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Group 5

Meeting Minutes

I. Call to order

Cory Levin called to order the regular meeting of the Group 5 at 09:00 on 11/29/2017 at

II. Roll call

Secretary Name conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Alejandro
Gonzalez, Kam Marshbanks, Dwayne Mitchell, Tyler Opilka, Nick Taylor, Dalton
Patton, Michael Braverman, Alexis Conlin.

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Secretary Name read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as

IV. Open Solutions

a) To add additional signage throughout the facilities.

b) Observe other schools going through similar situations and use their
responses as a potential guideline.

c) Provide an update to the incident reporting process for the ARC employees.

d) Provide disaster and emergency response training to staff as part of their

initial training protocol.

e) Require a risk management course be taken before students are able to use
the facilities.

V. New business

a) The decision was made to increase amount of training, increase upkeep of

facilities, and update reporting process to reduce the risk.

VI. Adjournment

Cory Levin adjourned the meeting at time.

Minutes submitted by: Tyler Opilka

Minutes approved by: Name


This exercise taught me that coming together to collaborate can help create many
creative and practical applications to find solution to whatever the meeting is being called
for. There are multiple effective designs for the meeting agendas. A meeting with very
little structure that only requires bringing an idea or concept can be just as if not more
productive than a highly structured meeting. Another factor I came to realize is a large
influence on the effectiveness of the meeting is tapering the agenda to fit the personalities
of both the manager and the employees. The reason this is so important is because, as a
manager, it is important to be able find way to get the best work out of your employees
and a great way to do that is to give them an environment in which they can creatively

Our meeting was effective because our manager, Cory, recognized that his own
leadership style would be most effective in an agenda that emphasized creativity rather
than rigidity and structure. In addition to our manager being in a situation in which he
could flourish, I believe that our group responded extremely well to being able to bring
ideas to the table and having everybody feed of each others ideas. This structure also
brought to light a lot of potential solutions that may not have been mentioned had a rigid
concept structure been given prior to the meeting. Throughout the meeting the group was
able to feed of each others concept and add more and more detail to find a plausible
solution to ways to minimize risk at campus recreational facilities.

In contrast, there were some aspects of our meeting that I thought went poorly due
to the agenda being designed the way it was. Although our manager did a great job
facilitating conversation and trying to encourage participation from everyone there was a
few members of the group that really carried the conversation and the rest remained
extremely complacent throughout the meeting. Throughout the meeting there were also a
lot of gaps in the conversation in which Cory was forced to make comments and ask
additional questions to keep the group engaged. There were also members of the group
that seemed unprepared and merely piggy backed off the ideas and suggestions of others.
While this did facilitate more in-depth conversation about the topics it showed a lack of
professionalism through the lack of preparation for a meeting that is supposed to mimic
that of one we will see later in our careers.

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