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Reynaldo Mercado

This project was made using google slides. It details devices introduced and used by me or my
family(first computer) throughout 4 eras. The pictures were taken from yahoo images.

Differences from Conceptualization

I originally planned to make my presentation in Apache open office though I decided to use google
docs instead because I was more easily accessible. I also wanted to have a timeline at the beginning but
instead I divided the slide into four spaces representing the different eras. I did not add Wikipedia links
because I saw them as unnecessary because most of the information used were commonly known facts.

Differences from Design

I did not specify having a conclusion slide at the end.

Principles of Design
In the presentation I used the following principles of design.

-70:Horror Vacui:The space in each slide is filled by text and pictures.

-102:Picture Superiority Effect:There are many pictures featured throughout the slides because they are
easier to remember.

-105:Propositional Density:The colored squares in the corners of slides show which eras they were
frequently used in.

I feel they fit my ideas well but these principles of design could have sufficed as well.

-19:Chunking-I often had grouped together in some of the slides.

-44:Feature Creep-In the era slide there is a box that cuts off some of the slide, it is slanted so that more
of the slide is visible in later times periods, this represents the increasing amount of technology use in
my life as I have gotten older.

-108:Proximity-I used pictures to occupy most the blank spaces in the slides.

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