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1st Year CHEMISTRY Ch. # 5

08-02-2016 12 10 MINUTES

Q#1 Encircle the correct option. 1x12=12

(i) In the presence of magnetic field, d-subshell is:
(A) 5-Fold degenerate (B) 3-Fold degenerate (C) 7-fold degenerate (D) Non-degenerate
(ii) Pressure in gas discharge tube to discover Electron was kept:
(A) 10 torr (B) 1 torr (C) 0.1 torr (D) 0.01 torr
(iii) Mathematically Heisenberg is uncertainty principle is written as:
h h h h
(A) x . p  (B) x . p  (C) x . p  (D) x . p 
2 4 2 4
(iv) Free Neutron decay into proton and emit…….?
(A) Neu (B) Position (C) Electron (D) Meson
(v) According to Planck’s theory energy travels:
(A) In continuous manner (B) Discontinuous manner
(C) Simultaneously (D) Never emit energy
(vi) 2 orbit is away from nucleus for H-atom
(A) 2 times (B) 3 times (C) 4 times (D) 6 times
(vii) The wave number of the light emitted by a certain source is 2× 106 m-1. The wavelength of this light will be
(A) 500 nm (B) 500 m (C) 200 nm (D) 5×107 m
(viii) Rutherford’s model of atom failed because
(A) The atom did not have a nucleus and electrons
(B) It did not account for the attraction between protons and neutrons
(C) It did not account for the stability of the atom
(D) There is actually no space between the nucleus and the electrons
(ix) Both model of atom is contradicted by:
(A) Planck’s quantum theory (B) Dual nature of matter
(C) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (D) All of the above
(x) Quantum number values for 2p orbitals are:
(A) n=2, l=1 (B) n=1, l=2 (C) n=1, l=0 (D) n=2, l=0
(xi) Orbitals having same energy are called
(A) hybrid orbitals (B) valence orbitals (C) degenerate orbitals (D) d-orbitals
(xii) When 6d orbital is complete the entering electron goes into
(A) 7f (B) 7s (C) 7p (D) 7d


Q#2 Write short answer of the following question. 𝟏𝟎 × 𝟐 = 𝟐𝟎
i. How the bending of the cathode rays in the electric and magnetic fields shows that they are negatively charged.
ii. The e/m value for positive rays obtained from hydrogen gas is 1836 times less than that of cathode rays. Justify it.
iii. Calculate mass of electron if e/m = 1.7588× 1011 c/kg
iv. The potential energy of the bounded electron is negative explain this fact.
v. Draw electronic configuration of Cr-24 &Cu=29.
vi. What is fine structure of atom?
vii. Define Mosely’s law and give its formula.
viii. What is Hund’s Rule? Give example.
ix. Differentiate between atomic emission and atomic absorption Spectrum.
x. Prove that E=hc𝓋
Q#3 a) Write a note on Millikan’s oil drop method. 04
b) Calculate wave numbers of photons emitted by H-atom in case of Layman and Balmer series. 04

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