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August 8, 2018

Dear Colleagues:

Welcome to the 2018-2019 academic year! We have a variety of events planned for the first
week. The Welcome Back Staff Gathering, a traditional opening event, will be held on Monday,
August 13, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in the High School Gymnasium. As in the past, this event will
be preceded by a reception at 8:00 a.m. outside the main entrance to the gymnasium. Following
the Welcome Back All Staff Gathering, I invite you to join me at 11:30 a.m. for the campus
cookout in the cafeteria. Additional formal and informal gatherings are scheduled during our
orientation week activities. Attached is an orientation week schedule for your reference.

As I approach my first year as your Superintendent, I am excited to walk alongside you in your
hopes and dreams. I am proud and excited to share with the community the purposeful work,
passion, and dedication that is on display.

I am also pleased to announce the following additions to our administrative team.

● Add names of new administrators once all hired for 2018-19 school year

We know that this will be an exciting year as we implement and further develop many of the
initiatives the staff have spent the last year planning and discussing. Together, we will find
creative solutions for all of these important areas and, as always, continue our focus on student
success. I expect this year to be another exciting year as we embark on this work.

As I prepare my opening remarks, I am continually reminded of our promise to students - that

they will go further than anyone thought possible and we, as their coaches and facilitators, will
guide them in turning dreams into reality.

Best wishes to each of you as we begin a collaborative and successful year. I look forward to
greeting each of you at the Welcome Back Staff Meeting, in the high school gymnasium, at 9:00
a.m. on Monday, August 13.


Becky Gerdes
Welcome Back to School Program

Prelude………………………………….Pep Band/Marching Band

Superintendent Welcome……………….Superintendent

Presentation of the Colors……………… VFW

Pledge of Allegiance …………………..Student Council President

Star Spangled Banner ………………….High School Student

Back to School Message………………. Superintendent

Greetings………………………………..Commissioner in Education


School Board President

Teacher Association President

Student Council President

Closing Remarks………………………… Superintendent

Postlude………………………………….Pep Band/Marching Band


As staff are arriving, have a video playing on the large screen displaying names and/or
photographs of new staff members and student groups from the district.

As staff are leaving the welcome back program, have a makeshift red carpet for staff to walk on
with local, regional and state dignitaries greeting, shaking hands, saying thank you, etc.

“Welcome Back/Start of the New School Year” Speech

Hi, I am Becky Gerdes and this is my first year as your educational leader.
I’ve been an educator for over 19 years and feel honored to now serve the _______ Public
I grew up in a small town in southwest Minnesota where my mom was a nurse and my dad was a
farmer. I spent summer days as a child playing on my parent’s farm.
My husband Scott and I now live in ___________. We have three children. Our twin sons,
Matthew and Nathan, are in third grade and our daughter, Grace, is in preschool. We are a very
active family and enjoy being outdoors.
There are several reasons why was I attracted to the ___________ Public Schools. One is that
_________ Public Schools has a strong tradition of fostering the love of learning. When I was
interviewed, it was clear that the staff and parents cared deeply about students’ social, emotional
and academic growth.
I was also attracted to obvious areas like student achievement and top-notch curriculum and
instruction. Innovative programming like STEM and language immersion programs are really
unique and give parents choice in their child’s educational journey. Our new coding curriculum
is very exciting and will help __________________Public School students be successful in the
21st century and whatever career path they choose.
I'd like to say we're going to raise our student achievement by this much and we're going to do
this and that - but we're really going focus on relationships, as well as safe and welcoming
learning environments. We're going to make sure that we are doing everything we can to focus
on the human beings we have in our schools. I also believe that developing strong character and
a sense of civic responsibility is as important as developing students academically. Most
importantly, I want to be sure that our students love school. When students love coming to
school, they learn to love learning.
This is our opportunity to remind ourselves why we are here. The work that we do as teachers
and as educators impacts the lives, instill and foster the hope of children and, in turn, impacts the
community. Thank you for your dedication and service. Thank you for sharing your love and
compassion with our students and their families.
Under my leadership, you can count on a warm, caring learning community.

As we move forward this year, we will continue to build on the strong foundation that has been
started in this district. In support of this vision, our entire staff, with generous support from our
community, will work tirelessly to ensure that students a) demonstrate continuous improvement
toward a high level of individual success in all required and elective academic/curricular areas,
b) strive for mutual understanding as contributing citizens in a diverse world and global
community, and c) acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make effective and responsible
life choices.
In the School District of __________, we believe that ‘one size does not fit all.’ We pride
ourselves in providing choices and options for parents and students. We know that where there is
an engaged parent, we are likely to have an engaged child. We are committed to providing an
outstanding learning experience in a safe and welcoming environment.
May each and every one of you have a fabulous 2018-2019 school year.

Eller, J., & Carlson, H. C. (2008). So now you're the superintendent!. Corwin Press.
Gilmour, S. L., & Kinsella, M. P. (2009). Succeeding as a female superintendent: How to get
there and stay there. Rowman & Littlefield.
Horsager, D. (2012). The trust edge: How top leaders gain faster results, deeper relationships,
and a stronger bottom line. Simon and Schuster.

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