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embryological thing

Embryoblsat divides into?

Ectoderm derivatives: overall, neural tube, neural crest cells?
Mesoderm derivatives: overall, axial, paraxial, intermediate, lateral plate
Endoderm: overall, organs
Yolk sac derivative
Pancreas: dorsal and ventral bud
Mesenteries (dorsal and ventral)
Truncus arteriosus
Bulbis cordis
Atriovenricualr groove
Sinus venosus (R sinus horn)
Left sinus horn
Umbilical vein
ductus venosus
foramen ovale
ductus arteriosus
septum transversum
Diaphragm develops from?
Kidney development?
Male Mesonephric duct
Male paramesonephric duct
Male mesonephric mesenchyme
Male sex cords
Male gubernaculum
Male Urogenital folds
Male Labioscrotal folds
Female Mesonephric duct
Female paramesonephric duct
Female mesonephric mesenchyme
Female sex cords
Female gubernaculum
Female Urogenital folds
Female Labioscrotal folds
Femal urethral folds
Epiblast - 3 layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) and hypoblast
overall: epidermis, nervous system. neural tube: brain and spinal cord. neural crest cell: glial and schwann cells,
overall: skeleton, muscle, connective tissue. axial: notorchord which gives rise to nucleus pulposus. paraxial give
overall: gut tube, lining of GI tract and respiratory system. Lung from respiratory diverticulum, liver from hepatic
Vitelline duct which gives rise to meckels diverticulum if vitelline duct is not obliterated
urachus which is in median umbilical ligament
dorsal bud: acessory pancreatic duct. ventral bud: uncincate process and major papilla
ventral: right which forms lesser omentum. dorsal: left which forms greater omentum
Left vagus - anterior. Right vagus - posterior
spiral septum which gives rise to aorta and pulmonary trunk
conus cordis which gives rise to RV/infundibulum
Trabecualted part of LV
Atrioventricualr valves, endocardial cushions which form the septum intermedium between the R and L
coronary sinus
ligamentum teres
ligamentum venosum
fossa ovalis
ligamentum arteriosum - left recurrent larangela nerve winds around it
central tendon of the diaphragm and caudal portion of foregut (liver, stomach and spleen
septum transversum, somatic mesoderm from body wall, mesenter of oesophagus, pleuroperitoneal membrane
pronephros - regresses early and is non-functional. mesonephros is function but regresses. metanephros is the d
vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicle
regresses to prostratic utricle, apendix of testes and ejaculatory duct
leydig cells which make androgens
make sertoli which makes mullerian inhibitory susbstance which suppresses formation of female genetalia. Also
guides descent of testes, resutls in scrotal ligamanet
penis, corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum
regresses to Gartner's cyst in wall of vagina
fallopian tube, uterus, top of vagina. Inferior end of vagina develops from urogenital sinus
thecal cells
break up and condense around germ cells creating the primary follicles
round ligament of ovary and uterus
clitoris, corpus cavernosa, bulbospongiosum
labia majora
labia minora
d. neural crest cell: glial and schwann cells, melanocytes, connective tissue of face, bones of skull, adrenal medulla
gives rise to nucleus pulposus. paraxial gives rise to somites which give rise to myotome, sclerotome and dermatome. interm
respiratory diverticulum, liver from hepatic diverticulum. pancreas from dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds. foregut, midgu
t is not obliterated

and major papilla

greater omentum

intermedium between the R and L

stomach and spleen

of oesophagus, pleuroperitoneal membrane and myoblasts from cervical somites
unction but regresses. metanephros is the definite kidney

ppresses formation of female genetalia. Also makes seminiferous tubules

from urogenital sinus

ce, bones of skull, adrenal medulla
yotome, sclerotome and dermatome. intermediate gives rise to urogenital. lateral plate gives rise to amniotic cavity (parieta
and ventral pancreatic buds. foregut, midgut, hindgut
al plate gives rise to amniotic cavity (parietal/somativ layer) and yolk sac (visceral splanchnic layer) and intraembryonic coelu
splanchnic layer) and intraembryonic coelum which gives rise to pleural and peritoneal cavities.
itoneal cavities.

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