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Day 1: Picking a Topic/ Storytelling

Unit Working Title: Respect: How do we do it?

Unit Big Idea (Concept/Theme): Respect

Unit Primary Skill focus: Personal writing

Week ____1__ of 3; Plan #___1_____ of 9; [90 mins.]

Plan type: ____Full-Detail __X__Summary

Content Requirement Satisfied:

(Note: Refer to the list in the document called Concept Unit Lesson Plans)

Unit Learning Objectives (numbered) [from my Backwards Design Unit Document],

followed by Specific lesson objectives (lettered) being taught in this lesson:

Cognitive (know/understand):
3. Writers demonstrate value for themselves when they write about their personal


a. Students will be able to use the Topic Blast technique to find a topic.

4. __Students will know the difference between disrespect and disagreement.

c. Respecting someones work means at least appreciating their work if not enjoying it.

Affective (feel/value) and/or Non-Cognitive:

5. _Students will value being a part of a respectful classroom community.

a. _Students will feel comfortable sharing their ideas with their classmates.

b. _Students will value their own work and that of others.

c. Respecting others helps to create a positive learning community.

Performance (do):
6. _Students will be able to demonstrate respect.

a. Students will be able to respectfully critique the work and ideas of others.

b. Students will be able to respectfully critique the work and ideas of themselves.

8.__ Students will be able to communicate their ideas about respect and what it means.

a. Students will be able to communicate through writing.

b. Students will be able to express their ideas orally.

SOLs: [List with numbers portrayed in the SOL document]

_8.2 The student will develop and deliver oral presentations in groups and individually

h) Use a variety of strategies to listen actively.

8.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction,

and poetry.

d) Understand the authors use of conventional elements and characteristics

within a variety of genres.

Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of assessment used in
this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a future lesson. After each assessment,
indicate in brackets the number(s) and letter(s) of the unit objective and the related lesson
objectives that the assessment is evaluating.

Diagnostic Formative Summative

Students will turn their At the last class, students will
recordings in through Google submit a detailed reflection on
classrooms, and I will be able what respect means and how
to listen to their ideas. I will students learned respect
offer feedback in the form of throughout the unit. (4c, 6ab)
my own recording. (5ab, 8b)
Students will demonstrate their
Students will reflect on an ability to communicate orally
index card how it felt to share at the presentation on the final
their story with their partners. day of the unit in which they
This formative assessment present their personal piece.
will be used to keep track of (3a, 8ab)
how respect is being shown in
the classroom. (4c, 6ab).

Procedures/Instructional Strategies
[Note: Any words that represent what I would say directly to students appear in italics.]

Beginning Room Arrangement:

[Changes in this arrangement that become necessary later will be noted in the plan]
Desks arranged in everyday classroom set-up in pods of four. Students will work with elbow
1. [10 mins.] Bridge/Hook/Opening to lesson: Ray Bradbury Interview
After students are settled down for class, the teacher will introduce a clip from an interview with
Ray Bradbury where Bradbury tells the story about the time he realized he wanted to be a writer.
This clip will be used to demonstrate to students what their task for this class period will be.
After showing the clip, there will be a whole-class discussion about how this story demonstrates
2. [10 mins.] Introduce Summative Assessment
Teacher introduces the writing assignment portion of the summative assessment to students.
Teacher explains that they will be writing a personal piece that explains a time that they learned
to respect themselves. Whole class discussion of what personal writing is. This discussion will
be guided to connect back to the clip from the Ray Bradbury interview.
3. [15 mins.] Topic Blast and Storytelling Model
Teacher models what a topic blast looks like. Teacher starts with the idea of learning to respect
oneself. Then, the teacher works to think about different topics that reflect that one situation. As
teacher works, she explains her process out loud to the students. Teacher works under a
document camera as she talks. To help her choose one topic, the teacher underlines her favorites.
Then, when choosing just one, the teacher highlights it. She thinks aloud about how she
narrowed the topic. After the teacher chooses the topic, she tells the students the story of the time
she learned to respect herself.
4. [15 mins] Students Topic Blast/ Choose Topic
Teacher guides students through their own topic blast. First, the teacher re-explains the steps.
Then, the teacher tells them what to write in the center, and prompts them to put all of the ideas
that they can think of on their paper for 2-minutes. Then, teacher prompts students to narrow
down their topics by underlining ones that they like. After students work to narrow their topic,
the teacher asks them to highlight one that they want to use. The teacher goes around the room
and checks in with students. If topics are too vague, then the teacher prompts the student to make
it narrower.
5. [5 mins] Outline story
After students pick their topic, the teacher will guide them to practice telling their story, casually
like Ray Bradbury. Students will work on planning how they will tell their story to prepare them
to talk with a partner. Teacher will encourage students only to write notes and not to script their
story. Students should strive to tell their story as if telling it to a friend.
6. [15 mins] Explain to partner
Teacher partners students. After students are partnered, the teacher gives instructions (also listed
on a PPT slide). The students are to explain how they chose their topic to their partner. After
each explains how they chose their topic and why, the students will tell the story of the event
they chose. The teacher will explicitly explain this part of the lesson. The steps of the story will
be left on the slide. The teacher will refer back to her modelled story. Teacher will give students
10 minutes to practice telling their story to their partner.
7. [15 mins] Give Students Homework Assignment to Record Story
Teacher assigns students the task of recording themselves telling their story for homework.
Students will turn this video in two class period from this class (about a week). Students can
come into the classroom during study hall and lunch to record their story with the help of the
teacher. The students could also go to the library and the librarian agreed to help with the
recordings. Teacher demonstrates how to use the voice recorders that the school supplies for
students, and the teacher demonstrates how to record on the student laptops. Teacher also
explains that iPhone recordings are accepted.
8. [5 mins]: Closure: Exit Ticket reflection
Teacher hands out a flash card to each student. Students answer the question thats written on the
board: How did it feel to share your story with a partner?

Differentiated Instruction to accommodate one or more of my profiled students:

(This is where you identify specific aspects of this lesson which have been differentiated in order
to address the needs of one or more of your profiled studentsidentify them by name)
For this lesson, I will make check-in with LaQuan and his partner before they begin sharing
their ideas. I will review with them the importance of sharing information, and I will encourage
them to do their best on this assignment. I will remind them each that its ok to be in a classroom
community and share about your life. This will help LaQuan feel pushed to do his best and be
comfortable sharing his knowledge. I will also encourage LaQuan before class to try to sit and
work with someone who he thinks he will feel comfortable working with.
For Roberto, I will check-in with him at the beginning of the class to let him know what the
goals for the class are. I will also let him know that its ok to work in his home language for the
recording if he needs to, but in class, he can feel comfortable experimenting with how he might
tell the story in English.

Materials Needed (list):

Google Slides
Google Classroom Submission Folder
Voice Recorders
Student laptops

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