arizona State University

PPE 310: Healthy Learning Communities

Instructor Houston

November 7, 2017

Changing the Culture !2

Purpose of Changing the Environment

According to Wellnessfits (2017), the sedentary nature of many work environments can be a

barrier to getting the physical activity you and your employees need to reduce stress, increase

energy, and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. Individuals at Dunder Mifflin have

been noticeably more stressed. The increase of stress has become an issue for their health and

seems to be affecting them in social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.

Small changes are to be made to our company for the well-being of our employees.

Benefitting Social Health

There is a plethora of scientific evidence that shows that involvement in social relationships

benefits health (Umberson & Montez, 2011). These benefits, when compared to individuals with

low quantity or quality social relationships, include lower mortality rates, lower risks of

developing cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, and many other health benefits. At

Dunder Mifflin, it is our goal to encourage and support high quality social relationships so that

our employees overall well-being can improve. One way we could support these relationships is

by providing opportunities for collaboration inside the workplace, and even through connecting

beyond the workplace. These opportunities could look like projects, at-work functions, special

events, or other gatherings. Another way would be through the teamwork opportunities presented

through the physical challenges (see Physical Health header). Supporting strong and positive

social relationships in the workplace is a vital step in improving our employees overall health.
Changing the Culture !3

Benefitting Emotional Health

Individuals at Dunder Mifflin have had concerns that they may not voice. To counteract this, we

will have a variety of options for collaboration to take place. A suggestion box, that will be

checked weekly, will be placed in the break room where individuals can anonymously voice their

opinions and concerns. If an individual would like to publically voice an opinion or concern,

then they can do so at a weekly meeting that will be held purely for this reason. This meeting

will last 1-2 hours on Friday during lunch. Anyone who would like to participate is more than

welcome to and the suggestion box will be read. Being able to air any concerns as well feeling

that their voice matters will help to improve our employees emotional health.

Benefitting Physical Health

Physically, our office is split between those who actively attempt to increase their activity

throughout the day and those who are less interested in doing so. As an office, we have decided

to implement a couple of different solutions. First off, our desks will be replaced with ergonomic

ones that allow for individuals to sit or stand at them. Next, we will implement fitness challenges

with monetary rewards. These competitions will range from distance running to weight loss to

step counting throughout the day. Furthermore, Dunder Mifflin has the option for customized and

individualized physical activities for people with disabilities. It is an integral part of this

organization to ensure all personnel needs are met including those of individuals with

disabilities. Understanding how the company environment impacts the employee is vital to

guaranteeing that individuals with disabilities have positive and successful experiences during
Changing the Culture !4

physical activities. To ensure quality services, individuals with disabilities are encouraged to fill

out a form identifying what he/she will need modified to meet her/his need. We will strive to

create programs aimed to improve flexibility, strength, and endurance, all of which are

necessary to perform activities of daily living (ADL), such as getting out of bed, transferring

(i.e., the act of getting into and out of a wheelchair), dressing and grooming, and showering and

bathing (Department of Health, 2009). Furthermore, according to the Department of Health

(2009), when a person has a disability, being physically fit can help him or her perform ADLs

more easily. Through encouragement, challenges, and support, our employees can have

improved physical health.

Benefitting Intellectual Health

The Quiet Room and relaxation breaks are where Dunder Muffin will be supporting intellectual

health in the workplace. When employees take reasonable amounts of time to relax, it allows

them to manage their day to day life. Relaxation has mental benefits such as alleviating anxiety

and boosting confidence to handle work-related problems (Early, 2011). Additionally, relaxation

techniques will be specifically taught to reduce stress and symptoms of mental health conditions

like depression and anxiety. For example, our minds work like a computer RAM, the part where

a system thinks, analyzes and interprets. Thus, when there are too many programs (thoughts)

going on, it is essential to take a moment to slow down. This analogy is an example of how our

minds operate, where it can get overwhelmed, and relaxation helps shut down unwanted

thoughts. A professional meditation instructor will teach various techniques to clear employees

minds of wild and noisy thoughts to increase productivity and assist workers in making decisions

by increasing mental clarity. The mindfulness techniques taught will include:

Changing the Culture !5

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Visualisation (This is where you create an mental image to gain calmness)

Deep Breathing


Other Mindfulness Techniques

Benefitting Spiritual Health

The Quiet Room is a newly implemented space we have created for our employees. They are

able to spend 15-20 minutes in the quieted room for personal and spiritual health. The room

offers calming music, large windows that open, a few massage chairs, small zen gardens, and a

space for meditation. The few minutes out of ones day that can be spent alone here will have

major benefits. This room is considered an open space for those of all religions and beliefs so it

is encouraged that people use this room to practice their own personal meditation in whichever

form they use. A company guided meditation program was considered however in order to

incorporate the diverse population of our employees we felt that creating a quiet space for

meditation allows more freedoms for those to represent their own practice (Thompson). This

short time that is spent in this room allows Dunder Mifflin employees to get a much needed

mental break.

Concluding Thoughts

Overall, we hope that these changes within Dunder Mifflin will positively contribute to all of our

employees overall well-being, whether that is in social, emotional, physical, intellectual, or

Changing the Culture !6

spiritual aspects. We are committed to created a workplace environment designed with our

employees needs in minds. This plan will help to do just that.

Changing the Culture !7


Early, P. (2011). Relaxation and Mental Health. Mental Health and Well-Being Organization.

Retrieved November 07, 2017, from

W. (n.d.). Tips for Creating a Workplace that Supports Healthy, Active Employees. Retrieved

November 06, 2017, from


Thompson, S. (n.d.). The Advantages of a Meditative Space in the Workplace. Retrieved

November 07, 2017, from


Umberson, D. and Montez, J.K. (2011). Social relationships and health: A flashpoint of healthy

policy. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51, 54-66. Retrieved from https://

Department of Health. (n.d.). Retrieved November, 2017, from


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