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OBLJECTIVE. Today I talk about a disease , called skin cancer, it is a big problem around the

Skin cancer is a big problem around the world , in this time this problem increase a lot
Because the pollution causes global warming, the rays of the sun we receive are not the same,
they are more harmful.

The skin cancer is detected when a mole , it changes color from time to time.

The most exposed are the people who work in the street, for example the merchants.

One of the main causes is to Exposure to sunlight without sunscreen,

Another is Family history of skin cancer and finally is Tanning booths , Many people attend this
place but dont know that the booths are harmful to the skin and can cause cancer.

A sore that does not heal
Strange moles
Redness or new swelling in mole

The solution about this problem is very easy , you need to care your skin , when you go to the
beach you need to use sunscreen or cap.

But the best solution is for people to stop polluting, Pollution is one of the causes of global
warming, this problem is very serious because it brings many diseases.

CONCLUSION. You need to care your skin and you environment

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