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1. What is an endocrinologist?
Endocrinology It is a part of medicine that studies the endocrine system and
diseases caused by improper operation.

2. What does an endocrinologist do?

Endocrinologists are specially trained doctors who diagnose diseases
related to glands. The diseases that are trained to treat frequently affect
other parts of the body beyond the gland.

3. What diseases does the endocrinologist most frequestly trest?

 Diabetes
 Metabolic disorders
 Thyroid diseases

4. What organs does endocrinology review?

 The glands in a person's body release hormones. Endocrinologists
treat people who suffer from hormonal imbalances, typically from
glands in the endocrine system.

5. In how many years does an endocrinologist training?

In about 4 years.

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