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Objective of this task:

 To understand how to conduct a traversing in a 2 lot or in large area to refixation.

 To understand how to find a BKL or BL in lot area which is act as our control point.
 To understand how to find a Third Mark and Baseline in lot area.
 To understand how to find or how to conduct solar observation which is act as control
 Manage to compute M-correction and C-correction for main traverse and sub traverse.
 Can compute all the data using conventional method.
 Understand how to use or transfer data or produce data by using starnet.

Achieve or not achieve:

 Yes, we are able to meet our objective to carry out this task by following the step.
 Yes, we able to find a correct position of BKL and BL which is can be use as our
third mark and baseline.
 We are fulfilling the tolerance for third mark and baseline for our lot area.
 No, we are not success to get the best result for solar observation because our lot
area is quite difficult to see the sun in clear because there have lot of tall tree.
 Even our M- correction is actually not close according to requirement but it still
can be apply as our M- correction in a field book.
 Yes, C-correction is successfully calculated and can be apply in our traversing
data to get the final bearing.
 Yes, we are able compute all the data such as third mark and baseline by using
conventional method.
 Yes, we success transfer the data to the starnet software.

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