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Revista Internacional de Ingeniera de Potencia y Energa

2014; 3 (2): 52-56

Publicado en Internet el 20 de marzo de, 2014 ( doi: 10.11648 /

estimacin de la velocidad del motor de induccin trifsico utilizando la red

neuronal artificial

Moinak Pyne 1, Abhishek Chatterjee 1, Sibamay Dasgupta 2

1 Departamento de Ingeniera Elctrica, AECM, Bengala Occidental Universidad de Tecnologa, Calcuta, India
2 BIEMS, Bengala Occidental Universidad de Tecnologa, Calcuta, India

Direccin de correo electrnico: (M. Pyne), (A. Chatterjee), (S. Dasgupta)

Para citar este artculo:

Moinak Pyne, Abhishek Chatterjee, Sibamay Dasgupta. Estimacin de la velocidad de induccin trifsicos del motor a travs de redes neuronales artificiales. Revista
Internacional de Energa e Ingeniera de energa. Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, pp. 52-56. doi: 10.11648/j.ijepe.20140302.13

Abstract: Three phase induction motors being the most widely used motor for domestic, commercial and industrial applications, demands a more detailed
understanding and improved analysis of its performance characteristics. The conventional method of using the equivalent circuit for assessing the motor
performance cannot incorporate the non-linearities involved in the speed torque characteristics into the performance of the motor to the fullest extent. This
paper presents an ANN based modeling of three phase induction motor to overcome this problem. The model has been tested and validated with actual
experimental data. The performance of the model has been compared with that of a classical equivalent circuit technique both graphically and statistically
and found to be superior. The model can thus offer a better method of speed estimation and control of the induction motor for input voltage variation with and
without input frequency change.

Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Three Phase Induction Motor

Recently, several methods for estimating speed from TRIM have been
1. Introduction investigated [3-8]. In [3] a neural network based speed filter is proposed for
speed estimation. It uses as input actual machine currents and voltages
Three phase induction motors find widespread application in domestic,
along with motor nameplate information.
commercial and industrial situations. Most of the applications demand
control of speed. Thus modelling of induction motor is necessary to analyze
To have a better control of magnetic flux, current control is utilized in
and predict performance of the induction motor with respect to speed and
these methods [2]. Although, these scalar control methods suffer from poor
torque. The classical equivalent circuit serves this purpose to a great extent.
dynamic behavior of the drive, V/f control out of these is widely used as it is
This method requires precise knowledge of motor parameters [1]. However
simple and cheaper.

To overcome the problem of Scalar control methods in terms of dynamic
non-linearity involved in the input-output relationship of the motor is not
behavior, Vector control methods are introduced. Vector control methods
completely tackled by this circuit model.
such as field oriented control, direct torque control and direct self-control
The speed of the induction motor can be changed by varying the
work with vectors [2].
magnitude of the supplied voltage and also the frequency of the supplied
voltage. Varying the magnitude of supplied voltage gives speed control only
Field oriented control works with rotating vectors or phasors in coordinate
in a small range [2]. This is due to the highly non-linear relationship between
system. It establishes two independent and single controlled currents; flux
input voltage and the speed.
producing currents and torque producing currents. Flux and torque can be
independently controlled [2]. This is a complex and costly technique
Changing the input frequency gives better change of speed. If frequency
although it gives better control of drives with dynamic behavior.
is reduced with the input voltage remaining nominal, the flux in the motor
rises and may go to saturation under very low frequency, so input voltage is
also varied keeping the ratio V/f constant in order to keep the flux within limit.
Scalar control of controlling V or V/f is a low cost but stable technique [2]
These methods are scalar control.
and is used widely. Since the
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 2014, 3(2): 52-56 53

conventional scalar control depends on the equivalent circuit for relation 2.1. Experimental Observation
between voltage with slip and frequency and also with slip and torque, it is
The experimental setup was done according to Fig. 1, where a three
proposed that an Artificial Neural Network model will perform better for these
phase squirrel cage induction motor TPIM was connected to the three phase
relationships in place of equivalent circuit and give more satisfactory results.
supply though a variac which controls the supply voltage V S. The voltmeter
V, the ammeters A and the wattmeters W 1 and W 2 were connected as
shown in the Fig. 1. In this set up, three phase two wattmeter method has
Recently, several methods using neural networks for scalar control in
been used. The motor was set up with 25% loading of its rated capacity and
problems involving induction motors have provided efficient results,
this has been maintained constant throughout the experimental process, and
particularly in the field of estimation [3-6]. In [3] a neural network based
thus the results obtained from the classical method and also the ANN based
speed filter is proposed for speed estimation. It uses as input actual machine
modeling, represent the performance of the motor with 25% loading.
currents and voltages along with motor nameplate information.

In [4], the Extended Kalman Filter is used to estimate the speed by first
estimating the rotor and stator resistance using the same filter.

A TPIM speed estimator based on Multilayer Perception Network (MLP)

is presented in [5]. The neural speeds are acquired with the machine
operating at 500 to 1000 revolutions per minute speed.

In [6], a neural network model is proposed which estimates the speed of

Figure 1. Connection Diagram for Conducting r.p.m. Variation Test at 25% Loading.
an induction motor fed from a voltage source inverter.

In this paper, a neural network based model is developed which simplifies Para el propsito de registrar el nmero de revoluciones del motor a
the prediction of revolution speed of motors by eliminating the need of diferentes tensiones, la tensin de alimentacin se aument en pequeos
estimating the motor parameters. It takes the sinusoidal input supply voltage pasos con la ayuda de la variac y las rpm del motor en cada uno de estos
only and estimates the revolution speed for a 25% loading. The training and pasos se registr con la ayuda de un tacmetro. La tensin se increment
validation data are actual voltage and rpms that were obtained from the hasta la tensin nominal del motor. Durante cada paso la vatmetro y tambin
experimental setup described in section 2.1. The results obtained from the se registraron las lecturas ampermetro. Las lecturas vatmetro se resumieron
ann model were compared graphically as well as statistically with the results y se utilizan como entrada para el mtodo clsico de
obtained from equivalent circuit calculations.
clculo rpm, que se describe ms adelante. Desde el conjunto completo de
lecturas, veinte conjuntos de lectura se mantuvieron a un lado para propsitos de
comparacin y de las lecturas restantes, los pares de tensin-rpm fueron

2. Methodology utilizados para fines de formacin del modelo basado en ANN, que tambin se
describe ms adelante.
This study was carried out in four steps; the first step was to obtain the
actual revolution speeds of a three phase induction motor against variation
of input voltage. The data obtained were used for training and validation of 2.2. Mtodo clsica
the ANN model that was developed in the third step. The results were also
Una adecuada circuito representacin y precisa
used for the final graphical and statististical comparison of the two methods
modelizacin matemtica es esencial para evaluar la
of obtaining revolution speeds, i.e., classical method (using equivalent
steady-state performance of a TPIM for different operating conditions. To
circuit) and ANN based modeling method.
estimate and analyze the performance of a TPIM, researchers have made
use of the conventional equivalent circuit of an induction motor [7]. Generally
the impedance model is used. It is found that the most of the researchers
In the second step, the classical approach to estimation of motor rpm was
used the modeling which results in a single polynomial equation of higher
applied for the same motor parameters as were present in the actual motor
order in supply voltage, resistance, reactance and slip. In our calculations
used in the experimental setup in step one. An equivalent circuit based
we have made use of the relation between torque and power to obtain the
calculation was carried out to obtain the rpms of the motor.
required revolutions per minute. Therefore suitable techniques were applied
to compute the unknown variables. To find out the required values of
In the third step an artificial neural network based model was developed
unknown variables, No Load Test and Blocked Rotor Test are required to be
which was trained and validated using the data obtained from step one.
performed on the motor. For the purpose of performing these tests and
hence analyzing the steady state operation of the TPIM, the conventional
Finally, a graphical as well as statistical comparison was carried out
equivalent circuit
between the two methods of estimating revolution speeds and that obtained
from the actual motor data obtained in step one.
54 : Speed
Moinak Pyne et al .: Estimacin Estimation
de la velocidad of Threetrifsicos
de induccin Phase del
Induction Motor
motor a travs Artificial
Using Artificial Neural Network Neural Network

del motor de induccin puede ser seguido. Elbediagrama

deThe circuit
circuito se muestra en parmetros
optimum training
de formacin
are performed
se llevan abycabo
trial por
error. Furthermore,
y error.
la is shownde
Fig. 2. Despus in descubrir
Fig. 2. After
los finding
valores out the required
requeridos de losvalues of theel
parmetros, Adems, Levenberg training function is used which causes fewer epochs
parameters, the
deslizamiento slip wascomo
se calcul calculated as per the
por la ecuacin 1. as compared
se utiliza la cualtocausa
otheralgunas pocas, en comparacin con otras funciones de
formacin. Adems, la funcin de losthe performance
resultados function
utilizada usedmedio
es cuadrado is del
mean squared
error. Por error.
lo tanto, Therefore
cuando when
una entrada se an input
aplica en is
la applied
red, que in the network,
comenzar el it will
begin trainingbasado
entrenamiento based en
given dataainfinorder
dados to produce
de producir the approximate
los resultados
results. This Este
aproximados. type tipo
of training has been
de formacin se ha found to beser
encontrado very effective
muy eficaz fofor capturing
caractersticas de velocidad de rotacin no lineales reales de la mquina de
induccin. linear rotation speed characteristics of induction

Per Phase Equivalent

Figura 2. Representacin Circuit por
circuito equivalente Representation for Self-Excited
fase para la Auto generador de



In 1, input
la Ecuacin power Pde
1, la potencia has been provided
entrada from the practical
P se ha proporcionado a partir de
readings that
las lecturas have been
prcticos taken
que se hanintomado
from the
en motor
del propio motor. La tensin de
entrada V S ha sido proporcionada que corresponde been
a la queprovided
la lectura de la
potencia to which
de entrada se hathe input power
tomado. R 1, R 2,reading
X 1 y X 2has been
se ha proporcionado a partir de
Figura 3. Modelo Model of Artificial Neural Network.
los clculos que se hicieron a partir de has been provided
los resultados de la from the y probar
No cargar
Rotor which were done from the results of the No

By usingelthe
Mediante uso above values
de los valores porthe slip del
encima s was found out,
deslizamiento and
s era fou hence the la
por lo tanto, rotor
velocidadn del
speed was calculated
rotor n se calculaccording
de acuerdoto
con la ecuacin 2.

2.3. Modelado Basado ANN

Figura 4. Estructura deRed
de la la red neuronal
Neuronal artificial.

In this paper, the multilayer back propagation feed forward neural

de la
Despus de la formacin
formacin de
V S lecturas que noque
de entrada se no se
network has been used to develop a model that provides good estimation of
present en el conjunto
proporcionan de entrenamiento
en el conjunto y por lo tanto
de entrenamiento y una salida conjunto de n r fue
rev characteristics
revolution speed [8]. The mathematical structure of used in this paper has
obtenido. fue obtenido.
been shown in Fig.3. structure of the ANN
used in this paper has been shown in Fig.3.
In Fig.
En 4, the
la Fig. ANN
4, se model
muestra el used is shown.
modelo V S is used
ANN utilizado. as input
En esta red and n r is used 3..Datos
as output for training purpose. Theseseinput
comooutput readings
salida para have been
la formacin
El conjunto de veinte V S- norte r lecturas quesesemantuvieron
lecturas que mantuvieron a lado
a un un lado
provided from
propsito. thelecturas
Estas practical
entrada ythat were
salida setaken from the TPIM.a The
han proporcionado partir de
propsitos de
de comparacin
comparacin se
coneleln calculado r a partir
network is set
las lecturas de with tansig
prcticas quetransfer function
se tomaron de at the middle
la TPIM. layer
La red also
est tansig
del mtodo clsico yesde el mtodo
el n previstas clsico
a partir del y el n predicho
modelado basador en ANN.
transfer function
con funcin at output layer.
de transferencia Theen
'tansig' design of the
la capa network
media andfuncin
tambin selection
de of
desde el modelado basado en ANN.
transferencia 'tansig' en la capa de salida. El diseo de la red y la seleccin

Table 1. Comparison of Experimental, Calculated and Predicted n r.

Table 1.

Calculated nn r ( Classical
Calculated Predicted n r (ANN Based Observed
Observado n
norte r (Experimental
Sl. No. Supply Voltage V S ( V)
od) (r.p.m.) Modeling) (r.p.m.) bservation) (r.p.m.)
1 19 0 0 0
2 31 0 0 0
3 42 0 0 0
4 54 0 0 0
5 66 0 0 0
6 77 0 0 0
7 92 0 0 0
8 117 0 0 0
9 141 1394.9 1172.5 1253.14
10 152 1393.45 1315.3 1328.57
11 163 1402.15 1349.6 1352.29
12 177 1415. 3 1372.3 370.29
1 370,29
Revista Internacional de Ingeniera Energtica y Energa 2014, 3 (2): 52-56 55

Calculado n r ( Mtodo clsico) predicho n r (ANN Based Observado norte r (Experimental

Sl. No. Tensin de alimentacin V S ( V)
(rpm) Modeling) (rpm) Observacin) (rpm)
13 193 1418.1 1384.6 1378
14 210 1423.9 1390.9 1392.71
15 229 1428.25 1396.7 1397.71
diecisis 251 1431.15 1408.2 1404
17 329 1441.155 1422.2 1423.43
18 354 1440.865 1430.5 1430.86
19 385 1440.14 1435 1434
20 407 1439.85 1435 1439

4. Anlisis
La velocidad se ha medido experimentalmente para diferentes voltajes de
entrada. La velocidad se ha calculado a partir de circuito equivalente
convencional del motor de induccin se utiliza para las mismas tensiones de
entrada. La velocidad se ha estimado a partir del modelo ANN del mismo motor
de induccin para los mismos voltajes de entrada. La Fig. 5 muestra la
comparacin grfica de la n experimental r, calculado n r y predijo n r para la TPIM
colocado bajo 25% de carga.

Se puede observar visiblemente que el rojo de la curva que representa la

n predicho r por el modelado basado en ANN es mucho ms cerca de la
azul-curva que representa la n observada experimentalmente r de la TPIM
Figura 5. Comparacin de los Experimental n r, Calculado n r y predijo n r.
que el verde de la curva que representa la n calculado r del mtodo clsico.

Esta cercana visible se ve reforzada por la observacin estadstica tal

como se presenta en la Tabla 2.

Tabla 2. Estadsticamente Observado comparacin.

Metodologa Media Desviacin estndar Diferencia

n observada r ( Observacin Experimental) 830,2 675.313 456047.546

Calculado n r ( Mtodo clsico) 853.465 696.977 485777.241

predicho n r ( ANN Based Model) 825,64 676,34 457436.039

De la Tabla 2 se puede observar que en primer lugar, en trminos de media, el modelo puede abordar mejor la cuestin de la no linealidades que participan en el
motor de induccin, que el circuito equivalente. Por lo tanto se puede concluir que
valor de n predicho r es mucho ms cercano al de observada n r que el n calculado r. Esto
se muestra de manera similar en trminos de desviacin estndar, as como la en caso de control escalar de la velocidad como tcnica de V / f, el modelo ANN
varianza donde los valores de n predicho r son mucho ms cercano al de n se puede utilizar en lugar de las funciones de transferencia basadas en circuito
experimental r que la de la N Calculado r. equivalente para dar un mejor resultado. Todo el modelo ANN se puede
implementar en chip DSP circuitos basados en hardware [10] econmicamente.

5. Conclusin

En este trabajo se ha hecho un intento de desarrollar un modelo de ANN de

motor de induccin trifsico para la estimacin de la velocidad de tensin de referencias
entrada. Estimacin de la velocidad con la tensin de entrada se hizo tambin
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entonces con los datos experimentales. La comparacin revel que la velocidad
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Nota de aplicacin BPRA043 Texas Instruments.

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