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12/18/2017 Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

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Principles, goals, objectives Foreign Policy of the Republic of Belarus

Key Priorities
After declaration of independence the Republic of Belarus entered the world stage not only as a new sovereign state which
Countries & Regions appeared as a result of the collapse of the USSR, but also as a European country with rich history traditions of state.

Polotsk, Turov, Pinsk and other principalities of IX-XIV centuries born on the territory of todays Belarus, and their successor
Multilateral Cooperation
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rus and Samogitia (mid. XIII-XVIII cent.) were active international actors. The Byelorussian
Soviet Socialist Republic (1919-1991) was a founding member of the United Nations,and has been a full-fledged member of
Foreign Trade the UN throughout its existence.

Investments and Foreign The adoption by the Supreme Council of the BSSR of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Belarus on July 27, 1990 with
Representative Offices its successive acquiring the status of a Constitutional Law on August 25, 1991 was a turning point in the development of the
state. Having exercised its natural right to self-determination, the Republic of Belarus, which received its new official name by
Visa & Consular Issues the Supreme Council of the BSSR decision of September 19, 1991, embarked on pursuing its independent foreign policy.

Press Service Belarus started the development of its own foreign policy course under difficult conditions. The world has entered the process
of drastic geopolitical, economic, social transformations characterized by high intensity and dynamism. The formation of new
Publications centers of power has come along with escalation of state rivalry and intensifying competition among future development
Interviews & Articles
Despite the objective complications following independence, the Republic of Belarus has managed to develop its
international relations without giving up its national interests. Thus, Belarus has been able to promote and protect with
confidence its foreign policy objectives and priorities.

Today Belarus is a sovereign European state pursuing an independent and peaceful foreign policy, developing cooperation
with foreign partners from all over the world, and making a significant contribution to strengthening of international security
and stability.

Belarus maintains diplomatic relations with 177 countries of the world and is represented today by foreign offices in 59
countries worldwide. In 2014 Belarus established embassies in Australia, Qatar, Mongolia, Pakistan, Ecuador and Consulate
General in Milan (Italy), in 2016 in Georgia and Spain, the Embassy of Belarus fully restored its operation in Sweden.

45 foreign embassies, 4 embassy branch offices, 2 trade missions, 35 consular offices (including honorary consuls), 15
missions to international organizations and 88 foreign diplomatic missions with concurrent accreditation are present in

print version

Setting up a representation office of a Visa to Belarus Media Accreditation Helpful Links

foreign company Visas at the "National Airport Minsk" Requirements & Application Form Diplomatic Corps in Belarus
Steps & Requirements Application Forms Opening and Visiting Hours
Payable Fees Customs formalities Useful Links
Document Collections

2007-2017, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus 1/1

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