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Useful are the Greco-Roman Firmicus Maternus, Dorothea of Sidon, Ptolemy, Pliny the

Elder, Manilius, astrologers Spanish of King Alfonso X the Wise, Ben Ezra, Bonatus,
the renaissance William Lilly, Cardan, Jean Baptiste Morin ....... and all the
works of Indian masters and Arab.

One must study with methodology and patience. At the end is a big prize.

Gold tends to be bearish from apogee to perigee of the Sun.

Gold is bearish from January 4 until to July 4.

Please note:
This is a secret, you do not tell anyone.
The top of the best: Ben Ezra, Bonatus and Ben Ragel.

Other books:

ON THE HEAVENLY SPHERES, A treatise on traditional astrology - Helena Avelar & Luis

So, does apogee to perigee = bearish,
and perigee to apogee = bullish ?

From perigee of the Sun day 4 January to apogee 4 July = bearish.
From apogee of the Sun day 4 July to perigee 4 January = bullish.

This is 70 % of all years.

The planet ruler of the Gold is the Sun. Therefore, Lunar Eclipse is bullish for
the gold, solar eclipse is bearish.

04-jan-2011 was perigee and Solar Eclipse.

In my humble opinion:

Horary Astrology is good for predicting the news.

Mundane Astrology is good to predict the cycles.

Lunar revolutions are good for the monthly cycle.

Solar Revolutions for the quarters and years.

Horary Astrology is easier to study, but should be studied with a competent

astrologer as Robert Zoller or Robert Hand.

Mundane Astrology is the most difficult.

First you have to study horary astrology for a few months time and when you are
good at predicting further study nativities.
I recommend that you study traditional astrology with a competent astrologer as
Robert Zoller or Robert Hand. Also Vedic astrology in recognized school as Dirah
Academy or CAVA or Narashima Rao.
The study of astrology requires many years of study and experience.
So Gann said he had taken nine years to understand the functioning of the price.
Gann said that other traders also known as Harriman had used the same "natural
laws" that he had discovered.

I use mundane astrology for forex and index but it is the most difficult.

Easier to more difficult:

Horary astrology for news.

Natal Astrology for the market of individual stocks. USA's chart also for the DJIA.
Mundane astrology for commodities, forex and index.

Astrological techniques: transits, progressions and harmonic charts, such as

Navamsa and Dashamsa of Jyotish. Dashamsa is very useful. Dashamsa is the harmonic
chart of the job.

Also transits on the Thema Mundi of Western Astrology.

Begin to study Horary astrology and apply it to the news. But studying with a
competent teacher. That's the easy way.

If someone upload an excel or csv file with a list of more than 500 news I can give
some examples of astrological interpretation.

Gold = Sun

Silver = Moon

Copper = Mars (Venus in Western Astrology)

Main cycles:

Jupiter Squares to Saturn. 3 years.

Entry Sun in Sidereal Aries. 1 year.

Entry Sun in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn Sidereal. 3 months.

The Full Moon before of the entry of Sun in Sidereal Aries. 1 year.

New Moon and Full Moon. 14.5 days

With harmonic cards the cycles can be divided into periods much smaller. For
example with the Indian dasamsa by 10, or 11 which is the Hindu card to gambling
and speculation.

But I do not follow gold or metals.

Link about Gann and currencies:
I his book tunnel through the air, Gann describes how the main person "Robert"
makes a cotton trade.
He buys somewhere in March and sells in July. He mentions a specific date and gives
a nice hint that it coincides with a solar aspect.

Well, I have looked up the planetary aspects in 1927 between when Gann bought and
sold. I only took oppositions and conjunctions because those are the biggest
aspects, and left out moon.
BTW Gann definitely traded with Neptune in consideration.
So here they are:
Sun 000 Jupiter 03/01/1927 10:53
Mars 180 Saturn 03/08/1927 09:15
Sun 000 Mercury 03/13/1927 14:42
Sun 000 Uranus 03/21/1927 00:14
Mercury 000 Jupiter 03/22/1927 13:29
Mercury 000 Jupiter 04/06/1927 13:10
Mercury 000 Uranus 04/18/1927 06:14
Venus 180 Saturn 04/22/1927 10:08
Mars 000 Pluto 05/11/1927 01:37
Sun 000 Mercury 05/20/1927 03:40
Mercury 180 Saturn 05/23/1927 02:50
Venus 000 Pluto 05/24/1927 23:50
Sun 180 Saturn 05/26/1927 15:24
Venus 000 Mars 06/10/1927 05:14
Mercury 000 Pluto 06/13/1927 18:48
Venus 000 Neptune 07/02/1927 12:05
Sun 000 Pluto 07/08/1927 15:24
Jupiter 000 Uranus 07/15/1927 21:37
Mars 000 Neptune 07/18/1927 02:55
Sun 000 Mercury 07/19/1927 23:41

He knew that none of these aspects would influence the main trend.
Now, how did he know that?
Exactly, through astrology. Gann knew even much more about astrology than so called
Gannists like to admit. He used astrology in combination with a wide array of
technical tools including the square of nine.

From reading the links that you provided I am now more convinced than ever.
Also the theory about his planetary SQ9 that you find on the internet even the most
out of the box ones, are all wrong.
William Lilly describes a method where 2 planets make an aspect and it depends on
where that "energy" is projected, (which house or sign) on where the price is going
to go.
Without that information any Gann technique is just as good as any other.
We must study the regencies of the astrological houses.
Post 154
Jan 21, 2011 6:12am
Hello Suryananda,
What are your thoughts on Cosmobiology?
I did experiments with astrology of Frankfurt School but did not work. But I do not
know much of Uranian Astrology. Should be tested.
Do you guys know Magic Squares?

Do you know 666?

Then you will realize all the planets were used for were to observe a Natural order
mathematical phenomena

This is it! Start Dancing

Planets in Transit. by Robert Hand
This book is not a good help.

Good books on horary astrology are of W. Lilly, Appley and Frawley. Lilly's books
are free online.
The best book I've read is "El Libro Cunplido de las Stellas " of Iraqi Ali Ben
Ragel the tenth century, is translated into Spanish and Latin since 1256 and is
continually reissued in Spanish but in English I have not ever seen.

I believe that Lilly is fine.

Hello, Suryananda,
here is link of a website which has economic calender for news events with
importance like low, medium & high probability for effect on market.
Hello Suryananda,

I study astrology for quite a few years and i know the basics very good. Also i'm a
fan of traditionally astrology with 7 planets. This ideea of predicting price
movement based on astrology got my mind last year when Greece was downgraded and
the EURO plunged down and there was an insane volatility in the Forex market. In
that exact time Mercury was retrograde and was quite a strange coincidence coz it's
well know that when Mercury is retrograde it brings confusion and misunderstanding
among people.

I'm wondering when you do your interpretation based on the Lunar revolution chart
and the Natal for GBP u do it for the date when UK was formed?

- Acts of Union 17071 May 1707

- Acts of Union 18001 January 1801
- Anglo-Irish Treaty12 April 1922

For example: You take the July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA(the date when
USA was formed) and you make a Lunar Revolution for this date then you make an
interpretation for the US Dollar?

Best of Luck,


I read the revolutions Moon-Sun by Mundane Astrology. Transit to Transit.

I analyze the Moon Phases charts as natal charts of a new cicle.

I've seen nothing modern with this technique but was common in medieval Arabic and
European astrology. The Greeks Ptolomy and Dorotheus of Sidon mentioned the
revolutions in the first century.

In the European tradition of astrology there is much in medieval Latin, and Spanish
tradition in medieval Latin and Spanish. The best Spanish astrologers living are
Mrs. Adela Ferrer and Mr. Demetrio Santos.

In English astrologers live best I've seen are R. Zoller, R. Hand, Ben Dyckes and
John Frawley.

To whom can read Latin, I can recommend books.

Astrology can predict 80% of the price movement, but requires study. Able to read
Latin helps.

Best wishes.
Does anyone have a link to these ?

Online looking in European libraries is also everything.

A good book to understand astrology is "The real astrology" by John Frawley.
I am working with Mundane Revolutions.

This Lunar Revolutions can also be progressed or divided in dasas of Vedic


I do not know the natal chart of Gbp.

The pound is a very old coin that existed in the ninth century.

Mundane astrology working also with transits on the birth chart of the world.

I do not know if it's true or not.

I just interpret the chart as my teachers taught me, and obviously it works
extremely well.
When I said natal chart I did not mean the birth of the coin, but rather as you
said in post #174, "I analyze the Moon Phases charts as natal charts of a new

Is this the natal chart you are referring to when you say, "This Lunar Revolutions
can also be progressed or divided in dasas of Vedic astrology."?

By the way, what is the birth chart of the world?

Thanks and I look forward to seeing how this trade comes along.
The ancients believed that the world was created 2000 years before of the Diluve.

This chart of the birth of the world is the origin of the zodiac.

This information you can find in the books of Firmicus Mathernus, Ptolomy, Dorothea
of Sidon and all the old masters.

Each conjunction and opposition is the birth of a new cycle. Also the entries of
all planets in Aries. These are the Mundane Revolutions.

Post 189
Jan 27, 2011 7:22am
This science is very old.

"Don Quixote asked Pedro to tell him who the dead man was and who the
shepherdess, to which Pedro replied that all he knew was that the dead
man was a wealthy gentleman belonging to a village in those mountains,
who had been a student at Salamanca for many years, at the end of
which he returned to his village with the reputation of being very
learned and deeply read. "Above all, they said, he was learned in
the science of the stars and of what went on yonder in the heavens and
the sun and the moon, for he told us of the cris of the sun and moon
to exact time."

"Eclipse it is called, friend, not cris, the darkening of those

two luminaries," said Don Quixote; but Pedro, not troubling himself
with trifles, went on with his story, saying, "Also he foretold when
the year was going to be one of abundance or estility."

"Sterility, you mean," said Don Quixote.

"Sterility or estility," answered Pedro, "it is all the same in

the end. And I can tell you that by this his father and friends who
believed him grew very rich because they did as he advised them,
bidding them 'sow barley this year, not wheat; this year you may sow
pulse and not barley; the next there will be a full oil crop, and
the three following not a drop will be got.'"

"That science is called astrology," said Don Quixote.
Astrology was the great science of the Antiquity.
In Greek the word math, "mathesus", and astrologer word means the same thing.
Astrologers were Kepler, Copernicus, Tito Brahe, John Dee, Pascal, Morinus, etc ...
The planetary movement, the Rule of Gold and the sacred geometry are governed by
Fibonnacci's sequences.

On the markets the theory of the numbers also is working.

Gann insisted often that his knowledge was coming from the study of the Bible. In
the Bible there are many astrological references.

The astrology only makes sense inside systems theists, as the Hinduism or the Neo-

So, if it is in the bible, including the new testament, then why does astology need
to be separated from christianity?
Obviously the early christians knew a lot about astrology.
The 3 wise men or magi were probably astrologers. (Star of Bethlehem)
A lot of the early christian writings can be historically verified by archeological
findings and....through astrology.

The bible is full of astrological references that can point to an exact hour giving
us a clue of when and where these events took place.

I'll give you an example.

Book of revelations speaks of "a woman clothed with the sun and the moon at her
Thats the constellation of virgo, sun was in virgo and moon was indeed at her feet.

Gann speaks a lot of Ezekiel, where Ezekiel describes the zodiac.

Even Genesis, where God created the earth, is highly astronomical.

And many, many many more references.

So, I'd say that astrology can be combined within a christian belief.
Astrology is deterministic and Christianity believe in free will of human
consciousness. That is the philosophical conflict.

In the Jewish Kabbalah astrology is also very important. Marcilio Ficino was the
greatest writer of Christian Kabbalah. Ficino translated the "Corpus Hermeticum" of
Hermes Trismegistos from Greek to Latn.
Gann was a Jew and they have a different bible than christians.

Tanakh it's the Hebrew bible and it's written in hebrew letters and those letters
give birth to words that have 3 meanings, first describes history, second
numerology and third ezoterism, for exemple Yod it's the first letter from the
alphabet and all the other letters are composed from it, in numerology YOD
corespond with number 10 (1 and 0) which means creation (0 void; 1 the first
impulse, like the binary code).

For exemple we take YHWH (Jehova)

It's the name of the hebrew God, Jehova and his wife Aserah (history)
It's the formula of creation (Yod - 10, He - 5 (half of 10) - Waw - 6 (1 + 0 + 5 =
6) and again He whitch means the sead of the first He which will gave birth to
another cycle. numerology.
And the third meaning, the ezoteric one, he who shall pronunce this word correctly,
imortality or godly powers will be granted.

So if Gann studied the Hebrew bible it make sens why he found coded information in

I'm pretty sure that Gann didn't study the K.J. Bible or the New Testament which
doesn't have ezoteric meanings or other meanings exept the pure literary one.
Dear Daniel,

Gann is exactly as you say.

In Vedic astrology there are analysis systems similar to the Kabbalah, where the
sounds (syllables and vocals) work together to planets.

Therefore Gann did much emphasis on the vibration (vibration = sound).

But this is a Sacred Science, it is not a mechanistic system. Gann teaches this in
his book "The Word of Truth. "

Post 229
Feb 2, 2011 8:57am
Gann was a Baptist, and definetly a Christian but he did not believe in the
traditional Christianity.
Now, he did study numerology and he applied it to the bible.
Since (almost) all of the bible is written by Jews, because even the early
christians were stll jewish, he found a lot of what he was looking for.
I just read into a book that might explain all of the mysteries in a scientific
It is very interesting:
..and harmonics form patterns that can affect physical objects and we may just
beginning to RE-discover some things that have been known in the past (to small
circles of people) and this wisdom is being RE-explored (in small circles of
people) to find it's relevance in giving meaning to our searches.

This video exemplifies this very simply:
Freeze the frame at 1:31. That looks a lot like looking at a pyramid from above.
The pyramid was the basis for the Gann SQ9.
The Gann SQ9 is a mathematical squareing system where the numbers forming a cross
indicate areas of support and resistance. So it is a sound and sacred number system

Lets say you have a price of gbpusd 1.6000

You calculate a circle (cycle) of 360 degrees of s/r at the 90, 180, 270 and 360
You would need to take the SQRT of 16000 = 126,49 and add:
0.5 for 90 degrees
1 for 180 degrees
1.5 for 270 degrees
2 for 360 degrees
and then inverse the SQRT.

90 - 126,49 + 0.5 = 126.99 inv SQRT= 1.6126
180 - 126,49 + 1 = 127,49 inv SQRT = 1.6253

Ibn Ben Ezra already worked with a square in his time.

More infro on pyramids are here:

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