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8 echipe x 4 persoane
Nume echipe
1. Mario
2. Luigi
3. Wario
4. Donkey Kong
5. Toad
6. Waluigi
7. Yoshi
8. Koopa

Mario Luigi Wario

Donkey Kong Yoshi Toad

Waluigi Koopa

Seems like Princess Peach was kidnapped again by Bowser and your mission is to save
her once again! Yeah, we know, Mario is the main character, but today rules change…

ASLS people are you ready for this treasure hunt rhyme
Because all of these clues will take you back in time

 Inainte de treasure, vor primi o harta care le va arata drumul spre final,
iar ei odata ce vor completa un task, vor primi un sticker pe care vor
trebui sa-l lipeasca in dreptul fiecarui nume al locatiilor de pe harta.
(fiecare proba va avea un numar, si vor trebui sa lipeasca pe harta in
dreptul locatiei numarul respectiv)

1. Vor primi de la inceput ghicitoarea 1

1) I`m a star, I`m a flower

I come in handy at all times
You need me to rescue the princess from the tower
And you can find me hidden in a box sometimes
Don’t start to look or it is time you’ll lose
Just think of this game and carefully the answer you’ll chose
Raspuns: POWER sau POWER UP -> v-au spus la ureche -> primesc indiciul 1

2. Indiciul 1 What goes up and down, but never moves? (Rapuns locatie: SCARI
(va puteti folosi de scarile dinauntru => aici trebuie sa vina pentru
ghicitoarea 2 -> un plic cu ghicitoarea un creion si o foaie)

2) What implement can be produced from potassium, nickel and iron?

Know the answer, draw it on this paper and come to the meeting room~
Raspuns: K, Ni, Fe -> Knife -> vor veni pentru Knife marshmallow
challenge (teambuilding) , va trebui sa stea cineva in fata usii, si daca e
corect ceea ce au desenat pe foaie (cutit), pot intra in camera

3. Dupa ce au terminat proba Knife marshmallow challenge -> primesc extra

proba (li se vor da 5 poze cu diferite jocuri PC si trebuie in 30 sec sa
ghiceasca denumirile jocurilor) -> termina cu proba extra => primesc
indiciul 2
On a hot day, I give you a cool seat
Come sit there now and find what you seek
Raspuns: Tree

4. Trebuie sa caute un copac unde unde vor gasi indiciul 3

If you find this clue soon enough it will be medium rare
However if you wait too much it will be well done
Know where I am? Come straight away
If you want to be the winner of the day
Raspuns: gratar (am vazut ca acolo un foisor care are un gratar) -> vor merge
la gratar unde gasesc un balon si ghicitoarea 3

3) What is harder to catch the faster you run?

This is actually your password for the next round
Know the answer? Go a staff member
Say the magic word and they’ll tell you where to go
Raspuns: Breath  This blows challenge (solo) (locul pentru challenge il
puteti alege voi)

5. Dupa ce au terminat proba, vor primi indiciul 4:

I weaken all men for hours each day.
I show you strange visions while you are away
I take you by night, by day take you back,
None suffer to have me, but do from my lack
Raspuns: Sleep (trebuie sa-si dea seama ca de fapt urmatoarea ghicitoare se
afla in spatele unei cabane -> locul unde dorm -> va urma Frisbee plate cup
challenge) (solo)

6. Dupa ce au terminat proba, va urma indiciul 5

It’s 3 a.m., the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors! It’s
your parents and they are here for breakfast. You have strawberry jam,
honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?
Raspuns: Door (aici puteti alege orice usa vreti voi sa puneti plicul, cu cat
mai complicat cu atat mai bine)

7. Gasesc plicul cu numele echipei lor, iar in plic este ghicitoarea 4

4) At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen.
What are they?
Raspuns: Star (trebuie sa caute un obiect in forma de stea - > este chiar
acolo la flori construita o stea din pietre, aveti grija cum puneti indiciul )

8. La stea, vor gasi ghicitoarea 5

5) I am seen in the water if seen in the sky,
I am in the rainbow, a jay’s feather,and lapis lazuli
Know the answer? Alright then just go straight forward
And always trust your word
Raspuns: Blue ( vor trebui sa caute ceva albastru, aici o sa va rog sa
ascundeti un pahar albastru pe undeva pt ca o vor folosi la ultima proba)
-> vor primi paharul albastru si indiciul Windings care ii va duce la proba
Coordination is key
Teambuilding is important
Just go to a place where everyone talks, nobody listens and everybody
disagrees later on.
a- n-
b–7 o-
c- p-
d- q-
e- r-
f- s-
g- t-
h- u-
i- v-
j– w-
k- x-
l- y-
m- 
9. Ajung la meeting room si trebuie sa indeplineasca Rubber challenge -> ar
trebui sa aranjati sala dupa ce pleaca ultima echipa
Eventual extra ghicitoare 6 pentru punctaj
What is: Greater than God and More evil than the devil? The rich have it; the
poor need it; If you eat it you will die
Raspuns: Nothing

 Rubber challenge – trebuie sa construiasca un castel din pahare cu un

elastic si sfori (teambuilding) – paharul pe care l-au gasit va fi ultimul
pahar din varf
 Knife marshmallow challenge – trebuie sa construiasca o structura in
care toate cutitele se ating cel putin o data, iar fiecare cutit atinge doar
un marshmallow (teambuilding)
 Frisbee plate cup challenge – vor fi amplasate 3 crengi infipte in pamant,
fiecare cu un pahar in el, iar obiectivul este sa aruncea o farfurie pe post
de Frisbee sa darme cele 3 pahare (solo)
 This blows challenge – trebuie sa umfle un balon si cu aerul din balon sa
darame paharele de pe masa in 1 minut (solo)

Acestea sunt probe pe care le puteti folosi voi ca activitati, nu aveam unde sa
le pun:
 Chandelier challenge – trebuie sa construiasca un turn din doze de
Cola/Fanta/Sprite pe 5 nivele, incepand cu o doza – farfurie de carton – 2
doze – farfurie de carton - …(solo)
 Ready spaghetti challenge – trebuie sa mute de pe o masa pe alta 5
doze, folosindu-se doar de o spagheta --> construind un turn din ele
 Pipeline challenge – trebuie sa trasnporte o bila de la un capat la celalalt
folosindu-se doar de 3 jumatati de tub (teambuilding)
PROBA FINALA (pentru cei care pierd): ACT A 90s FAMOUS SINGER
Backstreet Boys – I want it that way
Britney Spears – Baby one more time

Poze proba jocuri:

1. Age of Empires
2. Mortal Kombat
3. Starcraft
4. Tomb Raider
5. Zelda
6. Diablo

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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