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Shot type When did we use it? Why did we use this type of
1. Wide Two shot This shot is used at the We used this shot to show the
beginning of the film, when audience where majority of
both Olivia and Kyle are in bed the film is set and present the
two main characters
2. Close up This is the next shot of Kyles We used this shot to show
phone, while he is messaging Kyle’s oblivious nature
his friends towards his girlfriend, Olivia
and the lack of attention he
pays to her. It also creates a
tone of what type of character
he is.
3. Close up This is the following shot after This shot is also used to
Kyle’s close up of his phone represent the type of
character Olivia is – quiet and
reserved. It introduces her
character and shows a
juxtaposition between both
her and Kyle.
4. Close up This shot follows straight after This was also used as a shot to
Olivia’s close up. present Kyle’s childlike
behaviour e.g. laughing loudly
to a joke on his phone.
5. Medium shot/Two This is used straight after, This is used to show a
shot within the same scene conversation between both
characters when Oliva asks
Kyle to “share the joke”
6. Close up Within the same bed scene, This is used to show Kyle’s
follows after the medium two facial expressions, while he is
shot explaining the problems with
his friend, Ryan.
7. Medium shot/Two This shot is cut to quickly as This shot was used to show the
shot Kyle tries to kiss Olivia on the tension between both
cheek, but move away swiftly characters and Olivia’s
frustration with Kyle.
8. Close up / Depth of This shot is used after Olivia This shot is used to show
field lays down Olivia’s frustration and
bleakness. The use of ‘depth of
field’ is also used to show Kyle
within the background and
convey the importance of
Olivia within this shot
9. Medium shot/ Two This shot is used to show Olivia These two shots are used to
shot jumping up as Kyle mentions show Olivia’s reaction from
his surprise for her to Paris two different angles and
10. Close up After Olivia mentions Kyle This shot is used swiftly after
holding good father traits to show Kyle’s instant
frustration and anger of
Olivia’s comment.

11. Close up Shortly after Kyle’s close up as This shot is used to highlight
Kyle shows his anger towards Olivia’s facial expressions
Olivia’s comment while Kyle is arguing with her
about her comment. It’s also
used to show Olivia’s hurt and
‘let down’.
12. Medium wide shot This is used shortly after the This shot is used to show both
argument, as Kyle lays down characters body language and
and turns off the bedside light, swift movement. However, it is
leaving Olivia’s starring at him also used to show Olivia’s
leaned up loneliness and heartbreak over
Kyle’s reaction to beginning a
13. Establishing shot This shot is used after the This shot is used to help the
medium shot of both audience understand where
characters going to sleep the scene is set.
14. Medium shot / close This shot is used after the This shot is used to help the
up previous shot of the house, audience understand where
whereby Kyle is shown the Kyle currently is and is
sleeping sleeping unware of anything.
15. Medium close up After the shot is shown of Kyle This shot is used to show how
asleep, he begins to stir in his Kyle has been left alone and
sleep and reaches over to that Olivia has left, leaving a
Olivia to hold, but realises she note beside Kyle.
isn’t there
16. Medium close up After Kyle waking up, he This shot is used to show Kyle
notices the note beside his opening the note by Olivia and
pillow, on Olivia’s pillow reading it. It captures Kyle’s
facial expressions while
reading the note also.
17. Close up / Depth of This shot is after the cut used This shot is used as a flashback
field as an flashback of Olivia of Olivia writing her note to
starring into the mirror looking Kyle, explaining why she left.
at herself and then to Kyle still
asleep behind her
18. Extreme close up This is used following the shot This shot is used while a
followed by close up of Olivia’s close up, looking at voiceover is used of Olivia’s
herself in the vanity mirror voice reading out the note and
writing the note also. This is
shown to be Kyle reading the
note, through Olivia’s voice. It
creates a dramatic effect of
heartbreak and frustration. It
also poses a significance of the
19. Extreme close up This is followed straight after Used to show Olivia’s eye
Olivia’s close up of her writing contact and emotions, through
the letter to Kyle her eyes. This shot shows
worry and stress through her
rapid eye movements and
frowning eyebrows

20. Medium shot After the extreme close up of This shot is used to show
Olivia’s eyes Olivia’s nervous wait for the
results of the pregnancy test.
It creates an emphasis upon
the pregnancy test and her
facial expressions of worry and
21. Medium shot Follows the medium shot of This shot is used to show Olivia
Olivia in the bathroom, looking looking at her our reflection
at the pregnancy test and portraying her emotions
of fear and doubt of maybe
bringing up a child alone.
22. Two shot/ medium This shot follows after Olivia This shot is used to show Olivia
shot starring into the vanity mirror leaving the pregnancy test
beside Kyle sleeping
23. Extreme close up Follows the previous shot This shot shows an extreme
close up of the pregnancy test
within Olivia’s hands, placing
the heavy significance upon
the pregnancy test.
24. Medium shot Follows after the extreme This shot is used to show Olivia
close up of Olivia holding the leaving the room, this also
pregnancy test highlights her slight pause
before leaving, and looking at
Kyle with regret and hurt.
25. Extreme close up This follows after Olivia leaves, This shot is used to show the
showing an close up of the pregnancy test and note next
Letter and pregnancy test next to one another, dramatic
to each other effect.
26. Medium shot This shot follows shortly after This shot is used to show Kyle
the shot of the pregnancy test reading the last part of the
and note note, then reaching over to
look at the pregnancy test.
Displaying his current
emotions of shock and fear of
losing his girlfriend and unborn
27. Close up This shot follows shortly after This shot is used to highlight
the medium shot of Kyle Kyle’s emotions more, it
looking at the pregnancy test presses an sense of shock,
regret and fear of losing his
girlfriend and unborn baby
28. Close up This shot follows Kyle’s close This shot is used to show Olivia
up of looking at the pregnancy on the bus to the train station.
test It also highlights Olivia’s
current emotions of being;
nervous, anxious, scared and
29. Medium shot (side This shot follows quickly after This shot is used to show
angle) the close up of Olivia on the where she currently is and also
bus, but within a close up shot shows her body language.

30. Close up This shot follows a cut after This shot is used to show Kyle
Olivia on the bus packing his gym bag quickly in
order to get to the train
station in time to meet Olivia
31. Extreme close up This shot follows after the shot This shot is used to show Kyle
of the close up of the bag placing the pregnancy test in
his pocket. The significance of
the pregnancy test highlights
the main theme of our film
being – pregnancy.
32. Extreme close up This shot follows after we see This shot is used to show
Olivia back on the bus and Kyle’s missed call to Olivia, this
takes her phone out of her shot shows the difficulty of
coat pocket both characters getting into
contact with each other in
33. Close up (side angle) This shot follows shortly after This shot is used to show
the extreme close up of Olivia’s facial expressions and
Olivia’s phone confusion of Kyle’s call
34. Wide shot This shot is used after Olivia’s This shot is used to show Kyle
close up to show Kyle on his changing his location and also
way to meet Olivia at the his body language of being
station rushed, nervous and fearful
35. Close up This shot is used straight after This shot is used to show
Kyle’s wide shot of arriving in Kyle’s facial expressions of
front of the train station feeling nervous and anxious to
(Newbury Park) not miss Olivia before she
36. Close up (side angle) This shot is after Kyle’s close This shot is used to show Olivia
up listening to Kyle’s voicemail,
this also shows Olivia’s facial
expressions to show her happy
and excited that Kyle is ready
to begin his life with her and
love their unborn child.
37. ARCHIEVE FOOTAGE This shot is shortly after Olivia This footage is used to show
is listening to Kyle’s voicemail an explosion on the bus, while
Olivia is on it.
38. Establishing shot This shot is used after the This shot is used to help the
archive footage to show Kyle audience understand where
running to the train platforms Kyle is and the setting.
to get the train to Liverpool
street station
39. Wide shot (POV) This shot is used as we see This shot is used to show
Kyle running by the train where Kyle is and also the use
station of it being within his
perspective (POV) shows Kyle
in a hurry, whereby he sees a
young women beside the

40. Over the shoulder This shot is used after Kyle This shot is used to show their
spots the young women conversation, whereby he asks
her when the next train is
approaching to Liverpool
street station
41. Extreme close up This shot is used after the This shot of the news report
young women tells Kyle there on the young women’s phone
was a massive explosion creates dramatic suspense for
outside of Liverpool street the audience awaiting Kyle’s
station reaction, it also evokes
emotions of sadness for the
42. Medium close up This shot is used just after Kyle This shot is used to show
watches the video of the news Kyle’s current emotions of
report of the explosions despair, anger, sadness
remorse, sorrow and

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