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12 Angry Men Assignment (Behavioural Finance)

Shashi Kant Soni 2012237

The movie revolves around deciding whether the allegation on the boy in question for the murder of
his father was guilty or not. 12 Angry Men is based on engrossing, in depth examination of a diverse
group of twelve jurors mostly belonging to the middle class society who are seated together to analyze
after hearing the 'facts' in a murder trial case in which a clear verdict is assumed right from the
beginning. They assemble in a jury room for their discussion and try to come up with a just decision
for the defendant whose life is in the balance. The film is an example of social build up, conflicts
arising at different stratas of society, diverse group opinion, and cooperation.

12 Angry Men explores many techniques of consensus-building, and the difficulties encountered in
the process, among a group of men whose range of personalities adds intensity and conflict. Apart
from two of the jurors swapping names while leaving the courthouse, no names are used in the film:
the defendant is referred to as "the boy" and the witnesses as the "old man" and "the lady across the

People's bias and predetermined thoughts can affect their opinion on different situations and different
people which is clearly evident throughout the movie. Jurors personal prejudices and past views came
out and the viewers could observe how this has influenced and shaped what they think. The three
most influential jurors are 3, 10 and 11. Juror 8 brings in a new dimension to the case.

Cast Of Character & Biases:

The jury foreman, an assistant high school football coach, somewhat

preoccupied with his duties, he does not make any strong points in
favour of why he thinks the boy is guilty or not, he is patiently
listening to all the discussion proves to be accommodating to others
and never gives any reason for changing his vote.


Status Quo
Bias from consistency tendency

Juror 1: Mr. Foreman

A meek and unpretentious bank worker who is at first dominated by
others, but finds his voice later in the story. He is gullible and easily
swayed by other peoples reasons and usually adopts the thought
process and opinion of the person he speaks or listens to.


Believe first doubt later

Social proof

Juror 2

The antagonist, a businessman, opinionated, disrespectful, and

stubborn with a temper and is sad from inside because he has been
estranged from his son from many years.


Self deception and denial

Self serving bias
Reward and punishment

Juror 3

A rational, unflappable, self-assured and analytical stock broker who

is concerned only with the facts, and avoids any small talk. He is also
convinced till the mere end that the boy is guilty, he is reasonable and
is concerned about the facts and evidences in hand. He feels to be
better than other jurors.


Association bias
Self serving and optimism bias

Juror 4
A man who grew up in a violent slum, a Baltimore Orioles fan. A
paramedic. He finds the obligations in this case are very serious and
wants to revisit the case facts and evidence to confirm that the boy is
guilty or not. He is conservative in his thinking and approach.


Anchoring and social acceptance bias

Status quo

Juror 5

A house painter, tough but principled and respectful. He is not good at

putting forward his thoughts and creating a positive synergy and only
listens to the opinions of the others that he finds relevant and
appealing to him, and he makes up his mind accordingly.


Believe first doubt later bias

Juror 6

A salesman, sports fan, superficial and indifferent to the deliberations.

It doesnt matters to him whether the boy is guilty or not. He is short
temper and changes opinion with the crowd, he is bullying others and
a coward. He is more concerned about his movie rather than the life
of other person.


Status quo
Do nothing syndrome
Self interest and incentive bias
Juror 7
An architect, the first dissenter and protagonist. Identified as "Davis"
in the closing scene. He is very rational and reasonable person, he
carefully analyzes the case facts and wants to question and reason
with each fact, eagerly listens to all sides in the discussion and
carefully takes his decision.


Sense making and consistency

Juror 8

A wise and observant elderly man. Identified as "McCardle" in the

closing scene. He is very enthusiastic, assertive and wants to hear and
discuss the case facts to bring out the truth and justice. He is actively
participating in the discussion and is able to assertively put forward
his point of view.


Believe first doubt later


Juror 9

A garage owner; a pushy and loudmouthed bigot. He is sought of a

man who agonizes almost the first time you meet him. He has no
respect or value for human life except for his own.


Self serving tendency

Self-deception and denial
Mere association

Juror 10
A European watchmaker and naturalized American citizen. Very
polite and makes wordy contributions. He is honest and seeks justice
for the boy.


Reason respecting

Juror 11

A wisecracking, indecisive advertising executive. He is not confident

about his decision of the case and wants to go with the group.


Social proof bias

Self serving tendency

Juror 12

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