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Reynaldo Mercado

The goal of this projects was to create a game level inspired by the NES era Mega Man games. The
level was made in Gamemaker-Studio1.4, I did the graphics and the coding though tutorials were used
for certain functions, the sound effects come from Mega Man 1, 2, and 9.

Differences from Conceptualization

No differences, I mentioned to ideas I would use for this project and chose the first one, I also added
that fight scene.

Differences from Design

No differences, I did exactly what I described in the design.

Principles of Design
I used the following 3 principles of design.

-91:Mnemonic Devices-Enemies follow patterns which makes them to a degree easier to deal with each
consecutive encounter because the player can predict what the enemies will do.

-135:Threat Detection-The enemies will be easier to spot than anything else found in the level.

-149:Yellow Effects-The environmental hazards objects have yellow in their color scheme to make
them easier to spot.

I feel these fit my ideas well but these principles of design could have sufficed as well.

-86:Mapping-The left and right arrow keys correspond to the functions they serve, making the player
object move left and right.

-97:Operant Conditioning-When the player defeats an enemy they taken care of an obstacle obstructing
their path making the act of reaching their goal a little easier. When the players takes a hit they lose
health bringing them closer the death, making act of reaching their goal a little harder.

-99:Performance Load-Kinematic load is minimized by limiting the control keys to only four buttons.

Room for improvement

Could have added one more enemy type.

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