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using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.BACnet;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace BasicReadWrite
// A very simple read/write client code based on Yabe code
class Program
static BacnetClient bacnet_client;

// All the present Bacnet Device List

static List<BacNode> DevicesList = new List<BacNode>();
static void Main(string[] args)

Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());


Thread.Sleep(1000); // Wait a fiew time for WhoIs responses (managed in


catch { }


static void StartActivity()
// Bacnet on UDP/IP/Ethernet
bacnet_client = new BacnetClient(new BacnetIpUdpProtocolTransport(0xBAC0,
// or Bacnet Mstp on COM4 à 38400 bps, own master id 8
// m_bacnet_client = new BacnetClient(new BacnetMstpProtocolTransport("COM4",
38400, 8);
// Or Bacnet Ethernet
// bacnet_client = new BacnetClient(new
BacnetEthernetProtocolTransport("Connexion au réseau local"));
// Or Bacnet on IPV6
// bacnet_client = new BacnetClient(new

bacnet_client.Start(); // go

// Send WhoIs in order to get back all the Iam responses :

bacnet_client.OnIam += new BacnetClient.IamHandler(handler_OnIam);


/* Optional Remote Registration as A Foreign Device on a BBMD at @

on the default 0xBAC0 port

bacnet_client.RegisterAsForeignDevice("", 60);
static void ReadWriteExample()

BacnetValue Value;
bool ret;
// Read Present_Value property on the object ANALOG_INPUT:0 provided by the
device 12345
// Scalar value only
ret = ReadScalarValue(12345, new
BacnetObjectId(BacnetObjectTypes.OBJECT_ANALOG_INPUT, 0),
BacnetPropertyIds.PROP_PRESENT_VALUE, out Value);

if (ret == true)
Console.WriteLine("Read value : " + Value.Value.ToString());

// Write Present_Value property on the object ANALOG_OUTPUT:0 provided by

the device 4000
BacnetValue newValue = new BacnetValue(Convert.ToSingle(Value.Value)); //
expect it's a float
ret = WriteScalarValue(4000, new
BacnetObjectId(BacnetObjectTypes.OBJECT_ANALOG_OUTPUT, 0),
BacnetPropertyIds.PROP_PRESENT_VALUE, newValue);

Console.WriteLine("Write feedback : " + ret.ToString());

Console.WriteLine("Error somewhere !");

static void handler_OnIam(BacnetClient sender, BacnetAddress adr, uint device_id,

uint max_apdu, BacnetSegmentations segmentation, ushort vendor_id)
lock (DevicesList)
// Device already registred ?
foreach (BacNode bn in DevicesList)
if (bn.getAdd(device_id) != null) return; // Yes

// Not already in the list

DevicesList.Add(new BacNode(adr, device_id)); // add it

static bool ReadScalarValue(int device_id, BacnetObjectId BacnetObjet,

BacnetPropertyIds Propriete, out BacnetValue Value)
BacnetAddress adr;
IList<BacnetValue> NoScalarValue;

Value = new BacnetValue(null);

// Looking for the device

adr = DeviceAddr((uint)device_id);
if (adr == null) return false; // not found

// Property Read
if (bacnet_client.ReadPropertyRequest(adr, BacnetObjet, Propriete, out
NoScalarValue) == false)
return false;

Value = NoScalarValue[0];
return true;

static bool WriteScalarValue(int device_id, BacnetObjectId BacnetObjet,
BacnetPropertyIds Propriete, BacnetValue Value)
BacnetAddress adr;

// Looking for the device

adr = DeviceAddr((uint)device_id);
if (adr == null) return false; // not found

// Property Write
BacnetValue[] NoScalarValue = { Value };
if (bacnet_client.WritePropertyRequest(adr, BacnetObjet, Propriete,
NoScalarValue) == false)
return false;

return true;


static BacnetAddress DeviceAddr(uint device_id)

BacnetAddress ret;

lock (DevicesList)
foreach (BacNode bn in DevicesList)
ret = bn.getAdd(device_id);
if (ret != null) return ret;
// not in the list
return null;

class BacNode
BacnetAddress adr;
uint device_id;

public BacNode(BacnetAddress adr, uint device_id)

this.adr = adr;
this.device_id = device_id;

public BacnetAddress getAdd(uint device_id)

if (this.device_id == device_id)
return adr;
return null;

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