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2, FEBRUARY 2023 2339

Online Adaptive Current Vector Adjustment for

Deep Flux-Weakening Control of IPMSM
Soroush Ahooye Atashin , Hossein Abootorabi Zarchi , and Gholamreza Arab Markadeh

Abstract—This article presents a novel online adaptive and ac- increasing the negative d-axis current is necessary [2]. Entering
curate deep flux-weakening (FW) control for interior permanent and leaving smoothly from MTPA to FW for motoring mode
magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) drives. Based on the fun- and vice versa for generating mode is remarkably important to
damental equations of IPMSM, the proposed online current vector
adjustment in conjunction with the adaptive torque angle control manage energy for battery-powered applications such as electric
loop contributes to improving model-based existing literature in vehicles [3], [4]. In addition, variant behavior at a very high
two aspects. First, current vector control is constructed on the speed becomes critical for stable operation over a wide speed
proposed flexible current vector recognition algorithm, which can range. In the presence of these facts, proper control should be
be applied for motoring and generating modes. The optimum adopted to determine how to apply d–q axis currents under
reference current vector for the FW region is analytically obtained
using electrical speed as a feedback signal instead of using volt- limited voltage and currents under each working condition.
age feedback. Second, the proposed adaptive gain for the torque Various methods have been suggested over the years to control
angle control loop is obtained using the small-signal approach to IPMSM in the FW region. Accordingly, they can be categorized
overcome the nonlinear effects in deep FW and improve dynamic into two models: 1) offline- and 2) online-based control schemes.
performance. The effect of adaptive gain is compared using a
bode diagram and an experimental test. Also, the stability of the
proposed control scheme under parameter variations is maintained A. Offline Control Schemes
and shown by numerical and experimental analyses. The running of
the IPMSM with the proposed control provides a smooth transition The principle of offline control schemes is based on pre-
between regions, including maximum torque per ampere, FW, and experimental results. The reference signals are generated ac-
deep FW applicable for EVs application. The experimental results cording to the lookup table or curve-fitting approach [5]. The
confirm the performance of the proposed control strategy. main advantage of these schemes is that the motor parameters
Index Terms—Adaptive torque angle control, deep flux- and load conditions are not required. In [6], the current refer-
weakening (FW), flexible current vector recognition (FCVR), ences can be obtained by using the proposed adaptive stator flux
interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM). adjustment and torque-flux lookup table (LUT). The proposed
adaptive stator flux adjustment automatically causes the flux
to be modified for each region. Nevertheless, the drawback
is that many experiments with different conditions must have
NTERIOR permanent magnet synchronous machine
I (IPMSM) drives are widely used due to the noticeable
advantages such as high-power density and simple control
been performed previously. In [7], the current references can
be acquired by employing two characteristic curves: 1) the
maximum torque curve and 2) the switching torque curve. In the
methods [1]. However, the main feature of the IPMSM, which mentioned method, generating current references is independent
has gained attention in industrial applications, can operate in the of motor parameters. To attain both merits of DTC and FOC in a
flux-weakening (FW) region. As a general rule, the maximum wide speed range operation, the unification of these two schemes
torque per ampere (MTPA) strategy is mainly utilized below has been presented in [8] by using LUT.
rated speed called constant torque region. Above rated speed,
the FW strategy based on direct flux reduction or indirectly B. Online Control Schemes
Generally, these schemes are roughly divided into three types:
Manuscript received 22 October 2021; revised 26 March 2022, 27 May 2022,
and 15 August 2022; accepted 8 October 2022. Date of publication 19 October 1) voltage control loop (VCL), 2) direct calculation, and 3)
2022; date of current version 18 November 2022. Recommended for publication voltage angle control (also known as single current regulator)
by Associate Editor T. Shi. (Corresponding author: Hossein Abootorabi Zarchi.) [9], [10]. The VCL is the conventional FW scheme to modify
Soroush Ahooye Atashin and Hossein Abootorabi Zarchi are with the Depart-
ment of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of the d-axis current obtained by the MTPA strategy [11], [12].
Mashhad, Mashhad 1696700, Iran (e-mail:; The main benefit of the VCL is that control is continuously done, and motor parameters are not needed to detect the re-
Gholamreza Arab Markadeh is with the Faculty of Engineering, Shahrekord
University, Shahrekord 88, Iran, and also with the Department of Electrical En- gion of operation. The conventional FW scheme can also be
gineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad driven by changing the current angle to avoid conflict between
1696700, Iran (e-mail: regulators [12], [13], [14]. In [14], the conventional FW and
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at current vector control (CVC) schemes have been compared. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3215578 results demonstrated that the machine could enter and leave the
0885-8993 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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FW region more smoothly based on CVC. In [13] and [15],

the MTPV strategy has been considered in the VCL method to
operate in the deep FW region. However, the additional VCL has
a nonlinear behavior and degrade the stability indexes. Hence,
many papers have been introduced to mitigate these problems by
proposing adaptive gain[7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14],
[15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]. In [11], adaptive gain
for additional voltage control has been proposed to improve dy-
namic performance and stable operation in a wide speed range. In
[21], magnetic saturation effects are also considered to achieve
gain adaption for additional voltage control applicable for strong
saturated machines. In [17], an adaptive parameter for the VCL
was achieved by also considering the generating condition in
the overmodulation region. Some papers introduced an adaptive
current control to apply the correct d–q axis current [16], [22]. Fig. 1. Overlapped area in the presence of current and voltage limitation,
MTPA and MTPF curve, and constant torque curve for motoring and generating
In [16], the optimum gain of proportional and integral of current operation in the id − iq plane.
and FW controllers are optimized by using the proposed particle
swarm algorithm without knowing the transfer function of the
plant. The second type is a direct calculation that requires exact
motor parameters to implement easily [23], [24], [25], [26], [27]. control loop and sensitivity analysis as well. Section V discusses
In [23], the analytical solution for DTFC has been proposed, the experimental results for both motoring and generating modes
which is considered an MTPV strategy. Additionally, proper in a wide speed.
logic is essential to be applied in mentioned control to detect
the region of operation under different circumstances. In [24], II. MACHINE MODELING AND CONTROL SYSTEM STRUCTURE
the Newton–Raphson algorithm has been employed to find the
optimal reference points considering resistive voltage drop in the A. Machine Equations and Description
corresponding equations at high speed. The mentioned method For interior mount PMSM, the equations in the rotor reference
requires an iterative process to generate suitable references. frame for the steady state can be explained as follows:
In this article, a novel online adaptive current vector adjust-

ment is proposed. The key contributions and the unique features ⎨ u d = R s id − ω e λ q , λ q = Lq iq
of the proposed IPMSM drive are as follows. u q = R s iq + ω e λ d , λ d = Ld id + λ m (1)

1) Implementing the adaptive torque angle control for Te = 3p/2 (λm iq + (Ld − Lq ) iq id )
IPMSM to control in the deep FW region. The effective-
ness of adaptive gain is evaluated through the theoretical where udq are the stator voltages in the d–q frame; λdq are the
analysis based on the linearized model of torque angle stator flux linkages in the d–q frame; Rs is the stator resistance;
control within the operating point. The performance of idq are the d–q axis currents; Ldq are d–q axis inductances; p
the torque angle control loop with and without adaptive and λm are the number of pole pairs and magnetic flux linkage,
gain is compared through the frequency response. respectively. Generally, the machine works in three different
2) Introducing an innovative flexible current vector recogni- regions according to torque–speed characteristics. There is no
tion (FCVR) algorithm, which provides proper distribu- limitation for control variables below rated speed so that the
tion for the current vector to generate d–q axis currents torque is at its maximum. However, voltage, flux, torque, and
under various operating conditions. current magnitude face the limitation above rated speed called
3) The optimal current vector in the FW region is obtained FW region. The FW region is divided into two parts: 1) FW
analytically only by having motor speed feedback rather region (I) and 2) deep FW. Therefore, these restrictions should
than using VCL. The proposed strategy preserves all ben- be addressed in the control system for stable operation in the
efits of online FW control, such as fast response and high wide speed range.
4) The performance of the proposed control scheme is
validated experimentally on a 0.3-kW, 4-pole, 3-phase B. Operating Trajectories in d–q Current Plane
IPMSM drive under different conditions or a sudden The overlapped area among the current limit circle, voltage
change in the load torque in all four-quadrant operations. limit ellipse, MTPA, and MTPF strategies represents the opera-
The results prove the smooth transition from the MTPA to tion region, as shown in Fig. 1. The current vector can be located
FW or vice versa. anywhere in the overlap area. Also, one of the IPMSM features is
The organization of this article is as follows: Section II that the current vector is symmetrical for generating mode with
describes the control system structure. Section III explains the respect to motoring mode. However, as clear from Fig. 1, the
primary approach to implement MTPA, FW, and MTPF strate- overlapped area becomes smaller with increasing speed. These
gies. Sections IV and V discuss the analysis of the torque angle trajectories are as follows:

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Fig. 2. Whole block diagram of the proposed control scheme.

1) Current limit circle:

√ 2
i2d + i2q ≤ i2max = 2irated (2)

where k is equal to 3 for space vector modulation, irated
is rated current, and Udc is dc-link voltage.
2) Voltage limit ellipse: Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed FCVR.
  √ 2
u2d + u2q ≤ u2max = Udc /k − Rs 2irated
2 . (3)
(Lq iq )2 + (Ld id + λm )2 ≤ uωmax
2 C. Online Adaptive CVC Scheme

Equation (3) is an ellipse with the center of (0, λm /Ld ), One of the benefits of CVC is that it has a fast transient
which varies by speed changes (ω2 > ω1 ) [28]. response and smooth transition at high torque and high speed
3) MTPA: The torque curves for motoring and generating compared to the other methods [11]. The whole proposed
are depicted in Fig. 1, and they are symmetrical with the block diagram is illustrated in Fig. 2, which includes two main
d-axis current (Oam and Oag ). The MTPA equation can sections: 1) adaptive torque angle control loop consisting of
be expressed as [1], [26] δmax (maximum allowable torque angle) and δ (motor torque
angle) and 2) FCVR. These two sections play a substantial role
−λm λ2m in the proposed control system to properly distribute d–q axis
id = − + i2q . (4) currents in every operation state. Not only the proposed adaptive
2 (Ld − Lq ) 4(Ld − Lq )2
torque angle control loop could control the machine in the deep
4) FW including MTPF strategy: The am bm arc is the rep- FW region, but it also makes the machine operates smoothly and
resentative of FW region(I) trajectory for a specific cur- stable at very high speeds.
rent for motoring mode [29]. For the MTPF strategy,
the equation is also derived by differentiating electrical
torque in terms of flux with respect to λd and doing some III. FLEXIBLE CURRENT VECTOR RECOGNITION
simplification [27], [30] The block diagram of the proposed FCVR in conjunction
2 (Ld − Lq ) λ2d + Lq λ m λ d − λ2s (Ld − Lq ) = 0. (5) with the torque angle control loop is depicted in Fig. 3. As
shown, by using two inputs, electrical speed, and current mag-
By solving (5), d–q axis currents for the MTPF equa- nitude (output of PI speed regulator, which will be changed
tion are derived, and the curve is also depicted in Fig. 1 as automatically by additional adaptive torque angle control loop),
(λm /Ld , bm ). Also, this equation is even function with respect to the corresponding optimum current angle of MTPA and FW
id (λm /Ld , bg ). Moreover, the result equation is only valid for are generated. However, the limitation of current magnitude
the machine whose characteristic current is inside the current is variable and determined as (6) in a wide speed range,
limit circle. In contrast to the FW region, efficiency will be including above critical speed, using adaptive torque angle
improved by adopting the MTPF strategy [28]. control.

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Fig. 5. Torque angle variation with respect to current vector in the wide speed
Fig. 4. Phasor diagram of IPMSM. γ is the current angle and δ is the torque range.

makes stable operation during FW and improves the dynamic

i∗s = +
− imax , ωm < ωcritical performance. The optimum angle of FW is obtained by solv-
i∗s = + (i
− max + Δi) , ωm > ωcritical ing the quadratic equation acquired from reaching maximum
where Δi is the output of the adaptive torque angle control loop, voltage; we have
which has a negative value thanks to the negative saturation. u2d + u2q = u2max . (9)
The main features of the proposed scheme are eliminating the
switching algorithm and flexible to motoring and generating op- By ignoring the resistance term in the d–q axis voltage and
erations by using one algorithm, noting that γ ∗ is π2 < γ ∗ < π. rewriting with respect to the current vector, then substituting into
The optimum current vector in MTPA and FW regions will be the (9) leads to the following equation:
∗ ∗
discussed in the following. (a) cos2 γFW + (b) cos γFW + (c) = 0 (10)

A. MTPA Strategy Based on Current Vector where a = (L2d − L2q ) |i∗s |2 , b = 2λm Ld |i∗s |, c = λ2m +
L2q |i∗s |2
− ωe2 .
As it is observed, the constant term is variable
By using simple equations of IPMSM, the control structure
and dependent on the speed. The solution of the quadratic
based on online computation is built adaptive to every state of
equation gives two roots. However, one answer is acceptable,
IPMSM operation. The proposed control structure is based on ∗
which is within π2 < γFW < π as shown in Fig. 1
CVC. As depicted in Fig. 4, the d–q axis current references can
⎛  ⎞
be expressed as follows: 2
−b + (b) − 4 (a) (c)
i∗d = |i∗s | cos γ ∗

γFW = cos−1 ⎝ ⎠. (11)
(7) 2 (a)
i∗q = i∗s sin γ ∗
where i∗s and γ ∗ are the outputs of FCVR. As discussed in Hence, the resulting optimum angle is obtained only by having
Section II-B, the current vector for motoring and generating feedback of electrical rotor speed.
modes is located in the second or third region of the d–q current
plane. To implement the MTPA strategy, it is needed to rewrite C Torque Angle Control Loop
the electromagnetic torque in terms of the current vector and then As depicted in Fig. 4, the torque angle can be expressed by
differentiates the resulting equation with respect to the current    
λq Lq is sin γ
magnitude δ = tan−1 = tan−1 . (12)
⎛  ⎞ λd Ld is cos γ + λm
−λm + λ2m + 8(Ld − Lq )2 |i∗s |2 The torque angle variation over the wide speed range with

γMTPA = cos−1 ⎝ ⎠ . (8)
4 (Ld − Lq ) |i∗s | respect to the current vector is shown in Fig. 5. The more the
current vector increases so does the torque angle.
To have a fast dynamic and high efficiency, d–q axis currents However, there is a maximum allowable torque angle
should be determined with γ ∗ equivalent to the maximum torque for IPMSM to operate stable and can be calculated by
∂(Te (λs ,δ)/λs )
for a specific i∗s [31]. ∂δ = 0 [32]

B FW Strategy Based on Current Vector −λm Lq + λ2m L2q + 8(Ld − Lq )2 |λs |2
δmax = cos−1 . (13)
By increasing speed and entering the FW region, the current 4 (Ld − Lq ) |λs |
angle starts to rise. The optimum current vector in the FW region It has been found that the equivalent torque of MTPF is derived
is directly enumerated only by the rotor speed in the proposed by applying δmax into the torque expression [33]. Hence, when
control scheme rather than using a VCL, which suffers from the motor torque angle reaches its maximum, the motor enters
poor dynamic performance [11]. The proposed direct calculation the deep FW region. To control the machine along the MTPF

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Fig. 6. Small-signal model of proposed torque angle control loop.

trajectory, two methods have been used: 1) LUT and 2) direct cal- Fig. 7. Static gains at different coefficients of the rated current of tested
culation. In this article, by adopting a torque angle control loop, machine.
MTPF is implemented. With the proposed method, the machine
could be controlled continuously in the deep FW. However, this
control loop has nonlinear and unpredictable behavior in the the current control loop (motor model, inverter delays), reference
deep FW region. Also, the smooth and soft transfer to deep FW d–q axis generation, and torque angle feedback. According to
is hardly achieved due to the sudden activation of torque angle the closed-loop current control block and with the assumption
control at very high speeds. In the following, these disadvantages of constant speed (ωe ), the d–q axis current can be defined as
will be solved by adopting a small-signal analysis approach for [11], [18]
an additional torque angle control loop and proposing novel gain      
id (s) M11 (s) M12 (s) ud (s)
adaption. = (16)
iq (s) M21 (s) M22 (s) uq (s)

A. Static Small Signal Analysis where M (s) is

The static gain of the torque angle control loop for different Rs + sLq
steady-state conditions of speed and torque (i.e., current vector) M11 (s) =
Ld Lq s2 + (Ld + Lq ) Rs s + Rs2 + Ld Lq ωe2
will be computed. The small-signal model of the torque angle
control loop for the proposed control scheme is depicted in ω e Lq
Fig. 6. The feedback signal (δ) consists of a constant term and M12 (s) =
Ld Lq s2 + (Ld + Lq ) Rs s + Rs2 + Ld Lq ωe2
a slight variation. In mathematical explanation, we have
    ∂ (|δ|)  −ωe Lq
Δ δ̄   Δ M21 (s) =
|δ| = + δ̂  = δ̄  +  × dis (14) Ld Lq s2 + (Ld + Lq ) Rs s + Rs2 + Ld Lq ωe2
∂is γ =γ̄
Rs + sLd
where |δ̄| is the maximum permissible torque angle ( |δ̄| = δmax ) M22 (s) = .
Ld Lq s2 + (Ld + Lq ) Rs s + Rs2 + Ld Lq ωe2
and |δ̂| is simplified using the linear approximation as the last
part of (14). Taking the derivative of (12) with respect to is and
doing some manipulation gives the static gain Also, the output of the current controller (i.e., u∗dq ) can be

∂ (|δ|)  Lq λm sin γ̄ expressed as
 = . (15)  ∗    ∗ 
∂is γ =γ̄ (Ld is cos γ̄ + λm )2 + (Lq is sin γ̄)2 ud (s) Rid (s) 0 id (s) − id (s)
= (18)
u∗q (s) 0 Riq (s) i∗q (s) − iq (s)
The obtained equation shows the sensitivity of torque angle   
feedback to a small change for the current magnitude. Since
the operating point is located in the second region of the d–q where Rid (s) and Riq (s) are the current controller in the d–q
current plane for motoring mode, the range of current angle reference frame. An acceptable method to tune the values of pro-
changes is from π/2 to π. It is essential to be noted that because portional and integral gains of the current controller is pole-zero
of using the proposed FCVR, this range is valid for generating cancelation. The desired bandwidth (1kHz) and phase margin
mode. Thus, plots of different static gains with respect to current (around 45°) are chosen according to the switching frequency
angle variation are illustrated in Fig. 7. As apparent, static gain [20], [34].
variation in deep FW is significant. By considering the PWM delay and first-order Pade approx-
imation, the actual motor voltage is
B. Analysis of Dynamics    ∗   ∗ 
ud (s) ud (s) ∼ 1 ud (s)
In this section, the dynamics of the deep FW loop linking |δ| = De (s) ∗ = (19)
uq (s) uq (s) 1 + sτc u∗q (s)
to i∗s is acquired in the frequency domain (s = jω). This study
yields to tune the PI-controller based on linear control theory for where τc = 1.5 Tswitching [11]. Substituting (18) into (19) and
the torque angle control loop. This transfer function consists of resulting in (16), the current closes loop transfer function CC(s)

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can be obtained; we have

id (s) Δ i (s)
= CC (s) d∗
iq (s) iq (s)

= [I2×2 + M (s) De (s) Rcc ]−1 · M (s) De (s) Rcc .

Adopting an approximated linear model, the reference cur-
rents can be expressed as a function of reference current mag-
nitude (i∗s ) as
id (s) ∼ cos γ̄ ∗
= i (s) . (21)
i∗q (s) sin γ̄ s
Uppercase overlined symbols are the operating point values.
A linear approximation can compute the inverse tangent of the
d–q axis flux linkage through partial derivatives (A(s))
L q iq
δ (s) = tan−1
L d id + λ m
 −Lq Ld īq Lq (Ld īd +λm )
(Ld īd +λm )2 (Ld īd +λm )2 id (s)
=  2  2 . (22)
L īq
1+ L ī q +λ 1+
Lq īq iq (s)
Ld īd +λm
d d m


Hence, a comprehensive transfer function of current magni- Fig. 8. Bode response of δ(s)/i∗s (s) at various speeds for 80% current
∗ − 0.1 < γ ∗ < π − 0.1) with and
tude reference i∗s (s) to torque angle δ(s) is achieved using (20), magnitude in the deep FW region (γdeepFW
without Gadaptive .
(21), and (22), that is
δ (s) cos γ̄
= A (s) CC (s) . (23)
i∗s (s) sin γ̄
The output of deep FW PI regulator is defined as
Δi = Gadaptive .(kpδ (1 + 1/Tiδ s)) (δmax − δ) (24)
where kpδ and Tiδ are the proportional gain and time constant
of the PI torque angle control parameters, respectively. These
parameters are tuned using MATLAB control system design
tool through bode plot, step response analysis based on desired
bandwidth and phase margin, and a specific current vector oper-
Fig. 9. Block diagram of the proposed adaptive torque angle control loop with
ating point (for example motoring mode) in the deep FW region. the antiwindup structure.
An offer bandwidth for torque angle control loop is based on the
current controller bandwidth, i.e., 0.1BWCC ≤ BWdeep−FW <
BWCC [35], [36]. In this article, B Wdeep−FW = 0.1BWcc is
The bode response in motoring mode at various speeds in
selected. The bode response is depicted in Fig. 8. With increasing
the deep FW region is plotted in Fig. 8. By utilizing adaptive
speed in the deep FW region, stability indexes will be degraded
gain, the dynamics performance will be significantly improved
and the system behavior is not the same in the whole region.
in both modes of operation due to the elimination of the nonlinear
Due to this fact, the adaptive gain will be introduced to mitigate
effect. In Fig. 9, the block diagram of the proposed adaptive
this problem.
torque angle control loop with an antiwindup structure is shown.
A saturation block (−imax , 0) is used to guarantee stability. Ap-
C. Design of Gain Adaption
propriate antireset windup feedback causes a smooth transition
A compensation block is introduced to mitigate the problems from the FW region (I) to the deep FW region [34].
mentioned in the static and dynamic analysis. The equivalent
linearized closed-loop torque angle control loop employing V. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
adaptive gain in Fig. 9 is achieved. The adaptive gain has the
inverse ratio to linearized characteristics (is → δ) and can be It is evident that generating the optimum current references
represented as of d–q axis currents is dependent on having knowledge of
γ ∗ . γ ∗ , which is the output of FCVR block in the proposed
1 control method, depending on motor parameters. The sensitivity
Gadaptive = ∂(|δ|)
. (25)
analysis is carried out under two conditions: 1) temperature rise

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Fig. 10. Relative change in γ ∗ against error in (a) Lq , (b) Ld , and (c) Rs .

Fig. 11. Experimental setup. (a) IPMSM, DC machine, and absolute encoder.
(b) Control drive system hardware.

frequency is used in order to filter the output of measured current

and voltage. The rest of the experimental test parameters, such
as switching and sampling frequency and dc bus voltage, are
also 10 kHz and 250 V, respectively.
(Rs increase) and 2) magnetic saturation (Lq decrease and Ld
increase) [1]. The results are plotted in Fig. 10.
A. Startup Performance Up To Rated Speed
Although it seems that the resulting γ ∗ sensitive to motor
parameters under temperature rises and magnetic saturation, it In this test, the motor starts at 0.5 s from a standstill, and the
can be seen from Fig. 10 that this value is insensitive to the control system adjusts speed to its rated value (545 r/min) within
error in motor parameters. Since the q-axis inductance is more 0.4 s under 0.3 load torque. As displayed in Fig. 12, it contains
∗ ∗
susceptible to the variation, the comparison of experimental speed response, d–q axis currents and γMTPA , γFW , and γ ∗ to
results for variation in Lq is provided in the next section. verify the startup and the steady-state performances. According
∗ ∗ ∗
to the proposed FCVR, between γMTPA and γFW , the γMTPA (2.06

VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS rad/s) is selected as γ , as shown in Fig. 10(c). Note that during

this operation, γFW generates a constant value (1.57 rad/s) if (10)
The experiment is accomplished on a 0.3-kW IPMSM. The
does not have a real root. Besides, the torque angle control loop
specification of the tested motor is given in Table I. As demon-
is automatically disabled since δ is lower than δmax . Therefore,
strated in Fig. 11, the experimental setup consists of IPMSM
the current is at its maximum, and high acceleration is achieved.
under the tests coupled to a 24-V dc generator, a 1024 absolute
encoder, and the control drive system hardware. The load torque
is calculated using the output power of coupled dc generator to B. Deep FW Performance in Motoring Mode
the tested IPMSM in addition to its power losses. The control In the wide speed range, including the deep FW region, the
drive system hardware is composed of six parts: an IGBT-based tested machine was accelerated from 0 to 1300 r/min under
three-phase inverter with six gate drivers independently to power 0.3-Nm load torque to investigate the dynamic performance
the motor; voltage and current sensor; analog filter, digital signal of the proposed scheme. The online gain adaption based on (24)
processor (DSP) TMS320F28335, and emulator. This setup is implemented for torque angle control. The speed response,
is driven by a digital control tool TMS320F28335 DSP with the variations of d–q axis currents, and the output of FCVR
PSIM software designed with Texas instrument Co programmed are illustrated in Fig. 13. As the motor crosses the rated speed
∗ ∗
through C++ in code composer studio by the emulator. The (545 r/min), γFW (11) is greater than γMTPA (8) (2.06 rad), and
stator phase currents are measured by two Hall-effect current thus, according to the proposed FCVR, the d–q axis currents are

sensors (LEM LTS-6-NP). Also, voltage sensors (LEM LV-25- generated according to γFW . In this situation, the d-axis current
P) are used for measuring the three-phase voltages. Furthermore, decreases to achieve further speed beyond the rated speed. The
an analog second-order low-pass filter with 2.6-kHz cut-off FW region (I) is achieved between 545 and 950 r/min so that

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Fig. 12. Experimental results of the proposed control scheme under 0.3-Nm
load torque from 0 to 545 r/min. (a) Speed response. (b) d–q axis currents.
(d) FCVR output.

the motor enters into the deep FW region above 950 r/min
automatically by adopting adaptive torque angle control.
The zoomed section of Fig. 13(c) confirms the smooth and soft
transition of entering the deep FW region. To more evaluate the Fig. 13. Experimental results of the proposed control scheme under 0.3-Nm
load torque from 0 to 1300 r/min. (a) Speed response. (b) d-axis current.
effectiveness of the proposed scheme, the output of torque angle (c) q-axis current. (d) FCVR output.
control loop (Δi), torque, and voltage are also demonstrated in
Fig. 14. Until the motor operates below the critical speed since
δ is not reached δmax , Δi is zero, as illustrated in Fig. 14(a).
Beyond the critical speed, the torque angle control loop becomes are displayed in Fig. 16. The zoomed section of the d-axis
activated. Under this condition, the current begins to decrease current shows the perfect performance of the adaptive torque
based on the output of the torque angle control loop. angle control loop in a forward regeneration mode. These re-
The torque characteristic is also displayed in Fig. 14(b). Since sults prove the capability of the proposed control scheme in
the SVM is used,√ the maximum voltage above the rated speed forward motoring, forward regeneration, and reverse motoring
equals to Udc / 3, as shown in Fig. 14(c) Also, the operating modes. In the following, the experimental data comparison is
trajectory in the id − iq plane is demonstrated in Fig. 15 to show made between the proposed control scheme and some existing
the current dynamic performance. The current limit circle is literature in which a nonadaptive torque angle control loop
drawn in green with the rated current of the inverter radius. The has been utilized [25], [28], [32]. The results with the same
current trajectory is shown in black. Below rated speed, MTPA conditions for adaptive and nonadaptive torque angle control
point based on maximum current is tracked quickly. The current loop are depicted in Figs. 17 and 18, respectively. In this test,
trajectory is on the current limit circle in the FW region (I). when IPMSM is running at high speed of 1300 r/min with 0.3
As the motor reaches the critical speed, the current magnitude Nm, a 0.9-Nm load is added. Adaptive gain is obtained online
reference begins to decrease because Δi changes the operating based on (25) and updated in each time step. When a sudden
trajectory. The current trajectory follows the MTPF curve as load torque is applied, the speed response is disturbed by the
indicated in Fig. 15. A soft transition among regions, which is speed reference. The comparison results prove that the adaptive
the main feature of the proposed scheme, is achieved. gain has a better response overall. A significance different can
The next test confirms the operation of the proposed control be seen in the speed response and current control. The number
scheme during speed transient. The machine is run at standstill, of oscillations in a system under nonadaptive gain is more.
and then, a step change of speed reference from 0 to 1300 r/min Also, the analysis of the torque angle response shows the better
is applied. After that speed reference is tracked, the stepped performance of the controller with adaptive gain. The proposed
down to −800 r/min. Practical results obtained for this test adaptive gain gives a lower overshoot (4% decrease) and reduces

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Fig. 14. Experimental result for the proposed control scheme under 0.3-Nm
load torque from 0 to 1300 r/min. (a) Output of torque angle control. (b) Torque. Fig. 17. Experimental results of the proposed control scheme under load
(c) Voltage magnitude. perturbation at 1300-r/min speed without adaptive gain.

Fig. 15. Current experimental trajectory in the id − iq plane for the acceler-
ation IPMSM test from 0 to 1300 r/min under 0.3-Nm load torque.

Fig. 18. Experimental results of the proposed control scheme under load
perturbation at 1300-r/min speed with adaptive gain.

the settling time in the speed response during the transient time.
Hence, the bandwidth of the torque angle controller increases,
as discussed in the theoretical analysis. In addition, the current
control keeps the stable behavior in the whole transient moment.
As seen in Fig. 17, relatively high values of d–q axis currents are
Fig. 16. Experimental results of the proposed control scheme during speed achieved when a sudden load torque is applied without adaptive
transient. (a) Speed. (b) d–q axis currents.

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Fig. 20. Experimental results for the dynamic test in generating state under 0.3-
Fig. 19. Experimental results of the proposed control scheme subject to 80% Nm load torque. (a) Speed. (b) d–q axis currents. (c) Current angle reference.
variation in Lq . (a) Speed. (b) d-axis current. (c) q-axis current.

Fig. 20, smooth transition and fast dynamic from generating to

Besides, the experimental tests for the sensitivity analysis are motoring mode are achieved. In transient and steady-state, it is
carried out to clarify the performance of the proposed control shown in Fig. 20(b) that no disturbance occurs on the d–q axis
scheme under the initial parameter error for Lq . Accordingly, current while changing modes from MTPA to FW. According
two tests are performed: 1) Lq and 2) 80% Lq . These changes to the numerical results and some other factors, a conceptual
are manually set in control parameters, and the reference speed is comparison with some existing literature has been made and
selected 1000 r/min. The results for speed and d–q axis currents given in Table II.
are depicted in Fig. 19. As expected, the dynamic performance
under 80% Lq is acceptable, and stability is maintained in the
whole speed. VII. CONCLUSION
The final test is performed to study the performance of the The novel control scheme consists of an adaptive torque
proposed control scheme in generating mode. Accordingly, the angle control, and FCVR is proposed for deep FW operation
speed command is applied in two steps; first, it sets to −1200 to improve the performance of high-speed PMSM drive. The
r/min to generate negative torque under 0.3-Nm load torque, proposed method has been experimentally validated on a 0.3-kW
and then, the motor decelerates to 500 r/min. In this test, the IPMSM test bench in MTPA and FW regions. The proposed
stable optimal operating points are located in the third and scheme provides a better response and smooth transition in all
second regions of the d–q current plane for the first and second four quadrants with a unified algorithm. The mathematical and
steps. The waveform of mechanical speed, d–q axis currents, and theoretical analysis of torque angle control, which includes static
current angle is illustrated in Fig. 20. In Fig. 20(b), the optimal id small-signal and dynamic analyses, has been carried out. An
and iq are generated in the first command for generating mode. adaptive gain for torque angle control is considered by means of
Since iq and id are both negative, the motor current angle is small-signal linearization to eliminate the nonlinear destructive
within π and 3π/2 as clear in Fig. 20(b). However, the output behavior at very high speeds. The effect of the proposed adap-
of FCVR is within π/2 and π, as shown in Fig. 20(c). Then, tive gain on the torque angle control loop has been compared
the operating speed is decreased from −1200 to −500 r/min. In with the existing nonadaptive torque angle control according

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Hossein Abootorabi Zarchi received the M.S. and Gholamreza Arab Markadeh received the B.Sc.,
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Is- M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
fahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, in from the Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan,
2004 and 2010, respectively. He was a Visiting Ph.D. Iran, in 1996, 1998, and 2005, respectively.
Student with the Control and Automation Group, He is currently an Associate Professor with
Denmark Technical University, Denmark, from May the Faculty of Engineering, Shahrekord University,
2009 to February 2010. Shahrekord, Iran. His research interests include non-
He is currently an Assistant Professor in the De- linear control, power electronics, and variable-speed
partment of Electrical Engineering, Ferdowsi Univer- drives.
sity of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. His research inter- Dr. Markadeh is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal
ests include electrical machines, nonlinear control of of Dam and Hydroelectric Powerplant. Since January
motor drives, and renewable energies. 2021, he has been cooperating as a Lecturer with the Faculty of Engineering,
Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran. He was the recipient of the IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society IECON’04 Best Paper Presentation award in 2004.

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