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Skills and Concepts
Number Line Race reinforces the idea that a line can be used to represent
a set of numbers. This activity provides students with opportunities to locate and
name points on the line, and also reinforces their understandings of addition and

This game can be adapted to fit the needs of any classroom. Included is a number line up to
20 and one up to 10. However, you can create your own number line to go up to any number
and also to include negative numbers.

• Number line sheet (use the included number lines or create your own). One per team.
• Two game markers
• Recording sheet (optional). Copied double-sided, one for each player.

How To Play
1. When using the Race to 20 game board, each person places his/her game piece above 10.
When using the Race to 10 game board, each person starts on 5.
2. Take turns spinning the number spinner. The person who spins the highest number goes
3. The first player spins the plus/minus spinner and then the number spinner. If a
student lands on plus three, for example, he/she moves forward three places. If a
student lands on minus three, he/she moves backwards three places.
4. Optional: have the students record their number sentences on the recording sheet.
So for example, if player one spun plus three, on their sheet they would record
10+3=13. If they spun minus three, they would record 10-3=7.
5. Then player two does the same thing.
6. Take turns back and forth until someone lands on 20 (the final number may vary
depending on the number line you use)
7. Note: If a player makes a spin that will take them off the line (e.g., their marker is on
19 and they spin plus 3), there are a couple of different ways to handle it. Choose the
one you think best suits the needs and strengths of your class
a. That team spins again (and again if necessary) until they make a spin that won’t
take them off the line.
b. That team loses their turn, and has to wait until they make a spin that
won’t take them off the line.
Race to 20  

Start Finish
Here Here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Race to 20  

Start Finish
Here Here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Race to 10  

Start Finish
Here Here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Race to 10  

Start Finish
Here Here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: _________________________

Race to 20 Recording Sheet

Name: _________________________

Race to 10 Recording Sheet

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