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We thank the man Joji for the MASSIVE amount of time

he spent to bring his fans and the users of the internet with
laughs. We thank him for the stories he was able to create
for us to fall in love with, we thank him for the music he
made for our enjoyment and we thank him for the rants
that brought us laughter. Many of us fans are excited to see
what he ventures to do next and we can’t wait to fallow
along and enjoy.

Thank you Joji!

From the Fans

The Sun Has Set on the Rice Fields..

By Reddit User:  Thuktunthp_Reader

In the apartment
A can of cold ravioli
Rests on the table,
Atop a copy of Chef.
A red-shirted man
Mumbles in quaint Japanese
Then continues to
Complain about anime.
In a full bathtub
Does the human ramen soak,
Long since forgotten.
From one of the coat
A soft "Nyesss" is
Followed by the
sweet music
Of nose recorder.
Curtains fall upon
the old

Crawfish Olympics; For he has long known
The game is finished. The race to Godhood is done.
In his lair a Dark Lord sighs,

Bald chocolate men
Bade screaming farewells,
As weebs and
Mourn the passed-by times,

And the omniverse
Itself seems to grow dimmer.
At the edge of space,
Along verdant fields of rice,
Two strange autists walk.
One wears a crinkled blue
Stained with memory,
While the other man is pink,
And wears nothing else.

The two of them walk
Side by side, twinged by sorrow.
And yet, it is clear
That they finally feel free
As they say goodbye
To the omniverse, and to
The rice fields, motherfucker. 8
Brought to you by the
contributors to the
Filthy Frank Wiki

Introduction Arc Prometheus is afraid of Chin Chin, but man- the next day, but the Dark Lord informed
ages to defeat him by slamming him with his Frank that he needs to pay for his actions.
Filthy Frank began with the video “Filthy
trash can. Chin-Chin decided to take Frank's friend,
Shit” in which shares with us a story of his
Salamander Man, for himself. Filthy Frank re-
explosive diarrhea. He is taking a shit when Revival of Chin-Chin
fused the deal and summoned Lemon to
he realizes there is no toilet paper, so he
Filthy Frank is giving a tour of his room when fight Chin-Chin. However, Lemon was de-
goes and gets some. When he gets back he
he finds that his cabinet is fucked up. Every feated, allowing Chin-Chin to abduct Sala-
sees that there is shit everywhere. From then
time he opens it, one of his weird friends is mander Man and leave through Frank's
on to the video “Pink Guy ELEVATOR
in it. He finds Santa's Brother, who says that closet.
PRANK” we get to meet soem other charac-
the Dark Lord, Chin-Chin, is coming. A few
ters in the omniverse and have Filthy Frank The Sacrifice
moments later, Chin-Chin comes out of the
closet. Filthy Frank woke up on Christmas and de-
Rise of Chin-Chin Arc Abduction of Salamander Man
cided to repay Chin-Chin's loan. Before leav-
ing, he encountered Plastic Pinocchio, who
Rock Paper Scissors
This video starts off with Salamander asked Frank why he wanted Salamander
The story begins in the Rock, Paper, Scis- Man giving the best ass-flute in the world. Man back so badly. Frank replied that no
sors arena, where Pink Guy meets Red This is when Safari Man asks Frank about one plays ass-flute better than Salamander
Dick. Red Dick is seen with his new friend/ the sacrifice. Frank realizes he hasn't sacri- Man. Filthy Frank set out in his quest along-
body guard, Prometheus, whom he intro- ficed, and realizes that Chin-Chin is going to side Red Dick. Frank then encountered Mr.
duces to Pink Guy. Pink Guy and Red Dick come back once again to the Earth Realm. Negi who informed him that the territory is
then decide to play a round of Rock, Paper, Chin-Chin returned to Earth. He demanded dangerous and he should leave. Filthy Frank
Scissors. Pink Guy wins and continuously that Filthy Frank supplies him with his yearly took off his Kabuki mask, revealing his iden-
taunts Red Dick, who is angered. He signals sacrifices. Filthy Frank informed Chin-Chin tity. Negi apologized for his misbehavior and
Prometheus, who starts chasing after Pink that they had a comprise. Filthy Frank had bowed to Filthy Frank. Filthy Frank and Red
Guy. Pink Guy eventually trips, allowing Pro- already gotten thousands of people on earth Dick arrived to the Rock, Paper, Scissors
metheus to pick up a trash can and throw it to follow the Dark Lord. However, Chin-Chin Area, where they meet up with Pink Guy.
at Pink Guy. This results in Pink Guy sum- informed Frank that he felt embarrassed af- While Pink Guy informed civilians that the
moning the Dark Lord Chin-Chin. Chin-Chin ter his defeat against Frank's friend, Prome- Dark Lord has returned, Filthy Frank sensed
easily takes out Red Dick using Martial Arts. theus. Filthy Frank immediately informed Chin-Chin. Chin-Chin arrived and Frank
Chin Chin then goes after his next target. Chin-Chin he will have double the sacrifices gave him a flash drive full of fan-submitted

"sacrifice" videos. Chin-Chin was pleased, 2000 chromosomes that have passed. The Desperation
but informed Frank that he forgot to make next videos depict what Frank did in that
Safari Man goes to look for some butter
his own personal sacrifice. Chin-Chin eventu- time.
when he finds Dade. He later realizes that
ally possessed Salamander Man, which
Banishment Dade is not looking too well, but still just
caused the tragedy of Filthy Frank and Red
stands there laughing. Luckily, Frank has a
Dick. Chin-Chin then asked Filthy Frank why While looking for some new friends, Frank
vision and sees what happened. Frank con-
he cares about Salamander Man so much. found some people who like playing with
tacts everybody he possibly can in hopes to
Frank informed him that no one plays ass- fire. He was talking to some people when he
save Dade.
flute better than Salamander Man. Chin Chin gets shot in the ass with a firework. This
then gave Salamander Man his flute and then turns into a game where they shoot fire- He even goes as far as to ask Chin-Chin for
Salamander Man played The Legend of works at each other. Frank ended up not lik- help. He offered sacrifices in exchange for
Zelda theme song. Due to his amazing per- ing these people, so he kept searching. Chin-Chin's help in curing Dade. Dade was
formance, Chin-Chin freed him. Frank ends up meeting someone by the not saved in the end, and everyone is left
name of HowToBasic in his searches of find- devastated.
Filler Arc #1 ing new friends. This person does the ice
From the video “FILTHY 2013” to “FUCK VAL- bucket challenge, and nominates Frank to Filler Arc #2
ENTINES DAY” we are given a summary of do the challenge as well. He decides to do it From the video “FILTHY 2014” to “PINK GUY
what to expect from Frank for the year 2013, as he thinks this will make him popular and COOKS STIR FRY AND RAPS” we are given
get taught by Frank what girls like with exam- friendly but it ends up making him look really a summary of what to expect from Frank for
ples in the form of clips from the show. We stupid. the year 2014, witness Frank’s rant about
also get to hear the song “Friendzone” and kids who say they were born in the wrong
New Friends
learn that fans of the show are “less desir- generation because of music choice, see
able than Hitler” and “will never get laid”. Frank comes back to his house after 2000 the best clips of Pink Guy from the show

Dade Arc chromosomes because he finally has some and see the secret recipe to making the
new friends. However, these guys end up best ramen. It’s human.
Noise Complaints being really loud, and Frank ends up not lik- Chin-Chin's Revenge Arc
ing them either, leading to him getting back
Frank starts the video off in his bathroom
with his old friends. Promises
and his friends have betrayed him. They
kicked him out of their house, so Frank Now that Frank is back with his old friends, Frank and Pookie are out hunting anime,
leaves. In the middle of this video, there are he decides to make a few videos. when all of a sudden, Chin-Chin appears.
He asks Frank for the sacrifices that Frank ism, Frank relays a harsh reality in the mes- Somehow Frank managed to get his ac-
promised him. Frank is left no choice, and sage of intent. count back and made these videos:
asks the viewers for more sacrifices. 
In the next video, Chin-Chin appears and re- BETTER THAN PC, NUT BLASTER CHAL-
minds everyone about the sacrifices. LENGE (FIREWORKS ON MY BALLS),
Frank has gone to Realm 88 in disguise ADAM SANDLER CONSPIRACY THEORY,
The Sacrifices
alongside Salamander Man. They end up re- 100 ACCURATE LIFE HACKS, and E.T. 2
Frank goes to find Chin-Chin and gives him visiting The Gatekeeper. The Gatekeeper
Hair Cake
the sacrifices. Chin-Chin is pleased for now, tells Frank that the only way to get back to
but the last sacrifice he needed was Pink Pink Guy is to smell sriracha shrimp and fol- Fake Frank and his new friends Maxmoefoe
Guy. Chin-Chin is not pleased and banishes low it. Filthy Frank knows that Red Dick is a and HowToBasic decide to find someone
Frank to The Rice Fields. gourmet chef so he tells Gatekeeper to sum- else to help them out with their next video.
mon him to find Pink Guy. He does, and they So eventually they find some faggot named
Rice Fields
end up making some dope ass shrimp. iDubbbzTV and bake a cake using
Frank is now lost and afraid and clings onto While they’re eating the shrimp, you see iDubbbz's hair.
the last piece of hope he has, Salamander Fake Frank come in and comment on how
Dumbass Gets a PewDiePie Tattoo
Man. Frank calls for Salamander Man with delicious that shrimp smells. Pink Guy
the nose flute and waits to see what hap- knows that Fake Frank is an impostor, and Fake Frank finds some fat fuck named
pens. throws his shrimp in the trash because of Anything4Views and they give him a nice
how mad he is. Frank starts to smell that sri- juicy tattoo of the lord and savior PewDiePie.
Filler Arc #3  racha shrimp and tells Salamander Man. It is possible that Real Frank is shown here,
From the video “TRAP DUMPLINGS” to as Frank has his normal black-rimmed
Cake & Chef
“WORST ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST” we glasses and not sunglasses.
get to witness the pilot music video for rap Fake Frank finds that HowToBasic faggot
again and he along the way, he also finds
Filler Arc #4
artist PinkOmega. We also get to see an ab-
stract dark humor themed post-dadaist take another faggot by the name of Maxmoefoe. From “FILTHY FRANK VS ANIMAL
on animal rights movements and the food Together, these faggots decide to eat a cake RIGHTS” to “POKEMON GO IS THE END OF
industry, exploring the flaws in both ex- made out of vomit. Real juicy shit. HUMANITY”. We get to follow Fake Frank
tremes. Standing up to mass consumer- as he battles to become the best mouse
trainer in history, and beat the Snake Lord,
reigning champion of the sport. Interspliced then senses great power coming from Pink thousand chromosomes to hunt him down.
through his journey in the arena, footage is Guy's boombox, Pink Guy plays his album Frank escapes to his roof, and Zucker-
shown of Fake Frank presenting the battle to for a few seconds and Green Cunt says that bot9000 is confronted by Macbook 2.
a representative of an animal rights organiza- it is music to his ears. After Pink Guy stops Macbook 2 tries to divert Zuckerbot off of
tion, in an effort to determine if the film is ap- playing the CD Green Cunt then tells Pink Frank's trail, but Zuckerbot sees through
proved to be shown. Fake Frank also tells us Guy that nobody can have that much power Macbook's lies and proceeds to assault,
that Pokemon Go will bring the end to hu- and it doesn't belong to Pink Guy and if it and eventually kill, Macbook 2. Finally, Zuck-
manity and that the app is used as a tool for falls to the wrong hands it can destroy every- erbot9000 confronts Frank on the roof, and
pedophiles and that it could lead to children thing. Green Cunt then tries to destroy the reveals his master plan to take over The Om-
being killed. He also states that it would boombox which leads to a gay fight be- niverse. The two exchange blows and ulti-
allow businesses to pay large amounts of tween him and Pink Guy. However, Salaman- mately Frank is able to defeat Zucker-
money to have Pokestops set up in their der Man came to the rescue. Pink Guy gives bot9000 due to Fake Frank's superior chro-
shops to attract customers. Salamander Man his Rap album CD and mosome count.
Salamander Man tells Pink Guy to fuck off.
War Prelude Arc Fake Frank builds a custom pimped out

Exposed Filler Arc #5 wheel chair for Wheelz, a disabled black

man with Cerebral Palsy. Wheelz's ultimate
Fake Frank and his friends Maxmoefoe, How-
At the very end of I HATE VEGANS, you can dream is to get all the sweet pussy he can,
ToBasic, anything4views and iDubbbzTV
see the vegan telling Impostor Frank that he but he cannot accomplish his goal without
and prepare a human cake. Fake Frank also
isn’t the real Frank. Then Fake Frank says sick rims and whips.
marries Maxmoefoe and eats the Human
that there will be a war. Frank and Wheelz meet to discuss Wheelz's
Cake with their friends at the wedding.
main concerns with his current chair, includ-
Hunt for Frank ing slow speeds, no rims, and lack of ac-
We get to witness Fake Frank ranting about
Pink Guy has gone to find Frank himself. his hatred of the website Facebook. His commodations. While Frank begins work
Along the way, he heard Frank’s voice talk- points include stolen memes, click-bait face- on Wheelz's new ride, Wheelz goes back to
ing about vine memes and shit, and then is book articles, how-to cooking videos, and the Ratchet Realm and meets with Yung Up-
surprised by the sight of a new character by just BuzzFeed in general. Shortly after the grade and his crew, who proceed to roast
the name of Green Cunt. Green Cunt tells rant, Frank realizes that Facebook is trying his wheel game. After
Pink Guy that Frank isn’t in the area that he to take over the world by making everybody this, Wheelz meets Frank at a ware-
was looking in but also later tells him that stupid with click-bait articles, and finds house where Frank unveils Wheelz's new
Francis of the Filth isn't real. Green Cunt that Zuckerbot9000 was sent back several whips. After some safety

concerns, Wheelz is shown to love his new of roasting, which would be necessary for
ride, and takes it for a test the upcoming battle.
run. Wheelz returns to the Ratchet Realm,
Frank V.S. Chin-Chin
where he proves he has sick rims. The Return of Frank
When Yung Upgrade and company try to As the two parties meet atop a building,
make amends with Wheelz, he runs up on Chin-Chin runs out of the forest, to the Field
they find Pink Guy, who has broken Chin-
their gang because "a real nigga never for- of Redemption. He congratulates himself on
Chin's curse. As the battle begins, Frank
gets". "bodying" Safari Man and Pink Guy. He is
brings out Mr. Negi Generation 3000, The
then greeted with an echoing voice, insult-
Roast Lord, who roasts Fake Frank and
War Arc ing him. A portal suddenly opens as Real
causes him to fall the floor bleeding every-
Frank hops out with "a 40 and a blunt." His
The Return of Frank Prelude  where. E.T., who was thought to be dead,
hair is now noticeably longer. Frank tells
also shows up with a gun. As the battle
Pink Guy wakes up in a mysterious forest. Chin-Chin, "I know the truth, you aren't a
comes to a close, Real Frank's army eventu-
He runs around, searching for "Real" Frank, god!" as they initiate in a battle in which
ally defeats Chin-Chin's army when Chin-
until he runs into Safari Man. After greeting Frank reigns victorious. Frank appears to
Chin retreats after having STDs thrown at
each other, Safari Man tells Pink Guy that have learned multiple battle techniques and
him by Real Frank. Pink Guy warns Real
Chin-Chin is harvesting his prisoners' chro- spells while he was banished, even claim-
Frank to look out as Fake Frank gets back
mosomes as a result of a lack of sacrifices. ing, "some might call me a peace^lord."
up with his army of rats, but Mr. Negi roasts
Suddenly, Safari Man starts to bleed from
Recruiting  him one more time and Fake Frank is either
his mouth. He falls to the ground, still bleed-
killed or extremely close to being killed.
ing and muttering sexual phrases. Chin- After hearing the news, Fake Frank flies to
Chin appears, sitting in a chair with an evil the house of Wheelz, asking him to help him Frank's Meeting with Rondle
grin. He claps, and then tells Pink Guy to in "The Upcoming War." Wheelz initially re-
Upon his victory in New York, Frank con-
give him some of his chromosomes, to fuses, then challenges The Fake Frank to a
verses with Rondle about the battle and the
which Pink Guy refuses. Chin-Chin, ignoring game of basketball. If Fake Frank lost,
upcoming war. Frank begins to narrate, talk-
Pink Guy's pleas for mercy, casts another Wheelz would not help him. Fake Frank
ing about Chin-Chin and how he is not a
spell, this time on Pink Guy. The spell seem- loses and Wheelz taunts him. The Real
God, but is aware of candidates that could
ingly sends Pink Guy into insanity as he tem- Frank runs around the city, then finds Negi
possibly become one. The video cuts to Sa-
porarily is sent to a world that is a manifesta- Generation 3000, disguised as a human
fari Man, still breathing, on the floor in the for-
tion of his fear, the Shadow Realm. called Yung Upgrade. Frank, after some con-
est Pink Guy woke up in at the start of the
vincing, recruits him because of his power
video. This may be hinting at the possibility are so cool just because they got aerial sky then said that it is because he caught his
that Safari Man may become a God later on shots with music playing over it, which he drone girlfriend fucking a black drone.
in the show. (and anyone) can actually do aswell. He
In -3,000,000,000 CH Frank returns from
also mentions how he hates how people de-
Ending Arc spises themselves to be a "great film man"
work, and are excited to see his beautiful
wife. Just as he enters the room, he saw
Pink Guy Stops Hitler’s Son just because they own drones. Suddenly, he
White Drone having sex with Black Drone.
mentioned that when he had sex in the
HITLER'S EVIL SON is a prequel lore video. This has lead to Frank be somewhat trauma-
doggy style position, his partner told him to
It depicts Pink Guy in pursuit of Hitler's only tized, while telling how it makes no sense for
"go deeper" but he can't. He said that if
child, who is just like his dad. Pink Guy them to have sex. When Black Drone
someone has a drone however, they're
catches Hitler’s son in the middle of getting 'cums', Frank seems to be so fascinated
"deep as hell". Later on, he talks about how
certain codes to help his father win the war. claiming that "that's a lot of cum". Just after
Amazon drones look creepy to him, and how
Hitler’s son escapes and Pink Guy ensues that, he gets angry at his girlfriend because
they will take over the world, which actually
on a chase through a time travel to stop Hit- out of all drones it has to be a black drone.
starts in the Middle East. To prove this, he
ler’s son from delivering the codes to his fa- Black Drone got angry as he finds Frank's
shows an exclusive footage of an Amazon
ther. Once back in time, Pink Guy confronts statement to be racist and offensive, and
drone being tested for the first time. He then
Hitler’s son but gets defeated in a fight. challanges Frank to fight. However, he
reminds people who thinks they're cool be-
Luckly Derek, Pink Guy’s dog was there to strangely (and stupidly) smacks himself into
cause of their drones that they're no differ-
defeat Hitler’s son. the wall. Frank, seeing opportunity, brings
ent than an old man with a toy helicopter ob-
White Drone to a field. White Drone, who's
The Drone Cucking session. Frank ask the viewers if they remem-
afraid of being killed apologizes to Frank
ber the times where toy helicopters are "la-
Frank starts making strange noises, singing and says that she want to "live happily ever
beled as a hobby for pedophiles and old
unintelligable songs, and shouting loudly. after" with him. Frank are still angry at her, so
people, or just disabled people in general".
Enough if with all that stuff, Frank says the he shot her down. However, this has alerted
He then showed himself impersonating an
reason he is there is because he wants to the Drone Council which are far more power-
old man who loves toy helicopters a bit too
talk about the overuse of drones. He basi- ful than Frank at the time. Unable to fight,
much. He tells old people like this that
cally describes drones as "toy helicopters Frank ran away in fright.
they're just wasting their budget, so they
that are less pedophillic". Then, he talks don't need to get excited. Finished talking The video then cuts to Overpriced Mac Com-
about how it was cool when it was unavail- about drones, the Overpriced Mac Com- puter saying that he is a liar because he "is
able to the public and expensive. Just after puter then tells him to "not lie to himself", a pussy". Frank, feeling guilty for his bad his-
that, he mocks people of how they think they and he knows why Frank hate drones. He
tory and his hypocrisy, ends the video as lie. Chin-Chin appears and starts to argue disappears. Pink Guy looks at the book, de-
"he doesn't like it anymore". with Frank and Pink Guy. Pink Guy says that termined, then runs off, Naruto-style.
they are too out in the open and that they
Let’s Make Chocolate
will attract "visitors", but Chin-Chin continues
Bade (Dade’s evil brother) was able to es- to flaunt. Frank continues to warn Pink
cape through a portal and end up in Frank’s Guy of the secrets of the omniverse,
apartment. Filthy Frank felt his arrival and and Chin-Chin replies with saying that he is
went to fight him, he was sadly defeated. god. Frank gives Pink Guy a book, Francis
Frank went to heaven by killign himself with of the Filth. He tells him that it's very impor-
a gun to try to convince Dade to come back tant and that Pink Guy needs to keep it safe
to life and defeat Bade. Dade decliend look- because people are after it. Frank falls
ing to rather stay in Heaven and eat fruit deeper into the hole, and then...
snacks. Frank decided that he would try to
A Peace^lord named Yadaran appears.
fight Bade with the Speed Lord and Pink
When he appears he is wearing a mask, but
Guy instead. Bade was able to show his
then takes it off to reveal an empty face. He
strength when Frank, Pink Guy, and Speed
starts walking towards the three beings,
Lord were all unable to stop him rampaging.
chanting "Francis of the Filth". He tells Chin-
It was only the equally matched power of his
Chin to hand over the
brother Dade that could ultimately end
chromosomes. Chin-Chin challenges him.
Bade's life. Dade defeated Bade but in the
Yadaran says that if he doesn't hand them
end also slipped and died again.
over that he will
The End hurt Chin-Chin. Chin-Chin laughs and re-
fuses, flipping Yadaran off. He is immedi-
Pink Guy is traveling through the Rice ately banished. Frank laughs at Chin-Chin's
Fields and comes across Frank, who ap- banishment, but then falls into the hole, leav-
pears to be stuck in an inter-dimensional ing the dimension. This distresses Pink Guy,
hole or portal. Pink Guy starts to lose it, who starts to freak out even more than be-
screaming "BOY WTF HAPPENED" fore. Yadaran informs him that he needs to
at Frank who tells him that everything he protect the book with his life, and then
knows about the omniverse is a

There is not that much detail included in this summary and there are other
characters left out. If you wish to understand the lore more extensively and
want to see the VERY wide range of characters that was in the show then
please check out the official wiki at...


PINK GUY is an album by Pink Guy, released as his
first studio album, as well as his debut. It was released
on May 23rd, 2014 (Unconfirmed), as a free digital
download. Many of the songs were previously released
on YouTube via TvFilthyFrank. It has novelty, satirical,
offensive, derogatory and even some non-music gags.
The album also has a few experimental hip-hop and
rap tracks, with complex and intricate lyrics with char-
acter comedy and word play. It features collaborations
with Filthy Frank.
The album was a hit with fans, praising the album's
abandonment of the concept of Political Correctness.
Pink Guy's debut album is best described as a para-
dox, beautiful in all its filthiness. You could call this al-
bum the sonic personification of the Internet. Diseased
rhymes coupled with dirty, cryptic, and disturbing hu-
mor: This is what the album delivers.

Pink Season is Pink Guy's second album for his dope-
ass rhymes. The album has been teased in multiple vid-
eos (see A WAR IS COMING...). The album's release
date was January 4th, 2017. It is the first full length al-
bum released under Pink Guy after the critically ac-
claimed Pink Guy Album PINK GUY. The album con-
tains 35 songs sung by Pink Guy and totaling to a
whopping 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 25 seconds all to-

After being released, Pink Season quickly reached the

#1 album in the Hip-Hop/Rap Album Top Charts and
#2 album in the iTunes Album Top Charts in the US and

Pink Season: The Prophecy is an EP by Pink Guy. It
was released on May 24, 2017. It consists of remixes of
some of the songs on Pink Guy's previous album, Pink


DizastaMusic was the original Filthy Frank YouTube Channel, with TVFilthyFrank as the secondary
channel for extra videos.

On August 15th, 2014, the DizastaMusic channel was retired, with TVFilthyFrank created to be the
main channel, and TooDamnFilthy serving as the secondary channel.

TVFilthyFrank was the main YouTube channel of internet entertainer, absurdist and comedian, Filthy
Frank. The channel was started on the 22nd of January, 2013, and was where bloopers, behind the
scenes, and everything that did not meet the cut on the former main channel, DizastaMusic, was
On August of 2014, the Filthy Frank show was moved to this channel because the old channel was at
risk of takedown due to content and copyright issues. This was a chance at a clean slate, and the
show slowly shifted from a compilation of offensive one-liners and racist sketches, into episodes with
meaning, entertainment, and comedic value.

TooDamnFilthy was the third channel. It's home to the Cringe of the Week, posted clips from other videos that Frank just wanted to make a
video on that specific short clip (example: FILTHY FRANK WAKE ME UP), and he also expands short clips from other videos into longer
videos with extra footage (example: ravioli ravioli).

As of August 15th, 2014, the TooDamnFilthy channel became the second channel because Frank had to move his content from the main 
DizastaMusic channel to the TVFilthyFrank channel due to numerous copyright strikes on his said main channel.

Frank sometimes uses the channel to upload things other than Cringe of the Week and clips. He uploaded songs from Pink Season, Pink
Guy's second album, on the channel as well.


Although the show is over, our appreciation and the love we fans have for it is not.
Much like fans of other shows, there are still people who enjoy rewatching and
continue to appreciate the story that went with it. It is the same for some Filthy
Frank fans. They enjoyed the story that was there and will continue to theorize how
everything connects and how it will end. It’s important that we don’t forget the
work Joji did and to continue to support him in his other ventures.

So in the words of Dr. Seuss...

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened”


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