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Wildlife Warriors

MookSan :Hi, BiWei ,you’re back.You look very sunburned.Did you have a good time?

BiWei :Hi! Yes, I sure did.

MookSan :You went to the 30 Hour Famine Volunteer Camp, didn’t you? What did you do

BiWei :A lot of things. There were ten of us and we shared day and night duties.

MookSan :Night duty? You sound like watchmen.

BiWei :In a way we were. At night, we patrolled the beach at Chagar Hutang to look for
turtles.When we found one,we recorded its arrival.When it had finished laying eggs,we
measured it and tagged it.

MookSan :What did you do during the day?

BiWei :We marked the location of the nests we found the previous night. Then we looked
for hatched nests and examined their contents. Part of our duty was also to keep tourists
away from our beach .The nests must not be disturbed.

MookSan :It sounds like a hard work for you all.

BiWei :Yes, but it was enjoyable. I did have free time to relax and have fun.

MookSan :How?

BiWei :I was on Pulau Redang ,you know. Of course I swam, snorkelled and sailed. At night , I
watched the stars.

MookSan :How romantic and I wish to swim at Pulau Redang too!

BiWei :It was a good experience .I really think you should go.

MookSan :I’ll think about it. Excuse me, but I have to catch the bus now or I’ll have to walk
home! Bye! Take care!

BiWei : Bye! Take care too!

MookSan : Hi, BiWei , you’re back. You look very sunburned. Did you have a good

MookSan : You went to the 30 Hour Famine Volunteer Camp, didn’t you? What did you do

MookSan : Night duty? You sound like watchmen.

MookSan : What did you do during the day?

MookSan : It sounds like hard work .

MookSan : How?

MookSan : How romantic and I wish to swim at Pulau Redang too!

MookSan : I’ll think about it. Excuse me, but I have to catch the bus now or I’ll have
to walk home! Bye! Take care!

BiWei : Hi! Yes, I sure did.

BiWei : A lot of things. There were ten of us and we shared day and night duties.

BiWei : In a way we were. At night, we patrolled the beach at Chagar Hutang to look
for turtles. When we found one, we recorded its arrival. When it had finished laying
eggs, we measured it and tagged it.

BiWei : We marked the location of the nests we found the previous night. Then we
looked for hatched nests and examined their contents. Part of our duty was also to
keep tourists away from our beach .The nests must not be disturbed.

BiWei : Yes, but it was enjoyable. I did have free time to relax and have fun.

BiWei : I was on Pulau Redang ,you know. Of course I swam, snorkelled and sailed. At
night , I watched the stars.

BiWei : It was a good experience .I really think you should go.

BiWei : Bye! Take care too!

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